0m 00.80s: DVDFab (2014/04/18 21:46:46) 0m 00.80s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.80s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.80s: App info: 2014-4-8 0m 00.80s: App info: 9138 Beta 0m 00.81s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.82s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.82s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.91s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.91s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.91s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.91s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.91s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.91s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.91s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.91s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.91s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.91s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.91s: Init process: first run after install. 0m 00.91s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.91s: Init process: Windows os type is 14. 0m 00.91s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 01.00s: Init process: install process. 0m 02.77s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2014/04/18 21:51:59) 0m 00.02s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.02s: App info: 2014-4-8 0m 00.02s: App info: 9138 Beta 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.13s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.13s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.13s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.15s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.22s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.23s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.23s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:/Users/Ron/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.23s: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.10s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.45s: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 03.45s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 03.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 03.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 03.45s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 03.45s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 03.45s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 03.45s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon HD 8500 Series : : 0m 03.46s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 03.46s: Init process: Windows os type is 14. 0m 03.46s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.54s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 03.54s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.54s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.55s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 03.55s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 03.55s: Reg check: Connect type is: 1 0m 04.46s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 04.46s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9140 )( BV:9139 0m 04.55s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 04.56s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 04.56s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.56s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 04.56s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 04.56s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.73s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 04.74s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 05.06s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 05.75s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 06.36s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 06.36s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.36s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 06.36s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.54s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 07.55s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 07.55s: Show QNagDlg Dlg 1m 57.28s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 1m 57.28s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 1m 57.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 1m 57.89s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 2m 06.07s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 2m 06.08s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 2m 06.08s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 2m 06.74s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 2m 06.74s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( S:0f44ff8d9125aefee1aff24cbfd26074 2m 07.10s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 2m 07.10s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 2m 11.83s: Show UI Step 2 2m 12.25s: Show UI Step 3 2m 12.25s: Start show MainUI. 2m 12.25s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 1 2m 18.61s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 2 2m 18.61s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 2m 19.44s: Init process: init main ui successful. 2m 19.54s: Init process: show main ui successful. 2m 19.55s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 2m 19.82s: opening drive E 2m 19.84s: opened i/o 3m 25.75s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 25.75s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 25.77s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 25.77s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/06/19 18:44:11) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-6-18 0m 00.04s: App info: 9153 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.15s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.15s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.15s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.15s: Init process: first run after install. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.17s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.17s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.28s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9 US/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.29s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.95s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/06/19 18:44:26) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-6-18 0m 00.03s: App info: 9153 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.17s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.24s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.24s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.68s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 00.68s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.68s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 00.70s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series : : 0m 00.71s: Init process: Load config failed. 0m 00.71s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.71s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.79s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.79s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.79s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.79s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Connect type is: 1 0m 01.57s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.57s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9153 )( BV:9151 0m 01.82s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 01.82s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.82s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.82s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 01.84s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 01.84s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled 0m 01.84s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.03s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.03s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 02.12s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.19s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.81s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.82s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.82s: Show QNagDlg Dlg 1m 16.83s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 1m 16.83s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 1m 16.84s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 1m 17.52s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 1m 27.54s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 1m 27.54s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 1m 27.54s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 1m 28.20s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 1m 28.21s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( S:ab3c845e33a9bab31ae20cd3fd4da0c1 1m 28.54s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 1m 28.54s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 1m 35.06s: Show UI Step 2 1m 35.45s: Show UI Step 3 1m 35.45s: Start show MainUI. 1m 35.45s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 1 1m 41.97s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 2 1m 41.98s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 42.74s: Init process: init main ui successful. 1m 42.79s: Init process: show main ui successful. 1m 42.79s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 1m 42.97s: opening drive J 1m 42.99s: opened i/o 2m 27.32s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/SAVING_MR_BANKS/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 2m 27.32s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/SAVING_MR_BANKS/VIDEO_TS/ 2m 27.32s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/SAVING_MR_BANKS/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 2m 27.33s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/SAVING_MR_BANKS/VIDEO_TS/ 2m 27.33s: Source manager: add source id 0. 2m 27.35s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 2m 27.35s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 2m 27.39s: pathplayer enabled 2m 29.67s: Source manager: open successful. 2m 29.71s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 30.11s: Source manager: select video files for open. 2m 30.11s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 3m 23.14s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 23.14s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 23.16s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 23.17s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/06/19 18:47:56) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-6-18 0m 00.03s: App info: 9153 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.17s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.25s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.25s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.25s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.68s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 00.68s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.68s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 00.68s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.70s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series : : 0m 00.71s: Init process: Load config failed. 0m 00.71s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.71s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.78s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( OV:9153 )( BV:9151 )( S:ab3c845e33a9bab31ae20cd3fd4da0c1 ) 0m 00.78s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.79s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.79s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.79s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.79s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled 0m 00.79s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 00.79s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.79s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.96s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 00.96s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 01.26s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.82s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:f724bb28846ea2af4ceea87323ab4b98 0m 01.83s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.52s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.62s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 02.62s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.62s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.63s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.97s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.77s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.79s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.79s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 2 0m 11.60s: Show UI Step 2 0m 11.99s: Show UI Step 3 0m 11.99s: Start show MainUI. 0m 11.99s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 12.76s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 12.81s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 12.82s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 12.95s: opening drive J 0m 12.97s: opened i/o 0m 16.89s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 16.89s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 16.94s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 16.94s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2014/06/20 23:57:18) 0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-6-18 0m 00.10s: App info: 9153 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.26s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.28s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.28s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.30s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.38s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.38s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.39s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.39s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.87s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 00.87s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.87s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 00.87s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 00.89s: Init process: Load config failed. 0m 00.89s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.90s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( OV:9153 )( BV:9151 )( S:f724bb28846ea2af4ceea87323ab4b98 ) 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.99s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.99s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.99s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.99s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled 0m 00.99s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.00s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.00s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.18s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.19s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 01.37s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.73s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.38s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.38s: Reg check: Parse string: ( BV:9155 )( S:79a2dbdcce49a90acd6e2c321b4fce70 0m 03.39s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.39s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.66s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.28s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.29s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.29s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.69s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.69s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.69s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.58s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.65s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.65s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.07s: opening drive J 0m 08.10s: opened i/o 1m 29.93s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 1m 37.96s: opening drive J 1m 39.69s: opened i/o 1m 39.69s: got media type 4 1m 39.79s: got max lba 3648527 1m 39.80s: got disc type 10 1m 39.89s: type DVD-VIDEO 1m 39.89s: volume label HERE_COMES_THE_BOOM 1m 39.89s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 1m 39.90s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 1m 39.90s: Source manager: add source id 0. 1m 39.92s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 1m 39.92s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 1m 39.92s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 39.96s: got copyright 1 f2 1m 40.90s: got udf/iso 1m 43.44s: got discinfo 1m 43.45s: pathplayer enabled 1m 47.12s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_2 sector_715 count_4 2m 30.88s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 sector_38375 count_5 2m 31.86s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_38210 count_5 2m 32.52s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_3 sector_19302 count_4 2m 33.20s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_2 sector_76019 count_5 2m 33.58s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 sector_38268 count_12 2m 49.41s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 sector_38320 count_11 2m 52.53s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_3 sector_76325 count_5 2m 52.59s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_4 sector_76670 count_5 2m 52.66s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_5 sector_76913 count_5 2m 56.46s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 sector_38429 count_15 2m 56.64s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_2 sector_76243 count_15 2m 57.10s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_3 sector_76529 count_15 2m 57.49s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_4 sector_76828 count_15 2m 57.80s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_5 sector_77128 count_15 2m 58.23s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 sector_37928 count_9 2m 58.31s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_4 sector_38164 count_9 2m 58.54s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_2 sector_38006 count_9 2m 58.78s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_3 sector_38085 count_9 3m 24.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_5 sector_38932 count_4 3m 26.23s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_6 sector_57433 count_4 9m 59.62s: user cancelled 9m 59.63s: failed to open 1 9m 59.66s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 0. 10m 19.81s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 19.81s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 19.82s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 19.82s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 19.82s: Source manager: add source id 1. 10m 19.85s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 10m 19.85s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 10m 19.85s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 10m 19.86s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 10m 19.86s: failed to open 0 10m 22.05s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 1. 10m 23.72s: Source manager: select video files for open. 10m 26.96s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 26.96s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 26.97s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 26.97s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 26.97s: Source manager: add source id 2. 10m 26.99s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 10m 27.00s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 10m 27.00s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 10m 27.00s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 10m 27.00s: failed to open 0 10m 28.80s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 2. 10m 28.89s: Source manager: select video files for open. 10m 31.67s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 11m 28.09s: opening drive J 11m 28.09s: opened i/o 11m 28.12s: got media type 4 11m 28.39s: got max lba 3648527 11m 28.39s: got disc type 10 11m 28.74s: type DVD-VIDEO 11m 28.74s: volume label HERE_COMES_THE_BOOM 11m 28.75s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 11m 28.75s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 11m 31.33s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 11m 31.33s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 11m 31.34s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 11m 31.34s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 11m 31.34s: Source manager: add source id 3. 11m 31.36s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 11m 31.37s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 11m 31.37s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 11m 31.37s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 11m 31.38s: failed to open 0 11m 33.19s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 3. 11m 33.51s: Source manager: select video files for open. 11m 33.51s: opening iso E:/ 11m 33.52s: Source manager: add source id -1. 11m 33.55s: Source manager: add source id 4. 11m 33.60s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 11m 33.60s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 11m 33.60s: opening drive J 11m 33.61s: opened i/o 11m 33.74s: got max lba 3648527 11m 33.74s: got disc type 10 11m 33.78s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 11m 33.79s: got copyright 1 f2 11m 34.35s: got udf/iso 11m 35.18s: user cancelled 11m 35.18s: init disc file system: 521 - 4957 11m 35.18s: got discinfo 11m 35.18s: failed to open 1 11m 35.21s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 4. 11m 38.83s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 12m 41.69s: opening drive J 12m 41.70s: opened i/o 12m 41.70s: got media type 4 12m 41.84s: got max lba 2294911 12m 41.85s: got disc type 10 12m 41.90s: type DVD-VIDEO 12m 41.90s: volume label TRANSPORTER_3 12m 41.90s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 12m 41.91s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 12m 43.53s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 43.53s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 43.53s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 43.54s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 43.54s: Source manager: add source id 5. 12m 43.56s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 12m 43.56s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 12m 43.57s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 12m 43.57s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 12m 43.57s: failed to open 0 12m 46.97s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 5. 12m 47.13s: Source manager: select video files for open. 12m 47.13s: Source manager: add source id 6. 12m 47.14s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 12m 47.15s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 12m 47.15s: opening drive J 12m 47.15s: opened i/o 12m 47.25s: got max lba 2294911 12m 47.25s: got disc type 10 12m 47.29s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 47.30s: got copyright 1 fe 12m 47.87s: got udf/iso 12m 49.58s: got discinfo 12m 55.80s: pathplayer enabled 12m 58.73s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_2 sector_23875 count_5 12m 58.83s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 sector_47316 count_1 13m 13.71s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 sector_289 count_5 13m 13.83s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_49607 count_1 13m 13.90s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 sector_46428 count_7 13m 14.57s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 sector_51899 count_1 13m 14.64s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 sector_46541 count_6 13m 14.69s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 sector_46626 count_7 13m 14.73s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 sector_46707 count_7 13m 14.77s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 sector_46789 count_7 13m 14.81s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 sector_46870 count_7 13m 14.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 sector_46948 count_6 13m 16.96s: got dvdinfo 13m 16.96s: opened dvd 13m 16.97s: Source manager: open successful. 13m 17.02s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 6 and uiinfo 0. 13m 51.29s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 13m 51.30s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 13m 51.30s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 13m 51.31s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 13m 51.31s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 13m 51.32s: UILog:Run current Work. 13m 51.32s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 13m 51.32s: UILog:start running at thread. 13m 51.33s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 13m 51.33s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 13m 51.33s: Reg check: Connect type is: 2 13m 52.05s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 13m 52.06s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9155 13m 52.08s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 13m 52.15s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 13m 52.21s: DVD Copy 13m 52.21s: Source: J:/ 13m 52.21s: SourceSize: 4172 MB 13m 52.22s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 18m 05.40s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 18m 06.37s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 18m 06.38s: UILog:Run Work to end. 18m 06.39s: connect 0 : start. 18m 06.67s: connect 0 : 1:1 19m 13.50s: Source manager: select video files for open. 19m 22.40s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSPORTER_3/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 19m 22.40s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSPORTER_3/VIDEO_TS/ 19m 22.41s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSPORTER_3/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 19m 22.41s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSPORTER_3/VIDEO_TS/ 19m 22.41s: Source manager: add source id 7. 19m 22.44s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 19m 22.44s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 19m 22.44s: pathplayer enabled 19m 22.49s: Source manager: open successful. 19m 22.50s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 7 and uiinfo 1. 19m 22.54s: opening drive J 19m 22.56s: opened i/o 19m 22.56s: got media type 12 19m 22.57s: got max lba 0 19m 22.57s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 19m 22.88s: Source manager: select video files for open. 19m 22.88s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 7. 19m 25.95s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 19m 25.95s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 19m 25.96s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 19m 25.97s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 19m 25.97s: UILog:Run current Work. 19m 25.97s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 19m 31.17s: UILog:Run Work to end. 19m 49.59s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 19m 49.59s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 19m 49.60s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 19m 49.61s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 19m 49.61s: UILog:Run current Work. 19m 49.62s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 19m 49.62s: UILog:start running at thread. 19m 49.63s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 19m 53.84s: Burn data size is: 3607 19m 53.84s: Burn disc space is: 4482 19m 54.19s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 19m 54.20s: DVD Copy 19m 54.21s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSPORTER_3/ 19m 54.21s: SourceSize: 3607 MB 19m 54.21s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 20m 16.93s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 20m 17.04s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\TRANSPORTER_3\ with VSO 33m 13.01s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 33m 14.08s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 33m 14.09s: connect 0 : start. 33m 14.45s: connect 0 : 1:1 34m 11.75s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 34m 11.76s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 34m 11.76s: UILog:Run Work to end. 34m 15.22s: Exit process: stop running. 34m 15.23s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 34m 15.26s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 34m 15.26s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2014/06/21 16:29:44) 0m 00.02s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-6-18 0m 00.03s: App info: 9153 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.22s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.22s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.24s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.31s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.32s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.32s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.33s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.34s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.68s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 04.68s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 04.69s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 04.69s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 04.69s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 04.70s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 04.70s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 04.70s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 04.71s: Init process: Load config failed. 0m 04.71s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 04.72s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.78s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( OV:9153 )( BV:9155 )( S:79a2dbdcce49a90acd6e2c321b4fce70 ) 0m 04.79s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 04.79s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.90s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 04.91s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.91s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled 0m 04.91s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 04.92s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.92s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 05.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 05.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 05.31s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 05.80s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 05.81s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9151 )( S:f7c5cce74dee17bc052a991cfa05d59c 0m 05.81s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 05.82s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 06.01s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 06.12s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 06.13s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.13s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 06.13s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.01s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 07.02s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 07.02s: Show UI Step 2 0m 07.40s: Show UI Step 3 0m 07.40s: Start show MainUI. 0m 07.40s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 08.22s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 08.28s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 08.28s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.72s: opening drive J 0m 10.74s: opened i/o 0m 18.36s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 32.41s: opening drive J 0m 41.40s: opened i/o 0m 41.41s: got media type 14 0m 41.53s: got max lba 4035967 0m 41.55s: got disc type 10 0m 41.60s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 41.61s: volume label IDENTITY_THIEF 0m 41.61s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 41.62s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 41.62s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 41.65s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 41.65s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 41.66s: opening drive J 0m 41.67s: opened i/o 0m 41.83s: got max lba 4035967 0m 41.83s: got disc type 10 0m 41.89s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 41.90s: got copyright 0 0 0m 42.47s: got udf/iso 0m 44.60s: got discinfo 0m 44.62s: pathplayer enabled 0m 46.32s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 sector_15202 count_5 0m 46.42s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 sector_20006 count_3 1m 11.04s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 sector_21056 count_5 1m 12.95s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 sector_216 count_5 1m 13.07s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 sector_20121 count_12 1m 13.46s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_21633 count_3 1m 14.73s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 sector_20238 count_12 1m 14.79s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_3 sector_20355 count_12 1m 14.89s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_4 sector_20471 count_12 1m 14.97s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_5 sector_20588 count_12 1m 15.11s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 sector_20705 count_9 1m 40.88s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 sector_22089 count_10 1m 49.07s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 sector_20820 count_2 2m 30.30s: got dvdinfo 2m 30.31s: opened dvd 2m 30.33s: Source manager: open successful. 2m 30.39s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 40.54s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 40.54s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 40.54s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 40.55s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 40.55s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 40.56s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 40.56s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 40.56s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 40.57s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 40.63s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 40.68s: DVD Copy 2m 40.68s: Source: J:/ 2m 40.69s: SourceSize: 7881 MB 2m 40.69s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 10m 42.65s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 10m 43.62s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 10m 43.63s: UILog:Run Work to end. 10m 43.64s: connect 0 : start. 10m 43.92s: connect 0 : 1:1 11m 36.50s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/IDENTITY_THIEF/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 11m 36.51s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/IDENTITY_THIEF/VIDEO_TS/ 11m 36.51s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/IDENTITY_THIEF/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 11m 36.51s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/IDENTITY_THIEF/VIDEO_TS/ 11m 36.52s: Source manager: add source id 1. 11m 36.54s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 11m 36.54s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 11m 36.55s: pathplayer enabled 11m 36.60s: Source manager: open successful. 11m 36.61s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 11m 47.36s: opening drive J 11m 49.52s: opened i/o 11m 49.53s: got media type 12 11m 49.54s: got max lba 0 11m 49.54s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 11m 49.75s: Source manager: select video files for open. 11m 49.76s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 11m 56.06s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 11m 56.06s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 11m 56.06s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 11m 56.07s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 11m 56.07s: UILog:Run current Work. 11m 56.08s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 11m 56.08s: UILog:start running at thread. 11m 56.08s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 12m 00.29s: Burn data size is: 4274 12m 00.30s: Burn disc space is: 4482 12m 00.65s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 12m 00.67s: DVD Copy 12m 00.67s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/IDENTITY_THIEF/ 12m 00.67s: SourceSize: 4274 MB 12m 00.67s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 12m 41.79s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 12m 41.91s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\IDENTITY_THIEF\ with VSO 27m 44.37s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 27m 45.42s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 27m 45.43s: connect 0 : start. 27m 45.71s: connect 0 : 1:1 40m 46.51s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 41m 04.83s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 41m 04.84s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 41m 04.84s: UILog:Run Work to end. 41m 08.63s: Exit process: stop running. 41m 08.63s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 41m 08.65s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 41m 08.66s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/07/16 22:10:39) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2014-6-18 0m 00.06s: App info: 9153 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.21s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.23s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.24s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.26s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.32s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.34s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.34s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.03s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.03s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.05s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.05s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.05s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.05s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 01.06s: Init process: Load config failed. 