0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:12:19) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.10s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.10s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.10s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.10s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.10s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.10s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.10s: Init process: first run after install. 0m 00.10s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.10s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.10s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.25s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.26s: Init process: install process. 0m 00.89s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:13:04) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.00s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.23s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.43s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.43s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.43s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.43s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.43s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.43s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.48s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.48s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.48s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.48s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.48s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.48s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.48s: Reg check: Connect type is: 1 0m 00.54s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.06s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.06s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 0m 01.51s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.51s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.51s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 01.51s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 01.53s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.53s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.53s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.86s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.18s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.18s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.33s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.68s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.68s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.68s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.68s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.68s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.68s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.79s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 02.79s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.79s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.79s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.79s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.79s: bd set region A 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.79s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.08s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.08s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.08s: Show QNagDlg Dlg 0m 40.40s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 40.40s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 40.41s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 40.89s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 40.89s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( S:5ca8d5c744546380be962dbd0eef08a0 0m 40.90s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 40.91s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 48.86s: Show UI Step 2 0m 49.08s: Show UI Step 3 0m 49.08s: Start show MainUI. 0m 49.08s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 1 1m 52.34s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 2 1m 52.35s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 53.17s: Init process: init main ui successful. 1m 53.45s: Init process: show main ui successful. 1m 53.46s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 1m 53.53s: opening drive J 1m 53.53s: opened i/o 1m 53.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 53.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 11.50s: Exit process: stop running. 2m 11.50s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 2m 11.54s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 2m 11.54s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 2m 11.54s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 2m 11.61s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 2m 11.61s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:15:35) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.00s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:5ca8d5c744546380be962dbd0eef08a0 ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.79s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:7e5433c2f2fa698fb1a119a1c9bc19a4 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.22s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.57s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.57s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.60s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.60s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: bd set region A 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.89s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.90s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.90s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 2 0m 09.84s: Show UI Step 2 0m 10.07s: Show UI Step 3 0m 10.07s: Start show MainUI. 0m 10.07s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.74s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 11.00s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 11.01s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 11.07s: opening drive J 0m 11.07s: opened i/o 0m 11.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 13.02s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 13.02s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 13.05s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 13.05s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 13.05s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 13.09s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 13.09s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:15:50) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.27s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.27s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.27s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.27s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.27s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.27s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.27s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.27s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.27s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.27s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.27s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:7e5433c2f2fa698fb1a119a1c9bc19a4 ) 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.32s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.32s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.32s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.32s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.32s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.58s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.80s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:3ad724996592e7cbb322b0ac8f76470c 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.15s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.15s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.19s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.54s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.54s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.54s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.54s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.54s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.54s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.67s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 02.67s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.67s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.67s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.67s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.67s: bd set region A 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.67s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.96s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.96s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.96s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.20s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.20s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.20s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.02s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.32s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.32s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 04.39s: opening drive J 0m 04.39s: opened i/o 0m 04.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 04.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 02.38s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 02.38s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 02.42s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 02.43s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 02.43s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1m 02.48s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1m 02.48s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:16:56) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.17s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.17s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.29s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.29s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.29s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.31s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.31s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.31s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:3ad724996592e7cbb322b0ac8f76470c ) 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.34s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.34s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.34s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.34s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.34s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.85s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.92s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:8cfa74efd6472eae48a2ca19438d6610 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.12s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.12s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.25s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.60s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.62s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.63s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: bd set region A 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.92s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.92s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.14s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.14s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.14s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.83s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.10s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.10s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.47s: opening drive J 0m 05.47s: opened i/o 0m 05.48s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.48s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.12s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 11.12s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 11.16s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 11.17s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 11.17s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 11.23s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 11.23s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:17:08) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.00s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.01s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.25s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.25s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:8cfa74efd6472eae48a2ca19438d6610 ) 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.28s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.28s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.28s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.28s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.28s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.28s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.58s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.78s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:f0fe0f910a46dc6615b5807b8461664d 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.20s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.55s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.55s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.57s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.57s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.57s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.57s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.57s: bd set region A 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.86s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.87s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.87s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.08s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.08s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.08s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.77s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.03s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.03s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.11s: opening drive J 0m 03.11s: opened i/o 0m 03.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 03.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 09.05s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 09.05s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 09.09s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 09.10s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 09.10s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 09.16s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 09.16s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:17:20) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:f0fe0f910a46dc6615b5807b8461664d ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.79s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.97s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.97s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:2e0b0e6238e6b2c18f56d88f51147a42 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.58s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.60s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.60s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: bd set region A 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.90s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.90s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.90s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.12s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.12s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.12s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.81s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.07s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.07s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.15s: opening drive J 0m 03.15s: opened i/o 0m 03.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 03.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 09.09s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 09.09s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 09.12s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 09.13s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 09.13s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 09.18s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 09.18s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:17:33) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.25s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.25s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:2e0b0e6238e6b2c18f56d88f51147a42 ) 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.30s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.30s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.60s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.79s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:17ab9d7936db085a7e58de2c2570ad6f 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.08s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.08s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.22s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.56s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.56s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.56s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.56s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.59s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.59s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.59s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.59s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.59s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.59s: bd set region A 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.88s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.88s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.88s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.10s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.10s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.10s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.79s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.05s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.05s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.42s: opening drive J 0m 05.42s: opened i/o 0m 05.42s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.42s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 13.07s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 13.07s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 13.11s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 13.11s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 13.11s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 13.16s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 13.16s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/08 05:17:47) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:17ab9d7936db085a7e58de2c2570ad6f ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.79s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:012182efcfd5c1ffd6c3d3c087d6ad14 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.21s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.55s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.56s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.58s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.58s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.58s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.58s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.58s: bd set region A 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.87s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.87s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.87s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.09s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.09s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.09s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.78s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.04s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.04s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.13s: opening drive J 0m 03.13s: opened i/o 0m 03.