0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/02 19:41:16) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.39s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 01.79s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.79s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.79s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.79s: set code page : .0 0m 01.79s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.80s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 01.80s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 01.80s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 01.80s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.80s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.80s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.80s: Init process: first run after install. 0m 01.80s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.82s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.82s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 01.97s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 01.99s: Init process: install process. 0m 02.43s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/02 19:43:57) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.17s: set code page : .0 0m 00.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.17s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.33s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.56s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.56s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.56s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.56s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.56s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.56s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.56s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.56s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.57s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.57s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.57s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.66s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.66s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.66s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.66s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.78s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Connect type is: 1 0m 01.90s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.90s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9239 )( BV:9240 0m 02.18s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.19s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.19s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.19s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.19s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.20s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.20s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.20s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.49s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.97s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.97s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.18s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.64s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.64s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.64s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.64s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 06.34s: BD: init read settings. 0m 06.34s: BD: init write settings. 0m 06.34s: bd set region A 0m 06.35s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 06.35s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 06.35s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.35s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 06.35s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.86s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.86s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.86s: Show QNagDlg Dlg 0m 52.18s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 52.18s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 52.18s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 52.18s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 52.56s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 52.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( S:4465db1dc68eb10fffdf80e2cb0c4ad4 0m 52.57s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 52.57s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 1m 11.09s: Start show MainUI. 1m 11.09s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 1 1m 16.61s: Show QUserExperienceDlg Dlg 2 1m 16.62s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 19.40s: Init process: init main ui successful. 1m 20.08s: Init process: show main ui successful. 1m 20.08s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 1m 20.41s: opening drive E 1m 20.41s: opened i/o 1m 21.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 21.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 54.17s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 54.17s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 54.20s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 54.20s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 54.20s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1m 54.27s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1m 54.27s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/02 19:47:10) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.16s: set code page : .0 0m 00.16s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.16s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.38s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.38s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.38s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.38s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.38s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.38s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.38s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.38s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.40s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.40s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.40s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.45s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9239 )( BV:9240 )( S:4465db1dc68eb10fffdf80e2cb0c4ad4 ) 0m 00.45s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.45s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.47s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.47s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.47s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.47s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.47s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.81s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.08s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:5c30b359cc5d7e76bcf455d819bfbd8d 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.45s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.45s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.55s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.03s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.04s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.04s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.04s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.55s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.55s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.55s: bd set region A 0m 03.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 03.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 03.56s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.56s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.56s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.27s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.27s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.28s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 2 0m 16.54s: Start show MainUI. 0m 16.55s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 17.21s: allow_test : false 0m 17.29s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 17.65s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 17.65s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 17.75s: opening drive E 0m 17.75s: opened i/o 0m 17.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 17.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 31.68s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 31.68s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 31.70s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 31.71s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 31.71s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 31.75s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 31.75s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/02 21:21:05) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.18s: set code page : .0 0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.18s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.49s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.49s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.50s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.50s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.50s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.50s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.50s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.50s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.50s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.50s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.50s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9239 )( BV:9240 )( S:5c30b359cc5d7e76bcf455d819bfbd8d ) 0m 00.56s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.56s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.56s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.58s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.58s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.58s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.58s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.82s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 21.60s: error curl post: Couldn't connect to server 0m 21.60s: error curl post: Couldn't connect to server 0m 21.60s: connect plugin info : 1:0 0m 21.93s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 21.93s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 22.05s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 22.50s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 22.50s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 22.50s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 22.50s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 24.05s: BD: init read settings. 0m 24.05s: BD: init write settings. 0m 24.05s: bd set region A 0m 24.05s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 24.05s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 24.05s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 24.05s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 24.05s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 24.58s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 24.59s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 24.87s: Start show MainUI. 0m 24.87s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 25.49s: allow_test : false 0m 25.56s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 25.91s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 25.91s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 28.26s: opening drive E 0m 28.26s: opened i/o 0m 28.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 28.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 42.61s: error curl post: Couldn't connect to server 1m 03.61s: error curl post: Couldn't connect to server 1m 03.61s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 2 1m 03.61s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 1m 03.62s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 1m 03.62s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 1m 07.56s: error curl post: Couldn't connect to server 1m 07.58s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 1m 07.59s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 1m 07.59s: Reg check: Connect test Failed. 1m 07.59s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 1m 07.59s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 2 1m 07.59s: Reg check: Get registration info failed, the return string is: 3m 22.15s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 22.15s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 22.18s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 22.18s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 3m 22.18s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 3m 22.22s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 3m 22.23s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/02 21:33:21) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.04s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.07s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.14s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.20s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.20s: set code page : .0 0m 00.20s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.20s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.25s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.75s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.85s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.85s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.85s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.85s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.85s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.85s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.85s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.85s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.85s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.85s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.85s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.95s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9239 )( BV:9240 )( S:5c30b359cc5d7e76bcf455d819bfbd8d ) 0m 00.95s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.95s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.95s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.95s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.95s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.96s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.96s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.06s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 03.78s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.78s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.89s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.34s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.34s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.34s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.34s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.41s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.41s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.41s: bd set region A 0m 04.41s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 04.41s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 04.41s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.41s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 04.41s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.91s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.91s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.24s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.24s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.91s: allow_test : false 0m 06.27s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.53s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 06.54s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:16d8ca5e43d764640bd3d9741c07d243 0m 06.54s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.89s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.90s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.91s: opening drive E 0m 09.92s: opened i/o 0m 09.