0m 01.06s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.06s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.14s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:30 )( OV:9153 )( BV:9151 )( S:f7c5cce74dee17bc052a991cfa05d59c ) 0m 01.14s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.14s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.16s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.16s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.16s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled 0m 01.16s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.16s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.16s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 01.62s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.99s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.00s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:5 )( OV:9157 )( BV:9155 )( S:18e924f22bb9fc5402a8c1aaa432d045 0m 02.00s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.01s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.17s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.25s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.37s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 03.37s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.38s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.38s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.24s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.25s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.25s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.63s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.63s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.64s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.47s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.53s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.54s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.99s: opening drive J 0m 08.01s: opened i/o 7m 52.89s: Exit process: stop running. 7m 52.89s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 7m 52.92s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 7m 52.93s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2014/07/16 22:18:50) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.05s: App info: 2014-7-11 0m 00.06s: App info: 9157 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.18s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.18s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.19s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.19s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.19s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.20s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.20s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.20s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.20s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.21s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.22s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.22s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.32s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9 US/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.33s: Init process: install process. 0m 02.03s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/07/16 22:20:41) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2014-7-11 0m 00.06s: App info: 9157 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.21s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.25s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.25s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.26s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.34s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.34s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.34s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.35s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.08s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.08s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.08s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.08s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 01.11s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.11s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.11s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.20s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.20s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.39s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.52s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.53s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:5 )( OV:9157 )( BV:9155 )( S:2fa61778160d8aeb9f36c01d83ed62d0 0m 02.75s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.75s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.75s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.75s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.75s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.77s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.77s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.97s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.97s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 03.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.33s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.49s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 04.50s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.50s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.50s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.42s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.42s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.42s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.83s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.83s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.83s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.10s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.16s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.16s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.68s: opening drive J 0m 09.70s: opened i/o 0m 09.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 51.51s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 1m 51.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 57.53s: opening drive J 1m 59.28s: opened i/o 1m 59.29s: got media type 4 1m 59.40s: got max lba 3931950 1m 59.41s: got disc type 10 1m 59.45s: type DVD-VIDEO 1m 59.46s: volume label RIO_2 1m 59.46s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 1m 59.47s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 1m 59.47s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 59.48s: Source manager: add source id 0. 1m 59.50s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 1m 59.51s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 1m 59.51s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 59.53s: got copyright 1 fe 1m 59.53s: key method 0 2m 00.07s: got udf/iso 2m 01.60s: got discinfo 2m 01.61s: pathplayer enabled 2m 03.95s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 sector_225 count_4 2m 22.85s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 sector_13693 count_8 2m 22.90s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 sector_13810 count_7 2m 23.00s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 sector_13925 count_17 2m 23.05s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_2 sector_14041 count_17 2m 23.09s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_3 sector_14157 count_17 2m 23.17s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_4 sector_14273 count_17 2m 23.19s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_5 sector_14390 count_17 2m 23.24s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_6 sector_14506 count_17 2m 23.28s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_7 sector_14623 count_17 2m 23.32s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_8 sector_14739 count_17 2m 23.35s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 sector_14855 count_10 2m 25.71s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 sector_14972 count_3 2m 26.79s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 sector_3038 count_2 2m 26.83s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 sector_3152 count_3 2m 26.87s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_3 sector_3260 count_3 2m 26.92s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_4 sector_3374 count_3 2m 26.95s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_5 sector_3453 count_3 2m 26.98s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_6 sector_3494 count_3 2m 27.02s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_7 sector_3604 count_3 2m 27.06s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_8 sector_3714 count_3 2m 27.10s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_9 sector_3781 count_3 2m 27.15s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_10 sector_3894 count_3 2m 27.19s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_11 sector_3945 count_3 2m 27.23s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_12 sector_4008 count_3 2m 27.26s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_13 sector_4068 count_3 2m 27.28s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_14 sector_4139 count_3 2m 27.31s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_15 sector_4221 count_3 2m 27.35s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_16 sector_4313 count_3 2m 27.39s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_17 sector_4427 count_3 2m 27.42s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_18 sector_4515 count_3 2m 27.46s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_19 sector_4622 count_3 2m 27.49s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_20 sector_4679 count_3 2m 27.52s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_21 sector_4723 count_3 2m 27.56s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_22 sector_4834 count_3 2m 27.59s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_23 sector_4888 count_3 2m 27.62s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_24 sector_4976 count_3 2m 27.67s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_25 sector_5086 count_3 2m 27.70s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_26 sector_5168 count_3 2m 27.73s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_27 sector_5282 count_3 2m 27.77s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_28 sector_5384 count_3 2m 27.81s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_29 sector_5494 count_3 2m 27.85s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_30 sector_5608 count_3 2m 27.89s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_31 sector_5722 count_3 2m 28.07s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_15087 count_5 2m 30.95s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 sector_15202 count_8 2m 35.93s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 sector_15319 count_5 3m 03.37s: got dvdinfo 3m 03.37s: opened dvd 3m 03.37s: Source manager: open successful. 3m 03.42s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 21m 35.67s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 21m 35.67s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 21m 35.67s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 21m 35.68s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 21m 35.69s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 21m 35.69s: UILog:Run current Work. 21m 35.69s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 21m 35.73s: UILog:start running at thread. 21m 35.74s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 21m 35.81s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 21m 35.86s: DVD Copy 21m 35.86s: Source: J:/ 21m 35.87s: SourceSize: 7209 MB 21m 35.87s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 29m 14.39s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 29m 14.41s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 29m 14.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 30m 33.17s: opening drive J 30m 33.18s: opened i/o 30m 34.90s: got media type 14 30m 37.34s: got max lba 0 30m 37.35s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 30m 37.46s: Burn data size is: 4300 30m 37.47s: Burn disc space is: 8152 30m 49.68s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 30m 49.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 31m 07.74s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 31m 07.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 31m 19.78s: opening drive J 31m 21.92s: opened i/o 31m 21.93s: got media type 12 31m 21.94s: got max lba 0 31m 21.94s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 31m 24.02s: Burn data size is: 4300 31m 24.03s: Burn disc space is: 4482 31m 24.48s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\RIO_2\ with VSO 46m 15.28s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 46m 16.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 46m 16.35s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 46m 16.36s: connect 0 : start. 46m 16.63s: connect 0 : 1:1 46m 25.32s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 46m 25.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 46m 33.24s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 46m 33.24s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 46m 33.24s: UILog:Run Work to end. 46m 33.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 46m 41.44s: Exit process: stop running. 46m 41.44s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 46m 41.46s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 46m 41.47s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/07/21 23:17:52) 0m 00.10s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.10s: App info: 2014-7-11 0m 00.12s: App info: 9157 Official 0m 00.12s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.12s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.28s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.31s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.31s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.34s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.40s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.42s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.42s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.42s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.15s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.15s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 01.18s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.20s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.20s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:5 )( OV:9157 )( BV:9155 )( S:2fa61778160d8aeb9f36c01d83ed62d0 ) 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.51s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.51s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 01.81s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.15s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.15s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:0 )( BV:9158 )( S:8e8c909c55979cbf2a7ea839214330e8 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.16s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.32s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.65s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.90s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 03.90s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.90s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.91s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.82s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.83s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.83s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 14.53s: Show UI Step 2 0m 14.94s: Show UI Step 3 0m 14.94s: Start show MainUI. 0m 14.94s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 16.09s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 16.15s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 16.15s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 16.32s: opening drive J 0m 16.34s: opened i/o 0m 16.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 16.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 22.20s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 22.21s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 28.23s: opening drive J 0m 30.18s: opened i/o 0m 30.18s: got media type 4 0m 30.38s: got max lba 4054172 0m 30.39s: got disc type 10 0m 30.44s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 30.44s: volume label DESPICABLE_ME_2 0m 30.45s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 30.46s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 30.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 30.47s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 30.48s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 30.49s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 30.49s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 30.51s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 30.51s: key method 0 0m 31.02s: got udf/iso 0m 32.77s: got discinfo 0m 32.79s: pathplayer enabled 0m 34.67s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_2 sector_2100 count_6 0m 45.66s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 sector_253 count_7 0m 49.58s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 sector_71542 count_6 0m 51.69s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 sector_36366 count_6 0m 52.55s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 sector_0 count_12 0m 52.59s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 sector_53 count_12 0m 52.63s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 sector_106 count_12 0m 52.74s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 sector_1016 count_12 0m 52.78s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 sector_1067 count_12 0m 52.86s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 sector_915 count_5 0m 57.20s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 sector_158 count_10 0m 57.80s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 sector_958 count_9 1m 29.47s: got dvdinfo 1m 29.47s: opened dvd 1m 29.50s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 29.55s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 39.71s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 39.71s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 39.71s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 39.72s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 39.73s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 39.73s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 39.73s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 39.74s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 39.74s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 39.79s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 39.84s: DVD Copy 1m 39.84s: Source: J:/ 1m 39.84s: SourceSize: 7898 MB 1m 39.84s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 8m 47.20s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 8m 48.18s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 8m 48.19s: UILog:Run Work to end. 8m 48.20s: connect 0 : start. 8m 48.47s: connect 0 : 1:1 8m 48.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 9m 13.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 9m 21.57s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 9m 21.57s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 9m 21.58s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 9m 21.58s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 9m 21.58s: Source manager: add source id 1. 9m 21.60s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 9m 21.60s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 9m 21.61s: pathplayer enabled 9m 21.66s: Source manager: open successful. 9m 21.67s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 9m 22.06s: Source manager: select video files for open. 9m 22.06s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 9m 22.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 9m 35.50s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 9m 35.50s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 9m 35.50s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 9m 35.51s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 9m 35.51s: UILog:Run current Work. 9m 35.51s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 9m 35.52s: UILog:start running at thread. 9m 35.52s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 9m 43.89s: opening drive J 9m 46.04s: opened i/o 9m 46.05s: got media type 12 9m 46.06s: got max lba 0 9m 46.06s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 9m 50.58s: Burn data size is: 4275 9m 50.58s: Burn disc space is: 4482 9m 50.89s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 9m 50.90s: DVD Copy 9m 50.91s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/ 9m 50.91s: SourceSize: 4275 MB 9m 50.91s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 10m 25.74s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 10m 25.76s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\DESPICABLE_ME_2\ with VSO 25m 15.47s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 25m 16.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 25m 16.54s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 25m 16.55s: connect 0 : start. 25m 16.82s: connect 0 : 1:1 35m 28.85s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 35m 28.85s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 35m 28.86s: UILog:Run Work to end. 35m 29.91s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 35m 57.20s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 35m 57.21s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 36m 03.23s: opening drive J 36m 04.98s: opened i/o 36m 04.99s: got media type 4 36m 05.10s: got max lba 3895466 36m 05.11s: got disc type 10 36m 05.16s: type DVD-VIDEO 36m 05.16s: volume label THE_PROTECTOR_2 36m 05.17s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 36m 05.17s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 36m 05.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 36m 05.39s: Source manager: add source id 2. 36m 05.42s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 36m 05.42s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 36m 05.43s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 36m 05.44s: got copyright 1 fe 36m 05.44s: key method 0 36m 05.99s: got udf/iso 36m 08.27s: got discinfo 36m 08.29s: pathplayer enabled 36m 11.24s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 sector_207 count_4 36m 16.56s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 sector_33049 count_8 36m 16.84s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 sector_94203 count_5 36m 16.86s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_50 cell_1 sector_94263 count_6 36m 27.40s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 sector_94148 count_9 36m 27.84s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 sector_48375 count_8 36m 28.13s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 sector_63712 count_8 36m 28.47s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_47 cell_1 sector_79033 count_8 36m 40.83s: got dvdinfo 36m 40.83s: opened dvd 36m 40.86s: Source manager: open successful. 36m 41.03s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 37m 18.84s: allow_test : false 38m 31.80s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 38m 31.81s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 38m 31.81s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 38m 31.82s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 38m 31.83s: UILog:Run current Work. 38m 31.83s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 38m 31.83s: UILog:start running at thread. 38m 31.84s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 38m 31.88s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 38m 31.93s: DVD Copy 38m 31.93s: Source: J:/ 38m 31.93s: SourceSize: 6712 MB 38m 31.93s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 45m 19.98s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 45m 19.99s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 45m 20.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 46m 08.40s: opening drive J 46m 10.55s: opened i/o 46m 10.56s: got media type 12 46m 10.57s: got max lba 0 46m 10.58s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 46m 10.87s: Burn data size is: 4300 46m 10.88s: Burn disc space is: 4482 46m 11.11s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\THE_PROTECTOR_2\ with VSO 61m 33.82s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 61m 34.85s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 61m 34.87s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 61m 34.89s: connect 0 : start. 61m 35.20s: connect 0 : 1:1 65m 15.25s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 65m 15.25s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 65m 15.26s: UILog:Run Work to end. 65m 16.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 65m 26.44s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 65m 26.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 65m 38.49s: opening drive J 65m 40.67s: opened i/o 65m 40.67s: got media type 12 65m 40.68s: got max lba 0 65m 40.69s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 65m 56.69s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 65m 56.69s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 65m 56.69s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 65m 57.07s: Source manager: select video files for open. 65m 57.07s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 65m 57.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 66m 02.76s: Exit process: stop running. 66m 02.77s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 66m 02.81s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 66m 02.81s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/07/22 00:24:04) 0m 00.02s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.02s: App info: 2014-7-11 0m 00.02s: App info: 9157 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.16s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.24s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.25s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.70s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 00.70s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 00.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.71s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.72s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.72s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.72s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 00.73s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.73s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.74s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.82s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9157 )( BV:9158 )( S:8e8c909c55979cbf2a7ea839214330e8 ) 0m 00.82s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.83s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.83s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.83s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.83s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.83s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 00.84s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.84s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.03s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.03s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 01.29s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.65s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.66s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:8bcb9e09837ba0ea01047288a36228d9 0m 01.66s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.67s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.26s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.40s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.47s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 03.47s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.47s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.42s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.43s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.43s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.82s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.82s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.83s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.95s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.01s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.02s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.03s: opening drive J 0m 06.05s: opened i/o 0m 06.05s: got media type 12 0m 06.06s: got max lba 0 0m 06.06s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 0m 08.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 52.04s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 52.05s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 52.05s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 52.05s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 52.05s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 52.07s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 52.08s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 52.08s: pathplayer enabled 0m 52.13s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 52.16s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 52.50s: Source manager: select video files for open. 0m 52.50s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 0m 52.81s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 56.62s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 56.62s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 56.62s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 56.63s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 56.64s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 56.64s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 56.64s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 56.65s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 56.65s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 00.85s: Burn data size is: 4275 1m 00.86s: Burn disc space is: 4482 1m 01.23s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 01.24s: DVD Copy 1m 01.25s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/ 1m 01.25s: SourceSize: 4275 MB 1m 01.25s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 1m 18.50s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 1m 21.98s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 1m 23.82s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 54.33s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 54.33s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 54.33s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 54.35s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 54.35s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 54.35s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 59.78s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 59.79s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 03.83s: Burn data size is: 4275 2m 03.83s: Burn disc space is: 4482 2m 04.36s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 04.37s: DVD Copy 2m 04.37s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/ 2m 04.37s: SourceSize: 4275 MB 2m 04.38s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 2m 33.55s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 33.57s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\DESPICABLE_ME_2\ with VSO 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/07/22 00:35:01) 0m 00.12s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.12s: App info: 2014-7-11 0m 00.12s: App info: 9157 Official 0m 00.12s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.12s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.37s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.40s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.40s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.42s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.50s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.50s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.50s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.51s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 04.42s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.60s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 04.60s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 04.60s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 04.60s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 04.61s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 04.61s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 04.61s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 04.61s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 04.63s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 04.63s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 04.63s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.75s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9157 )( BV:9158 )( S:8bcb9e09837ba0ea01047288a36228d9 ) 0m 04.75s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 04.75s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.77s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 04.77s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.77s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 04.77s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 04.77s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 04.78s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 05.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 05.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 05.42s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 05.56s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 05.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:dfc8db8fdd0083d6bc7570e50cde8c01 0m 05.57s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.69s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 06.94s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 06.94s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.94s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 06.94s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.91s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 07.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 07.92s: Show UI Step 2 0m 08.32s: Show UI Step 3 0m 08.33s: Start show MainUI. 0m 08.33s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 09.68s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 09.77s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 09.77s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 12.31s: opening drive J 0m 12.34s: opened i/o 0m 12.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 12.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 22.96s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 22.96s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 22.97s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 22.97s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 22.97s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 22.99s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 22.99s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 23.10s: pathplayer enabled 0m 24.94s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 24.97s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 25.32s: Source manager: select video files for open. 0m 25.32s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 0m 25.63s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 35.90s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 35.91s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 47.95s: opening drive J 0m 50.17s: opened i/o 0m 50.18s: got media type 12 0m 50.18s: got max lba 0 0m 50.19s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 0m 56.80s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 56.80s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 56.81s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 56.81s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 56.82s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 56.82s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 56.82s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 01.22s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 01.23s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 05.44s: Burn data size is: 4275 1m 05.45s: Burn disc space is: 4482 1m 05.81s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 05.82s: DVD Copy 1m 05.82s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/ 1m 05.82s: SourceSize: 4275 MB 1m 05.83s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 1m 57.45s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 57.47s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\DESPICABLE_ME_2\ with VSO 16m 38.64s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 16m 39.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 16m 39.70s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 16m 39.70s: connect 0 : start. 16m 39.98s: connect 0 : 1:1 17m 14.75s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 17m 14.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 323m 28.70s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 323m 28.70s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 323m 28.71s: UILog:Run Work to end. 323m 29.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 323m 35.07s: Exit process: stop running. 323m 35.08s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 323m 35.10s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 323m 35.11s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/07/22 18:45:57) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-7-11 0m 00.03s: App info: 9157 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.17s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.18s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.18s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.28s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.29s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.29s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.86s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 00.86s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 00.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.88s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 00.89s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.89s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.89s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.97s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9157 )( BV:9158 )( S:dfc8db8fdd0083d6bc7570e50cde8c01 ) 0m 00.97s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.97s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.99s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.99s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.99s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.99s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 00.99s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.99s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.18s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.18s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(XBMC). 