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 03.14s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 09.06s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 09.06s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 09.10s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 09.10s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 09.10s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 09.15s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 09.15s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/09 14:02:25) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.16s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.39s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.39s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.39s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.39s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.39s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.39s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.39s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.39s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.40s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.40s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.40s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.45s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:012182efcfd5c1ffd6c3d3c087d6ad14 ) 0m 00.46s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.46s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.46s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.46s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.46s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.46s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.46s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.46s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.46s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.46s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.95s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.14s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:194f1f5f373a725c72f810764f134d68 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.63s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.63s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.81s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.19s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.19s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.19s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.19s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.19s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.19s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.31s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 02.31s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.31s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.31s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.31s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.31s: bd set region A 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.63s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.63s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.63s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.88s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.88s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.88s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.65s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.94s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.94s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.37s: opening drive J 0m 06.37s: opened i/o 0m 06.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 31.98s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 31.98s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 32.00s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 32.00s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 32.00s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 32.04s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 32.04s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 08:13:58) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-6 0m 00.01s: App info: 9208 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.75s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.75s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.75s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.75s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.75s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.75s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.75s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.75s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.75s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.75s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.75s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.80s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9208 )( BV:9206 )( S:194f1f5f373a725c72f810764f134d68 ) 0m 00.80s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.81s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.81s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.81s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.81s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.81s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.81s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.89s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.31s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9209 )( S:403939326abd5167f28e0585da09a9e5 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.51s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.62s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.62s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.84s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.23s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.23s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.23s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.23s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.23s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.23s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.74s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 02.74s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.74s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.74s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.74s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.74s: bd set region A 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.74s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.04s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.04s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.04s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.26s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.26s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.26s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.99s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.27s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.27s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.69s: opening drive J 0m 06.69s: opened i/o 0m 06.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 3m 08.46s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 08.46s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 08.51s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 08.52s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 3m 08.52s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 3m 08.58s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 3m 08.58s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 08:17:21) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.09s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.09s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.09s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.09s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.09s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.09s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.09s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.17s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.17s: Init process: install process. 0m 00.89s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 08:17:42) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.25s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.25s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.56s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:c946c956d3bb1c2a05d919437ce1005e 0m 01.32s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 01.32s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.32s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.32s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 01.32s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 01.32s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.34s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.34s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.65s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.97s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.97s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.11s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.46s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.46s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.46s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.46s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.46s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.46s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.49s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 02.49s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.49s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.49s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.49s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.49s: bd set region A 0m 02.49s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 02.49s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 02.49s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.49s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.49s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.78s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.79s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.79s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.01s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.01s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.01s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.83s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.12s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.12s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.51s: opening drive J 0m 06.51s: opened i/o 0m 06.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 20m 11.57s: allow_test : false 20m 21.28s: Exit process: stop running. 20m 21.28s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 20m 21.32s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 20m 21.32s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 20m 21.32s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 20m 21.38s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 20m 21.38s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 09:20:28) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.17s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.29s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.29s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.30s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.30s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.30s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.30s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.30s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.30s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.30s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.30s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:c946c956d3bb1c2a05d919437ce1005e ) 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.35s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.35s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.35s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.35s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.35s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.58s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.88s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1ad5bc7078c917fb251da58775ba6f0d 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.16s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.16s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.37s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.72s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.72s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.72s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.72s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.87s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 01.87s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.87s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.87s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.87s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.87s: bd set region A 0m 01.87s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 01.87s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 01.87s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.87s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.87s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.16s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.16s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.16s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.38s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.38s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.38s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.11s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.37s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.37s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.79s: opening drive J 0m 05.79s: opened i/o 0m 05.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 54m 22.45s: Exit process: stop running. 54m 22.45s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 54m 22.49s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 54m 22.50s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 54m 22.50s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 54m 22.54s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 54m 22.55s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 10:17:14) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.51s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.51s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.51s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.51s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.51s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.51s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.51s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.51s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.53s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.53s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.53s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.59s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:1ad5bc7078c917fb251da58775ba6f0d ) 0m 01.59s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.59s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.59s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.59s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.59s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.59s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.59s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.59s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.59s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.59s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.15s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:002ddde1d22e255fb01f38e301dc4d02 0m 02.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.89s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.24s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.24s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.24s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.24s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.24s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 03.24s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 03.28s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0 0m 03.28s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 03.28s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 03.28s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.28s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.28s: bd set region A 0m 03.28s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 03.28s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 03.28s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.28s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.28s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.57s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.57s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.57s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.80s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.80s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.80s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.50s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.78s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.78s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.17s: opening drive J 0m 07.17s: opened i/o 0m 07.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 31m 39.30s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 31m 39.30s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 31m 39.30s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 31m 39.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 31m 44.57s: Exit process: stop running. 31m 44.57s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 31m 44.61s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 31m 44.61s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 31m 44.62s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 31m 44.67s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 31m 44.67s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 10:49:09) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.00s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.27s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.27s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.27s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:002ddde1d22e255fb01f38e301dc4d02 ) 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.32s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.32s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.32s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.32s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.32s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.32s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.61s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:203e2f33bd4ce544827d86c82e196293 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.26s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.61s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.61s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.61s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.61s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.64s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.64s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.64s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.64s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.64s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.64s: bd set region A 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.93s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.94s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.94s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.16s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.16s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.16s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.86s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.12s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.12s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.51s: opening drive J 0m 05.51s: opened i/o 0m 05.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 27.23s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 2m 27.23s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 2m 27.23s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 2m 27.23s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 2m 27.23s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 2m 27.23s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 2m 31.28s: Exit process: stop running. 