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 09.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 83m 28.71s: Exit process: stop running. 83m 28.78s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 83m 28.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 83m 28.85s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 83m 28.85s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 83m 28.90s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 83m 28.90s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/02 23:11:40) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.11s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.18s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.19s: set code page : .0 0m 00.19s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.19s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.19s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.39s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.39s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.39s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.39s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.39s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.39s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.39s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.39s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.41s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.41s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.41s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.47s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9239 )( BV:9240 )( S:16d8ca5e43d764640bd3d9741c07d243 ) 0m 00.47s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.47s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.47s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.47s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.47s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.47s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.47s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.62s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.62s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.83s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.08s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:673e74c3307cd583e6d487d992ce96a2 0m 01.35s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.42s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.42s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.54s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.03s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.03s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.03s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.03s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.57s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.57s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.57s: bd set region A 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 03.57s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.13s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.14s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.44s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.44s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.11s: allow_test : false 0m 05.18s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.52s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.52s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.92s: opening drive E 0m 07.92s: opened i/o 0m 07.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 69m 09.75s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 69m 09.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 69m 17.79s: opening drive E 69m 20.50s: opened i/o 69m 20.50s: got media type 4 69m 20.68s: got max lba 2518296 69m 20.68s: got disc type 10 69m 20.74s: type DVD-VIDEO 69m 20.74s: volume label EAST_SIDE_SUSHI 69m 20.74s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 69m 20.74s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 69m 20.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 69m 20.76s: Source manager: add source id 0. 69m 20.77s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 69m 20.77s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 69m 20.77s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 69m 20.95s: got copyright 1 fe 69m 20.95s: key method 0 69m 26.30s: got udf/iso 69m 30.06s: got discinfo 69m 30.07s: pathplayer enabled 69m 30.50s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_284 end_919 sector_327 count_4 69m 35.70s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_1055 end_1081 sector_1081 count_7 69m 35.78s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_920 end_954 sector_954 count_9 69m 35.90s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_4 start_1023 end_1054 sector_1054 count_9 69m 36.00s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_3 start_988 end_1022 sector_1022 count_9 69m 36.10s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_2 start_955 end_987 sector_987 count_9 69m 36.43s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_297 end_313 sector_313 count_3 69m 38.93s: got dvdinfo 69m 38.93s: opened dvd 69m 39.78s: Source manager: open successful. 69m 39.90s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 70m 13.15s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 70m 13.16s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 70m 13.16s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 70m 13.16s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 70m 13.19s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 70m 13.19s: UILog:Run current Work. 70m 13.19s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 70m 13.19s: UILog:start running at thread. 70m 13.19s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 70m 13.19s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 70m 13.19s: Reg check: Connect type is: 2 70m 13.52s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 70m 13.52s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9240 70m 13.52s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 70m 13.59s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 70m 13.68s: DVD Copy 70m 13.69s: Source: E:/ 70m 13.69s: SourceSize: 4735 MB 70m 13.69s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 90m 42.67s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 90m 42.89s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 90m 42.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 91m 09.59s: opening drive E 91m 09.75s: opened i/o 91m 09.76s: got media type 5 91m 09.79s: got max lba 0 91m 09.80s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 91m 11.21s: Burn data size is: 4300 91m 11.21s: Burn disc space is: 4488 91m 11.88s: burn folder C:\Users\joeko\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\EAST_SIDE_SUSHI\ with VSO 169m 26.93s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 169m 27.95s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 169m 27.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 169m 36.95s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 169m 36.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 170m 13.60s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 170m 13.60s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 170m 13.60s: UILog:Run Work to end. 170m 14.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 173m 23.22s: Exit process: stop running. 173m 23.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 173m 23.25s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 173m 23.26s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 173m 23.26s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 173m 23.31s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 173m 23.31s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.16s: DVDFab (2016/05/09 13:17:06) 0m 00.29s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.29s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.29s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.29s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.32s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.32s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.32s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.43s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 03.05s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 03.05s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 03.05s: App info: client type 2. 0m 03.06s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 03.11s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 03.11s: set code page : .0 0m 03.11s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 03.11s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 03.32s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 03.69s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 07.17s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 07.17s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 07.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 07.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 07.17s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 07.17s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 07.17s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 07.17s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 07.17s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 07.17s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 07.17s: Init process: command line in is 0m 07.44s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9239 )( BV:9240 )( S:673e74c3307cd583e6d487d992ce96a2 ) 0m 07.44s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 07.44s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 07.44s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 07.44s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 07.44s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 07.44s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 07.44s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 08.99s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 08.99s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 08.99s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 08.99s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 10.21s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 10.21s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:24 )( S:fd26d80b8dbed7638ca3d0a567f910e4 0m 10.21s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 10.21s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 11.96s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 13.14s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 13.14s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 13.51s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 14.08s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 14.08s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 14.08s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 14.08s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 14.44s: BD: init read settings. 0m 14.44s: BD: init write settings. 0m 14.44s: bd set region A 0m 14.44s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 14.44s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 14.45s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 14.45s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 14.45s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 15.05s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 15.05s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 15.35s: Start show MainUI. 0m 15.36s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 16.10s: allow_test : false 0m 16.82s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 17.33s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 17.33s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 19.90s: opening drive E 0m 19.90s: opened i/o 0m 19.91s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 19.91s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 81m 13.22s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 81m 13.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 662m 45.21s: opening drive E 662m 47.33s: opened i/o 662m 47.33s: got media type 4 662m 47.52s: got max lba 2041109 662m 47.53s: got disc type 10 662m 47.61s: type DVD-VIDEO 662m 47.61s: volume label AMERICAN_HERO 662m 47.61s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 662m 47.61s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 662m 47.61s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 662m 47.62s: Source manager: add source id 0. 662m 47.63s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 662m 47.63s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 662m 47.63s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 662m 47.65s: got copyright 1 fe 662m 47.66s: key method 0 662m 50.34s: got udf/iso 662m 51.28s: got discinfo 662m 51.28s: pathplayer enabled 662m 53.05s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_2 start_828 end_17363 sector_997 count_3 662m 58.49s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_3 start_17364 end_33940 sector_17531 count_3 662m 58.58s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_75 sector_0 count_13 662m 59.05s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_76 end_136 sector_76 count_2 663m 00.81s: got dvdinfo 663m 00.81s: opened dvd 663m 01.66s: Source manager: open successful. 663m 01.93s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 663m 54.88s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 663m 54.89s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 663m 54.89s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 663m 54.92s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 663m 54.95s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 663m 54.95s: UILog:Run current Work. 663m 54.95s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 663m 54.96s: UILog:start running at thread. 663m 54.96s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 663m 55.02s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 663m 55.04s: DVD Copy 663m 55.04s: Source: E:/ 663m 55.04s: SourceSize: 3985 MB 663m 55.04s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 673m 08.34s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 673m 08.35s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 673m 08.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 674m 00.99s: opening drive E 674m 00.99s: opened i/o 674m 01.01s: got media type 5 674m 01.09s: got max lba 0 674m 01.09s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 674m 02.85s: Burn data size is: 3985 674m 02.86s: Burn disc space is: 4488 674m 02.98s: burn folder C:\Users\joeko\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\AMERICAN_HERO\ with VSO 744m 09.72s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 744m 10.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 744m 10.80s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 744m 21.17s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 744m 21.18s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 744m 21.18s: UILog:Run Work to end. 744m 22.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 746m 59.98s: Exit process: stop running. 