0m 01.50s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:fd542c349f30b66a33a21128768b4ebf 0m 01.92s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.25s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.41s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.50s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 03.50s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.50s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.51s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.43s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.43s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.43s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.86s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.86s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.86s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.09s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.21s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.21s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.61s: opening drive J 0m 08.64s: opened i/o 0m 08.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 20.74s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 20.74s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 20.74s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 20.75s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 20.75s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 20.77s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 20.77s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 20.78s: pathplayer enabled 0m 20.84s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 20.86s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 21.23s: Source manager: select video files for open. 0m 21.23s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 0m 21.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 50.38s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 50.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 55.98s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 55.99s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 55.99s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 56.00s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 56.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 56.01s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 56.01s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 56.01s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 56.02s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 02.43s: opening drive J 1m 04.58s: Burn data size is: 4275 1m 04.58s: Burn disc space is: 4482 1m 04.58s: opened i/o 1m 04.59s: got media type 12 1m 04.59s: got max lba 0 1m 04.60s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 1m 04.82s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 04.83s: DVD Copy 1m 04.83s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DESPICABLE_ME_2/ 1m 04.83s: SourceSize: 4275 MB 1m 04.83s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 1m 36.36s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 36.38s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\DESPICABLE_ME_2\ with VSO 16m 32.71s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 16m 33.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 16m 33.76s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 16m 33.77s: connect 0 : start. 16m 34.08s: connect 0 : 1:1 16m 39.05s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 16m 39.05s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 16m 39.05s: UILog:Run Work to end. 16m 40.22s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 16m 44.74s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 16m 44.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 19m 35.67s: Exit process: stop running. 19m 35.68s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 19m 35.72s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 19m 35.73s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.07s: DVDFab (2014/07/26 23:32:59) 0m 00.15s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.15s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.15s: App info: 2014-7-25 0m 00.15s: App info: 9159 Official 0m 00.15s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.15s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.28s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.28s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.28s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.28s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.29s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.29s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.31s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.31s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.34s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.34s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.43s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9 US/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.45s: Init process: install process. 0m 02.07s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/07/26 23:33:10) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-7-25 0m 00.03s: App info: 9159 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.17s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.24s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.24s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.03s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.03s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.04s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.04s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.04s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.04s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.04s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.04s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 01.06s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.06s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.06s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.15s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.15s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.15s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.15s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.17s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.17s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.95s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.95s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9159 )( BV:9158 )( S:e6391c549b93a0fcaa72fdc6c5c3914b 0m 02.03s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.18s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.20s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.20s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.20s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.22s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.22s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.23s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.47s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.47s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.68s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.58s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.78s: bd set region A 0m 03.78s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 03.79s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.79s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.80s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.69s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.70s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.70s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.09s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.09s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.09s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.30s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.36s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.37s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.90s: opening drive J 0m 08.92s: opened i/o 0m 08.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 12.49s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 12.50s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 12.53s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 12.54s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2014/09/25 13:37:52) 0m 00.07s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-7-25 0m 00.09s: App info: 9159 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.34s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.37s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.39s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.40s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.46s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.48s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.48s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.50s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.33s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.33s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.33s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.35s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.35s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.35s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.35s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 01.36s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.36s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.36s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.47s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.47s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.47s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.47s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.47s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.49s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.33s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.33s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:8a6ad89d1020f1bf1f0fc7e44ccce73a 0m 02.50s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.50s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.50s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.50s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.52s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.52s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.54s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.77s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.79s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.79s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.10s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.25s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.63s: bd set region A 0m 04.63s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.54s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.55s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.55s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.95s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.95s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.95s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.26s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.33s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.33s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.86s: opening drive J 0m 09.89s: opened i/o 0m 09.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 51.73s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 51.74s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 51.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 51.80s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2014/09/25 13:40:01) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.05s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.05s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.15s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.16s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.16s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.16s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.17s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.18s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.18s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.18s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.32s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9 US/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.34s: Init process: install process. 0m 00.92s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/09/25 22:09:44) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.03s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.12s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.12s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.12s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.14s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.21s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.21s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.23s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.23s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.69s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 00.69s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.69s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 00.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.71s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.71s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.71s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.71s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 00.72s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.72s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.72s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.81s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.81s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 00.83s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.92s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.71s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.72s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:f8b0e4b6c0facee4b766b50b65ad361e 0m 01.85s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 01.86s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.86s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.86s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 01.86s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 01.86s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.88s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.91s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.91s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.18s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.77s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.77s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.77s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.78s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.87s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.87s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.88s: bd set region A 0m 02.88s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.88s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.88s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.84s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.85s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.85s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.24s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.24s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.25s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.45s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.52s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.52s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.00s: opening drive J 0m 08.03s: opened i/o 0m 08.04s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.04s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 31.69s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 31.70s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 31.72s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 31.72s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/09/27 19:51:13) 0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.09s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.09s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.62s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.62s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.64s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.71s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.71s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.71s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.78s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.82s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.32s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 02.32s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.32s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.33s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.33s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.33s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.33s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.33s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 02.35s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.35s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.35s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.44s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:f8b0e4b6c0facee4b766b50b65ad361e ) 0m 02.44s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.46s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.46s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.46s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.46s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.46s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.46s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.47s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.52s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.54s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.20s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.51s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.51s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1d2fe8d75b8acdd1fe3f869f6005079c 0m 03.52s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.53s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.15s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.15s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.15s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.15s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.55s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.55s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.56s: bd set region A 0m 04.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.56s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.57s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.57s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.80s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.81s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.81s: Show UI Step 2 0m 06.20s: Show UI Step 3 0m 06.21s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.21s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.81s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.93s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.93s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 12.87s: opening drive J 0m 12.90s: opened i/o 0m 12.91s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 12.91s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 2m 32.42s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 2m 32.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 2m 38.45s: opening drive J 2m 40.25s: opened i/o 2m 40.25s: got media type 4 2m 40.37s: got max lba 4028463 2m 40.38s: got disc type 10 2m 40.42s: type DVD-VIDEO 2m 40.43s: volume label TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION 2m 40.44s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 2m 40.45s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 2m 40.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 2m 40.46s: Source manager: add source id 0. 2m 40.47s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 2m 40.48s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 2m 40.48s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 2m 40.50s: got copyright 1 f6 2m 40.50s: key method 0 2m 41.04s: got udf/iso 2m 41.96s: got discinfo 2m 41.97s: pathplayer enabled 2m 42.28s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_0 end_10418 sector_4942 count_3 2m 55.57s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_10419 end_20842 sector_10612 count_3 2m 55.66s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_21704 end_21818 sector_21704 count_11 2m 55.94s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_20843 end_20959 sector_20843 count_15 2m 56.00s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_2 start_20960 end_21076 sector_20960 count_15 2m 56.08s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_3 start_21077 end_21193 sector_21077 count_15 2m 56.18s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_4 start_21194 end_21310 sector_21194 count_15 2m 56.26s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_5 start_21311 end_21427 sector_21311 count_15 2m 56.36s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_6 start_21428 end_21544 sector_21428 count_15 2m 58.30s: got dvdinfo 2m 58.31s: opened dvd 2m 58.38s: Source manager: open successful. 2m 59.31s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 5m 22.49s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 5m 22.49s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 5m 22.49s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 5m 22.50s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 5m 22.51s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 5m 22.51s: UILog:Run current Work. 5m 22.51s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 5m 22.52s: UILog:start running at thread. 5m 22.52s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 5m 22.58s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 5m 22.61s: DVD Copy 5m 22.61s: Source: J:/ 5m 22.61s: SourceSize: 7867 MB 5m 22.62s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 16m 52.70s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 16m 53.67s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 16m 53.68s: UILog:Run Work to end. 16m 53.69s: connect 0 : start. 16m 54.02s: connect 0 : 1:1 16m 54.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 17m 08.47s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 17m 51.21s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 17m 51.21s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ 17m 51.22s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 17m 51.22s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ 17m 51.22s: Source manager: add source id 1. 17m 51.25s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 17m 51.25s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 17m 51.26s: pathplayer enabled 17m 51.32s: Source manager: open successful. 17m 51.33s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 17m 51.61s: Source manager: select video files for open. 17m 51.61s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 17m 51.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 18m 16.05s: opening drive J 18m 16.08s: opened i/o 18m 16.09s: got media type 12 18m 16.10s: got max lba 0 18m 16.10s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 18m 25.40s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 18m 25.41s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 18m 25.41s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 18m 25.42s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 18m 25.42s: UILog:Run current Work. 18m 25.42s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 18m 25.43s: UILog:start running at thread. 18m 25.43s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 18m 29.64s: Burn data size is: 4289 18m 29.65s: Burn disc space is: 4482 18m 30.00s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 18m 30.02s: DVD Copy 18m 30.02s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/ 18m 30.02s: SourceSize: 4289 MB 18m 30.03s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 18m 59.83s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 18m 59.84s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION\ with VSO 34m 10.91s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 34m 11.95s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 34m 11.96s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 34m 11.97s: connect 0 : start. 34m 12.29s: connect 0 : 1:1 35m 00.57s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 35m 00.57s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 35m 00.57s: UILog:Run Work to end. 35m 01.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 35m 27.13s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 35m 27.14s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 138m 23.26s: opening drive J 138m 24.98s: opened i/o 138m 24.99s: got media type 4 138m 25.11s: got max lba 4120624 138m 25.12s: got disc type 10 138m 25.17s: type DVD-VIDEO 138m 25.17s: volume label CAPTAIN_AMERICA 138m 25.18s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 138m 25.19s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 138m 25.19s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 138m 25.19s: Source manager: add source id 2. 138m 25.21s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 138m 25.22s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 138m 25.22s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 138m 25.24s: got copyright 1 f6 138m 25.24s: key method 0 138m 25.80s: got udf/iso 138m 27.19s: got discinfo 138m 27.21s: pathplayer enabled 138m 27.44s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_295 sector_119 count_5 138m 29.55s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_0 end_15504 sector_4868 count_5 138m 45.39s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_15505 end_29065 sector_15674 count_5 138m 45.52s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 start_87209 end_88928 sector_87329 count_3 138m 46.98s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_92369 end_94591 sector_92491 count_14 138m 47.09s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_94592 end_96814 sector_94714 count_14 138m 47.19s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_1 start_96815 end_99037 sector_96937 count_14 138m 47.30s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_99038 end_101260 sector_99160 count_14 138m 47.40s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_101261 end_103481 sector_101381 count_14 138m 48.53s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_114596 end_117788 sector_114716 count_4 138m 48.62s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_36 cell_1 start_124175 end_127367 sector_124295 count_5 138m 49.30s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_41 cell_1 start_133754 end_136946 sector_133874 count_5 138m 53.49s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_29066 end_44571 sector_33933 count_5 138m 54.14s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_44572 end_58133 sector_44741 count_5 138m 54.25s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_88929 end_90648 sector_89049 count_3 138m 54.52s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_103482 end_105704 sector_103604 count_14 138m 54.64s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_105705 end_107927 sector_105827 count_14 138m 54.75s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_107928 end_110150 sector_108050 count_14 138m 54.87s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_29 cell_1 start_110151 end_112373 sector_110273 count_14 138m 54.98s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_112374 end_114595 sector_112495 count_14 138m 56.07s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_117789 end_120981 sector_117909 count_4 138m 56.17s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_37 cell_1 start_127368 end_130560 sector_127488 count_5 138m 56.87s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_42 cell_1 start_136947 end_140139 sector_137067 count_5 138m 59.53s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_58134 end_73644 sector_63002 count_5 139m 00.22s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_73645 end_87208 sector_73814 count_5 139m 00.33s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_90649 end_92368 sector_90769 count_3 139m 00.69s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_120982 end_124174 sector_121102 count_4 139m 00.79s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_38 cell_1 start_130561 end_133753 sector_130681 count_5 139m 01.49s: button: vts_4 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_140140 end_143332 sector_140260 count_5 139m 05.13s: got dvdinfo 139m 05.13s: opened dvd 139m 05.20s: Source manager: open successful. 139m 05.98s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 140m 32.67s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 140m 32.67s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 140m 32.67s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 140m 32.69s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 140m 32.69s: UILog:Run current Work. 140m 32.69s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 140m 32.70s: UILog:start running at thread. 140m 32.70s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 140m 32.73s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 140m 32.84s: DVD Copy 140m 32.84s: Source: J:/ 140m 32.84s: SourceSize: 7375 MB 140m 32.84s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 149m 25.60s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 149m 26.60s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 149m 26.61s: UILog:Run Work to end. 149m 26.62s: connect 0 : start. 149m 26.95s: connect 0 : 1:1 149m 27.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 150m 47.62s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 150m 54.89s: Source manager: select video files for open. 150m 54.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 151m 37.20s: opening drive J 151m 39.37s: opened i/o 151m 39.38s: got media type 12 151m 39.40s: got max lba 0 151m 39.40s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 151m 44.59s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 151m 44.59s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ 151m 44.60s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 151m 44.60s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ 151m 44.60s: Source manager: add source id 3. 151m 44.65s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 151m 44.65s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 151m 44.66s: pathplayer enabled 151m 44.72s: Source manager: open successful. 151m 44.76s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 3 with source 3 and uiinfo 3. 151m 44.92s: Source manager: select video files for open. 151m 44.92s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 3. 151m 45.00s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 151m 52.99s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 151m 52.99s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 151m 52.99s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 151m 53.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 151m 53.00s: UILog:Run current Work. 151m 53.01s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 151m 53.01s: UILog:start running at thread. 151m 53.02s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 151m 57.05s: Burn data size is: 4284 151m 57.06s: Burn disc space is: 4482 151m 57.58s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 151m 57.59s: DVD Copy 151m 57.60s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/ 151m 57.60s: SourceSize: 4284 MB 151m 57.60s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 152m 26.56s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 152m 27.64s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\CAPTAIN_AMERICA\ with VSO 167m 35.94s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 167m 36.97s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 167m 37.01s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 167m 37.02s: connect 0 : start. 167m 37.35s: connect 0 : 1:1 168m 53.45s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 168m 53.46s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 168m 53.46s: UILog:Run Work to end. 168m 54.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 168m 58.28s: Exit process: stop running. 168m 58.28s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 168m 58.30s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 168m 58.31s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/09/28 12:09:56) 0m 00.06s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.06s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.56s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.56s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.56s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.57s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.65s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.67s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.67s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.73s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.39s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.97s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.97s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.98s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.98s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.00s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.00s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.00s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.00s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 02.01s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.01s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.01s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:1d2fe8d75b8acdd1fe3f869f6005079c ) 0m 02.11s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.11s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.11s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.11s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.12s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.12s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.12s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.12s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.17s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.19s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.94s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.34s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:e6d26144262cd4461636d13abf973f41 0m 03.35s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.36s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.79s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.79s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.79s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.79s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.05s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.06s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.06s: bd set region A 0m 04.07s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.07s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.07s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.07s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.08s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.30s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.31s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.32s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.71s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.72s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.72s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.36s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.47s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.48s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 12.40s: opening drive J 0m 12.42s: opened i/o 0m 12.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 12.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 17.58s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 17.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 23.61s: opening drive J 0m 25.32s: opened i/o 0m 25.33s: got media type 4 0m 25.43s: got max lba 3496756 0m 25.44s: got disc type 10 0m 25.48s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 25.49s: volume label EDGE_OF_TOMORROW 0m 25.50s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 25.51s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 25.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 25.51s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 25.53s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 25.53s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 25.53s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 25.55s: got copyright 1 f6 0m 25.56s: key method 0 0m 26.07s: got udf/iso 0m 26.99s: got discinfo 0m 27.01s: pathplayer enabled 0m 30.58s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_1734 sector_60 count_4 0m 35.22s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_1958 end_2011 sector_1958 count_3 0m 36.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_1735 end_1791 sector_1735 count_7 0m 36.41s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_1792 end_1847 sector_1792 count_7 0m 36.43s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_3 start_1848 end_1903 sector_1848 count_6 0m 36.52s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_1904 end_1957 sector_1904 count_8 0m 41.45s: got dvdinfo 0m 41.45s: opened dvd 0m 41.52s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 42.69s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 55.24s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 55.27s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 55.28s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 55.28s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 55.29s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 55.29s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 55.30s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 55.30s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 55.31s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 55.37s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 55.39s: DVD Copy 0m 55.39s: Source: J:/ 0m 55.39s: SourceSize: 6828 MB 0m 55.40s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 9m 30.71s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 9m 31.69s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 9m 31.70s: UILog:Run Work to end. 9m 31.70s: connect 0 : start. 