2m 31.28s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 2m 31.33s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 2m 31.33s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 2m 31.33s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 2m 31.41s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 2m 31.41s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 11:08:28) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.26s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:203e2f33bd4ce544827d86c82e196293 ) 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.31s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.32s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.60s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:77c53306964229e0385891169b940ac4 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.26s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.60s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.63s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.63s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: bd set region A 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.93s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.93s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.93s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.15s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.15s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.15s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.84s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.10s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.10s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.50s: opening drive J 0m 05.50s: opened i/o 0m 05.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 50.77s: opening drive J 0m 51.62s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 5m 54.19s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 6m 41.29s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 41.29s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 41.29s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 41.29s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 41.29s: Source manager: add source id 0. 6m 41.30s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 6m 41.30s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 6m 41.30s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 6m 41.30s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 6m 41.31s: failed to open 0 6m 43.55s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 0. 6m 43.61s: Source manager: select video files for open. 6m 43.61s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 6m 50.75s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 50.75s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 50.76s: set folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 6m 50.76s: opening folder J:/VIDEO_TS/ 6m 50.76s: Source manager: add source id 1. 6m 50.76s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 6m 50.76s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 6m 50.76s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 6m 50.76s: css attach J:/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 6m 50.77s: failed to open 0 6m 55.13s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 1. 6m 55.19s: Source manager: select video files for open. 6m 55.19s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 7m 04.76s: Exit process: stop running. 7m 04.76s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 7m 04.78s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 7m 04.79s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 7m 04.79s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 7m 04.84s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 7m 04.84s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 11:15:39) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.27s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.27s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.27s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:77c53306964229e0385891169b940ac4 ) 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.31s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.31s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.81s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:6225debdf43a360158155dd40dda8329 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.25s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.60s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.63s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.63s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: bd set region A 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.92s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.92s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.14s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.14s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.15s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.84s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.10s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.11s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.11s: opening drive J 0m 03.11s: opened i/o 0m 03.11s: got media type 4 0m 03.22s: got max lba 3219342 0m 03.22s: got disc type 10 0m 03.29s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 03.29s: volume label SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL 0m 03.29s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 03.29s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 05.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.51s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 05.51s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 05.51s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 05.51s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 05.52s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 05.52s: key method 0 0m 06.47s: got udf/iso 0m 08.43s: got discinfo 0m 08.43s: pathplayer enabled 0m 11.57s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_2 start_2193 end_16124 sector_2459 count_4 0m 35.21s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_16125 end_31734 sector_16397 count_4 0m 35.99s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_20 end_63 sector_20 count_7 0m 36.01s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_64 end_101 sector_64 count_6 0m 42.74s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_102 end_152 sector_102 count_16 0m 42.77s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_2 start_153 end_203 sector_153 count_16 0m 42.84s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_3 start_204 end_256 sector_204 count_16 0m 42.94s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_4 start_257 end_309 sector_257 count_16 0m 43.07s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_5 start_310 end_359 sector_310 count_16 0m 43.24s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_6 start_360 end_413 sector_360 count_16 0m 43.44s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_7 start_414 end_464 sector_414 count_16 1m 39.95s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_465 end_510 sector_465 count_9 1m 47.35s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_3 start_16125 end_31734 sector_16397 count_4 1m 59.07s: got dvdinfo 1m 59.37s: opened dvd 2m 02.00s: Source manager: open successful. 2m 02.02s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 02.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 6m 18.27s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 6m 18.27s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 6m 18.27s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 6m 18.27s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 6m 18.31s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 6m 18.31s: UILog:Run current Work. 6m 18.31s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 6m 18.31s: UILog:start running at thread. 6m 18.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 6m 18.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 6m 18.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 2 6m 18.66s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 6m 18.66s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9206 6m 18.68s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 6m 18.75s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 6m 18.76s: DVD Copy 6m 18.76s: Source: J:/ 6m 18.76s: SourceSize: 6237 MB 6m 18.76s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 28m 54.87s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 54.87s: UILog:Run Work to end. 28m 54.87s: connect 0 : start. 28m 57.15s: connect 0 : 1:1 38m 54.88s: get_newversion : true 38m 54.88s: auto_check : true 38m 54.88s: update_type : 1 38m 54.88s: nv_selection : 2 38m 54.88s: ad_selection : 2 38m 55.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 38m 59.78s: Exit process: stop running. 38m 59.78s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 38m 59.81s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 38m 59.81s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 38m 59.81s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 38m 59.86s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 38m 59.86s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 11:55:28) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.40s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.40s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.40s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.40s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.40s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.40s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.40s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.40s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.42s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.42s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.42s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:6225debdf43a360158155dd40dda8329 ) 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.75s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.75s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.75s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.75s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.75s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.75s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.32s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.43s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.43s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( S:fa4317f9ec518fbac38a3e455ef6c800 0m 02.45s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.62s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.62s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.76s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.12s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.12s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.12s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.12s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.12s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 03.12s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 03.15s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 03.15s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 03.15s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 03.15s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.15s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.15s: bd set region A 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.44s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.44s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.44s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.66s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.66s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.66s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.87s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.15s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.15s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.15s: opening drive J 0m 05.15s: opened i/o 0m 05.15s: got media type 4 0m 07.99s: got max lba 3219342 0m 07.99s: got disc type 10 0m 08.06s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 08.06s: volume label SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL 0m 08.07s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 08.07s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 08.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.07s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 08.09s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 08.09s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 08.10s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 08.10s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 08.30s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 08.70s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 08.90s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 09.30s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 09.50s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 09.91s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 09.91s: key method 1 0m 10.15s: got udf/iso 0m 12.04s: got discinfo 0m 12.05s: pathplayer enabled 0m 13.24s: no main title, turn off pathplayer 0m 17.82s: got dvdinfo 0m 18.14s: opened dvd 0m 20.50s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 20.52s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 20.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 26.50s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 0 and uiinfo 1. 9m 14.74s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 9m 14.74s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 9m 14.74s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 9m 14.74s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 9m 14.79s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 9m 14.79s: UILog:Run current Work. 9m 14.79s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 9m 14.79s: UILog:start running at thread. 9m 14.79s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 9m 14.83s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 9m 14.84s: DVD Copy 9m 14.84s: Source: J:/ 9m 14.84s: SourceSize: 6286 MB 9m 14.84s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 35m 22.07s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 35m 22.07s: UILog:Run Work to end. 35m 22.07s: connect 0 : start. 35m 24.19s: connect 0 : 1:1 45m 35.20s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 45m 43.04s: Exit process: stop running. 45m 43.04s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 45m 43.09s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 45m 43.10s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 45m 43.10s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 45m 43.15s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 45m 43.15s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 12:46:03) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.00s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.01s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:fa4317f9ec518fbac38a3e455ef6c800 ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.58s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:3565baaa15949122d2e9949e5dd4e8fd 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.12s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.12s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.26s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.61s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.61s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.61s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.61s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.64s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.64s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.64s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.64s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.64s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.64s: bd set region A 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.93s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.93s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.93s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.15s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.15s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.15s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.68s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.94s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.94s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.94s: opening drive J 0m 02.94s: opened i/o 0m 02.95s: got media type 4 0m 05.70s: got max lba 3570482 0m 05.70s: got disc type 10 0m 05.78s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 05.78s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 0m 05.78s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 05.78s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 05.78s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.79s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 05.81s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 05.81s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 05.81s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 05.81s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.01s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.41s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.61s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 07.01s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 07.21s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 07.62s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 07.62s: key method 1 0m 07.86s: got udf/iso 0m 09.43s: got discinfo 0m 09.44s: pathplayer enabled 0m 11.75s: no main title, turn off pathplayer 0m 14.76s: got dvdinfo 0m 15.19s: opened dvd 0m 17.82s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 17.84s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 17.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 31.01s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 31.01s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 31.01s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 31.01s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 31.03s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 31.03s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 31.03s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 31.03s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 31.03s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 31.08s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 31.09s: DVD Copy 0m 31.09s: Source: J:/ 0m 31.09s: SourceSize: 6973 MB 0m 31.09s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 1m 15.66s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 1m 16.96s: user cancelled 1m 17.72s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 1m 20.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 23.91s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 23.91s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 23.93s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 23.93s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 23.93s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1m 23.96s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1m 23.96s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 12:48:50) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.00s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:3565baaa15949122d2e9949e5dd4e8fd ) 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.30s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.30s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.81s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:0fc9a7df0e1e2fb70331034363aa5c58 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.24s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.99s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.99s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.99s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.99s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.99s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.99s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.02s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 02.02s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.02s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.02s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.02s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.02s: bd set region A 0m 02.02s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 02.02s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 02.02s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.02s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.02s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.31s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.31s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.31s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.53s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.53s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.53s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.06s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.33s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.33s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.33s: opening drive J 0m 03.33s: opened i/o 0m 03.33s: got media type 4 0m 03.45s: got max lba 3570482 0m 03.46s: got disc type 10 0m 03.52s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 03.52s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 0m 03.52s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 03.52s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 05.