746m 59.99s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 747m 00.03s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 747m 00.03s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 747m 00.03s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 747m 00.09s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 747m 00.09s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2016/05/16 19:07:43) 0m 00.05s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.05s: App info: 2016-4-21 0m 00.05s: App info: 9239 Official 0m 00.08s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.08s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.08s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.10s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.22s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.22s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.22s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.23s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.28s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.28s: set code page : .0 0m 00.28s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.28s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.30s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.55s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.55s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.55s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.55s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.55s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.55s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.55s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.55s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.55s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.55s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.55s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.67s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.67s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.67s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.67s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.12s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.12s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.12s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.12s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.29s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:ba223dc216119a573cc42c695cc28daa 0m 03.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.74s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 03.74s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.74s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.74s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 03.74s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 03.74s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.76s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.76s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.39s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 05.32s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 05.32s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 05.47s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 05.91s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 05.91s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 05.91s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 05.91s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.48s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.48s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.48s: bd set region A 0m 07.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 07.48s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 07.48s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 07.48s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 07.48s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.94s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 07.95s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 08.23s: Start show MainUI. 0m 08.23s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 08.83s: allow_test : false 0m 08.91s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 09.23s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 09.23s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 11.67s: opening drive E 0m 11.67s: opened i/o 0m 11.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 54m 34.28s: Exit process: stop running. 54m 34.28s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 54m 34.31s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 54m 34.31s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 54m 34.31s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 54m 34.35s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 54m 34.35s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/16 20:02:49) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.01s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.11s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: set code page : .0 0m 00.11s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.11s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.11s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.11s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.11s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.11s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.71s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.72s: Init process: install process. 0m 00.78s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2016/05/16 20:08:01) 0m 00.02s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.02s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.02s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.22s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.46s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.46s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.46s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.48s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.53s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.53s: set code page : .0 0m 00.53s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.53s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.59s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.95s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.96s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.96s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.96s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.96s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.96s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.96s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.96s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.96s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.96s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.96s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.03s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.03s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.03s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 01.98s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.50s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.23s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.23s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:328de65805c09ed64f8b55258bb155c7 0m 03.57s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 03.59s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.59s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.59s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 03.59s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 03.59s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.59s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.59s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.17s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 04.24s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 04.26s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 04.41s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.84s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.84s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.84s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.84s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 06.40s: BD: init read settings. 0m 06.40s: BD: init write settings. 0m 06.40s: bd set region A 0m 06.40s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin. 0m 06.40s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end. 0m 06.40s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.40s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [hp DVDRW SU208HB HH00 (Scsi)]. 0m 06.40s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.88s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.89s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 37.49s: Start show MainUI. 0m 37.49s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 38.06s: allow_test : false 0m 38.14s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 38.46s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 38.46s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 38.56s: opening drive E 0m 38.56s: opened i/o 0m 38.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 38.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 247m 11.92s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 247m 11.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 247m 17.95s: opening drive E 247m 20.24s: opened i/o 247m 20.24s: got media type 4 247m 20.43s: got max lba 2169501 247m 20.44s: got disc type 10 247m 20.50s: type DVD-VIDEO 247m 20.50s: volume label SOUTHBOUND 247m 20.50s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 247m 20.50s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 247m 20.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 247m 20.52s: Source manager: add source id 0. 247m 20.54s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 247m 20.54s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 247m 20.54s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 247m 20.56s: got copyright 1 fe 247m 20.56s: key method 0 247m 23.18s: got udf/iso 247m 24.85s: got discinfo 247m 24.86s: pathplayer enabled 247m 26.24s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_284 end_370 sector_370 count_4 247m 32.26s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_505 end_543 sector_543 count_7 247m 32.41s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_371 end_396 sector_396 count_9 247m 32.56s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_4 start_446 end_470 sector_470 count_9 247m 32.65s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_424 end_445 sector_445 count_9 247m 32.77s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_397 end_423 sector_423 count_9 247m 33.06s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_471 end_504 sector_504 count_8 247m 34.76s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_2 cell_1 start_142 end_190 sector_142 count_3 247m 35.31s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_3 cell_1 start_191 end_223 sector_191 count_3 247m 35.35s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_4 cell_1 start_224 end_260 sector_224 count_3 247m 35.39s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_5 cell_1 start_261 end_295 sector_261 count_3 247m 35.43s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_6 cell_1 start_296 end_333 sector_296 count_3 247m 35.93s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_7 cell_1 start_334 end_372 sector_334 count_3 247m 35.97s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_8 cell_1 start_373 end_422 sector_373 count_3 247m 36.01s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_9 cell_1 start_423 end_466 sector_423 count_3 247m 36.06s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_10 cell_1 start_467 end_502 sector_467 count_3 247m 36.10s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_11 cell_1 start_503 end_545 sector_503 count_3 247m 36.15s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_12 cell_1 start_546 end_579 sector_546 count_3 247m 36.19s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_13 cell_1 start_580 end_611 sector_580 count_3 247m 36.23s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_14 cell_1 start_612 end_654 sector_612 count_3 247m 36.29s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_15 cell_1 start_655 end_685 sector_655 count_3 247m 36.30s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_16 cell_1 start_686 end_727 sector_686 count_3 247m 36.34s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_17 cell_1 start_728 end_770 sector_728 count_3 247m 36.39s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_18 cell_1 start_771 end_812 sector_771 count_3 247m 36.43s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_19 cell_1 start_813 end_858 sector_813 count_3 247m 36.47s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_20 cell_1 start_859 end_899 sector_859 count_3 247m 36.52s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_21 cell_1 start_900 end_954 sector_900 count_3 247m 36.56s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_22 cell_1 start_955 end_987 sector_955 count_3 247m 36.60s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_23 cell_1 start_988 end_1028 sector_988 count_3 247m 36.65s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1029 end_1065 sector_1029 count_3 247m 37.16s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_25 cell_1 start_1066 end_1099 sector_1066 count_3 247m 37.68s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_26 cell_1 start_1100 end_1130 sector_1100 count_3 247m 37.73s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_27 cell_1 start_1131 end_1179 sector_1131 count_3 247m 37.77s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_28 cell_1 start_1180 end_1212 sector_1180 count_3 247m 38.33s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_29 cell_1 start_1213 end_1253 sector_1213 count_3 247m 38.83s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_30 cell_1 start_1254 end_1281 sector_1254 count_3 247m 39.02s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_31 cell_1 start_1282 end_1321 sector_1282 count_3 247m 39.53s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_32 cell_1 start_1322 end_1359 sector_1322 count_3 247m 48.85s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_297 end_309 sector_309 count_3 247m 51.68s: got dvdinfo 247m 51.68s: opened dvd 247m 52.86s: Source manager: open successful. 247m 52.94s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 249m 31.98s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 249m 31.98s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 249m 31.98s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 249m 31.98s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 249m 32.01s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 249m 32.01s: UILog:Run current Work. 249m 32.01s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 249m 32.01s: UILog:start running at thread. 249m 32.02s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 249m 32.02s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 249m 32.02s: Reg check: Connect type is: 2 249m 32.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 249m 32.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9243 249m 32.30s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 249m 32.39s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 249m 32.48s: DVD Copy 249m 32.48s: Source: E:/ 249m 32.48s: SourceSize: 4192 MB 249m 32.48s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 259m 06.80s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 259m 06.83s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 259m 06.85s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 259m 39.57s: opening drive E 259m 39.74s: opened i/o 259m 39.76s: got media type 5 259m 39.81s: got max lba 0 259m 39.81s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 259m 41.17s: Burn data size is: 4186 259m 41.17s: Burn disc space is: 4488 259m 41.41s: burn folder C:\Users\joeko\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\SOUTHBOUND\ with VSO 334m 26.16s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 334m 27.