9m 32.01s: connect 0 : 1:1 9m 32.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 10m 34.47s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 10m 40.96s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 40.97s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 40.97s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 40.97s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 40.98s: Source manager: add source id 1. 10m 41.00s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 10m 41.01s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 10m 41.01s: pathplayer enabled 10m 41.07s: Source manager: open successful. 10m 41.08s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 10m 41.37s: Source manager: select video files for open. 10m 41.37s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 10m 41.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 10m 58.40s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 10m 58.40s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 10m 58.40s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 10m 58.41s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 10m 58.41s: UILog:Run current Work. 10m 58.42s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 10m 58.42s: UILog:start running at thread. 10m 58.43s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 11m 15.84s: opening drive J 11m 18.02s: opened i/o 11m 18.02s: got media type 12 11m 18.04s: got max lba 0 11m 18.04s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 11m 22.63s: Burn data size is: 4282 11m 22.64s: Burn disc space is: 4482 11m 22.87s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 22.88s: DVD Copy 11m 22.88s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/ 11m 22.89s: SourceSize: 4282 MB 11m 22.89s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 11m 52.64s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 52.94s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\EDGE_OF_TOMORROW\ with VSO 27m 02.69s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 27m 03.76s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 27m 03.77s: connect 0 : start. 27m 04.10s: connect 0 : 1:1 27m 04.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 28m 04.91s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 28m 04.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 28m 11.86s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 28m 11.87s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 11.87s: UILog:Run Work to end. 28m 12.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 28m 17.43s: Exit process: stop running. 28m 17.43s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 28m 17.45s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 28m 17.46s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/09/28 14:20:25) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.04s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.21s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.31s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.31s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.35s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.02s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.19s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.19s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.20s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.20s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.22s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 01.22s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.22s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:e6d26144262cd4461636d13abf973f41 ) 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.33s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.33s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.02s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.39s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.39s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:85aca2efcdff1b58b83dd51cbc898e42 0m 02.40s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.78s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.78s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.78s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.78s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.88s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.89s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.89s: bd set region A 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.89s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.13s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.14s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.14s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.54s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.54s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.55s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.10s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.18s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.18s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 11.09s: opening drive J 0m 11.11s: opened i/o 0m 11.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 11.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 14.29s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 14.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 30.35s: opening drive J 0m 38.08s: opened i/o 0m 38.09s: got media type 14 0m 39.29s: got max lba 3136367 0m 39.30s: got disc type 10 0m 39.35s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 39.36s: volume label DOLPHIN_TALE 0m 39.37s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 39.38s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 39.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 39.39s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 39.40s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 39.40s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 39.41s: opening drive J 0m 39.41s: opened i/o 0m 39.57s: got max lba 3136367 0m 39.59s: got disc type 10 0m 39.64s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 39.65s: got copyright 0 0 0m 40.22s: got udf/iso 0m 41.37s: got discinfo 0m 41.38s: pathplayer enabled 0m 44.66s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2054 sector_60 count_4 0m 50.10s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_2223 end_2276 sector_2223 count_4 0m 54.21s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_2055 end_2111 sector_2055 count_8 0m 54.24s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_2112 end_2168 sector_2112 count_8 0m 54.27s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2169 end_2222 sector_2169 count_8 0m 54.74s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_2277 end_4331 sector_2337 count_4 0m 54.84s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_4386 end_4439 sector_4386 count_4 0m 55.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_2055 end_2111 sector_2055 count_8 0m 55.41s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_2112 end_2168 sector_2112 count_8 0m 55.53s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4332 end_4385 sector_4332 count_8 0m 57.49s: got dvdinfo 0m 57.50s: opened dvd 0m 57.58s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 58.84s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 06.27s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 06.27s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 06.27s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 06.28s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 06.29s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 06.29s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 06.29s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 06.30s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 06.30s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 06.36s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 06.38s: DVD Copy 1m 06.38s: Source: J:/ 1m 06.39s: SourceSize: 6124 MB 1m 06.39s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 9m 41.50s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 9m 42.48s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 9m 42.49s: UILog:Run Work to end. 9m 42.50s: connect 0 : start. 9m 42.80s: connect 0 : 1:1 9m 43.23s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 13m 20.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 13m 30.37s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DOLPHIN_TALE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 13m 30.37s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DOLPHIN_TALE/VIDEO_TS/ 13m 30.38s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DOLPHIN_TALE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 13m 30.38s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DOLPHIN_TALE/VIDEO_TS/ 13m 30.38s: Source manager: add source id 1. 13m 30.41s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 13m 30.42s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 13m 30.42s: pathplayer enabled 13m 30.48s: Source manager: open successful. 13m 30.49s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 13m 30.77s: Source manager: select video files for open. 13m 30.78s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 13m 30.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 13m 39.10s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 13m 39.10s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 13m 39.11s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 13m 39.12s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 13m 39.12s: UILog:Run current Work. 13m 39.12s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 13m 39.13s: UILog:start running at thread. 13m 39.13s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 13m 56.84s: opening drive J 13m 58.99s: opened i/o 13m 59.00s: got media type 12 13m 59.01s: got max lba 0 13m 59.02s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 14m 03.53s: Burn data size is: 4278 14m 03.54s: Burn disc space is: 4482 14m 03.85s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 14m 03.87s: DVD Copy 14m 03.87s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/DOLPHIN_TALE/ 14m 03.87s: SourceSize: 4278 MB 14m 03.87s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 14m 35.60s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 14m 35.74s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\DOLPHIN_TALE\ with VSO 29m 39.74s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 29m 40.78s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 29m 40.79s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 29m 40.81s: connect 0 : start. 29m 41.13s: connect 0 : 1:1 33m 46.99s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 33m 46.99s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 33m 46.99s: UILog:Run Work to end. 33m 47.86s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 34m 02.57s: Exit process: stop running. 34m 02.58s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 34m 02.64s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 34m 02.64s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2014/10/03 00:44:55) 0m 00.14s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.14s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.14s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.14s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.15s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.15s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.65s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.67s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.67s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.70s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.76s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.78s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.78s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.84s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.77s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.33s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 02.33s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.35s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.35s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.36s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.36s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 02.36s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.38s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.38s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.46s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:85aca2efcdff1b58b83dd51cbc898e42 ) 0m 02.47s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.47s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.47s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.47s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.49s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.49s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.49s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.49s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.55s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.55s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.47s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.47s: Reg check: Parse string: ( BV:9169 )( S:b63b64b8bdc72fc352c9fa1a701d81ff 0m 03.48s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.49s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.17s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.18s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.18s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.18s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.46s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.47s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.47s: bd set region A 0m 04.47s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.48s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.48s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.48s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.71s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.72s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.73s: Show UI Step 2 0m 06.12s: Show UI Step 3 0m 06.12s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.13s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.90s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 08.01s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 08.02s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.49s: opening drive J 0m 10.52s: opened i/o 0m 10.55s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 10.55s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 14.10s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 14.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 20.13s: opening drive J 0m 21.92s: opened i/o 0m 21.93s: got media type 4 0m 22.02s: got max lba 3953385 0m 22.03s: got disc type 10 0m 22.12s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 22.12s: volume label MillionDollarArm_USA_DES 0m 22.13s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 22.14s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 22.14s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 22.15s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 22.16s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 22.17s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 22.17s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 22.18s: got copyright 1 f6 0m 22.18s: key method 0 0m 22.81s: got udf/iso 0m 25.91s: got discinfo 0m 25.94s: pathplayer enabled 0m 26.43s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 start_5443 end_5534 sector_5526 count_6 0m 28.46s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_2 start_5814 end_28010 sector_5970 count_5 0m 36.43s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_3 start_28011 end_49236 sector_28157 count_5 0m 36.57s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_728 end_1664 sector_786 count_13 0m 37.03s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_1665 end_2602 sector_1724 count_13 0m 37.37s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_2603 end_3539 sector_2661 count_13 0m 37.72s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_3540 end_4477 sector_3599 count_13 0m 38.05s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_4478 end_5442 sector_4564 count_9 0m 40.97s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_49938 end_50660 sector_50015 count_5 0m 41.10s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_0 end_727 sector_82 count_5 0m 41.61s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_49237 end_49937 sector_49292 count_1 0m 41.88s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_1 start_50661 end_51378 sector_50733 count_6 0m 42.13s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_51379 end_52073 sector_51460 count_2 0m 46.57s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 start_5646 end_27836 sector_5799 count_5 0m 47.49s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_3 start_27837 end_49068 sector_27977 count_5 0m 47.64s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_734 end_1670 sector_792 count_13 0m 48.11s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_1671 end_2608 sector_1730 count_13 0m 48.45s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_2609 end_3544 sector_2666 count_13 0m 48.80s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_3545 end_4483 sector_3605 count_13 0m 49.14s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_4484 end_5449 sector_4571 count_9 0m 50.33s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_49069 end_49796 sector_49151 count_4 0m 50.48s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_0 end_733 sector_88 count_5 0m 51.05s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_49797 end_50521 sector_49876 count_6 0m 51.29s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_50522 end_51222 sector_50609 count_2 0m 53.52s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 start_5645 end_27835 sector_5805 count_5 0m 54.63s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_3 start_27836 end_49060 sector_27976 count_5 0m 54.77s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_733 end_1669 sector_791 count_13 0m 55.22s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_1670 end_2607 sector_1729 count_13 0m 55.58s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_2608 end_3543 sector_2665 count_13 0m 55.88s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_3544 end_4482 sector_3604 count_13 0m 56.23s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_4483 end_5448 sector_4570 count_9 0m 57.41s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_49061 end_49787 sector_49142 count_4 0m 57.54s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_0 end_732 sector_87 count_5 0m 58.10s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_49788 end_50511 sector_49866 count_6 0m 58.37s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_50512 end_51213 sector_50600 count_2 1m 00.32s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 start_5662 end_27831 sector_5810 count_4 1m 00.80s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_3 start_27832 end_49058 sector_27972 count_4 1m 00.95s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_733 end_1669 sector_791 count_13 1m 01.39s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_1670 end_2607 sector_1729 count_13 1m 01.75s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_2608 end_3543 sector_2665 count_13 1m 02.10s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_3544 end_4482 sector_3604 count_13 1m 02.40s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_4483 end_5448 sector_4570 count_9 1m 03.57s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_49059 end_49784 sector_49139 count_4 1m 03.71s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_0 end_732 sector_87 count_5 1m 04.28s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_49785 end_50509 sector_49864 count_6 1m 04.56s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_50510 end_51208 sector_50595 count_2 1m 09.91s: got dvdinfo 1m 09.92s: opened dvd 1m 10.15s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 11.00s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 18.36s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 18.37s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 18.37s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 18.37s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 18.38s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 18.38s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 18.39s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 18.41s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 18.42s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 18.47s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 18.60s: DVD Copy 1m 18.60s: Source: J:/ 1m 18.60s: SourceSize: 7596 MB 1m 18.61s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 19m 29.37s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 19m 30.34s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 19m 30.35s: UILog:Run Work to end. 19m 30.36s: connect 0 : start. 19m 30.69s: connect 0 : 1:1 19m 31.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 19m 56.22s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 20m 05.42s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/MillionDollarArm_USA_DES/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 20m 05.43s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/MillionDollarArm_USA_DES/VIDEO_TS/ 20m 05.43s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/MillionDollarArm_USA_DES/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 20m 05.44s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/MillionDollarArm_USA_DES/VIDEO_TS/ 20m 05.44s: Source manager: add source id 1. 20m 05.47s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 20m 05.47s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 20m 05.48s: pathplayer enabled 20m 05.54s: Source manager: open successful. 20m 05.55s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 20m 05.83s: Source manager: select video files for open. 20m 05.83s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 20m 05.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 20m 17.14s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 20m 17.14s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 20m 17.14s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 20m 17.15s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 20m 17.15s: UILog:Run current Work. 20m 17.16s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 20m 17.16s: UILog:start running at thread. 20m 17.17s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 20m 36.40s: opening drive J 20m 36.43s: opened i/o 20m 36.44s: got media type 12 20m 36.46s: got max lba 0 20m 36.46s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 20m 40.92s: Burn data size is: 4285 20m 40.93s: Burn disc space is: 4482 20m 41.43s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 20m 41.44s: DVD Copy 20m 41.45s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/MillionDollarArm_USA_DES/ 20m 41.45s: SourceSize: 4285 MB 20m 41.45s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 21m 10.57s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 21m 10.68s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\MillionDollarArm_USA_DES\ with VSO 36m 20.64s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 36m 21.70s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 36m 21.72s: connect 0 : start. 36m 22.11s: connect 0 : 1:1 36m 22.63s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 71m 06.52s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 71m 06.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 72m 13.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 72m 13.98s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 72m 13.98s: UILog:Run Work to end. 72m 14.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 72m 17.36s: Exit process: stop running. 72m 17.36s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 72m 17.39s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 72m 17.40s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/12 01:57:34) 0m 00.12s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.14s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.14s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.14s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.15s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.67s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.70s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.70s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.71s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.79s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.79s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.79s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.85s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.80s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.24s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 02.24s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.27s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.27s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 02.29s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.29s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.29s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.38s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9169 )( S:b63b64b8bdc72fc352c9fa1a701d81ff ) 0m 02.38s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.38s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.38s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.40s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.40s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.40s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.40s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.40s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.11s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.40s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.40s: Reg check: Parse string: ( BV:9170 )( S:070e4ee143fdbe996608c672e5700876 0m 03.41s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.41s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.07s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.08s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.08s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.08s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.36s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.36s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.36s: bd set region A 0m 04.36s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.60s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.61s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.62s: Show UI Step 2 0m 06.01s: Show UI Step 3 0m 06.01s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.02s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.79s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.90s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.90s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.38s: opening drive J 0m 21.77s: opening drive J 0m 21.77s: opened i/o 0m 21.78s: opened i/o 0m 21.79s: got media type 4 0m 21.80s: got media type 4 0m 21.89s: got max lba 3579888 0m 21.94s: got disc type 10 0m 22.00s: got max lba 3579888 0m 22.03s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 22.04s: got disc type 10 0m 22.04s: volume label X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST 0m 22.05s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 22.06s: volume label X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST 0m 22.06s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 22.07s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 22.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 22.08s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 22.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 22.10s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 22.12s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 22.13s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 22.13s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 22.16s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 22.16s: key method 0 0m 22.70s: got udf/iso 0m 24.31s: got discinfo 0m 24.33s: pathplayer enabled 0m 25.23s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_0 end_14252 sector_4349 count_4 0m 47.93s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_14253 end_28499 sector_14308 count_4 0m 48.04s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_28500 end_28615 sector_28500 count_7 0m 48.08s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_28616 end_28731 sector_28616 count_6 0m 48.43s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 start_28732 end_28847 sector_28732 count_15 0m 48.48s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_2 start_28848 end_28963 sector_28848 count_15 0m 48.55s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_3 start_28964 end_29080 sector_28964 count_15 0m 48.61s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_4 start_29081 end_29196 sector_29081 count_15 0m 48.66s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_5 start_29197 end_29312 sector_29197 count_15 0m 48.74s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_6 start_29313 end_29428 sector_29313 count_15 0m 48.79s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_7 start_29429 end_29544 sector_29429 count_15 0m 48.84s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_8 start_29545 end_29660 sector_29545 count_15 0m 48.91s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_9 start_29661 end_29776 sector_29661 count_15 0m 48.96s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_10 start_29777 end_29892 sector_29777 count_15 0m 48.98s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_29893 end_30008 sector_29893 count_7 0m 49.38s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_30009 end_30125 sector_30009 count_5 0m 49.42s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 start_30126 end_30241 sector_30126 count_3 0m 49.99s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_1345 end_1404 sector_1345 count_2 0m 50.04s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 start_1405 end_1477 sector_1405 count_3 0m 50.07s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_3 start_1478 end_1555 sector_1478 count_3 0m 50.10s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_4 start_1556 end_1635 sector_1556 count_3 0m 50.13s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_5 start_1636 end_1723 sector_1636 count_3 0m 50.16s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_6 start_1724 end_1812 sector_1724 count_3 0m 50.19s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_7 start_1813 end_1926 sector_1813 count_3 0m 50.24s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_8 start_1927 end_2013 sector_1927 count_3 0m 50.27s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_9 start_2014 end_2103 sector_2014 count_3 0m 50.30s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_10 start_2104 end_2216 sector_2104 count_3 0m 50.35s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_11 start_2217 end_2330 sector_2217 count_3 0m 50.39s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_12 start_2331 end_2444 sector_2331 count_3 0m 50.43s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_13 start_2445 end_2551 sector_2445 count_3 0m 50.58s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_30242 end_30357 sector_30242 count_3 0m 51.09s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_3608 end_3699 sector_3608 count_2 0m 51.13s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_2 start_3700 end_3795 sector_3700 count_3 0m 51.17s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_3 start_3796 end_3893 sector_3796 count_3 0m 51.20s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_4 start_3894 end_3984 sector_3894 count_3 0m 51.24s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_5 start_3985 end_4076 sector_3985 count_3 0m 51.27s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_6 start_4077 end_4167 sector_4077 count_3 0m 51.31s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_7 start_4168 end_4260 sector_4168 count_3 0m 51.34s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_8 start_4261 end_4351 sector_4261 count_3 0m 51.38s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_9 start_4352 end_4441 sector_4352 count_3 0m 51.41s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_10 start_4442 end_4520 sector_4442 count_3 0m 51.54s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_30358 end_30473 sector_30358 count_3 0m 51.88s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_5359 end_5472 sector_5359 count_2 0m 51.92s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_2 start_5473 end_5586 sector_5473 count_3 0m 51.96s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_3 start_5587 end_5699 sector_5587 count_3 0m 52.00s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_4 start_5700 end_5799 sector_5700 count_3 0m 52.04s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_5 start_5800 end_5899 sector_5800 count_3 0m 52.07s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_6 start_5900 end_5982 sector_5900 count_3 0m 52.11s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_7 start_5983 end_6074 sector_5983 count_3 0m 52.27s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_30474 end_30589 sector_30474 count_6 0m 56.34s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_30590 end_30705 sector_30590 count_13 1m 08.17s: got dvdinfo 1m 08.18s: opened dvd 1m 08.24s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 09.13s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 28.57s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 28.57s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 28.58s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 28.58s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 28.59s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 28.59s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 28.60s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 28.62s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 28.63s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 28.68s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 28.73s: DVD Copy 1m 28.74s: Source: J:/ 1m 28.74s: SourceSize: 6990 MB 1m 28.74s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 9m 50.41s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 9m 51.39s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 9m 51.40s: UILog:Run Work to end. 9m 51.40s: connect 0 : start. 9m 51.71s: connect 0 : 1:1 9m 52.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 10m 28.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 10m 35.36s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 35.36s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 35.36s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 35.37s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 35.37s: Source manager: add source id 1. 10m 35.40s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 10m 35.41s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 10m 35.41s: pathplayer enabled 10m 35.48s: Source manager: open successful. 10m 35.49s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 10m 35.81s: Source manager: select video files for open. 10m 35.82s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 10m 35.97s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 11m 04.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 11m 04.97s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 11m 04.97s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 11m 04.98s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 11m 04.98s: UILog:Run current Work. 11m 04.98s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 11m 05.01s: UILog:start running at thread. 11m 05.01s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 11m 05.67s: opening drive J 11m 05.70s: opened i/o 11m 05.71s: got media type 12 11m 05.72s: got max lba 0 11m 05.72s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 11m 09.68s: Burn data size is: 4290 11m 09.68s: Burn disc space is: 4482 11m 10.19s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 10.21s: DVD Copy 11m 10.21s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST/ 11m 10.21s: SourceSize: 4290 MB 11m 10.21s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 11m 42.05s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 42.22s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST\ with VSO 26m 33.25s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 26m 34.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 26m 34.31s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 26m 34.33s: connect 0 : start. 26m 34.65s: connect 0 : 1:1 27m 11.36s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 27m 11.36s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 27m 55.02s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 27m 55.02s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 27m 55.03s: UILog:Run Work to end. 27m 55.82s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 28m 05.62s: Exit process: stop running. 28m 05.62s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 28m 05.65s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 28m 05.66s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/12 02:31:09) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.04s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.21s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.21s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.21s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.31s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.32s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.32s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.37s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.00s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.21s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.22s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.22s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.22s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.22s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.22s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.22s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 13.251.9001.1001 : 0m 01.