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.72s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 05.72s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 05.72s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 05.72s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 05.74s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 05.74s: key method 0 0m 06.68s: got udf/iso 0m 08.25s: got discinfo 0m 08.25s: pathplayer enabled 0m 11.05s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_0 end_11911 sector_5563 count_4 0m 44.10s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_11912 end_23856 sector_11979 count_4 0m 44.77s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_23857 end_23971 sector_23857 count_9 0m 44.84s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_23972 end_24088 sector_23972 count_17 0m 44.91s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_24089 end_24204 sector_24089 count_17 0m 45.07s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_24205 end_24321 sector_24205 count_17 0m 45.24s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_24322 end_24438 sector_24322 count_17 0m 45.45s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_5 start_24439 end_24555 sector_24439 count_17 0m 45.72s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_6 start_24556 end_24672 sector_24556 count_17 0m 46.02s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_7 start_24673 end_24789 sector_24673 count_17 0m 46.34s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_8 start_24790 end_24906 sector_24790 count_17 0m 55.18s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_24907 end_25021 sector_24907 count_9 1m 17.30s: got dvdinfo 1m 17.70s: opened dvd 1m 20.37s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 20.39s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 20.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 25.71s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 25.71s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 25.73s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 25.73s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 25.73s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1m 25.77s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1m 25.77s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 12:51:01) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.00s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.01s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.12s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.25s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.25s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:0fc9a7df0e1e2fb70331034363aa5c58 ) 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.28s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.28s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.28s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.28s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.28s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.30s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.57s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.78s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:f67d17bd9ed92952d36308aa502efe26 0m 00.94s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.08s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.08s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.58s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.60s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.60s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: bd set region A 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.89s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.90s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.90s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.12s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.12s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.12s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.65s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.91s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.91s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.91s: opening drive J 0m 02.91s: opened i/o 0m 02.91s: got media type 4 0m 05.68s: got max lba 3570482 0m 05.68s: got disc type 10 0m 05.75s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 05.75s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 0m 05.76s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 05.76s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 05.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.76s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 05.78s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 05.78s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 05.78s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 05.79s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 05.79s: key method 0 0m 06.64s: got udf/iso 0m 08.21s: got discinfo 0m 08.22s: pathplayer enabled 0m 10.56s: no main title, turn off pathplayer 0m 12.18s: got dvdinfo 0m 12.61s: opened dvd 0m 15.27s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 15.29s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 15.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 43.80s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 0m 43.85s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 00.39s: opening drive J 1m 00.39s: opened i/o 1m 00.39s: got media type 4 1m 00.62s: got max lba 3570482 1m 00.62s: got disc type 10 1m 00.68s: type DVD-VIDEO 1m 00.68s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 1m 00.68s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 1m 00.68s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 1m 00.69s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 00.69s: Source manager: add source id 1. 1m 00.71s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 1m 00.71s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 1m 00.71s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 00.73s: got copyright 1 fe 1m 00.73s: key method 0 1m 01.56s: got udf/iso 1m 03.17s: got discinfo 1m 03.18s: pathplayer enabled 1m 06.53s: no main title, turn off pathplayer 1m 08.11s: got dvdinfo 1m 08.53s: opened dvd 1m 11.14s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 11.16s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 1m 14.73s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 14.73s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 14.76s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 14.76s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 14.76s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1m 14.80s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1m 14.80s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 12:53:05) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:f67d17bd9ed92952d36308aa502efe26 ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.57s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.77s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:844b4ad3c7a9f989c79e8c68af89198e 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.57s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.57s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.60s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.60s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: bd set region A 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.89s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.89s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.89s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.12s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.12s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.12s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.65s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.91s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.91s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.91s: opening drive J 0m 02.91s: opened i/o 0m 02.92s: got media type 4 0m 07.25s: got max lba 3570482 0m 07.25s: got disc type 10 0m 07.32s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 07.32s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 0m 07.32s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 07.32s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 07.32s: opening drive J 0m 07.32s: opened i/o 0m 07.32s: got media type 4 0m 07.50s: got max lba 3570482 0m 07.51s: got disc type 10 0m 07.57s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 07.57s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 0m 07.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.58s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 07.60s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 07.60s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 07.60s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 07.61s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 07.61s: key method 0 0m 08.97s: got udf/iso 0m 10.96s: got discinfo 0m 10.97s: pathplayer enabled 0m 14.00s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_0 end_11911 sector_5563 count_4 0m 50.06s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_11912 end_23856 sector_11979 count_4 0m 51.09s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_23857 end_23971 sector_23857 count_9 0m 51.24s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_23972 end_24088 sector_23972 count_17 0m 51.32s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_24089 end_24204 sector_24089 count_17 0m 51.48s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_24205 end_24321 sector_24205 count_17 0m 51.69s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_24322 end_24438 sector_24322 count_17 0m 51.91s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_5 start_24439 end_24555 sector_24439 count_17 0m 52.18s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_6 start_24556 end_24672 sector_24556 count_17 0m 52.47s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_7 start_24673 end_24789 sector_24673 count_17 0m 52.81s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_8 start_24790 end_24906 sector_24790 count_17 0m 58.37s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_24907 end_25021 sector_24907 count_9 1m 26.76s: got dvdinfo 1m 27.17s: opened dvd 1m 30.22s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 30.24s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 30.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 23.13s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 23.13s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 23.13s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 23.13s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 23.15s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 23.15s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 23.15s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 23.15s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 23.16s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 23.20s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 23.21s: DVD Copy 2m 23.21s: Source: J:/ 2m 23.21s: SourceSize: 6972 MB 2m 23.21s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 3m 28.58s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Pause 3m 30.03s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 3m 31.55s: user cancelled 3m 31.70s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 3m 40.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 3m 42.41s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 42.41s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 42.43s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 42.43s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 3m 42.43s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 3m 42.48s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 3m 42.48s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 12:58:45) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:844b4ad3c7a9f989c79e8c68af89198e ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.80s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:0c9d51b8dafabce1c6c064574f2215d5 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.24s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.58s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.61s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.61s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.61s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.61s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.61s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.61s: bd set region A 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.61s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.91s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.91s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.91s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.13s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.13s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.13s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.65s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.91s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.91s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.92s: opening drive J 0m 02.92s: opened i/o 0m 02.92s: got media type 4 0m 03.05s: got max lba 3570482 0m 03.05s: got disc type 10 0m 03.12s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 03.12s: volume label THE_LONGEST_RIDE 0m 03.12s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX J. 0m 03.12s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX J. 0m 05.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.29s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 05.29s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 05.29s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 05.29s: internal path J:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 05.29s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 05.50s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 05.90s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.10s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.50s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.70s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 07.11s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 07.11s: key method 1 0m 07.47s: got udf/iso 0m 09.42s: got discinfo 0m 09.43s: pathplayer enabled 0m 16.30s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_0 end_11911 sector_5563 count_4 0m 52.47s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_11912 end_23856 sector_11979 count_4 0m 53.54s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_23857 end_23971 sector_23857 count_9 0m 53.69s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_23972 end_24088 sector_23972 count_17 0m 53.76s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_24089 end_24204 sector_24089 count_17 0m 53.91s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_24205 end_24321 sector_24205 count_17 0m 54.12s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_24322 end_24438 sector_24322 count_17 0m 54.35s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_5 start_24439 end_24555 sector_24439 count_17 0m 54.64s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_6 start_24556 end_24672 sector_24556 count_17 0m 54.95s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_7 start_24673 end_24789 sector_24673 count_17 0m 55.29s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_8 start_24790 end_24906 sector_24790 count_17 0m 59.68s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_24907 end_25021 sector_24907 count_9 1m 13.20s: got dvdinfo 1m 13.61s: opened dvd 1m 16.62s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 16.64s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 16.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 25.35s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 25.35s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 25.35s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 25.35s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 25.37s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 25.37s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 25.37s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 25.37s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 25.37s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 25.41s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 25.43s: DVD Copy 1m 25.43s: Source: J:/ 1m 25.43s: SourceSize: 6972 MB 1m 25.43s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 49m 51.51s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 49m 51.51s: UILog:Run Work to end. 49m 51.51s: connect 0 : start. 49m 53.63s: connect 0 : 1:1 53m 37.05s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 53m 40.06s: Exit process: stop running. 53m 40.06s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 53m 40.08s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 53m 40.09s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 53m 40.09s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 53m 40.13s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 53m 40.13s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 13:55:15) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.27s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.27s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:0c9d51b8dafabce1c6c064574f2215d5 ) 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.30s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.30s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.58s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:02f82e5399c0548620003979f22e7f65 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.25s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.60s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.60s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.60s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.63s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.63s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: bd set region A 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.92s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.92s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.14s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.14s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.15s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.67s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.93s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.93s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.94s: opening drive J 0m 02.95s: opened i/o 0m 02.95s: got media type 12 0m 02.96s: got max lba 0 0m 02.96s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 0m 05.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.21s: Source manager: select video files for open. 0m 11.21s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 47.48s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/THE_LONGEST_RIDE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 47.48s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/THE_LONGEST_RIDE/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 47.49s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/THE_LONGEST_RIDE/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 47.49s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/THE_LONGEST_RIDE/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 47.49s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 47.52s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 47.52s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 47.53s: pathplayer enabled 0m 47.58s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_0 end_11911 sector_5563 count_4 0m 47.81s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_11912 end_23856 sector_11979 count_4 0m 48.57s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_23857 end_23971 sector_23857 count_9 0m 48.61s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_23972 end_24088 sector_23972 count_17 0m 48.65s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_24089 end_24204 sector_24089 count_17 0m 48.72s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_24205 end_24321 sector_24205 count_17 0m 48.83s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_24322 end_24438 sector_24322 count_17 0m 48.98s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_5 start_24439 end_24555 sector_24439 count_17 0m 49.17s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_6 start_24556 end_24672 sector_24556 count_17 0m 49.39s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_7 start_24673 end_24789 sector_24673 count_17 0m 49.65s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_8 start_24790 end_24906 sector_24790 count_17 0m 55.71s: button: vts_6 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_24907 end_25021 sector_24907 count_9 1m 44.52s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 44.54s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 44.64s: Source manager: select video files for open. 1m 44.64s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 1m 44.