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 334m 27.34s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 335m 14.28s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 335m 14.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 335m 59.40s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 335m 59.40s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 335m 59.40s: UILog:Run Work to end. 335m 59.40s: get_newversion : true 335m 59.40s: auto_check : true 335m 59.40s: update_type : 1 335m 59.40s: nv_selection : 2 335m 59.40s: ad_selection : 2 336m 00.47s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 345m 58.65s: Exit process: stop running. 345m 58.65s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 345m 58.69s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 345m 58.69s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 345m 58.70s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 345m 58.75s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 345m 58.75s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/17 01:55:31) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.01s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.16s: set code page : .0 0m 00.16s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.18s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.41s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.41s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.41s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.41s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.41s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.41s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.41s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.41s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.41s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.41s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.41s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.48s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:328de65805c09ed64f8b55258bb155c7 )( 1:30 ) 0m 00.48s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.48s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.48s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.48s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.48s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.48s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.49s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.01s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.01s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.10s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.55s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.56s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.56s: bd set region A 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.56s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 01.57s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 01.79s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.79s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.79s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 01.79s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.10s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.11s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.11s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 02.55s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 03.21s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.21s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:fd438a8b577514ed41bf8a66d35010ac 0m 03.22s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.22s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 21.42s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 21.42s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 21.42s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 21.42s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 21.79s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 21.79s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1a3dc6a5d5984627439026da2f6989d7 0m 21.80s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 22.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 31.99s: Start show MainUI. 0m 31.99s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 32.56s: allow_test : false 0m 32.61s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 32.93s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 32.93s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 32.94s: opening drive E 0m 32.94s: opened i/o 0m 32.94s: got media type 4 0m 34.93s: got max lba 2169501 0m 34.94s: got disc type 10 0m 35.00s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 35.00s: volume label SOUTHBOUND 0m 35.00s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 35.00s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 35.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 35.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 35.02s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 35.04s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 35.04s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 35.04s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 35.05s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 35.05s: key method 0 0m 37.78s: got udf/iso 0m 39.41s: got discinfo 0m 39.42s: pathplayer enabled 0m 40.76s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_284 end_370 sector_370 count_4 0m 46.69s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_505 end_543 sector_543 count_7 0m 46.88s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_371 end_396 sector_396 count_9 0m 47.08s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_4 start_446 end_470 sector_470 count_9 0m 47.21s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_424 end_445 sector_445 count_9 0m 47.35s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_397 end_423 sector_423 count_9 0m 47.73s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_471 end_504 sector_504 count_8 0m 49.50s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_2 cell_1 start_142 end_190 sector_142 count_3 0m 50.09s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_3 cell_1 start_191 end_223 sector_191 count_3 0m 50.10s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_4 cell_1 start_224 end_260 sector_224 count_3 0m 50.11s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_5 cell_1 start_261 end_295 sector_261 count_3 0m 50.12s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_6 cell_1 start_296 end_333 sector_296 count_3 0m 50.13s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_7 cell_1 start_334 end_372 sector_334 count_3 0m 50.13s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_8 cell_1 start_373 end_422 sector_373 count_3 0m 50.14s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_9 cell_1 start_423 end_466 sector_423 count_3 0m 50.18s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_10 cell_1 start_467 end_502 sector_467 count_3 0m 50.23s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_11 cell_1 start_503 end_545 sector_503 count_3 0m 50.24s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_12 cell_1 start_546 end_579 sector_546 count_3 0m 50.25s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_13 cell_1 start_580 end_611 sector_580 count_3 0m 50.26s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_14 cell_1 start_612 end_654 sector_612 count_3 0m 50.27s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_15 cell_1 start_655 end_685 sector_655 count_3 0m 50.27s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_16 cell_1 start_686 end_727 sector_686 count_3 0m 50.32s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_17 cell_1 start_728 end_770 sector_728 count_3 0m 50.34s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_18 cell_1 start_771 end_812 sector_771 count_3 0m 50.35s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_19 cell_1 start_813 end_858 sector_813 count_3 0m 50.36s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_20 cell_1 start_859 end_899 sector_859 count_3 0m 50.37s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_21 cell_1 start_900 end_954 sector_900 count_3 0m 50.37s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_22 cell_1 start_955 end_987 sector_955 count_3 0m 50.42s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_23 cell_1 start_988 end_1028 sector_988 count_3 0m 50.43s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1029 end_1065 sector_1029 count_3 0m 50.44s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_25 cell_1 start_1066 end_1099 sector_1066 count_3 0m 50.44s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_26 cell_1 start_1100 end_1130 sector_1100 count_3 0m 50.45s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_27 cell_1 start_1131 end_1179 sector_1131 count_3 0m 50.50s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_28 cell_1 start_1180 end_1212 sector_1180 count_3 0m 50.51s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_29 cell_1 start_1213 end_1253 sector_1213 count_3 0m 50.52s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_30 cell_1 start_1254 end_1281 sector_1254 count_3 0m 50.53s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_31 cell_1 start_1282 end_1321 sector_1282 count_3 0m 50.53s: button: vts_8 menu_0 pgc_32 cell_1 start_1322 end_1359 sector_1322 count_3 0m 52.42s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_297 end_309 sector_309 count_3 0m 55.43s: got dvdinfo 0m 55.44s: opened dvd 0m 56.68s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 56.74s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 56.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 58.84s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 58.84s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 58.84s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 58.84s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 58.87s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 58.87s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 58.87s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 58.88s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 58.88s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 58.92s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 58.99s: DVD Copy 0m 58.99s: Source: E:/ 0m 58.99s: SourceSize: 4192 MB 0m 58.99s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 10m 30.23s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 10m 32.30s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 10m 32.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 10m 48.51s: opening drive E 10m 48.51s: opened i/o 10m 48.51s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 10m 50.53s: Burn data size is: 4186 10m 50.53s: Burn disc space is: 4488 10m 50.84s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/SOUTHBOUND/ with MyBurn 21m 33.12s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 21m 36.71s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 21m 36.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 22m 35.42s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 22m 35.42s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 35.42s: UILog:Run Work to end. 22m 36.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 22m 36.88s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 22m 36.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 22m 42.90s: Exit process: stop running. 22m 42.90s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 22m 42.96s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 22m 42.97s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 22m 42.97s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 22m 43.01s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 22m 43.01s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.03s: DVDFab (2016/05/23 16:02:48) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.04s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.07s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.36s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 01.24s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.27s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.27s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.28s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.34s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.34s: set code page : .0 0m 01.34s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.34s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.45s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.64s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.64s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.64s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 01.64s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 01.64s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.64s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.64s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.64s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 01.64s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.64s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.64s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.71s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:30 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:1a3dc6a5d5984627439026da2f6989d7 ) 0m 01.71s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.71s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.71s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.71s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.71s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.71s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.71s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.78s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.78s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.78s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.78s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.26s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.26s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.69s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.22s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 04.26s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.26s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.26s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.26s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.26s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.26s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.26s: bd set region A 0m 04.26s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.26s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 04.49s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.70s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 04.70s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:24 )( S:a61f3825268df8176b74af27d87f8b7d 0m 04.70s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 04.70s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 05.48s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.48s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.48s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.01s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.02s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.29s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.30s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.15s: allow_test : false 0m 07.49s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.96s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.96s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.35s: opening drive E 0m 10.35s: opened i/o 0m 10.36s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 10.36s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 24.15s: Exit process: stop running. 