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9170 )( S:070e4ee143fdbe996608c672e5700876 ) 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.33s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.33s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.35s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.41s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.41s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.02s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.32s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:922bcee40780f05714b92a4375f60402 0m 02.33s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.80s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.80s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.80s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.81s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.91s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.91s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.91s: bd set region A 0m 02.91s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.92s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.92s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.92s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.92s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.21s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.23s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.23s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.64s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.64s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.64s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.36s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.45s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.45s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.04s: opening drive J 0m 09.06s: opened i/o 0m 09.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 26.31s: allow_test : false 13m 24.74s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 13m 24.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 13m 32.77s: opening drive J 13m 34.47s: opened i/o 13m 34.48s: got media type 4 13m 34.59s: got max lba 3579888 13m 34.59s: got disc type 10 13m 34.64s: type DVD-VIDEO 13m 34.64s: volume label X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST 13m 34.65s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 13m 34.66s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 13m 34.66s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 13m 34.67s: Source manager: add source id 0. 13m 34.68s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 13m 34.69s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 13m 34.69s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 13m 34.71s: got copyright 1 fe 13m 34.71s: key method 0 13m 35.22s: got udf/iso 13m 36.84s: got discinfo 13m 36.86s: pathplayer enabled 13m 37.72s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_0 end_14252 sector_4349 count_4 14m 00.76s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_14253 end_28499 sector_14308 count_4 14m 00.85s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_28500 end_28615 sector_28500 count_7 14m 00.89s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_28616 end_28731 sector_28616 count_6 14m 01.20s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 start_28732 end_28847 sector_28732 count_15 14m 01.23s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_2 start_28848 end_28963 sector_28848 count_15 14m 01.27s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_3 start_28964 end_29080 sector_28964 count_15 14m 01.31s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_4 start_29081 end_29196 sector_29081 count_15 14m 01.35s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_5 start_29197 end_29312 sector_29197 count_15 14m 01.39s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_6 start_29313 end_29428 sector_29313 count_15 14m 01.45s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_7 start_29429 end_29544 sector_29429 count_15 14m 01.52s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_8 start_29545 end_29660 sector_29545 count_15 14m 01.58s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_9 start_29661 end_29776 sector_29661 count_15 14m 01.64s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_10 start_29777 end_29892 sector_29777 count_15 14m 01.67s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_29893 end_30008 sector_29893 count_7 14m 02.03s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_30009 end_30125 sector_30009 count_5 14m 02.07s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 start_30126 end_30241 sector_30126 count_3 14m 02.64s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_1345 end_1404 sector_1345 count_2 14m 02.67s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 start_1405 end_1477 sector_1405 count_3 14m 02.70s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_3 start_1478 end_1555 sector_1478 count_3 14m 02.73s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_4 start_1556 end_1635 sector_1556 count_3 14m 02.76s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_5 start_1636 end_1723 sector_1636 count_3 14m 02.79s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_6 start_1724 end_1812 sector_1724 count_3 14m 02.83s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_7 start_1813 end_1926 sector_1813 count_3 14m 02.87s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_8 start_1927 end_2013 sector_1927 count_3 14m 02.91s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_9 start_2014 end_2103 sector_2014 count_3 14m 02.94s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_10 start_2104 end_2216 sector_2104 count_3 14m 02.97s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_11 start_2217 end_2330 sector_2217 count_3 14m 03.01s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_12 start_2331 end_2444 sector_2331 count_3 14m 03.06s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_13 start_2445 end_2551 sector_2445 count_3 14m 03.21s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_30242 end_30357 sector_30242 count_3 14m 03.72s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_3608 end_3699 sector_3608 count_2 14m 03.76s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_2 start_3700 end_3795 sector_3700 count_3 14m 03.79s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_3 start_3796 end_3893 sector_3796 count_3 14m 03.84s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_4 start_3894 end_3984 sector_3894 count_3 14m 03.88s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_5 start_3985 end_4076 sector_3985 count_3 14m 03.91s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_6 start_4077 end_4167 sector_4077 count_3 14m 03.95s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_7 start_4168 end_4260 sector_4168 count_3 14m 03.99s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_8 start_4261 end_4351 sector_4261 count_3 14m 04.02s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_9 start_4352 end_4441 sector_4352 count_3 14m 04.05s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_10 start_4442 end_4520 sector_4442 count_3 14m 04.18s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_30358 end_30473 sector_30358 count_3 14m 04.53s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_5359 end_5472 sector_5359 count_2 14m 04.58s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_2 start_5473 end_5586 sector_5473 count_3 14m 04.62s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_3 start_5587 end_5699 sector_5587 count_3 14m 04.66s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_4 start_5700 end_5799 sector_5700 count_3 14m 04.70s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_5 start_5800 end_5899 sector_5800 count_3 14m 04.74s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_6 start_5900 end_5982 sector_5900 count_3 14m 04.77s: button: vts_8 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_7 start_5983 end_6074 sector_5983 count_3 14m 04.90s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_30474 end_30589 sector_30474 count_6 14m 08.97s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_30590 end_30705 sector_30590 count_13 14m 20.81s: got dvdinfo 14m 20.82s: opened dvd 14m 20.86s: Source manager: open successful. 14m 21.77s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 15m 25.17s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 15m 25.18s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 15m 25.18s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 15m 25.19s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 15m 25.20s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 15m 25.20s: UILog:Run current Work. 15m 25.20s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 15m 25.21s: UILog:start running at thread. 15m 25.21s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 15m 25.27s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 15m 25.33s: DVD Copy 15m 25.33s: Source: J:/ 15m 25.33s: SourceSize: 6990 MB 15m 25.33s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 23m 44.78s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 23m 44.79s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 23m 44.81s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 28m 38.61s: opening drive J 28m 40.77s: opened i/o 28m 40.78s: got media type 12 28m 40.80s: got max lba 0 28m 40.81s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 28m 41.08s: Burn data size is: 4300 28m 41.08s: Burn disc space is: 4482 28m 41.51s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\X_MEN_DAYS_OF_FUTURE_PAST\ with VSO 43m 36.30s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 43m 37.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 43m 37.41s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 43m 37.42s: connect 0 : start. 43m 37.75s: connect 0 : 1:1 649m 19.97s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 649m 19.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 665m 05.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 665m 05.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 665m 05.98s: UILog:Run Work to end. 665m 06.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 665m 19.19s: Exit process: stop running. 665m 19.19s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 665m 19.25s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 665m 19.26s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 14:49:52) 0m 00.07s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.09s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.09s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.57s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.60s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.60s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.62s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.70s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.71s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.71s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.76s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.71s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.07s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 02.07s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.09s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.09s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.10s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.10s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 02.12s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.12s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.12s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.20s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9170 )( S:922bcee40780f05714b92a4375f60402 ) 0m 02.21s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.21s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.21s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.21s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.21s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.21s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.23s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.28s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.28s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.04s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.42s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.42s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( OV:9171 )( S:1cf73ab06de363b69e4c8835b032f291 0m 03.43s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.43s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.99s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.99s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.99s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.99s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.28s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.28s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.28s: bd set region A 0m 04.28s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.29s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.29s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.29s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.29s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.49s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.50s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.50s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.89s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.89s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.89s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.53s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.64s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.64s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.25s: opening drive J 0m 10.27s: opened i/o 0m 10.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 10.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 23.75s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 23.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 35.80s: opening drive J 0m 39.04s: opened i/o 0m 39.06s: got media type 12 0m 39.17s: got max lba 2194303 0m 39.18s: got disc type 10 0m 39.24s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 39.25s: volume label CAPTAIN_AMERICA 0m 39.26s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 39.26s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 39.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 39.28s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 39.29s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 39.30s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 39.30s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 39.30s: got copyright 0 0 0m 39.82s: got udf/iso 0m 40.49s: got discinfo 0m 40.51s: pathplayer enabled 0m 58.90s: got dvdinfo 0m 58.90s: opened dvd 0m 58.98s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 59.55s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 07.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 07.98s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 07.98s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 07.98s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 07.99s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 08.00s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 08.00s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 08.00s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 08.01s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 08.06s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 08.08s: DVD Copy 1m 08.08s: Source: J:/ 1m 08.08s: SourceSize: 4284 MB 1m 08.09s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 6m 07.74s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 6m 08.71s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 6m 08.72s: UILog:Run Work to end. 6m 08.73s: connect 0 : start. 6m 09.04s: connect 0 : 1:1 6m 09.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 12m 29.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 12m 33.92s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 33.92s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 33.93s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 33.93s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 33.93s: Source manager: add source id 1. 12m 33.96s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 12m 33.97s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 12m 33.97s: pathplayer enabled 12m 34.03s: Source manager: open successful. 12m 34.04s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 12m 34.29s: Source manager: select video files for open. 12m 34.29s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 12m 34.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 12m 43.71s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 12m 43.72s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 12m 43.72s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 12m 43.73s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 12m 43.73s: UILog:Run current Work. 12m 43.73s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 12m 43.74s: UILog:start running at thread. 12m 43.74s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 12m 51.15s: opening drive J 12m 53.30s: opened i/o 12m 53.31s: got media type 12 12m 53.32s: got max lba 0 12m 53.33s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 12m 57.95s: Burn data size is: 4284 12m 57.95s: Burn disc space is: 4482 12m 58.16s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 12m 58.18s: DVD Copy 12m 58.18s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/CAPTAIN_AMERICA/ 12m 58.18s: SourceSize: 4284 MB 12m 58.19s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 13m 34.35s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 13m 34.54s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\CAPTAIN_AMERICA\ with VSO 28m 24.81s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 28m 25.84s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 25.86s: connect 0 : start. 28m 26.19s: connect 0 : 1:1 28m 26.62s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 34m 33.01s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 34m 33.01s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 34m 33.01s: UILog:Run Work to end. 34m 33.87s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 34m 43.92s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 34m 43.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 34m 55.97s: opening drive J 34m 59.17s: opened i/o 34m 59.18s: got media type 12 34m 59.31s: got max lba 2195167 34m 59.32s: got disc type 10 34m 59.39s: type DVD-VIDEO 34m 59.39s: volume label THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE 34m 59.40s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 34m 59.41s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 34m 59.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 34m 59.42s: Source manager: add source id 2. 34m 59.46s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 34m 59.47s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 34m 59.47s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 34m 59.48s: got copyright 0 0 35m 00.03s: got udf/iso 35m 00.69s: got discinfo 35m 00.70s: pathplayer enabled 35m 12.77s: got dvdinfo 35m 12.77s: opened dvd 35m 12.86s: Source manager: open successful. 35m 13.52s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 35m 23.48s: Exit process: stop running. 35m 23.48s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 35m 23.51s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 35m 23.51s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 15:25:22) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.04s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.21s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.21s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.21s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.23s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.31s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.32s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.32s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.35s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.03s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.16s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.17s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.20s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.22s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.22s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:1cf73ab06de363b69e4c8835b032f291 ) 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.36s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.38s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.92s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:eb0b023c9d4458e4d23fd6f31ac3f48c 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.66s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.66s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.74s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.74s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.74s: bd set region A 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.75s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.75s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.75s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.75s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.94s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.95s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.95s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.34s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.35s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.35s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.79s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.87s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.88s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.88s: opening drive J 0m 05.89s: opened i/o 0m 05.89s: got media type 12 0m 06.17s: got max lba 2195167 0m 06.18s: got disc type 10 0m 06.23s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 06.23s: volume label THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE 0m 06.24s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 06.24s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 08.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.37s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 08.38s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 08.39s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 08.39s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 08.39s: got copyright 0 0 0m 08.96s: got udf/iso 0m 09.62s: got discinfo 0m 09.63s: pathplayer enabled 0m 21.70s: got dvdinfo 0m 21.70s: opened dvd 0m 21.79s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 22.46s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 22.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 5m 48.92s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 5m 48.92s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 5m 48.92s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 5m 48.93s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 5m 48.94s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 5m 48.94s: UILog:Run current Work. 5m 48.94s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 5m 48.95s: UILog:start running at thread. 5m 48.95s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 5m 49.00s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 5m 49.01s: DVD Copy 5m 49.01s: Source: J:/ 5m 49.02s: SourceSize: 4286 MB 5m 49.02s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 11m 05.17s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 11m 06.15s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 11m 06.16s: UILog:Run Work to end. 11m 06.17s: connect 0 : start. 11m 06.50s: connect 0 : 1:1 11m 06.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 12m 17.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 12m 21.59s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 21.60s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 21.60s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 21.60s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 21.61s: Source manager: add source id 1. 12m 21.63s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 12m 21.64s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 12m 21.64s: pathplayer enabled 12m 21.70s: Source manager: open successful. 12m 21.71s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 12m 30.11s: opening drive J 12m 32.28s: opened i/o 12m 32.29s: got media type 12 12m 32.30s: got max lba 0 12m 32.30s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 12m 32.42s: Source manager: select video files for open. 12m 32.42s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 12m 32.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 12m 38.40s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 12m 38.40s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 12m 38.41s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 12m 38.42s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 12m 38.42s: UILog:Run current Work. 12m 38.42s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 12m 38.43s: UILog:start running at thread. 12m 38.44s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 12m 42.64s: Burn data size is: 4286 12m 42.65s: Burn disc space is: 4482 12m 43.00s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 12m 43.02s: DVD Copy 12m 43.02s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE/ 12m 43.02s: SourceSize: 4286 MB 12m 43.02s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 13m 15.87s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 13m 16.01s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\THE_HUNGER_GAMES_CATCHING_FIRE\ with VSO 28m 06.71s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 28m 07.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 28m 07.77s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 07.78s: connect 0 : start. 28m 08.11s: connect 0 : 1:1 28m 20.32s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 28m 20.33s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 20.33s: UILog:Run Work to end. 28m 21.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 28m 26.78s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 28m 26.78s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 28m 36.81s: opening drive J 28m 39.98s: opened i/o 28m 39.99s: got media type 12 28m 40.12s: got max lba 2193407 28m 40.13s: got disc type 10 28m 40.19s: type DVD-VIDEO 28m 40.20s: volume label EDGE_OF_TOMORROW 28m 40.21s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 28m 40.21s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 28m 40.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 28m 40.42s: Source manager: add source id 2. 28m 40.45s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 28m 40.45s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 28m 40.46s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 28m 40.46s: got copyright 0 0 28m 41.00s: got udf/iso 28m 41.66s: got discinfo 28m 41.67s: pathplayer enabled 28m 46.16s: got dvdinfo 28m 46.16s: opened dvd 28m 46.46s: Source manager: open successful. 28m 47.24s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 29m 04.29s: Exit process: stop running. 29m 04.29s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 29m 04.32s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 29m 04.33s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 15:54:32) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.04s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.21s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.21s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.21s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.24s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.31s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.32s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.32s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.35s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.00s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.16s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.17s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.21s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.21s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.22s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.22s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.22s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.22s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:eb0b023c9d4458e4d23fd6f31ac3f48c ) 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.32s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.32s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.32s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.38s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.38s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.92s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:7fa9712d248ee2ffd74a35dec2711e84 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.65s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.65s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.73s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.73s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.73s: bd set region A 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.75s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.93s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.94s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.95s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.33s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.34s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.34s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.78s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.86s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.87s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.87s: opening drive J 0m 05.88s: opened i/o 0m 05.88s: got media type 12 0m 06.17s: got max lba 2193407 0m 06.17s: got disc type 10 0m 06.23s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 06.23s: volume label EDGE_OF_TOMORROW 0m 06.24s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 06.24s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 08.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.35s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 08.36s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 08.36s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 08.37s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 08.37s: got copyright 0 0 0m 08.94s: got udf/iso 0m 09.58s: got discinfo 0m 09.60s: pathplayer enabled 0m 14.06s: got dvdinfo 0m 14.07s: opened dvd 0m 14.10s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 15.00s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 15.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 4m 34.25s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 4m 34.25s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 4m 34.26s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 4m 34.26s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 4m 34.27s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 4m 34.27s: UILog:Run current Work. 4m 34.27s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 4m 34.28s: UILog:start running at thread. 4m 34.28s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 4m 34.32s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 4m 34.34s: DVD Copy 4m 34.34s: Source: J:/ 4m 34.34s: SourceSize: 4282 MB 4m 34.34s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 9m 38.92s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 9m 39.90s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 9m 39.91s: UILog:Run Work to end. 9m 39.92s: connect 0 : start. 9m 40.22s: connect 0 : 1:1 9m 40.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 9m 53.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 10m 02.30s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 02.30s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 02.31s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 10m 02.31s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/VIDEO_TS/ 10m 02.31s: Source manager: add source id 1. 10m 02.36s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 10m 02.36s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 10m 02.37s: pathplayer enabled 10m 02.41s: Source manager: open successful. 10m 02.42s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 10m 02.66s: Source manager: select video files for open. 10m 02.66s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 10m 02.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 10m 12.39s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 10m 12.39s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 10m 12.40s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 10m 12.40s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 10m 12.41s: UILog:Run current Work. 10m 12.41s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 10m 12.41s: UILog:start running at thread. 10m 12.42s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 10m 27.37s: opening drive J 10m 29.53s: opened i/o 10m 29.54s: got media type 12 10m 29.55s: got max lba 0 10m 29.55s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 10m 34.07s: Burn data size is: 4282 10m 34.07s: Burn disc space is: 4482 10m 34.38s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 10m 34.39s: DVD Copy 10m 34.40s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/EDGE_OF_TOMORROW/ 10m 34.40s: SourceSize: 4282 MB 10m 34.40s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 11m 08.64s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 08.78s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\EDGE_OF_TOMORROW\ with VSO 25m 59.61s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 26m 00.66s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 26m 00.68s: connect 0 : start. 26m 01.00s: connect 0 : 1:1 26m 01.42s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 27m 03.00s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 27m 03.00s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 27m 03.01s: UILog:Run Work to end. 27m 03.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 27m 07.89s: Exit process: stop running. 27m 07.89s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 27m 07.93s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 27m 07.94s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 16:21:42) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-9-13 0m 00.03s: App info: 9168 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.20s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.29s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.31s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.00s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.17s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 01.17s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.19s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.22s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.22s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.22s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:7fa9712d248ee2ffd74a35dec2711e84 ) 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.36s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.37s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.91s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:f5dcec843425413b4df52295cb38542d 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.65s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.66s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.80s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.80s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.80s: bd set region A 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.00s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.01s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.02s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.40s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.40s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.41s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.85s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.92s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.93s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.41s: opening drive J 0m 08.43s: opened i/o 0m 08.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 26.04s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 26.05s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 42.10s: opening drive J 0m 50.21s: opened i/o 0m 50.22s: got media type 14 0m 50.36s: got max lba 3984095 0m 50.36s: got disc type 10 0m 50.45s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 50.46s: volume label TRANSFORMERS_3 0m 50.46s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 50.47s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 50.47s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 50.48s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 50.50s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 50.51s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 50.51s: opening drive J 0m 50.52s: opened i/o 0m 50.64s: got max lba 3984095 0m 50.65s: got disc type 10 0m 50.69s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 50.70s: got copyright 0 0 0m 51.27s: got udf/iso 0m 53.66s: got discinfo 0m 53.68s: pathplayer enabled 1m 11.14s: button: vts_2 menu_0 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_15 sector_0 count_3 1m 11.94s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_0 end_10347 sector_4712 count_3 1m 34.08s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_10348 end_17533 sector_10469 count_3 1m 34.24s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_18300 end_19049 sector_18418 count_11 1m 34.74s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_17534 end_17649 sector_17534 count_15 1m 34.84s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_2 start_17650 end_17766 sector_17650 count_15 1m 34.92s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_3 start_17767 end_17882 sector_17767 count_15 1m 34.99s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_4 start_17883 end_17998 sector_17883 count_15 1m 35.04s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_5 start_17999 end_18115 sector_17999 count_15 1m 35.12s: button: vts_12 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_6 start_18116 end_18231 sector_18116 count_15 1m 37.51s: got dvdinfo 1m 37.51s: opened dvd 1m 37.60s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 38.64s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 44.56s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 44.56s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 44.57s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 44.57s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 44.58s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 44.59s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 44.59s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 44.59s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 44.60s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 44.65s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 44.75s: DVD Copy 1m 44.76s: Source: J:/ 1m 44.76s: SourceSize: 7778 MB 1m 44.76s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 3m 31.42s: read error: 3 20879 3973822 70242 0 12 20879 5m 20.95s: read error: 3 20879 3973822 79522 0 12 20879 6m 53.61s: read error: 3 20879 3973822 79522 0 12 20879 7m 58.14s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 7m 59.15s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2 7m 59.16s: UILog:Run Work to end. 7m 59.