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 4m 37.67s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 4m 37.67s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 4m 37.67s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 4m 37.68s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 4m 37.70s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 4m 37.70s: UILog:Run current Work. 4m 37.70s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 4m 37.70s: UILog:start running at thread. 4m 37.70s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 4m 41.91s: Burn data size is: 4300 4m 41.91s: Burn disc space is: 4482 4m 42.34s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 4m 42.36s: DVD Copy 4m 42.36s: Source: C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/THE_LONGEST_RIDE/ 4m 42.36s: SourceSize: 6873 MB 4m 42.36s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 9m 14.53s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 9m 14.54s: burn folder C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\THE_LONGEST_RIDE\ with ImgBurn 19m 35.51s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 19m 35.86s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 19m 35.87s: connect 0 : start. 19m 37.99s: connect 0 : 1:1 19m 38.26s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 32m 55.67s: opening drive J 32m 55.68s: opened i/o 32m 55.68s: got media type 12 32m 55.68s: got max lba 0 32m 55.69s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 33m 00.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 33m 00.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 33m 00.97s: UILog:Run Work to end. 33m 01.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 33m 07.71s: Exit process: stop running. 33m 07.71s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 33m 07.73s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 33m 07.73s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 33m 07.73s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 33m 07.78s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 33m 07.78s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/15 14:29:07) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.00s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.26s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:02f82e5399c0548620003979f22e7f65 ) 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.31s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.31s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.60s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.81s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.90s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.90s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:3cf22bdd503b3dfddfdceba0e0efbbb4 0m 00.90s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.25s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.59s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.59s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.59s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.59s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.63s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.63s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: bd set region A 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: 0- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.92s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.92s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.14s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.14s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.14s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.66s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.93s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.93s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.93s: opening drive J 0m 02.94s: opened i/o 0m 02.94s: got media type 12 0m 02.95s: got max lba 0 0m 02.95s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX J. 0m 05.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 5m 26.86s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 5m 26.86s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL/VIDEO_TS/ 5m 26.86s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 5m 26.86s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL/VIDEO_TS/ 5m 26.86s: Source manager: add source id 0. 5m 26.89s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 5m 26.89s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 5m 26.91s: pathplayer enabled 5m 26.96s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_2 start_2193 end_16124 sector_2459 count_4 5m 27.15s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_16125 end_31734 sector_16397 count_4 5m 33.12s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_20 end_63 sector_20 count_7 5m 33.13s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_64 end_101 sector_64 count_6 5m 33.17s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_102 end_152 sector_102 count_16 5m 33.21s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_2 start_153 end_203 sector_153 count_16 5m 33.28s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_3 start_204 end_256 sector_204 count_16 5m 33.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_4 start_257 end_309 sector_257 count_16 5m 33.52s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_5 start_310 end_359 sector_310 count_16 5m 33.70s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_6 start_360 end_413 sector_360 count_16 5m 33.91s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_7 start_414 end_464 sector_414 count_16 6m 38.56s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_465 end_510 sector_465 count_9 6m 38.61s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_3 start_16125 end_31734 sector_16397 count_4 6m 45.96s: Source manager: open successful. 6m 45.98s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 6m 46.09s: Source manager: select video files for open. 6m 46.09s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 6m 46.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 7m 13.13s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 7m 13.13s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 7m 13.13s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 7m 13.14s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 7m 13.16s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 7m 13.16s: UILog:Run current Work. 7m 13.16s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 7m 13.16s: UILog:start running at thread. 7m 13.16s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 7m 17.36s: Burn data size is: 4300 7m 17.36s: Burn disc space is: 4482 7m 17.78s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 7m 17.80s: DVD Copy 7m 17.80s: Source: C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL/ 7m 17.80s: SourceSize: 6266 MB 7m 17.80s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 11m 35.75s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 35.76s: burn folder C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\SCNDBEST_EXOTIC_MARIGOLD_HOTEL\ with ImgBurn 21m 55.61s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX J. 21m 56.07s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 21m 56.08s: connect 0 : start. 21m 58.22s: connect 0 : 1:1 21m 58.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 22m 33.94s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 22m 33.94s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 33.94s: UILog:Run Work to end. 22m 34.69s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 22m 39.73s: Exit process: stop running. 22m 39.73s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 22m 39.76s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 22m 39.76s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 22m 39.76s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 22m 39.80s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 22m 39.80s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/17 18:08:19) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.08s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.08s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.08s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.62s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.34s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.34s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.34s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.34s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.34s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.34s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.34s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.34s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.36s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.36s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.36s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.43s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:3cf22bdd503b3dfddfdceba0e0efbbb4 ) 0m 01.43s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.43s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.43s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.43s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.43s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.43s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.43s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.43s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.43s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.43s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.95s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:28 )( S:8415cb38faf1c015f575ce350438b011 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.16s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.28s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.28s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.48s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.84s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.84s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.84s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.84s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.84s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.84s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 04.29s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 04.29s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 04.29s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 04.29s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.30s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.30s: bd set region A 0m 04.30s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 04.30s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 04.30s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 04.30s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 04.30s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.30s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.61s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.62s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.62s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.85s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.85s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.85s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.39s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.66s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.67s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.67s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.35s: opening drive E 0m 08.35s: opened i/o 0m 08.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.39s: opening drive J 0m 08.39s: opened i/o 0m 08.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 51.84s: opening drive E 0m 54.26s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 6m 07.37s: Exit process: stop running. 6m 07.37s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 6m 07.41s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 6m 07.42s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 6m 07.42s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 6m 07.46s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 6m 07.46s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/17 18:15:50) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.00s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.17s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.28s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.28s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.28s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.28s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.28s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.28s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.28s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.28s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.29s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.29s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.33s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:28 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:8415cb38faf1c015f575ce350438b011 ) 0m 00.33s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.33s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.33s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.33s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.33s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.33s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.33s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.33s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.33s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.33s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.62s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.86s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.11s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.11s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:494e57f50bc55e42f32aac640415aaf5 0m 01.11s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.16s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.16s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.30s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.66s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.66s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.66s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.66s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.66s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 01.66s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.71s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.71s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.71s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.71s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.71s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.71s: bd set region A 0m 01.71s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.71s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.71s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 01.71s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 01.71s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.71s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.01s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.02s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.02s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.24s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.24s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.24s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.79s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.06s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.06s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.06s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.06s: opening drive E 0m 03.06s: opened i/o 0m 03.06s: got media type 4 0m 03.23s: got max lba 3424982 0m 03.23s: got disc type 10 0m 03.26s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 03.26s: volume label DESCENDANTS 0m 03.27s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 03.27s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 05.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.45s: opening drive J 0m 05.45s: opened i/o 0m 05.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.45s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 05.46s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 05.46s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 05.46s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 05.46s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 05.66s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.06s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.26s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.67s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 06.87s: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00 0m 07.27s: got copyright 1 f2 0m 07.27s: key method 1 0m 07.81s: got udf/iso 0m 09.70s: got discinfo 0m 09.71s: pathplayer enabled 0m 19.91s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 start_36065 end_47667 sector_36331 count_6 0m 20.06s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_47 cell_1 start_8976 end_9794 sector_9053 count_5 0m 27.71s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_47668 end_59454 sector_47865 count_6 0m 28.12s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_4 end_574 sector_81 count_13 0m 28.26s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_575 end_1147 sector_654 count_13 0m 50.02s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_1148 end_1720 sector_1227 count_13 1m 01.93s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_1721 end_2293 sector_1800 count_13 1m 11.05s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_6908 end_7412 sector_6962 count_4 1m 11.14s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_37 cell_1 start_7413 end_7931 sector_7481 count_4 1m 14.58s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_42 cell_1 start_7932 end_8451 sector_8001 count_5 1m 14.76s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_54 cell_1 start_8452 end_8975 sector_8525 count_1 1m 17.06s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_36 end_97 sector_36 count_3 1m 18.43s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_2 start_62351 end_74026 sector_62618 count_6 1m 18.57s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_6091 end_6907 sector_6166 count_5 1m 20.37s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_9795 end_21431 sector_9971 count_6 1m 20.67s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_2294 end_2855 sector_2362 count_13 1m 20.80s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_2856 end_3419 sector_2926 count_13 1m 25.48s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_3420 end_3984 sector_3491 count_13 1m 30.12s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_3985 end_4549 sector_4056 count_13 1m 39.16s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_4550 end_5053 sector_4603 count_3 1m 39.24s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_38 cell_1 start_5054 end_5570 sector_5120 count_4 1m 41.60s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_5571 end_6090 sector_5640 count_5 1m 45.65s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_2 start_76924 end_88577 sector_77192 count_6 1m 45.76s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_51 cell_1 start_90116 end_90933 sector_90192 count_5 1m 47.61s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_21432 end_33105 sector_21609 count_6 1m 47.90s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_88578 end_89080 sector_88630 count_3 1m 47.98s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_39 cell_1 start_89081 end_89596 sector_89146 count_4 1m 51.15s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_89597 end_90115 sector_89665 count_5 1m 53.27s: css key for vts 02 cannot be found (1) 1m 53.27s: css key for vts 03 cannot be found (1) 1m 53.96s: got dvdinfo 1m 53.96s: opened dvd 1m 55.49s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 55.52s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 55.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 18.93s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 18.93s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 18.93s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 18.93s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 18.95s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 18.95s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 18.95s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 18.95s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 18.96s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 19.01s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 19.03s: DVD Copy 2m 19.03s: Source: E:/ 2m 19.03s: SourceSize: 6688 MB 2m 19.03s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 12m 30.50s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 12m 30.50s: UILog:Run Work to end. 12m 30.50s: connect 0 : start. 