1m 24.66s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1m 24.68s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1m 24.68s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1m 24.68s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2016/05/23 16:22:06) 0m 00.12s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.12s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.12s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.12s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.17s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.35s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.51s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.52s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.52s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.54s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.60s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.60s: set code page : .0 0m 00.60s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.60s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.75s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.79s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.79s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.79s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 01.79s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 01.79s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.79s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.79s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.79s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 01.79s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.79s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.79s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:a61f3825268df8176b74af27d87f8b7d ) 0m 02.16s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.16s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.16s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.16s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.16s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.17s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.17s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.85s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.85s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.85s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.85s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.95s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.83s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 04.83s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 05.00s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 05.46s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 05.46s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 05.46s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 05.46s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 05.46s: BD: init read settings. 0m 05.46s: BD: init write settings. 0m 05.46s: bd set region A 0m 05.46s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 05.46s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 06.68s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.68s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 06.68s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.05s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 07.19s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 07.20s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 07.51s: Start show MainUI. 0m 07.52s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.57s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 07.57s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:6660a537ab644ac5a9e034529e6a8529 0m 07.58s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 08.23s: allow_test : false 0m 08.56s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 08.92s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 08.92s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 11.34s: opening drive E 0m 11.34s: opened i/o 0m 11.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 24m 57.67s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 24m 57.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 483m 15.31s: opening drive E 483m 15.75s: opened i/o 483m 15.75s: got media type 4 483m 18.16s: got max lba 3449542 483m 18.17s: got disc type 10 483m 18.24s: type DVD-VIDEO 483m 18.24s: volume label RIDE_ALONG_2 483m 18.24s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 483m 18.24s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 483m 18.24s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 483m 18.25s: Source manager: add source id 0. 483m 18.26s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 483m 18.26s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 483m 18.26s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 483m 18.74s: got copyright 1 fe 483m 18.74s: key method 0 483m 24.33s: got udf/iso 483m 28.34s: got discinfo 483m 28.35s: pathplayer enabled 483m 31.48s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_1562 end_2503 sector_1649 count_4 483m 46.41s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_0 end_935 sector_81 count_1 483m 47.38s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_1221 end_1287 sector_1221 count_12 483m 47.48s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_1288 end_1354 sector_1288 count_12 483m 47.62s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_1355 end_1427 sector_1355 count_12 483m 47.74s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_1428 end_1493 sector_1428 count_12 483m 47.89s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_1494 end_1561 sector_1494 count_12 483m 48.31s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_1160 end_1220 sector_1160 count_6 483m 48.44s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1098 end_1159 sector_1098 count_6 483m 52.80s: got dvdinfo 483m 52.80s: opened dvd 483m 53.70s: Source manager: open successful. 483m 53.87s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 484m 08.17s: Exit process: stop running. 484m 08.17s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 484m 08.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 484m 08.22s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 484m 08.22s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 484m 08.26s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 484m 08.28s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/24 00:27:05) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.01s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.08s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.17s: set code page : .0 0m 00.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.17s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.17s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.35s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.35s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.35s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.35s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.35s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.35s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.35s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.35s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.35s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.41s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:6660a537ab644ac5a9e034529e6a8529 ) 0m 00.41s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.41s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.41s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.41s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.41s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.41s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.41s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.94s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.19s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.21s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:23 )( S:d0037aaa039a0d5d375b27f39fc9af52 0m 01.52s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.52s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 01.76s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.76s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.77s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.77s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.77s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.77s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.77s: bd set region A 0m 01.77s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.77s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 01.78s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.78s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 01.78s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.33s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.33s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.66s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.66s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.38s: allow_test : false 0m 03.60s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.94s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.94s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 03.95s: opening drive E 0m 03.95s: opened i/o 0m 03.95s: got media type 4 0m 07.39s: got max lba 3449542 0m 07.40s: got disc type 10 0m 07.43s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 07.43s: volume label RIDE_ALONG_2 0m 07.44s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 07.44s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 07.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.46s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 07.48s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 07.48s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 07.48s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 07.49s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 07.49s: key method 0 0m 08.01s: got udf/iso 0m 09.62s: got discinfo 0m 09.62s: pathplayer enabled 0m 12.83s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_1562 end_2503 sector_1649 count_4 0m 25.51s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_0 end_935 sector_81 count_1 0m 26.17s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_1221 end_1287 sector_1221 count_12 0m 26.21s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_1288 end_1354 sector_1288 count_12 0m 26.27s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_1355 end_1427 sector_1355 count_12 0m 26.33s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_1428 end_1493 sector_1428 count_12 0m 26.43s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_1494 end_1561 sector_1494 count_12 0m 26.55s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_1160 end_1220 sector_1160 count_6 0m 26.61s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1098 end_1159 sector_1098 count_6 0m 29.04s: got dvdinfo 0m 29.05s: opened dvd 0m 30.00s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 30.09s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 0m 30.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 43.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 0m 43.96s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 0m 43.96s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 0m 43.96s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 0m 43.99s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 0m 43.99s: UILog:Run current Work. 0m 43.99s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 0m 44.00s: UILog:start running at thread. 0m 44.00s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 0m 44.06s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 0m 44.12s: DVD Copy 0m 44.12s: Source: E:/ 0m 44.12s: SourceSize: 6735 MB 0m 44.12s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 15m 25.00s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 15m 27.08s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 15m 27.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 15m 39.16s: opening drive E 15m 39.16s: opened i/o 15m 39.17s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 16m 09.27s: Burn data size is: 4300 16m 09.27s: Burn disc space is: 4488 16m 09.59s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/RIDE_ALONG_2/ with MyBurn 28m 02.03s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 05.37s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 28m 05.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 28m 56.06s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 28m 56.06s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 28m 56.06s: UILog:Run Work to end. 28m 57.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 29m 01.49s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 29m 01.49s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 29m 09.52s: opening drive E 29m 12.12s: opened i/o 29m 12.12s: got media type 4 29m 12.25s: got max lba 3372873 29m 12.25s: got disc type 10 29m 12.31s: type DVD-VIDEO 29m 12.31s: volume label RISEN 29m 12.31s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 29m 12.31s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 29m 12.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 29m 12.32s: Source manager: add source id 1. 29m 12.33s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 29m 12.33s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 29m 12.33s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 29m 12.52s: got copyright 1 fe 29m 12.52s: key method 0 29m 17.97s: got udf/iso 29m 21.97s: got discinfo 29m 21.97s: pathplayer enabled 29m 26.05s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_284 end_2232 sector_365 count_4 29m 31.60s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_2494 end_2564 sector_2564 count_7 29m 31.63s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 start_2565 end_2635 sector_2635 count_8 29m 31.75s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_2233 end_2300 sector_2300 count_9 29m 31.83s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_4 start_2430 end_2493 sector_2493 count_9 29m 31.89s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_2364 end_2429 sector_2429 count_9 29m 31.95s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_2301 end_2363 sector_2363 count_9 29m 39.58s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_374327 end_374388 sector_374388 count_3 29m 46.80s: got dvdinfo 29m 46.80s: opened dvd 29m 47.83s: Source manager: open successful. 29m 47.84s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 33m 52.87s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 33m 52.87s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 33m 52.87s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 33m 52.89s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 33m 52.90s: UILog:Run current Work. 33m 52.90s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 33m 52.90s: UILog:start running at thread. 33m 52.90s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 33m 52.93s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 33m 53.10s: DVD Copy 33m 53.10s: Source: E:/ 33m 53.10s: SourceSize: 6538 MB 33m 53.10s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 45m 34.94s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 45m 35.06s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 45m 35.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 45m 39.07s: opening drive E 45m 39.08s: opened i/o 45m 39.08s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 46m 09.14s: Burn data size is: 4300 46m 09.14s: Burn disc space is: 4489 46m 09.56s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/RISEN/ with MyBurn 57m 06.83s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 57m 11.27s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 57m 11.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 57m 12.49s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 57m 12.49s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 57m 12.49s: UILog:Run Work to end. 57m 13.