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 18m 56.36s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 19m 34.66s: opening drive J 19m 34.67s: opened i/o 19m 34.68s: got media type 12 19m 34.98s: got max lba 2196831 19m 35.00s: got disc type 10 19m 35.06s: type DVD-VIDEO 19m 35.07s: volume label TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION 19m 35.07s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 19m 35.08s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 19m 35.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 19m 35.08s: Source manager: add source id 1. 19m 35.10s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 19m 35.10s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 19m 35.10s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 19m 35.11s: got copyright 0 0 19m 35.64s: got udf/iso 19m 36.29s: got discinfo 19m 36.30s: pathplayer enabled 19m 51.26s: got dvdinfo 19m 51.27s: opened dvd 19m 51.35s: Source manager: open successful. 19m 51.84s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 21m 55.90s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 21m 55.91s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 21m 55.91s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 21m 55.92s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 21m 55.92s: UILog:Run current Work. 21m 55.93s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 21m 55.93s: UILog:start running at thread. 21m 55.94s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 21m 55.96s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 21m 55.98s: DVD Copy 21m 55.98s: Source: J:/ 21m 55.99s: SourceSize: 4289 MB 21m 55.99s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 26m 57.13s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 26m 58.11s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 26m 58.12s: UILog:Run Work to end. 26m 58.13s: connect 0 : start. 26m 58.46s: connect 0 : 1:1 26m 58.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 27m 32.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 27m 58.40s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 27m 58.40s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ 27m 58.40s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 27m 58.41s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/VIDEO_TS/ 27m 58.41s: Source manager: add source id 2. 27m 58.43s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 27m 58.44s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 27m 58.44s: pathplayer enabled 27m 58.50s: Source manager: open successful. 27m 58.51s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 27m 58.74s: Source manager: select video files for open. 27m 58.74s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 2. 27m 58.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 28m 26.12s: opening drive J 28m 28.27s: opened i/o 28m 28.28s: got media type 12 28m 28.29s: got max lba 0 28m 28.30s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 31m 44.48s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 31m 44.49s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 31m 48.50s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 31m 48.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 31m 51.19s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 31m 51.19s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 31m 51.19s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 31m 51.20s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 31m 51.21s: UILog:Run current Work. 31m 51.21s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 31m 51.21s: UILog:start running at thread. 31m 51.22s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 31m 58.55s: opening drive J 32m 00.75s: opened i/o 32m 00.76s: got media type 12 32m 00.77s: got max lba 0 32m 00.77s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 32m 02.75s: Burn data size is: 4289 32m 02.75s: Burn disc space is: 4482 32m 03.14s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 32m 03.16s: DVD Copy 32m 03.16s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION/ 32m 03.16s: SourceSize: 4289 MB 32m 03.16s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 32m 31.92s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 32m 32.11s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\TRANSFORMERS_AGE_OF_EXTINCTION\ with VSO 47m 23.36s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 47m 24.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 47m 24.42s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 47m 24.43s: connect 0 : start. 47m 24.76s: connect 0 : 1:1 71m 44.84s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 71m 44.87s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 71m 44.87s: UILog:Run Work to end. 71m 45.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 72m 07.44s: allow_test : false 72m 13.50s: Exit process: stop running. 72m 13.51s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 72m 13.56s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 72m 13.56s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.09s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 17:35:12) 0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.10s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.25s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.25s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.26s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.26s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.28s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.28s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.28s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.29s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.29s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.53s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9 US/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.54s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.01s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 17:35:54) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.03s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.20s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.29s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.31s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.35s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.00s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.07s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.09s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.11s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.11s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.11s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.12s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.12s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.12s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.12s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.14s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.22s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.22s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.22s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.22s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.23s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.23s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.07s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:c260e720451fec3d2371a4cbb5b42947 0m 02.25s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.26s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.26s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.28s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.28s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.36s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.37s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.83s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.57s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.58s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.73s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.73s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.73s: bd set region A 0m 03.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 03.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 03.74s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.75s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.75s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.63s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.64s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.64s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.03s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.03s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.04s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.48s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.56s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.57s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.01s: opening drive J 0m 09.03s: opened i/o 0m 09.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 38.88s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 1m 38.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 44.91s: opening drive J 1m 46.62s: opened i/o 1m 46.63s: got media type 4 1m 46.74s: got max lba 3399508 1m 46.74s: got disc type 10 1m 46.79s: type DVD-VIDEO 1m 46.79s: volume label BLENDED 1m 46.80s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 1m 46.81s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 1m 46.81s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 46.82s: Source manager: add source id 0. 1m 46.83s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 1m 46.84s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 1m 46.84s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 46.86s: got copyright 1 f6 1m 46.87s: key method 0 1m 47.42s: got udf/iso 1m 48.40s: got discinfo 1m 48.42s: pathplayer enabled 1m 52.27s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2137 sector_60 count_4 1m 56.26s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_2308 end_2363 sector_2308 count_6 2m 00.13s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_2138 end_2195 sector_2138 count_8 2m 00.19s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_2196 end_2253 sector_2196 count_8 2m 00.25s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2254 end_2307 sector_2254 count_8 2m 05.75s: got dvdinfo 2m 05.75s: opened dvd 2m 05.83s: Source manager: open successful. 2m 06.96s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 30.17s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 30.18s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 30.18s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 30.19s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 30.19s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 30.20s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 30.20s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 30.20s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 30.21s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 30.25s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 30.28s: DVD Copy 2m 30.28s: Source: J:/ 2m 30.29s: SourceSize: 6638 MB 2m 30.29s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 10m 48.48s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 10m 49.45s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 10m 49.46s: UILog:Run Work to end. 10m 49.47s: connect 0 : start. 10m 49.77s: connect 0 : 1:1 10m 50.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 16m 10.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 16m 15.31s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 16m 15.31s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 16m 15.31s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 16m 15.32s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 16m 15.32s: Source manager: add source id 1. 16m 15.35s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 16m 15.35s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 16m 15.36s: pathplayer enabled 16m 15.41s: Source manager: open successful. 16m 15.43s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 16m 15.68s: Source manager: select video files for open. 16m 15.69s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 16m 15.86s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 16m 37.83s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 16m 37.83s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 16m 37.83s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 16m 37.84s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 16m 37.84s: UILog:Run current Work. 16m 37.85s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 16m 37.87s: UILog:start running at thread. 16m 37.88s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 16m 51.23s: opening drive J 16m 53.38s: opened i/o 16m 53.39s: got media type 12 16m 53.40s: got max lba 0 16m 53.41s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 16m 58.08s: Burn data size is: 4280 16m 58.08s: Burn disc space is: 4482 16m 58.25s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 16m 58.26s: DVD Copy 16m 58.27s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/ 16m 58.27s: SourceSize: 4280 MB 16m 58.27s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 17m 25.80s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 17m 25.91s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\BLENDED\ with VSO 32m 14.07s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 32m 15.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 32m 15.13s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 32m 15.14s: connect 0 : start. 32m 15.54s: connect 0 : 1:1 40m 43.66s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 40m 43.66s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 40m 43.67s: UILog:Run Work to end. 40m 44.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 40m 53.52s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 40m 53.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 41m 05.57s: opening drive J 41m 07.73s: opened i/o 41m 07.74s: got media type 12 41m 07.75s: got max lba 0 41m 07.75s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 41m 15.56s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 41m 15.57s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 41m 15.57s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 41m 15.77s: Source manager: select video files for open. 41m 15.77s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 41m 15.85s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 41m 21.82s: Exit process: stop running. 41m 21.83s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 41m 21.86s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 41m 21.87s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 18:17:20) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.04s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.18s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.20s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.29s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.31s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.97s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.14s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.15s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.18s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.18s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.20s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.26s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:c260e720451fec3d2371a4cbb5b42947 ) 0m 01.28s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.28s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.28s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.28s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.28s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.36s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.36s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.89s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.26s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.27s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:2029a7cab871b18fd3c9dc8009efc431 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.62s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.63s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.63s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.63s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.72s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.72s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.73s: bd set region A 0m 02.73s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.73s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.73s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.56s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.57s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.57s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.96s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.96s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.97s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.41s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.49s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.50s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.51s: opening drive J 0m 05.53s: opened i/o 0m 05.53s: got media type 12 0m 05.54s: got max lba 0 0m 05.54s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 0m 07.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 07.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 11.83s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 11.84s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 11.84s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 11.84s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 11.84s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 11.86s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 11.87s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 11.87s: pathplayer enabled 0m 11.92s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 12.03s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 12.27s: Source manager: select video files for open. 0m 12.28s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 0m 12.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 14.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 14.34s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 14.35s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 14.35s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 14.36s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 14.36s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 14.36s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 14.37s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 14.37s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 18.58s: Burn data size is: 4280 0m 18.58s: Burn disc space is: 4482 0m 18.96s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 18.97s: DVD Copy 0m 18.98s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/ 0m 18.98s: SourceSize: 4280 MB 0m 18.98s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 0m 46.58s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 46.60s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\BLENDED\ with VSO 15m 37.35s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 15m 38.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 15m 38.40s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 15m 38.42s: connect 0 : start. 15m 38.74s: connect 0 : 1:1 24m 30.84s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 24m 30.85s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 24m 35.31s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 24m 35.32s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 24m 35.32s: UILog:Run Work to end. 24m 36.95s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 24m 38.96s: Exit process: stop running. 24m 38.97s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 24m 39.00s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 24m 39.00s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 18:48:02) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.04s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.18s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.18s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.20s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.29s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.01s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.14s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.15s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.18s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.18s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.18s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.20s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.20s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.20s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:2029a7cab871b18fd3c9dc8009efc431 ) 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.94s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.32s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:c139ad60138a7c8c4687a386c3729b8e 0m 02.33s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.68s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.68s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.68s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.69s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.80s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.80s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.80s: bd set region A 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.65s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.66s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.66s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.05s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.05s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.05s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.49s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.57s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.58s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.05s: opening drive J 0m 08.08s: opened i/o 0m 08.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 17.68s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 17.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 23.70s: opening drive J 0m 25.41s: opened i/o 0m 25.42s: got media type 4 0m 25.51s: got max lba 4049199 0m 25.55s: got disc type 10 0m 25.64s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 25.65s: volume label LTE0NNW1 0m 25.65s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 25.66s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 25.66s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 25.66s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 25.68s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 25.69s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 25.69s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 25.70s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 25.71s: key method 0 0m 26.34s: got udf/iso 0m 28.36s: got discinfo 0m 28.39s: pathplayer enabled 0m 45.79s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_3 start_11351 end_20094 sector_11513 count_7 0m 46.03s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_2 start_31407 end_33558 sector_31574 count_7 0m 48.10s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_33609 end_33662 sector_33609 count_7 0m 48.16s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_33663 end_33715 sector_33663 count_7 1m 02.77s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_24264 end_24763 sector_24330 count_15 1m 02.86s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_21832 end_22318 sector_21885 count_3 1m 03.45s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_2 start_24764 end_25261 sector_24828 count_15 1m 03.75s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_3 start_25262 end_25761 sector_25328 count_15 1m 04.02s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_4 start_25762 end_26259 sector_25826 count_15 1m 04.30s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_5 start_26260 end_26755 sector_26322 count_15 1m 04.58s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_6 start_26756 end_27246 sector_26813 count_15 1m 05.24s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_22319 end_22801 sector_22368 count_4 1m 05.35s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_29 cell_1 start_22802 end_23286 sector_22853 count_5 1m 05.59s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_23287 end_23769 sector_23336 count_3 1m 05.95s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_23770 end_24263 sector_23830 count_1 1m 12.24s: got dvdinfo 1m 12.25s: opened dvd 1m 12.31s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 13.34s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 06.48s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 06.49s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 06.49s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 06.49s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 06.50s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 06.50s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 06.51s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 06.51s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 06.52s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 06.57s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 06.65s: DVD Copy 2m 06.65s: Source: J:/ 2m 06.65s: SourceSize: 7827 MB 2m 06.65s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 7m 43.30s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 7m 44.27s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 7m 44.28s: UILog:Run Work to end. 7m 44.29s: connect 0 : start. 7m 44.62s: connect 0 : 1:1 7m 45.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 8m 01.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 8m 08.72s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/LTE0NNW1/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 8m 08.73s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/LTE0NNW1/VIDEO_TS/ 8m 08.73s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/LTE0NNW1/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 8m 08.73s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/LTE0NNW1/VIDEO_TS/ 8m 08.74s: Source manager: add source id 1. 8m 08.76s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 8m 08.77s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 8m 08.77s: pathplayer enabled 8m 08.83s: Source manager: open successful. 8m 08.84s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 8m 09.06s: Source manager: select video files for open. 8m 09.06s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 8m 09.24s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 8m 26.64s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 8m 26.64s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 8m 26.64s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 8m 26.65s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 8m 26.66s: UILog:Run current Work. 8m 26.66s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 8m 26.66s: UILog:start running at thread. 8m 26.67s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 8m 41.89s: opening drive J 8m 44.03s: opened i/o 8m 44.04s: got media type 12 8m 44.06s: got max lba 0 8m 44.06s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 8m 48.57s: Burn data size is: 3215 8m 48.58s: Burn disc space is: 4482 8m 48.92s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 8m 48.93s: DVD Copy 8m 48.93s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/LTE0NNW1/ 8m 48.94s: SourceSize: 3215 MB 8m 48.94s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 9m 05.10s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 9m 05.25s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\LTE0NNW1\ with VSO 20m 32.06s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 20m 33.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 20m 33.12s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 20m 33.13s: connect 0 : start. 20m 33.45s: connect 0 : 1:1 30m 07.78s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 30m 07.79s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 30m 07.79s: UILog:Run Work to end. 30m 08.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 30m 11.73s: Exit process: stop running. 30m 11.74s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 30m 11.76s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 30m 11.76s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 19:19:27) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.03s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.20s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.29s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.03s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.20s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.21s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.23s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.23s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.23s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.23s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:c139ad60138a7c8c4687a386c3729b8e ) 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.34s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.35s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.42s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.42s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.96s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.30s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:afc6a9fc46bd7919eaa244e554085217 0m 02.31s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.69s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.69s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.70s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.70s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.84s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.84s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.85s: bd set region A 0m 02.85s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.85s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.85s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.86s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.86s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.69s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.70s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.70s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.08s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.09s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.09s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.53s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.61s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.61s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.10s: opening drive J 0m 08.12s: opened i/o 0m 08.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.68s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 09.69s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 21.73s: opening drive J 0m 24.78s: opened i/o 0m 24.79s: got media type 12 0m 24.91s: got max lba 2161583 0m 24.92s: got disc type 10 0m 24.98s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 24.99s: volume label RIO_2 0m 25.00s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 25.00s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 25.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 25.01s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 25.03s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 25.03s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 25.03s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 25.04s: got copyright 0 0 0m 25.68s: got udf/iso 0m 26.32s: got discinfo 0m 26.33s: pathplayer enabled 0m 48.69s: got dvdinfo 0m 48.70s: opened dvd 0m 48.78s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 49.92s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 04.11s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 04.11s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 04.11s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 04.12s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 04.13s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 04.13s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 04.13s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 04.13s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 04.14s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 04.19s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 04.21s: DVD Copy 1m 04.21s: Source: J:/ 1m 04.21s: SourceSize: 4220 MB 1m 04.22s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 6m 15.39s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 6m 16.37s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 6m 16.38s: UILog:Run Work to end. 6m 16.38s: connect 0 : start. 6m 16.71s: connect 0 : 1:1 6m 17.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 6m 29.83s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 6m 35.30s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 35.30s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO_2/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 35.30s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO_2/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 35.31s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO_2/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 35.31s: Source manager: add source id 1. 6m 35.36s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 6m 35.36s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 6m 35.37s: pathplayer enabled 6m 35.42s: Source manager: open successful. 6m 35.43s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 6m 35.65s: Source manager: select video files for open. 6m 35.65s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 6m 35.81s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 7m 02.14s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 7m 02.14s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 7m 02.15s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 7m 02.16s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 7m 02.16s: UILog:Run current Work. 7m 02.16s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 7m 02.17s: UILog:start running at thread. 7m 02.17s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 7m 18.10s: opening drive J 7m 20.25s: opened i/o 7m 20.26s: got media type 12 7m 20.27s: got max lba 0 7m 20.28s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 7m 24.80s: Burn data size is: 4220 7m 24.80s: Burn disc space is: 4482 7m 25.12s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 7m 25.13s: DVD Copy 7m 25.14s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO_2/ 7m 25.14s: SourceSize: 4220 MB 7m 25.14s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 8m 02.15s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 8m 02.27s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\RIO_2\ with VSO 22m 39.48s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 22m 40.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 22m 40.54s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 40.55s: connect 0 : start. 22m 42.19s: connect 0 : 1:1 42m 10.73s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 42m 10.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 42m 27.15s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 42m 27.15s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 42m 27.15s: UILog:Run Work to end. 42m 27.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 42m 31.44s: Exit process: stop running. 