12m 30.50s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 12m 30.50s: connect 0 : 1:0 253m 49.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 253m 53.18s: Exit process: stop running. 253m 53.18s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 253m 53.23s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 253m 53.24s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 253m 53.24s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 253m 53.30s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 253m 53.30s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.05s: DVDFab (2015/08/17 22:30:39) 0m 00.05s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.05s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.05s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.09s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.15s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.15s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.15s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.21s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.21s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.22s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.67s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.45s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.45s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.45s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.45s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.45s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.45s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.46s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.46s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.46s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:28 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:494e57f50bc55e42f32aac640415aaf5 ) 0m 01.57s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.57s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.57s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.57s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.57s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.57s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.57s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.57s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.57s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.57s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.37s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.50s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.50s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:9464369e4c4f98af525793c0ec7ef391 0m 02.50s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.67s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.67s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.86s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.22s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.22s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.22s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.22s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.22s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 03.22s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 03.48s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 03.48s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 03.48s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 03.48s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.48s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.48s: bd set region A 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.48s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.78s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.79s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.79s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.02s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.02s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.02s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.56s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.83s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.83s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 04.83s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.29s: opening drive E 0m 07.29s: opened i/o 0m 07.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.33s: opening drive J 0m 07.33s: opened i/o 0m 07.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 3m 43.50s: opening drive E 3m 45.70s: opened i/o 3m 45.71s: got media type 12 3m 45.72s: got max lba 0 3m 45.72s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 5m 26.86s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/DESCENDANTS/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 5m 26.87s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/DESCENDANTS/VIDEO_TS/ 5m 26.87s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/DESCENDANTS/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 5m 26.87s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/DESCENDANTS/VIDEO_TS/ 5m 26.87s: Source manager: add source id 0. 5m 26.91s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 5m 26.91s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 5m 26.92s: pathplayer enabled 5m 27.04s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 start_36061 end_47663 sector_36327 count_6 5m 27.05s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_47 cell_1 start_8972 end_9790 sector_9049 count_5 5m 34.61s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_47664 end_59450 sector_47861 count_6 5m 34.66s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_0 end_570 sector_77 count_13 5m 34.68s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_571 end_1143 sector_650 count_13 5m 56.94s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_1144 end_1716 sector_1223 count_13 6m 02.53s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_1717 end_2289 sector_1796 count_13 6m 11.23s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_6904 end_7408 sector_6958 count_4 6m 11.23s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_37 cell_1 start_7409 end_7927 sector_7477 count_4 6m 14.24s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_42 cell_1 start_7928 end_8447 sector_7997 count_5 6m 14.25s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_54 cell_1 start_8448 end_8971 sector_8521 count_1 6m 14.61s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_21 end_82 sector_21 count_3 6m 14.61s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_2 start_62347 end_74022 sector_62614 count_6 6m 14.62s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_6087 end_6903 sector_6162 count_5 6m 16.12s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_9791 end_21427 sector_9967 count_6 6m 16.13s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_2290 end_2851 sector_2358 count_13 6m 16.15s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_2852 end_3415 sector_2922 count_13 6m 20.51s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_3416 end_3980 sector_3487 count_13 6m 24.86s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_3981 end_4545 sector_4052 count_13 6m 33.59s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_4546 end_5049 sector_4599 count_3 6m 33.59s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_38 cell_1 start_5050 end_5566 sector_5116 count_4 6m 35.60s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_5567 end_6086 sector_5636 count_5 6m 37.83s: Source manager: open successful. 6m 37.85s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 6m 37.96s: Source manager: select video files for open. 6m 37.96s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 6m 38.00s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 9m 52.71s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 9m 52.71s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 9m 52.71s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 9m 52.71s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 9m 52.73s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 9m 52.73s: UILog:Run current Work. 9m 52.73s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 9m 52.73s: UILog:start running at thread. 9m 52.73s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 9m 56.95s: Burn data size is: 4300 9m 56.95s: Burn disc space is: 4482 9m 57.29s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 9m 57.30s: DVD Copy 9m 57.30s: Source: C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/DESCENDANTS/ 9m 57.31s: SourceSize: 6668 MB 9m 57.31s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 14m 39.56s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 14m 39.57s: burn folder C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\DESCENDANTS\ with ImgBurn 551m 30.97s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 551m 30.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 551m 36.16s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 551m 36.17s: connect 0 : start. 551m 38.30s: connect 0 : 1:1 551m 44.06s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 551m 44.06s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 551m 44.06s: UILog:Run Work to end. 551m 44.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 551m 47.15s: Exit process: stop running. 551m 47.15s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 551m 47.17s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 551m 47.18s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 551m 47.18s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 551m 47.23s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 551m 47.23s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2015/08/19 15:29:12) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.03s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.17s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.84s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.16s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.16s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.16s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.16s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.16s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.16s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.16s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.16s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.16s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.16s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.16s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:28 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:9464369e4c4f98af525793c0ec7ef391 ) 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.20s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.20s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.20s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.20s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.20s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.22s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.22s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.22s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.22s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.70s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:26 )( S:363b919337c37e3dbf61cad46d591065 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.00s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.00s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.20s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.56s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.56s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.56s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.56s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.56s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.56s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 03.70s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 03.70s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 03.70s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 03.70s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.70s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.70s: bd set region A 0m 03.70s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 03.70s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 03.70s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 03.70s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 03.70s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.70s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.01s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.01s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.01s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.23s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.23s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.23s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.95s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.22s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.22s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.22s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.59s: opening drive E 0m 08.59s: opened i/o 0m 08.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.60s: opening drive J 0m 08.61s: opened i/o 0m 08.61s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.61s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 16.94s: UI manager: switch to Converter mode. 0m 18.97s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 16m 33.52s: Exit process: stop running. 16m 33.52s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 16m 33.54s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 16m 33.55s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 16m 33.55s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 16m 33.59s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 16m 33.59s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 07:18:19) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9209 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.61s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.26s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:26 )( OV:9209 )( BV:9206 )( S:363b919337c37e3dbf61cad46d591065 ) 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.31s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.31s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.31s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.06s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.06s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( S:b6ce30a8ac82b55041c0f3a0cca3d094 0m 02.06s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.06s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 02.13s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.13s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.53s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.90s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.90s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.90s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600 0m 02.90s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 04.12s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 04.12s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 04.12s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 04.12s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.12s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.12s: bd set region A 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.12s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.45s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.45s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.45s: Show UI Step 2 0m 04.68s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.68s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.68s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.24s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.51s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.51s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.51s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.11s: opening drive E 0m 08.11s: opened i/o 0m 08.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.11s: opening drive J 0m 08.12s: opened i/o 0m 08.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 5m 21.99s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 5m 21.99s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 5m 21.99s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 5m 21.99s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 5m 21.99s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 5m 21.99s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 53m 10.82s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 53m 10.82s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 53m 10.82s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 53m 10.82s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 53m 10.82s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 53m 10.82s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 53m 10.82s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 53m 10.82s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 53m 10.82s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 57m 10.63s: Exit process: stop running. 57m 10.63s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 57m 10.64s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 57m 10.64s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 57m 10.64s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 57m 10.68s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 57m 10.68s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 08:15:46) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.01s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.07s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.07s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0 0m 00.07s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0, 0 0m 00.07s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0 0m 00.07s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.07s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.09s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.09s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.09s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.40s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.40s: Init process: install process. 0m 00.87s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 08:16:11) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.00s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.08s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.13s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.13s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.13s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.53s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.66s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.78s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.78s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.78s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.78s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.78s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.78s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.78s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.78s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.78s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.78s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.78s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.81s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.81s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.81s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.81s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.83s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.83s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:b14d6a7767109d229e1e435c0cb55982 0m 01.84s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.84s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 01.84s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 01.84s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.84s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.84s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.14s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.41s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.41s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.56s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.92s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.92s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.92s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.92s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.92s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 02.92s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 03.00s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 03.00s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 03.00s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 03.00s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.00s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.00s: bd set region A 0m 03.00s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 03.00s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 03.00s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 03.00s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 03.00s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.00s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.30s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.30s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.30s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.53s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.53s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.53s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.33s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.61s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.61s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 04.61s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.95s: opening drive E 0m 06.95s: opened i/o 0m 06.