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 57m 19.30s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 57m 19.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 57m 25.33s: Exit process: stop running. 57m 25.38s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 57m 25.41s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 57m 25.47s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 57m 25.47s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 57m 25.54s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 57m 25.54s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.15s: DVDFab (2016/05/30 18:24:08) 0m 00.18s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.18s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.18s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.18s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.26s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.26s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.26s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.71s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 01.89s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.90s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.90s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.90s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.96s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.96s: set code page : .0 0m 01.96s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.96s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.20s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 07.23s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 07.23s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 07.23s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 07.23s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 07.23s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 07.23s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 07.23s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 07.23s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 07.24s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 07.24s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 07.24s: Init process: command line in is 0m 07.77s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:23 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:d0037aaa039a0d5d375b27f39fc9af52 ) 0m 07.79s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 07.79s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 07.79s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 07.79s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 07.79s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 07.79s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 07.79s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 08.02s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 08.32s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 08.32s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 08.32s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 08.32s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 10.48s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 10.48s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 11.55s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 12.06s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 12.06s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 12.06s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 12.06s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 12.08s: BD: init read settings. 0m 12.08s: BD: init write settings. 0m 12.08s: bd set region A 0m 12.08s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 12.08s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 13.32s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 13.32s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 13.32s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 13.92s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 13.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 13.92s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 14.60s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 17.19s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 17.19s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:17 )( OV:9244 )( BV:9300 )( S:9a0a70b097870edb28058d6da3c1bd6c 0m 17.19s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 17.19s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/30 18:24:27) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-12 0m 00.01s: App info: 9242 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.13s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.13s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.13s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.20s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.20s: set code page : .0 0m 00.20s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.20s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.21s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.35s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.35s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.35s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.35s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.35s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.35s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.36s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.36s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.36s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.36s: bTimeoutReturn=0 0m 00.36s: Init process: there is another app running and exit. 0m 00.79s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 32.11s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 32.12s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 32.12s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 32.12s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 33.13s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 33.14s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:c28c460349c0abf51178eaec261f2a17 0m 33.14s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 33.16s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 49.42s: Start show MainUI. 0m 49.42s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 50.21s: allow_test : false 0m 50.94s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 51.32s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 51.32s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 51.68s: opening drive E 0m 51.69s: opened i/o 0m 51.69s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 51.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 7m 29.68s: Exit process: stop running. 7m 29.68s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 7m 29.70s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 7m 29.70s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 7m 29.70s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 7m 29.74s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 7m 29.75s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/05/30 18:31:58) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.01s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.18s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.19s: set code page : .0 0m 00.19s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.19s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.20s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.57s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.57s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.57s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.57s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.57s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.57s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.57s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.57s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.57s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.57s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.57s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.64s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.64s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.64s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.64s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.83s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.76s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.90s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.90s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 01.90s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.04s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.04s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:17 )( OV:9244 )( BV:9300 )( S:c3028a56731167f7b5705e1244f36baa 0m 03.18s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 03.20s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.20s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.52s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 03.52s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 03.52s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.53s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.53s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.86s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.86s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.97s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.29s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 04.45s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.45s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.45s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.45s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.45s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.45s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.46s: bd set region A 0m 04.46s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.46s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 05.68s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.68s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.68s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.38s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.38s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.69s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.70s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.51s: allow_test : false 0m 07.60s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 08.02s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 08.02s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.38s: opening drive E 0m 10.38s: opened i/o 0m 10.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 10.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 230m 54.17s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 230m 54.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 339m 37.50s: opening drive E 339m 40.33s: opened i/o 339m 40.33s: got media type 4 339m 40.46s: got max lba 3040954 339m 40.47s: got disc type 10 339m 40.52s: type DVD-VIDEO 339m 40.52s: volume label JOY 339m 40.52s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 339m 40.52s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 339m 40.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 339m 40.55s: Source manager: add source id 0. 339m 40.56s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 339m 40.56s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 339m 40.56s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 339m 40.80s: got copyright 1 fe 339m 40.80s: key method 0 339m 46.42s: got udf/iso 339m 51.07s: got discinfo 339m 51.08s: pathplayer enabled 339m 52.32s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_678 end_17795 sector_926 count_3 340m 06.06s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_17796 end_34963 sector_17825 count_3 340m 06.42s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_284 end_320 sector_284 count_10 340m 06.48s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_321 end_367 sector_321 count_11 340m 06.61s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_2 start_368 end_411 sector_368 count_11 340m 06.64s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_3 start_412 end_453 sector_412 count_11 340m 06.67s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_4 start_454 end_500 sector_454 count_11 340m 06.69s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_5 start_501 end_546 sector_501 count_11 340m 06.71s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_6 start_547 end_585 sector_547 count_11 340m 12.91s: got dvdinfo 340m 13.09s: opened dvd 340m 15.00s: Source manager: open successful. 340m 15.44s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 344m 55.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 344m 55.34s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 344m 55.34s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 344m 55.37s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 344m 55.43s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 344m 55.43s: UILog:Run current Work. 344m 55.43s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 344m 55.43s: UILog:start running at thread. 344m 55.44s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 344m 55.62s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 344m 55.69s: DVD Copy 344m 55.69s: Source: E:/ 344m 55.69s: SourceSize: 5909 MB 344m 55.69s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 357m 36.93s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 357m 39.00s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 357m 39.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 357m 51.05s: opening drive E 357m 51.05s: opened i/o 357m 51.05s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 358m 17.27s: Burn data size is: 4300 358m 17.27s: Burn disc space is: 4488 358m 17.74s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/JOY/ with MyBurn 359m 41.08s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 359m 41.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 360m 05.15s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 360m 05.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 360m 07.15s: opening drive E 360m 07.15s: opened i/o 360m 07.15s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 360m 11.16s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 360m 11.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 360m 15.16s: opening drive E 360m 15.17s: opened i/o 360m 15.17s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 360m 27.42s: Burn data size is: 4300 360m 27.42s: Burn disc space is: 4300 360m 27.76s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/JOY/ with MyBurn 361m 07.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 361m 11.80s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 361m 23.19s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 361m 23.20s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 361m 31.21s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 361m 31.22s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 361m 41.27s: opening drive E 361m 41.49s: opened i/o 361m 41.49s: got media type 5 361m 41.53s: got max lba 0 361m 41.53s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 361m 49.43s: get_newversion : true 361m 49.43s: auto_check : true 361m 49.43s: update_type : 3 361m 49.43s: nv_selection : 2 361m 49.43s: ad_selection : 2 361m 50.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 361m 57.66s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 361m 57.66s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 362m 15.72s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 362m 15.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 362m 23.76s: opening drive E 362m 26.34s: opened i/o 362m 26.34s: got media type 4 362m 26.48s: got max lba 3040954 362m 26.48s: got disc type 10 362m 26.53s: type DVD-VIDEO 362m 26.53s: volume label JOY 362m 26.53s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 362m 26.54s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 362m 26.