42m 31.44s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 42m 31.47s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 42m 31.48s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 20:14:08) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.03s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.18s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.18s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.18s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.29s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.29s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.98s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.12s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.13s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.15s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.15s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.15s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.17s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.17s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.17s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.18s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.25s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:afc6a9fc46bd7919eaa244e554085217 ) 0m 01.26s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.26s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.26s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.26s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.26s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.26s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.26s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.28s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.34s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.34s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.88s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:cd2d3ec4b3c00b22f942b9141829756e 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.62s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.63s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.63s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.63s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.78s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.78s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.79s: bd set region A 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.80s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.80s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.64s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.66s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.66s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.04s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.04s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.05s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.48s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.56s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.57s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.04s: opening drive J 0m 08.06s: opened i/o 0m 08.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.63s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 09.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 21.68s: opening drive J 0m 24.71s: opened i/o 0m 24.72s: got media type 12 0m 24.84s: got max lba 2202271 0m 24.85s: got disc type 10 0m 24.91s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 24.91s: volume label RIO 0m 24.92s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 24.93s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 24.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 24.94s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 24.97s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 24.98s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 24.98s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 24.99s: got copyright 0 0 0m 25.54s: got udf/iso 0m 26.87s: got discinfo 0m 26.88s: pathplayer enabled 0m 29.37s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_0 end_9443 sector_3260 count_5 0m 49.12s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_9444 end_18317 sector_9482 count_5 0m 49.24s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_18318 end_18391 sector_18318 count_9 0m 49.28s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_18392 end_18461 sector_18392 count_15 0m 49.33s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_18462 end_18530 sector_18462 count_15 0m 49.37s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_18531 end_18601 sector_18531 count_15 0m 49.41s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_18602 end_18671 sector_18602 count_15 0m 49.46s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_5 start_18672 end_18741 sector_18672 count_15 0m 49.56s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_6 start_18742 end_18812 sector_18742 count_15 0m 49.58s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_18813 end_18888 sector_18813 count_6 0m 50.93s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 start_18889 end_18959 sector_18889 count_8 0m 57.52s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_18960 end_19029 sector_18960 count_4 1m 01.42s: got dvdinfo 1m 01.43s: opened dvd 1m 01.51s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 02.41s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 7m 21.51s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 7m 21.52s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 7m 21.52s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 7m 21.52s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 7m 21.53s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 7m 21.53s: UILog:Run current Work. 7m 21.54s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 7m 21.54s: UILog:start running at thread. 7m 21.55s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 7m 21.60s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 7m 21.64s: DVD Copy 7m 21.64s: Source: J:/ 7m 21.64s: SourceSize: 4300 MB 7m 21.64s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 12m 01.01s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 12m 01.98s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 12m 01.99s: UILog:Run Work to end. 12m 02.00s: connect 0 : start. 12m 02.30s: connect 0 : 1:1 12m 02.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 12m 15.47s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 12m 21.34s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 21.34s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 21.34s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 12m 21.35s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO/VIDEO_TS/ 12m 21.35s: Source manager: add source id 1. 12m 21.38s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 12m 21.38s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 12m 21.39s: pathplayer enabled 12m 21.45s: Source manager: open successful. 12m 21.46s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 12m 21.70s: Source manager: select video files for open. 12m 21.70s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 12m 21.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 12m 38.26s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 12m 38.27s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 12m 38.27s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 12m 38.28s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 12m 38.28s: UILog:Run current Work. 12m 38.29s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 12m 38.29s: UILog:start running at thread. 12m 38.30s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 12m 43.50s: opening drive J 12m 45.69s: opened i/o 12m 45.70s: got media type 12 12m 45.71s: got max lba 0 12m 45.72s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 12m 50.23s: Burn data size is: 3663 12m 50.24s: Burn disc space is: 4482 12m 50.55s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 12m 50.57s: DVD Copy 12m 50.57s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/RIO/ 12m 50.57s: SourceSize: 3663 MB 12m 50.57s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 13m 16.23s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 13m 16.25s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\RIO\ with VSO 26m 06.95s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 26m 07.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 26m 08.01s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 26m 08.03s: connect 0 : start. 26m 08.36s: connect 0 : 1:1 43m 41.87s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 43m 41.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 61m 32.25s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 61m 32.25s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 61m 32.25s: UILog:Run Work to end. 61m 32.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 61m 34.76s: Exit process: stop running. 61m 34.77s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 61m 34.80s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 61m 34.80s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/25 22:02:59) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.04s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.23s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.26s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.26s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.28s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.37s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.37s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.37s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.42s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.28s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.36s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.38s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.39s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.39s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.39s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.39s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.39s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.41s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.41s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.42s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.42s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.52s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:cd2d3ec4b3c00b22f942b9141829756e ) 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.53s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.53s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.53s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.53s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.55s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.61s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.61s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.20s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.60s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.60s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:2566517b1bb5a765e4d280456c1bf0ae 0m 02.61s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.06s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.06s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.06s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.06s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.21s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.21s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.22s: bd set region A 0m 03.22s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 03.22s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 03.22s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.22s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.23s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.07s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.08s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.08s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.49s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.49s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.50s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.00s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.08s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.09s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.62s: opening drive J 0m 08.64s: opened i/o 0m 08.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 12.16s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 12.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 24.21s: opening drive J 0m 27.27s: opened i/o 0m 27.28s: got media type 12 0m 27.40s: got max lba 2199391 0m 27.41s: got disc type 10 0m 27.47s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 27.48s: volume label HOCUS_POCUS 0m 27.48s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 27.49s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 27.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 27.51s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 27.52s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 27.52s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 27.52s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 27.53s: got copyright 0 0 0m 28.05s: got udf/iso 0m 28.81s: got discinfo 0m 28.82s: pathplayer enabled 0m 29.77s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_481 sector_69 count_5 0m 37.53s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_482 end_554 sector_482 count_3 0m 37.64s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_630 end_701 sector_630 count_13 0m 37.67s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_702 end_773 sector_702 count_13 0m 37.71s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_774 end_844 sector_774 count_13 0m 37.74s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_845 end_916 sector_845 count_13 0m 37.82s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_555 end_629 sector_555 count_4 0m 38.43s: got dvdinfo 0m 38.44s: opened dvd 0m 38.52s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 39.29s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 48.20s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 48.20s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 48.21s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 48.21s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 48.22s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 48.22s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 48.22s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 48.23s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 48.23s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 48.29s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 48.31s: DVD Copy 0m 48.31s: Source: J:/ 0m 48.31s: SourceSize: 4294 MB 0m 48.31s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 5m 46.52s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 5m 47.50s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 5m 47.51s: UILog:Run Work to end. 5m 47.52s: connect 0 : start. 5m 47.83s: connect 0 : 1:1 5m 48.25s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 5m 55.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 5m 58.61s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/HOCUS_POCUS/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 5m 58.62s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/HOCUS_POCUS/VIDEO_TS/ 5m 58.62s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/HOCUS_POCUS/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 5m 58.62s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/HOCUS_POCUS/VIDEO_TS/ 5m 58.63s: Source manager: add source id 1. 5m 58.65s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 5m 58.66s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 5m 58.66s: pathplayer enabled 5m 58.71s: Source manager: open successful. 5m 58.72s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 5m 58.98s: Source manager: select video files for open. 5m 58.98s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 5m 59.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 6m 35.08s: opening drive J 6m 37.24s: opened i/o 6m 37.25s: got media type 12 6m 37.26s: got max lba 0 6m 37.26s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 6m 44.46s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 6m 44.47s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 6m 44.47s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 6m 44.48s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 6m 44.48s: UILog:Run current Work. 6m 44.48s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 6m 44.49s: UILog:start running at thread. 6m 44.49s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 6m 48.71s: Burn data size is: 4286 6m 48.71s: Burn disc space is: 4482 6m 49.06s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 6m 49.07s: DVD Copy 6m 49.07s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/HOCUS_POCUS/ 6m 49.07s: SourceSize: 4286 MB 6m 49.07s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 7m 22.74s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 7m 22.98s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\HOCUS_POCUS\ with VSO 22m 14.19s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 22m 15.24s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 15.25s: connect 0 : start. 22m 15.58s: connect 0 : 1:1 22m 16.00s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 24m 22.58s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 24m 22.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 24m 51.50s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 24m 51.50s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 24m 51.51s: UILog:Run Work to end. 24m 52.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 24m 54.77s: Exit process: stop running. 24m 54.77s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 24m 54.80s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 24m 54.81s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2014/10/26 17:10:21) 0m 00.07s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.09s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.09s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.56s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.59s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.59s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.62s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.68s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.70s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.70s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.76s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.63s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.21s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.21s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.22s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.22s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.22s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 02.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.25s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.25s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.33s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:2566517b1bb5a765e4d280456c1bf0ae ) 0m 02.35s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.35s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.35s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.36s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.36s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.36s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.36s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.36s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.44s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.44s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.03s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.39s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.40s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1bfa4f7281e338488488df2dca2f4b04 0m 03.41s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.41s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.94s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.94s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.94s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.95s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.20s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.21s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.21s: bd set region A 0m 04.21s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.06s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.07s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.07s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.46s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.46s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.46s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.12s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.25s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.26s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.74s: opening drive J 0m 09.76s: opened i/o 0m 09.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 11.32s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 11.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 17.35s: opening drive J 0m 19.13s: opened i/o 0m 19.14s: got media type 4 0m 19.27s: got max lba 3926224 0m 19.28s: got disc type 10 0m 19.33s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 19.33s: volume label THE_PURGE_ANARCHY 0m 19.34s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 19.35s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 19.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 19.36s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 19.37s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 19.37s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 19.38s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 19.41s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 19.41s: key method 0 0m 19.95s: got udf/iso 0m 21.42s: got discinfo 0m 21.44s: pathplayer enabled 0m 23.56s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_1077 end_1611 sector_1166 count_5 0m 34.89s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_544 end_1076 sector_631 count_2 0m 35.64s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_0 end_86 sector_0 count_12 0m 35.67s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_87 end_175 sector_87 count_12 0m 35.73s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_176 end_264 sector_176 count_12 0m 35.77s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_265 end_352 sector_265 count_12 0m 35.81s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_353 end_439 sector_353 count_12 0m 35.83s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_440 end_543 sector_440 count_5 0m 35.94s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1612 end_1847 sector_1714 count_6 0m 36.16s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_1891 end_1995 sector_1891 count_8 0m 43.07s: got dvdinfo 0m 43.07s: opened dvd 0m 43.14s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 44.11s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 5m 43.82s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 5m 43.82s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 5m 43.82s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 5m 43.83s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 5m 43.84s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 5m 43.84s: UILog:Run current Work. 5m 43.84s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 5m 43.85s: UILog:start running at thread. 5m 43.85s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 5m 43.91s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 5m 43.98s: DVD Copy 5m 43.98s: Source: J:/ 5m 43.98s: SourceSize: 7648 MB 5m 43.98s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 15m 20.26s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 15m 21.24s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 15m 21.25s: UILog:Run Work to end. 15m 21.25s: connect 0 : start. 15m 21.62s: connect 0 : 1:1 15m 22.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 18m 22.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 18m 26.49s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 18m 26.50s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/VIDEO_TS/ 18m 26.50s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 18m 26.50s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/VIDEO_TS/ 18m 26.51s: Source manager: add source id 1. 18m 26.53s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 18m 26.54s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 18m 26.54s: pathplayer enabled 18m 26.59s: Source manager: open successful. 18m 26.68s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 18m 26.94s: Source manager: select video files for open. 18m 26.94s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 18m 27.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 18m 39.43s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 18m 39.43s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 18m 39.43s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 18m 39.44s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 18m 39.44s: UILog:Run current Work. 18m 39.45s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 18m 39.45s: UILog:start running at thread. 18m 39.46s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 18m 57.06s: opening drive J 18m 59.20s: opened i/o 18m 59.21s: got media type 12 18m 59.22s: got max lba 0 18m 59.23s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 19m 03.74s: Burn data size is: 4285 19m 03.75s: Burn disc space is: 4482 19m 04.04s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 19m 04.05s: DVD Copy 19m 04.06s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/ 19m 04.06s: SourceSize: 4286 MB 19m 04.06s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 19m 36.81s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 19m 36.93s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\THE_PURGE_ANARCHY\ with VSO 34m 26.88s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 34m 27.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 34m 27.92s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 34m 27.94s: connect 0 : start. 34m 28.34s: connect 0 : 1:1 35m 24.13s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 35m 24.13s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 35m 24.13s: UILog:Run Work to end. 35m 24.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 47m 55.12s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 47m 55.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 66m 58.26s: Exit process: stop running. 66m 58.26s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 66m 58.31s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 66m 58.32s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2014/10/26 22:06:23) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.04s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.19s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.20s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.22s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.30s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.31s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.31s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.34s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.01s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.16s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.17s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.18s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.18s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.19s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.21s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.21s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.21s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:1bfa4f7281e338488488df2dca2f4b04 ) 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.93s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.31s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.31s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:07623ab08658b517e6df8a4146efe167 0m 02.32s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.67s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.68s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.80s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.81s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.81s: bd set region A 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.82s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.65s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.66s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.67s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.06s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.06s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.07s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.51s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.59s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.60s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.14s: opening drive J 0m 08.16s: opened i/o 0m 08.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 45.86s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 45.86s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 45.89s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 45.90s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2014/10/26 23:37:46) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.04s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.53s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.53s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.54s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.56s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.67s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.67s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.67s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.73s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.37s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.28s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.28s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 02.31s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.33s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.33s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.40s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:07623ab08658b517e6df8a4146efe167 ) 0m 02.40s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.42s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.42s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.42s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.42s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.42s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.42s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.42s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.50s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.50s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.15s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.42s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.42s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:e1c3d07ee002b4a40edaab82c84a0d71 0m 03.43s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.99s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.00s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.00s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.00s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.21s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.21s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.22s: bd set region A 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.23s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.23s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.07s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.08s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.08s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.47s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.48s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.48s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.17s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.32s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.32s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.98s: opening drive J 0m 10.00s: opened i/o 0m 10.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 10.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 35.50s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 35.51s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/THE_PURGE_ANARCHY/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 35.51s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 35.52s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 35.52s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 35.53s: pathplayer enabled 0m 35.58s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 35.70s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 35.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 2m 09.77s: Exit process: stop running. 2m 09.77s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 2m 09.80s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 2m 09.81s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/10/26 23:44:20) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.03s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.17s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.17s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.18s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.20s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.28s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.29s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.32s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.00s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.19s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.19s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.20s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.20s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.20s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.22s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.22s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.22s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.23s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:e1c3d07ee002b4a40edaab82c84a0d71 ) 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.33s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.33s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.39s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.91s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.26s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.26s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:6aa5b353061538b2035bd0d03621e97d 0m 02.27s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.64s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.65s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.65s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.76s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.77s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.77s: bd set region A 0m 02.77s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.77s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.78s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.78s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.78s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.61s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.62s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.63s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.01s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.02s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.02s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.48s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.56s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.57s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.01s: opening drive J 0m 08.03s: opened i/o 0m 08.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 08.04s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 2m 24.07s: Exit process: stop running. 2m 24.08s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 2m 24.11s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 2m 24.11s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/28 18:52:34) 0m 00.07s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.07s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.07s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.07s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.56s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.57s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.57s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.60s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.67s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.68s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.68s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.75s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.68s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.04s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.04s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.05s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.05s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.05s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.05s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.07s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.07s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 02.09s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.09s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.09s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:6aa5b353061538b2035bd0d03621e97d ) 0m 02.18s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.18s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.18s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.18s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.18s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.20s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.20s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.20s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.26s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.26s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.86s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.32s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:3e2066245effaa652f3676a37771e9dc 0m 03.33s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.77s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.77s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.77s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.77s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.03s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.03s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.04s: bd set region A 0m 04.04s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.04s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.04s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.05s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.05s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.88s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.90s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.90s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.29s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.29s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.29s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.92s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.03s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.03s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.58s: opening drive J 0m 09.60s: opened i/o 0m 09.63s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 09.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 13.10s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 13.