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.96s: opening drive J 0m 06.96s: opened i/o 0m 06.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 13.27s: allow_test : false 0m 32.72s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 32.72s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 32.73s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 32.73s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 32.73s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 32.76s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 32.76s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 08:18:45) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.00s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.01s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.26s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:b14d6a7767109d229e1e435c0cb55982 ) 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.30s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.30s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.57s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:7e59e9f78ee88d4f28baa1a53fc45390 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.21s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.56s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.56s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.56s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 01.56s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.63s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.63s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: bd set region A 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.93s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.93s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.93s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.15s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.16s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.16s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.69s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.95s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.95s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.95s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.29s: opening drive E 0m 05.30s: opened i/o 0m 05.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.30s: opening drive J 0m 05.31s: opened i/o 0m 05.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 3m 29.66s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 29.66s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 29.68s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 29.68s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 3m 29.68s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 3m 29.71s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 3m 29.71s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 08:44:03) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.01s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.08s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.08s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.13s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.13s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.13s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.58s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.79s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.79s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.79s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.79s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.79s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.79s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.79s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.79s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.79s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.79s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.81s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:7e59e9f78ee88d4f28baa1a53fc45390 ) 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.84s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.84s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.84s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.84s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.84s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.84s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.35s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.57s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.57s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:5cee847af4dc6f11c145cedf4d4590a8 0m 02.59s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.63s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.63s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.78s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.14s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.14s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.14s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.14s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.14s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 03.14s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 03.21s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 03.21s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 03.21s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 03.21s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.21s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.21s: bd set region A 0m 03.21s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 03.21s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 03.21s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 03.21s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 03.21s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.21s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.50s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.51s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.51s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.73s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.73s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.73s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.27s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.54s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.54s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 04.54s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.88s: opening drive E 0m 06.89s: opened i/o 0m 06.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.89s: opening drive J 0m 06.90s: opened i/o 0m 06.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 18.60s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 1m 18.60s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 1m 18.60s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 1m 22.83s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 22.83s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 22.85s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 22.85s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 22.85s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1m 22.88s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1m 22.88s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 08:49:56) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.00s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.08s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.12s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.12s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.12s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.24s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.24s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.24s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.24s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.24s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:5cee847af4dc6f11c145cedf4d4590a8 ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.31s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.31s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.31s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.31s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.31s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.31s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.57s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.79s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:828ef5a6dad358f3ecab5afc9d817cc4 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.21s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.57s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.57s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 01.57s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.64s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.64s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.64s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.64s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.64s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.64s: bd set region A 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.64s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.94s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.94s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.94s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.16s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.16s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.17s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.71s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.97s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.97s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.97s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.32s: opening drive E 0m 05.32s: opened i/o 0m 05.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.34s: opening drive J 0m 05.34s: opened i/o 0m 05.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 37.00s: opening drive E 0m 39.29s: opened i/o 0m 39.29s: got media type 4 0m 39.47s: got max lba 2807122 0m 39.48s: got disc type 10 0m 39.51s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 39.51s: volume label STRANGERLAND 0m 39.51s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 39.51s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 39.51s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 39.51s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 39.52s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 39.52s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 39.52s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 39.57s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 39.57s: key method 0 0m 40.21s: got udf/iso 0m 41.36s: got discinfo 0m 41.37s: pathplayer enabled 0m 44.17s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_15647 sector_5944 count_4 0m 47.51s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_15648 end_31498 sector_15853 count_4 0m 53.66s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_31499 end_31548 sector_31499 count_9 0m 53.71s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_31549 end_31594 sector_31549 count_9 0m 53.74s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_31595 end_31640 sector_31595 count_9 0m 54.54s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_31641 end_31670 sector_31641 count_7 0m 54.62s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_32394 end_32423 sector_32394 count_4 0m 55.63s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_31671 end_31705 sector_31671 count_6 1m 01.21s: got dvdinfo 1m 01.21s: opened dvd 1m 02.36s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 02.38s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 18.32s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 18.32s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 18.32s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 18.32s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 18.35s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 18.35s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 18.35s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 18.35s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 18.35s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 18.40s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 18.41s: DVD Copy 2m 18.41s: Source: E:/ 2m 18.41s: SourceSize: 5481 MB 2m 18.41s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 10m 56.10s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 10m 56.10s: UILog:Run Work to end. 10m 56.10s: connect 0 : start. 10m 58.40s: connect 0 : 1:1 11m 38.34s: get_newversion : true 11m 38.34s: auto_check : true 11m 38.34s: update_type : 1 11m 38.34s: nv_selection : 2 11m 38.34s: ad_selection : 2 11m 38.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 11m 44.22s: Exit process: stop running. 11m 44.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 11m 44.24s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 11m 44.24s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 11m 44.24s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 11m 44.27s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 11m 44.27s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 09:03:14) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.01s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.26s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.27s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.27s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.27s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:828ef5a6dad358f3ecab5afc9d817cc4 ) 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.30s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.32s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.60s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.80s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.08s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.08s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.25s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.25s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:8eaea482b7c60becf18b0194950ce42e 0m 01.25s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.59s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.59s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.59s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.59s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 01.59s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.69s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.69s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.69s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.69s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.69s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.69s: bd set region A 0m 01.69s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.69s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.69s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 01.69s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 01.69s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.69s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.98s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.99s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.99s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.21s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.21s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.21s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.74s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.01s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.01s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.01s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.36s: opening drive E 0m 05.36s: opened i/o 0m 05.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.39s: opening drive J 0m 05.39s: opened i/o 0m 05.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 18.87s: opening drive E 0m 20.66s: opened i/o 0m 20.66s: got media type 4 0m 20.85s: got max lba 3582182 0m 20.85s: got disc type 10 0m 20.90s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 20.90s: volume label THE_RIOT_CLUB 0m 20.90s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 20.90s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 20.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 20.90s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 20.91s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 20.91s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 20.91s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 20.96s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 20.96s: key method 0 0m 21.58s: got udf/iso 0m 22.60s: got discinfo 0m 22.60s: pathplayer enabled 0m 25.40s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_19156 sector_270 count_4 0m 28.54s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_19162 end_19229 sector_19162 count_13 0m 31.05s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_19230 end_19282 sector_19230 count_4 0m 35.86s: got dvdinfo 0m 35.86s: opened dvd 0m 38.93s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 38.95s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 50.58s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 50.58s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 50.58s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 50.58s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 50.60s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 50.60s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 50.60s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 50.60s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 50.60s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 50.66s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 50.67s: DVD Copy 0m 50.67s: Source: E:/ 0m 50.67s: SourceSize: 6995 MB 0m 50.67s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 12m 06.07s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 12m 06.07s: UILog:Run Work to end. 12m 06.07s: connect 0 : start. 12m 08.18s: connect 0 : 1:1 90m 17.63s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 90m 28.40s: Exit process: stop running. 