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 362m 26.55s: Source manager: add source id 1. 362m 26.57s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 362m 26.57s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 362m 26.57s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 362m 26.81s: got copyright 1 fe 362m 26.81s: key method 0 362m 32.21s: got udf/iso 362m 36.94s: got discinfo 362m 36.94s: pathplayer enabled 362m 38.04s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_678 end_17795 sector_926 count_3 362m 52.31s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_17796 end_34963 sector_17825 count_3 362m 52.71s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_284 end_320 sector_284 count_10 362m 52.74s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_321 end_367 sector_321 count_11 362m 52.77s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_2 start_368 end_411 sector_368 count_11 362m 52.81s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_3 start_412 end_453 sector_412 count_11 362m 52.84s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_4 start_454 end_500 sector_454 count_11 362m 52.87s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_5 start_501 end_546 sector_501 count_11 362m 52.90s: button: vts_5 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_6 start_547 end_585 sector_547 count_11 362m 55.94s: got dvdinfo 362m 55.94s: opened dvd 362m 57.02s: Source manager: open successful. 362m 57.04s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 363m 03.54s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 363m 03.54s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 363m 03.54s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 363m 03.56s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 363m 03.56s: UILog:Run current Work. 363m 03.56s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 363m 03.56s: UILog:start running at thread. 363m 03.57s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 363m 03.60s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 363m 03.69s: DVD Copy 363m 03.69s: Source: E:/ 363m 03.69s: SourceSize: 5909 MB 363m 03.69s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 375m 42.73s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 375m 44.80s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 375m 44.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 375m 46.80s: opening drive E 375m 46.80s: opened i/o 375m 46.80s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 376m 06.90s: Burn data size is: 4300 376m 06.90s: Burn disc space is: 4300 376m 07.37s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/JOY/ with MyBurn 376m 17.15s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 376m 21.39s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 376m 24.83s: Exit process: stop running. 376m 24.90s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 376m 24.93s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 376m 25.26s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 376m 25.26s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 376m 25.32s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 376m 25.32s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.15s: DVDFab (2016/05/31 00:52:32) 0m 00.17s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.17s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.18s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.18s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.33s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.33s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.33s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.95s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 01.96s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.98s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.98s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.99s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 02.05s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 02.05s: set code page : .0 0m 02.06s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 02.06s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.19s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 04.37s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 04.37s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 04.37s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 04.37s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 04.37s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 04.37s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 04.37s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 04.37s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 04.38s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 04.38s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 04.38s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.47s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:17 )( OV:9244 )( BV:9300 )( S:c3028a56731167f7b5705e1244f36baa ) 0m 04.48s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 04.48s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 04.48s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 04.48s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 04.48s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 04.48s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.48s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.71s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.71s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.71s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 04.71s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 05.92s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 06.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 06.11s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 06.11s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:16 )( S:22e5a56f69628a524857689691cc8471 0m 06.11s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.11s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 06.71s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 06.73s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.22s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.22s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.22s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.22s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.23s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.23s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.23s: bd set region A 0m 07.23s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.23s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 08.46s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 08.46s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 08.46s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 09.00s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 09.02s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.32s: Start show MainUI. 0m 09.36s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.04s: allow_test : false 0m 11.38s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 12.00s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 12.01s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 14.39s: opening drive E 0m 14.39s: opened i/o 0m 14.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 14.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 40.09s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 0m 40.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 48.13s: opening drive E 0m 49.99s: opened i/o 0m 50.01s: got media type 4 0m 50.16s: got max lba 2141407 0m 50.23s: got disc type 10 0m 50.36s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 50.36s: volume label SCREAM_AT_THE_DEVIL 0m 50.36s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 50.36s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 50.36s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 50.37s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 50.37s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 50.38s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 50.38s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 50.43s: got copyright 0 40 0m 53.39s: got udf/iso 0m 54.27s: got discinfo 0m 54.27s: pathplayer enabled 0m 54.76s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_0 end_400 sector_65 count_2 0m 58.79s: got dvdinfo 0m 58.79s: opened dvd 0m 59.40s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 59.63s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 14.36s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 14.36s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 14.36s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 14.36s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 14.39s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 14.39s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 14.39s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 14.43s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 14.43s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 14.49s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 14.62s: DVD Copy 1m 14.62s: Source: E:/ 1m 14.62s: SourceSize: 4181 MB 1m 14.62s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 10m 43.90s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 10m 45.96s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 10m 45.96s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 10m 58.02s: opening drive E 10m 58.02s: opened i/o 10m 58.02s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 11m 26.08s: Burn data size is: 4181 11m 26.08s: Burn disc space is: 4488 11m 26.48s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/SCREAM_AT_THE_DEVIL/ with MyBurn 23m 10.66s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 23m 14.17s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 23m 14.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 49m 33.94s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 49m 33.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 49m 55.64s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 49m 55.64s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 49m 55.64s: UILog:Run Work to end. 49m 56.66s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 50m 02.02s: Exit process: stop running. 50m 02.02s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 50m 02.06s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 50m 02.06s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 50m 02.06s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 50m 02.11s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 50m 02.11s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.26s: DVDFab (2016/06/06 19:18:40) 0m 00.29s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.29s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.29s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.29s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.34s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.34s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.34s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.31s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 02.84s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 02.93s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 02.93s: App info: client type 2. 0m 02.98s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 03.04s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 03.04s: set code page : .0 0m 03.04s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 03.04s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 03.20s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 14.44s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 14.46s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 14.46s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 14.46s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 14.46s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 14.46s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 14.46s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 14.46s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 14.46s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 14.47s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 14.47s: Init process: command line in is 0m 17.94s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:16 )( OV:9244 )( BV:9300 )( S:22e5a56f69628a524857689691cc8471 ) 0m 19.73s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 19.73s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 19.73s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 19.73s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 19.73s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 19.73s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 19.74s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 24.43s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 26.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 26.10s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 27.02s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 27.56s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 27.56s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 27.56s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 27.56s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 27.59s: BD: init read settings. 0m 27.59s: BD: init write settings. 0m 27.59s: bd set region A 0m 27.59s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 27.59s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 28.81s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 28.81s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 28.81s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 29.32s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 29.33s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 29.33s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 30.26s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 30.26s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 30.26s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 30.26s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 30.48s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 30.77s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 30.77s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:10 )( OV:9302 )( BV:9301 )( S:a0c90c8998c9643fc5264a5080ac3711 0m 31.98s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 31.98s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 50.28s: Start show MainUI. 0m 50.28s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 51.01s: allow_test : false 0m 51.70s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 52.30s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 52.30s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 52.58s: opening drive E 0m 52.58s: opened i/o 0m 52.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 52.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 21m 14.80s: Exit process: stop running. 