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 19.13s: opening drive J 0m 21.20s: opened i/o 0m 21.21s: got media type 4 0m 21.33s: got max lba 2239641 0m 21.34s: got disc type 10 0m 21.40s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 21.41s: volume label GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN 0m 21.41s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 21.42s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 21.42s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 21.45s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 21.48s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 21.49s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 21.49s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 21.51s: got copyright 1 f6 0m 21.51s: key method 0 0m 22.07s: got udf/iso 0m 22.86s: got discinfo 0m 22.88s: pathplayer enabled 0m 41.17s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_53 sector_0 count_5 0m 41.27s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_3773 end_3826 sector_3773 count_8 0m 41.29s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_3827 end_3881 sector_3827 count_8 0m 41.31s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_3 start_3882 end_3936 sector_3882 count_9 0m 41.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_4 start_3937 end_3991 sector_3937 count_9 0m 41.44s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_5 start_3992 end_4046 sector_3992 count_9 0m 41.49s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_6 start_4047 end_4101 sector_4047 count_8 0m 41.57s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_2 start_54 end_107 sector_54 count_5 0m 41.65s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_3 start_108 end_161 sector_108 count_14 0m 41.65s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_5 start_215 end_268 sector_215 count_2 0m 41.70s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_6 start_269 end_322 sector_269 count_3 0m 41.74s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_7 start_323 end_376 sector_323 count_3 0m 41.79s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_8 start_377 end_430 sector_377 count_3 0m 41.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_9 start_431 end_484 sector_431 count_3 0m 41.88s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_10 start_485 end_538 sector_485 count_3 0m 41.92s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_11 start_539 end_592 sector_539 count_3 0m 41.96s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_12 start_593 end_646 sector_593 count_3 0m 42.00s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_13 start_647 end_700 sector_647 count_2 0m 42.03s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_14 start_701 end_754 sector_701 count_2 0m 42.06s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_15 start_755 end_808 sector_755 count_3 0m 42.09s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_16 start_809 end_862 sector_809 count_3 0m 42.15s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_17 start_863 end_916 sector_863 count_3 0m 42.20s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_18 start_917 end_970 sector_917 count_3 0m 42.24s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_19 start_971 end_1024 sector_971 count_3 0m 42.27s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_20 start_1025 end_1078 sector_1025 count_3 0m 42.30s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_21 start_1079 end_1132 sector_1079 count_2 0m 42.32s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_22 start_1133 end_1186 sector_1133 count_2 0m 42.36s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_23 start_1187 end_1240 sector_1187 count_3 0m 42.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_24 start_1241 end_1294 sector_1241 count_3 0m 42.41s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_25 start_1295 end_1348 sector_1295 count_3 0m 42.44s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_26 start_1349 end_1402 sector_1349 count_3 0m 46.22s: got dvdinfo 0m 46.23s: opened dvd 0m 46.31s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 47.17s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 52.76s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 52.76s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 52.76s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 52.77s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 52.78s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 52.78s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 52.78s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 52.78s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 52.79s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 52.84s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 52.87s: DVD Copy 0m 52.87s: Source: J:/ 0m 52.87s: SourceSize: 4373 MB 0m 52.87s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 5m 38.16s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 5m 39.13s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 5m 39.14s: UILog:Run Work to end. 5m 39.15s: connect 0 : start. 5m 39.50s: connect 0 : 1:1 5m 39.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 6m 13.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 6m 17.34s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 17.34s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 17.34s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 17.35s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 17.35s: Source manager: add source id 1. 6m 17.38s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 6m 17.38s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 6m 17.39s: pathplayer enabled 6m 17.44s: Source manager: open successful. 6m 17.46s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 6m 17.75s: Source manager: select video files for open. 6m 17.75s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 6m 17.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 6m 37.19s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 6m 37.19s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 6m 37.19s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 6m 37.20s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 6m 37.21s: UILog:Run current Work. 6m 37.21s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 6m 37.21s: UILog:start running at thread. 6m 37.22s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 6m 52.97s: opening drive J 6m 55.12s: opened i/o 6m 55.13s: got media type 12 6m 55.14s: got max lba 0 6m 55.15s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 6m 59.66s: Burn data size is: 3740 6m 59.67s: Burn disc space is: 4482 6m 59.96s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 6m 59.98s: DVD Copy 6m 59.98s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN/ 6m 59.98s: SourceSize: 3740 MB 6m 59.98s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 7m 27.09s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 7m 27.21s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\GRUMPIER_OLD_MEN\ with VSO 20m 32.62s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 20m 33.67s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 20m 33.69s: connect 0 : start. 20m 34.06s: connect 0 : 1:1 20m 34.48s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 49m 09.40s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 49m 09.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 50m 05.60s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 50m 05.61s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 50m 05.61s: UILog:Run Work to end. 50m 06.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 50m 09.82s: Exit process: stop running. 50m 09.83s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 50m 09.86s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 50m 09.87s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2014/10/29 19:10:50) 0m 00.14s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.15s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.15s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.17s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.65s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.68s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.68s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.70s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.78s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.79s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.79s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.85s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.92s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.21s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.21s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.23s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 02.23s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.23s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.23s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.23s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.23s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 02.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:3e2066245effaa652f3676a37771e9dc ) 0m 02.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.35s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.35s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.37s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.37s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.37s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 02.37s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.37s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.48s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.48s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.25s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.53s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.53s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:50fbc6b7a074a13cd944a7550df2b04e 0m 03.54s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.54s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.22s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.23s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.23s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.64s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.65s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.65s: bd set region A 0m 04.65s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.65s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.66s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.66s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.66s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.52s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.53s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.53s: Show UI Step 2 0m 05.92s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.93s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.93s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.52s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.66s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.66s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.28s: opening drive J 0m 10.30s: opened i/o 0m 10.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 10.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 1m 10.00s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 10.01s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 10.03s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 10.04s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2014/10/29 19:16:06) 0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.10s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.10s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.12s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: DVDFab (2014/10/29 19:16:26) 0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2014-5-30 0m 00.10s: App info: 9150 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.35s: DVDFab (2014/10/29 21:14:21) 0m 01.85s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 01.85s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 01.87s: App info: 2014-7-25 0m 01.87s: App info: 9159 Official 0m 01.87s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 01.87s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 01.87s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 02.29s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 02.29s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 02.29s: App info: client type 10. 0m 02.29s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 02.29s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 02.31s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.31s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 02.31s: Init process: first run after install. 0m 02.32s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.32s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.32s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 02.57s: Install Update Language: language file is E:/DVDFab 9159/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 02.60s: Init process: install process. 0m 04.14s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2014/10/29 21:16:17) 0m 00.15s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.15s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.15s: App info: 2014-7-25 0m 00.15s: App info: 9159 Official 0m 00.15s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled. 0m 00.17s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.79s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.82s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.82s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.85s: Fabplay load: preload successful. 0m 00.92s: Fabplay load: Load successful. 0m 00.93s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.93s: info: fabcheck logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.00s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ... 0m 03.40s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful 0m 03.40s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 03.40s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 03.42s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 03.42s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 03.42s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 03.42s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 03.42s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : : 0m 03.43s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 03.43s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 03.43s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.52s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 03.52s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 03.54s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.54s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 03.54s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 03.54s: Reg check: Connect type is: 1 0m 04.24s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.45s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 04.45s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 0m 04.57s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 04.57s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 04.57s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 04.57s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 04.59s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 04.59s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 04.59s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.77s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 04.79s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 05.50s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.23s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.82s: bd set region A 0m 07.82s: Burn engine: engine type-0. 0m 07.83s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 07.83s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 07.83s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 08.95s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 08.97s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 08.97s: Show QNagDlg Dlg 0m 39.88s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 39.88s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 39.89s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 40.53s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 1m 17.78s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 1m 17.79s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 1m 17.79s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 1m 18.44s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 2m 15.60s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 2m 15.61s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 2m 15.61s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 2m 16.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 2m 16.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( S:4163865b20e17528dfdfab34e555b373 2m 16.62s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 2m 16.63s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 2m 23.25s: Show UI Step 2 2m 23.69s: Show UI Step 3 2m 23.69s: Start show MainUI. 2m 23.70s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 1 2m 26.65s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 2 2m 26.67s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 2m 28.30s: Init process: init main ui successful. 2m 28.42s: Init process: show main ui successful. 2m 28.42s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 2m 28.47s: opening drive J 2m 28.50s: opened i/o 2m 28.50s: got media type 12 2m 28.51s: got max lba 0 2m 28.51s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 2m 28.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 2m 28.62s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 3m 13.89s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 3m 13.90s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 3m 13.90s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 3m 13.90s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/VIDEO_TS/ 3m 13.91s: Source manager: add source id 0. 3m 13.93s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 3m 13.93s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 3m 14.06s: pathplayer enabled 3m 14.54s: Source manager: open successful. 3m 14.60s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 3m 15.03s: Source manager: select video files for open. 3m 15.03s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 3m 15.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 3m 26.48s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 3m 26.49s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 3m 26.49s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 3m 26.49s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 3m 26.50s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 3m 26.50s: UILog:Run current Work. 3m 26.51s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 3m 26.51s: UILog:start running at thread. 3m 26.52s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 3m 30.73s: Burn data size is: 4280 3m 30.74s: Burn disc space is: 4482 3m 31.10s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 3m 31.12s: DVD Copy 3m 31.12s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/BLENDED/ 3m 31.12s: SourceSize: 4280 MB 3m 31.13s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 4m 31.01s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 4m 31.02s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\BLENDED\ with VSO 19m 28.06s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 19m 29.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 19m 29.17s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 19m 29.18s: connect 0 : start. 19m 29.50s: connect 0 : 1:1 40m 39.55s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 40m 39.55s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 40m 39.56s: UILog:Run Work to end. 40m 40.82s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 164m 44.30s: allow_test : false 165m 02.29s: Exit process: stop running. 165m 02.30s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 165m 02.36s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 165m 02.36s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.47s: DVDFab (2014/10/30 00:01:48) 0m 00.48s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.48s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.48s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.49s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.49s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.50s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.50s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.60s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.60s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.60s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.61s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.61s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.61s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.61s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.62s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.62s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.62s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.63s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.64s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.64s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.87s: Install Update Language: language file is E:/DVDFab 9159/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.89s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.37s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2014/10/30 00:02:13) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.03s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.15s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.15s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.15s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.28s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.28s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.29s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.36s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.99s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.52s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.52s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.52s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.53s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.53s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.53s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.53s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.54s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.54s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.54s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.55s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.63s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.63s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.64s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.64s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.65s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.65s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.47s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.47s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:f2596e937f16c3e4aa85730bd8d6e01a 0m 02.64s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.65s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.65s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.66s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.66s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.66s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.67s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.74s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.74s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.40s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.13s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.13s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.13s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.36s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.36s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.37s: bd set region A 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.38s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.38s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.38s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.27s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.28s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.28s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 2 0m 25.14s: Show UI Step 2 0m 25.57s: Show UI Step 3 0m 25.57s: Start show MainUI. 0m 25.58s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 27.05s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 27.12s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 27.12s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 27.28s: opening drive J 0m 27.30s: opened i/o 0m 27.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 27.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 59.31s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 59.31s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 59.34s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 59.35s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2014/10/30 00:38:09) 0m 00.02s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.02s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.02s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.43s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.43s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.44s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.46s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.54s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.54s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.55s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.60s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.20s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.85s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.85s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.85s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.85s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.85s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.85s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.85s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.87s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.87s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.87s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.87s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.95s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:f2596e937f16c3e4aa85730bd8d6e01a ) 0m 01.96s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.96s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.96s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.96s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.96s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.98s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.03s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.04s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.75s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.15s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.15s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:71cd7c8d79596bdadd97e1a0e296ba92 0m 03.16s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.49s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.49s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.49s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.49s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.70s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.71s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.71s: bd set region A 0m 03.71s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 03.71s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 03.71s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.72s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.72s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.43s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.44s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.45s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 2 0m 11.65s: Show UI Step 2 0m 12.03s: Show UI Step 3 0m 12.04s: Start show MainUI. 0m 12.04s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 13.54s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 13.62s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 13.63s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 13.77s: opening drive J 0m 13.79s: opened i/o 0m 13.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 13.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 19.74s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 19.74s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 19.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 19.79s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2014/10/30 00:38:53) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2014-10-17 0m 00.03s: App info: 9171 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 10. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.23s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.23s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.25s: info: check logpath= E:/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.28s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.91s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.00s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.00s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.02s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-455 0m 01.02s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 01.02s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series : 14.301.1001.0 : 0m 01.03s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.05s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.05s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.11s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 55:1444596126 )( 2:1444596126 )( 11:1444596126 )( 50:1444596126 )( 80:1380771400 )( 1:0 )( OV:9171 )( BV:9170 )( S:71cd7c8d79596bdadd97e1a0e296ba92 ) 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.13s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.13s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.13s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Serial number is: d8-50-e6-5b-69-7d 0m 01.14s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.14s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.19s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.19s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.72s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:d8efc4d11f9b0b410e52666baf53197c 0m 02.10s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.38s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.38s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.38s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.38s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.50s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.50s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.50s: bd set region A 0m 02.51s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.51s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.51s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.52s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [ASUS DVD RAM GHB1N AS00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.52s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.22s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.24s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.25s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 2 0m 23.84s: Show UI Step 2 0m 24.23s: Show UI Step 3 0m 24.24s: Start show MainUI. 0m 24.24s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 25.55s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 25.61s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 25.62s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 25.75s: opening drive J 0m 25.78s: opened i/o 0m 25.78s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 25.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 39.69s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 0m 39.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 45.72s: opening drive J 0m 47.90s: opened i/o 0m 47.91s: got media type 4 0m 48.01s: got max lba 2231278 0m 48.02s: got disc type 10 0m 48.06s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 48.07s: volume label GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE 0m 48.08s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 48.08s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 48.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 0m 48.10s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 48.11s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 0m 48.12s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 48.12s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 48.14s: got copyright 1 f6 0m 48.15s: key method 0 0m 48.70s: got udf/iso 0m 49.43s: got discinfo 0m 49.44s: pathplayer enabled 1m 03.95s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2360 sector_2156 count_4 1m 04.05s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2361 end_2475 sector_2361 count_14 1m 04.20s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_3 start_2591 end_2705 sector_2591 count_14 1m 04.25s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_2936 end_3050 sector_2936 count_4 1m 04.40s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_3051 end_3164 sector_3051 count_5 1m 04.46s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_3165 end_3278 sector_3165 count_3 1m 05.09s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_3279 end_3391 sector_3279 count_1 1m 05.19s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 start_2476 end_2590 sector_2476 count_14 1m 05.26s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_4 start_2706 end_2820 sector_2706 count_14 1m 05.32s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_5 start_2821 end_2935 sector_2821 count_13 1m 06.10s: got dvdinfo 1m 06.11s: opened dvd 1m 06.18s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 08.00s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 3m 59.30s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 3m 59.30s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 3m 59.30s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 3m 59.31s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 3m 59.32s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 3m 59.32s: UILog:Run current Work. 3m 59.32s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 3m 59.33s: UILog:start running at thread. 3m 59.33s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 3m 59.39s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 3m 59.41s: DVD Copy 3m 59.41s: Source: J:/ 3m 59.41s: SourceSize: 4357 MB 3m 59.41s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 8m 53.82s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 8m 54.79s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 8m 54.80s: UILog:Run Work to end. 8m 54.81s: connect 0 : start. 8m 55.12s: connect 0 : 1:1 8m 55.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 44m 04.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 44m 18.73s: opening drive J 44m 20.88s: opened i/o 44m 20.89s: got media type 12 44m 20.90s: got max lba 0 44m 20.91s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 44m 21.68s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/George of the Jungle/MainMovie/GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 44m 21.68s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/George of the Jungle/MainMovie/GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE/VIDEO_TS/ 44m 21.69s: set folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/George of the Jungle/MainMovie/GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 44m 21.69s: opening folder E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/George of the Jungle/MainMovie/GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE/VIDEO_TS/ 44m 21.69s: Source manager: add source id 1. 44m 21.75s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2015-10-12 44m 21.76s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 44m 21.76s: pathplayer enabled 44m 21.82s: Source manager: open successful. 44m 21.83s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 44m 22.02s: Source manager: select video files for open. 44m 22.02s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 1. 44m 22.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 44m 31.66s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 44m 31.66s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 44m 31.66s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 44m 31.67s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 44m 31.67s: UILog:Run current Work. 44m 31.68s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 44m 41.56s: UILog:Run Work to end. 44m 46.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1 45m 04.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 45m 04.97s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 45m 04.98s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 45m 04.99s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 45m 05.00s: UILog:Run current Work. 45m 05.00s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 45m 05.00s: UILog:start running at thread. 45m 05.01s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 45m 09.22s: Burn data size is: 3049 45m 09.23s: Burn disc space is: 4482 45m 09.59s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 45m 09.60s: DVD Copy 45m 09.61s: Source: E:/DVD Write/MainMovie/George of the Jungle/MainMovie/GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE/ 45m 09.61s: SourceSize: 3049 MB 45m 09.61s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 45m 30.08s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 45m 30.11s: burn folder E:\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\MainMovie\GEORGE_OF_JUNGLE\ with VSO 56m 24.99s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 56m 26.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 56m 26.08s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 56m 26.09s: connect 0 : start. 56m 26.39s: connect 0 : 1:1 634m 55.36s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX J. 634m 55.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1 635m 08.44s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 635m 08.45s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 635m 08.45s: UILog:Run Work to end. 635m 09.05s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1