90m 28.41s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 90m 28.43s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 90m 28.43s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 90m 28.43s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 90m 28.45s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 90m 28.45s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 10:34:39) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.01s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.17s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.29s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.29s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.29s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.29s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.29s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.29s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.29s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:8eaea482b7c60becf18b0194950ce42e ) 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.34s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.34s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.34s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.35s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.35s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.35s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.66s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.87s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:5bd15ac652665cfe020b07b5501689b7 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.13s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.13s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.28s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.63s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.63s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.63s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 01.63s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.72s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.72s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.72s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.72s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.72s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.72s: bd set region A 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.72s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.02s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.02s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.03s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.25s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.25s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.25s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.78s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.05s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.05s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.05s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.40s: opening drive E 0m 05.41s: opened i/o 0m 05.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.44s: opening drive J 0m 05.44s: opened i/o 0m 05.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 08.70s: opening drive E 2m 10.84s: opened i/o 2m 10.84s: got media type 4 2m 11.02s: got max lba 2184423 2m 11.03s: got disc type 10 2m 11.08s: type DVD-VIDEO 2m 11.08s: volume label 5_TO_7 2m 11.08s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 2m 11.08s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 2m 11.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 11.08s: Source manager: add source id 0. 2m 11.09s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 2m 11.09s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 2m 11.09s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 2m 11.13s: got copyright 1 fe 2m 11.13s: key method 0 2m 11.76s: got udf/iso 2m 12.89s: got discinfo 2m 12.89s: pathplayer enabled 2m 15.52s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_5 end_24593 sector_275 count_4 2m 18.95s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_24594 end_24633 sector_24594 count_13 2m 19.37s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_31 sector_0 count_3 2m 21.13s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_24634 end_24661 sector_24634 count_4 2m 22.80s: got dvdinfo 2m 22.80s: opened dvd 2m 23.71s: Source manager: open successful. 2m 23.74s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 45.13s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 45.13s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 45.13s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 45.13s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 45.15s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 45.15s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 45.15s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 45.16s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 45.16s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 45.21s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 45.22s: DVD Copy 2m 45.22s: Source: E:/ 2m 45.22s: SourceSize: 4265 MB 2m 45.22s: OutputSize: 8152 MB 7m 45.02s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 7m 45.02s: UILog:Run Work to end. 7m 45.02s: connect 0 : start. 7m 47.13s: connect 0 : 1:1 8m 21.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 8m 25.43s: Exit process: stop running. 8m 25.43s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 8m 25.45s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 8m 25.45s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 8m 25.45s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 8m 25.47s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 8m 25.47s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 10:44:08) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.00s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.06s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.06s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.08s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.13s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.13s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.13s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.50s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.50s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.50s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 01.50s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 01.50s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 01.50s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.50s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.50s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 01.50s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.50s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.50s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:5bd15ac652665cfe020b07b5501689b7 ) 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.53s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 01.53s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.53s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.53s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 01.53s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.53s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.53s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.06s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.25s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.25s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:54f39ffbdaf12f9e291bd141d6e96490 0m 02.25s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.31s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.31s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.80s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.81s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.81s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.81s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.81s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 02.81s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 02.90s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 02.90s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 02.90s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 02.90s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.90s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.90s: bd set region A 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 02.90s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.21s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.21s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.21s: Show UI Step 2 0m 03.43s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.43s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.43s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.97s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.23s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.23s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 04.23s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.59s: opening drive E 0m 06.59s: opened i/o 0m 06.62s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.63s: opening drive J 0m 06.63s: opened i/o 0m 06.63s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.63s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.84s: UI manager: switch to Convert mode. 0m 08.80s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 35.44s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 1m 35.44s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 35.44s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 1m 35.44s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 35.44s: Source manager: add source id 0. 1m 35.46s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 1m 35.46s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 1m 35.46s: pathplayer enabled 1m 35.50s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_24588 sector_270 count_4 1m 35.84s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_24589 end_24628 sector_24589 count_13 1m 37.25s: opening drive E 1m 37.43s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_31 sector_0 count_3 1m 38.31s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_24629 end_24656 sector_24629 count_4 1m 39.51s: opened i/o 1m 39.51s: got media type 12 1m 39.52s: got max lba 0 1m 39.52s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 1m 44.05s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 44.07s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 44.15s: Source manager: select video files for open. 1m 44.15s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 1m 44.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 4m 49.65s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 4m 49.65s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 4m 49.66s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 4m 49.66s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 4m 49.70s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 4m 49.70s: UILog:Run current Work. 4m 49.70s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 4m 49.70s: UILog:start running at thread. 4m 49.71s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 4m 53.93s: Burn data size is: 4265 4m 53.93s: Burn disc space is: 4482 4m 54.27s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 4m 54.28s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 4m 54.30s: burn folder C:\Users\Stephen\Desktop\FullDisc\5_TO_7\ with ImgBurn 12m 20.29s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 12m 20.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 12m 27.56s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 12m 27.56s: connect 0 : start. 12m 29.67s: connect 0 : 1:1 12m 35.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 12m 35.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 12m 35.97s: UILog:Run Work to end. 12m 36.48s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 12m 40.43s: Exit process: stop running. 12m 40.43s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 12m 40.44s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 12m 40.44s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 12m 40.44s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 12m 40.47s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 12m 40.47s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 10:57:14) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.00s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.07s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.26s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:54f39ffbdaf12f9e291bd141d6e96490 ) 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.30s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.30s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.30s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.30s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.30s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.30s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.30s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.57s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.84s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1b3ae2a6c0165d249042d550776a7ac3 0m 00.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.58s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.58s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 01.58s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 01.67s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 01.67s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 01.67s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 01.67s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.67s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.67s: bd set region A 0m 01.67s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 01.67s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 01.67s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 01.67s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 01.67s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 01.67s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.97s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 01.97s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 01.97s: Show UI Step 2 0m 02.19s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.19s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.19s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.72s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 02.99s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 02.99s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 02.99s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.34s: opening drive E 0m 05.35s: opened i/o 0m 05.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.38s: opening drive J 0m 05.38s: opened i/o 0m 05.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 3m 21.42s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 3m 21.42s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 3m 21.42s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 3m 21.42s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 3m 21.42s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 3m 21.42s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 3m 23.72s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 23.73s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 23.74s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 23.74s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 3m 23.74s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 3m 23.78s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 3m 23.78s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2015/08/22 11:01:33) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-8-20 0m 00.01s: App info: 9210 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.08s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.13s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.13s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.13s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Stephen/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.14s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.25s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.25s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351 0m 00.25s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248 0m 00.25s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.25s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 : : 5.2 0m 00.25s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.25s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.25s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9210 )( BV:9206 )( S:1b3ae2a6c0165d249042d550776a7ac3 ) 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )- 0m 00.29s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.29s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.29s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.29s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.29s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 40-e2-30-b4-b0-8e:40-e2-30-b4-b0-8f:08-62-66-a0-c2-81 0m 00.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.79s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.93s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.93s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:ddd4ec3278bd4827d666d0b54109cbcb 0m 00.95s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.04s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.04s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.20s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.56s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.56s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.56s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2294784 0m 01.56s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks 0m 18.48s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2 0m 18.48s: DVD: after init write settings. 0m 18.48s: DVD: finish init write settings. 0m 18.48s: BD: init read settings. 0m 18.48s: BD: init write settings. 0m 18.48s: bd set region A 0m 18.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin. 0m 18.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end. 0m 18.48s: Burn engine: writer count 2. 0m 18.48s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE24NU40 1.00 (Usb)]. 0m 18.48s: Burn engine: 1- J:\ [MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ160 1.00 (Scsi)]. 0m 18.48s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 18.78s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 18.79s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 18.79s: Show UI Step 2 0m 19.03s: Show UI Step 3 0m 19.03s: Start show MainUI. 0m 19.03s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 19.56s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 19.84s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 19.84s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 19.84s: DriveX msg: Init driveX J with I/O mode: 0 0m 19.87s: opening drive E 0m 19.90s: opened i/o 0m 19.90s: got media type 12 0m 19.91s: got max lba 0 0m 19.91s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 0m 22.19s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 22.19s: opening drive J 0m 22.19s: opened i/o 0m 22.19s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 22.19s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 51.18s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 51.19s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 51.19s: set folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ with type 0 0m 51.19s: opening folder C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/FullDisc/5_TO_7/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 51.19s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 51.20s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 51.20s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 51.20s: pathplayer enabled 0m 51.21s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_24588 sector_270 count_4 0m 51.45s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_24589 end_24628 sector_24589 count_13 0m 52.61s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_31 sector_0 count_3 0m 53.24s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_24629 end_24656 sector_24629 count_4 0m 57.38s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 57.40s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 57.49s: Source manager: select video files for open. 0m 57.49s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0. 0m 57.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 14.84s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 14.84s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 14.84s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 14.84s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 14.86s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 14.86s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 14.86s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 14.87s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 14.87s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 19.08s: Burn data size is: 4265 1m 19.08s: Burn disc space is: 4482 1m 19.42s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 19.43s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 19.44s: burn folder C:\Users\Stephen\Desktop\FullDisc\5_TO_7\ with ImgBurn 8m 18.37s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 8m 18.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 8m 27.69s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 8m 27.69s: connect 0 : start. 8m 29.81s: connect 0 : 1:1 8m 32.82s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 8m 32.82s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 8m 32.82s: UILog:Run Work to end. 8m 33.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 8m 34.50s: Exit process: stop running. 8m 34.50s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 8m 34.51s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 8m 34.51s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 8m 34.51s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 8m 34.54s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 8m 34.54s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.