21m 14.83s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 21m 14.84s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 21m 14.85s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 21m 14.85s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 21m 14.89s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 21m 14.89s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/06/06 19:40:38) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.01s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.03s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.16s: set code page : .0 0m 00.16s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.16s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.45s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.45s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.45s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.45s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.45s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.45s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.45s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.45s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.45s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.51s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:10 )( OV:9302 )( BV:9301 )( S:a0c90c8998c9643fc5264a5080ac3711 ) 0m 00.51s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.51s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.51s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.51s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.51s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.51s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.51s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.85s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.85s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.85s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 00.85s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.14s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.15s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.28s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.33s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.67s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.89s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.89s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.89s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.89s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.89s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.89s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.89s: bd set region A 0m 01.89s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.89s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 02.10s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.18s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:a86ddf05886964731decf67e74303bcd 0m 02.18s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.12s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.12s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.12s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.75s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.75s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.75s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 21.19s: Start show MainUI. 0m 21.19s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 21.93s: allow_test : false 0m 22.01s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 22.36s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 22.36s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 22.44s: opening drive E 0m 22.44s: opened i/o 0m 22.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 22.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 282m 16.56s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 282m 16.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 282m 24.60s: opening drive E 282m 27.15s: opened i/o 282m 27.15s: got media type 4 282m 27.29s: got max lba 3289543 282m 27.30s: got disc type 10 282m 27.35s: type DVD-VIDEO 282m 27.35s: volume label MR_RIGHT 282m 27.35s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 282m 27.35s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 282m 27.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 282m 27.36s: Source manager: add source id 0. 282m 27.37s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 282m 27.37s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 282m 27.37s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 282m 27.56s: got copyright 1 fe 282m 27.56s: key method 0 282m 32.86s: got udf/iso 282m 36.98s: got discinfo 282m 36.99s: pathplayer enabled 282m 39.43s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_261 end_1302 sector_318 count_4 282m 54.86s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_1346 end_2357 sector_1373 count_2 282m 57.35s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_0 end_45 sector_0 count_12 282m 57.56s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_46 end_94 sector_46 count_12 282m 57.79s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_95 end_140 sector_95 count_12 282m 57.87s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_141 end_185 sector_141 count_12 282m 58.12s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_186 end_229 sector_186 count_12 282m 58.21s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_230 end_260 sector_230 count_5 283m 02.24s: got dvdinfo 283m 02.24s: opened dvd 283m 03.10s: Source manager: open successful. 283m 03.23s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 283m 11.12s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 283m 11.12s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 283m 11.12s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 283m 11.14s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 283m 11.19s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 283m 11.19s: UILog:Run current Work. 283m 11.19s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 283m 11.20s: UILog:start running at thread. 283m 11.22s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 283m 11.32s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 283m 11.47s: DVD Copy 283m 11.47s: Source: E:/ 283m 11.47s: SourceSize: 6423 MB 283m 11.47s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 298m 23.93s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 298m 24.01s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 298m 24.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 298m 40.10s: opening drive E 298m 40.11s: opened i/o 298m 40.11s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 298m 52.22s: Burn data size is: 4300 298m 52.22s: Burn disc space is: 4488 298m 52.71s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/MR_RIGHT/ with MyBurn 309m 44.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 309m 50.27s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 309m 50.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 309m 57.18s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 309m 57.18s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 309m 57.18s: UILog:Run Work to end. 309m 57.18s: get_newversion : true 309m 57.18s: auto_check : true 309m 57.18s: update_type : 2 309m 57.18s: nv_selection : 1 309m 57.18s: ad_selection : 2 309m 58.22s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 310m 18.35s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 310m 18.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 310m 24.37s: opening drive E 310m 31.17s: opened i/o 310m 31.17s: got media type 4 310m 31.33s: got max lba 4169919 310m 31.34s: got disc type 10 310m 31.37s: type DVD-VIDEO 310m 31.37s: volume label THE_CONFIRMATION 310m 31.37s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 310m 31.37s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 310m 31.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 310m 31.38s: Source manager: add source id 1. 310m 31.39s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 310m 31.39s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 310m 31.39s: opening drive E 310m 31.40s: opened i/o 310m 31.55s: got max lba 4169919 310m 31.56s: got disc type 10 310m 31.60s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 310m 31.63s: got copyright 1 fe 310m 31.64s: key method 0 310m 32.26s: got udf/iso 310m 42.68s: got discinfo 310m 42.73s: pathplayer enabled 310m 46.85s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_14876 sector_5584 count_4 310m 56.12s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_14877 end_29457 sector_15052 count_4 311m 17.31s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_29458 end_29498 sector_29458 count_9 311m 31.64s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_29499 end_29538 sector_29499 count_9 311m 31.67s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_29539 end_29581 sector_29539 count_9 311m 31.70s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_29582 end_29621 sector_29582 count_9 311m 31.88s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_29653 end_29681 sector_29653 count_5 311m 32.02s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_29622 end_29652 sector_29622 count_4 311m 40.23s: title_44 vts_25 311m 40.23s: pathplayer vts_14 size_1412 311m 40.23s: pathplayer vts_20 size_1412 311m 40.23s: pathplayer vts_24 size_1412 311m 40.29s: title_44 vts_25 311m 40.29s: pathplayer vts_14 size_1412 311m 40.29s: pathplayer vts_20 size_0 311m 40.29s: pathplayer vts_24 size_1412 311m 43.40s: got dvdinfo 311m 43.40s: opened dvd 311m 45.07s: Source manager: open successful. 311m 45.09s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 312m 02.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 312m 02.34s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 312m 02.34s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 312m 02.37s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 312m 02.37s: UILog:Run current Work. 312m 02.37s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 312m 02.37s: UILog:start running at thread. 312m 02.38s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 312m 02.41s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 312m 02.66s: DVD Copy 312m 02.66s: Source: E:/ 312m 02.66s: SourceSize: 6845 MB 312m 02.66s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 320m 19.17s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 324m 07.67s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 324m 07.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 324m 12.65s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2 324m 33.97s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 324m 37.89s: Exit process: stop running. 324m 37.89s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 324m 37.97s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 324m 37.97s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 324m 37.97s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 324m 38.03s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 324m 38.03s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/06/07 01:05:27) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.01s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.24s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 01.54s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.59s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.61s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.63s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.69s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.69s: set code page : .0 0m 01.69s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.69s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.69s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.03s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.03s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 02.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 02.03s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.03s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.03s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.03s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 02.03s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.05s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.05s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:10 )( OV:9302 )( BV:9301 )( S:a86ddf05886964731decf67e74303bcd ) 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.11s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 02.11s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.11s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.11s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.11s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.11s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.25s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.56s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.56s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.02s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.04s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 03.35s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.35s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:9 )( S:4e15e87557640e2664de65a36037b5a6 0m 03.35s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.35s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.62s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.62s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.62s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.62s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.62s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.62s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.62s: bd set region A 0m 03.62s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 03.62s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 03.65s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.65s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.65s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.92s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.25s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.26s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.56s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.56s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.21s: allow_test : false 0m 05.33s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.68s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.68s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.05s: opening drive E 0m 08.06s: opened i/o 0m 08.06s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 19.75s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 0m 19.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 27.79s: opening drive E 0m 33.79s: opened i/o 0m 33.79s: got media type 4 0m 33.93s: got max lba 4169919 0m 33.93s: got disc type 10 0m 33.98s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 33.98s: volume label THE_CONFIRMATION 0m 33.98s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 33.98s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 33.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 34.00s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 34.02s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 34.02s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 34.02s: opening drive E 0m 34.02s: opened i/o 0m 34.16s: got max lba 4169919 0m 34.17s: got disc type 10 0m 34.21s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 34.24s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 34.24s: key method 0 0m 34.86s: got udf/iso 0m 45.84s: got discinfo 0m 45.91s: pathplayer enabled 0m 49.99s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_14876 sector_5584 count_4 0m 59.63s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_14877 end_29457 sector_15052 count_4 1m 06.70s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_29458 end_29498 sector_29458 count_9 1m 13.15s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_29499 end_29538 sector_29499 count_9 1m 13.23s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_29539 end_29581 sector_29539 count_9 1m 13.31s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_29582 end_29621 sector_29582 count_9 1m 13.49s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_29653 end_29681 sector_29653 count_5 1m 13.68s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_29622 end_29652 sector_29622 count_4 1m 21.73s: title_44 vts_25 1m 21.73s: pathplayer vts_14 size_1412 1m 21.73s: pathplayer vts_20 size_1412 1m 21.73s: pathplayer vts_24 size_1412 1m 21.75s: title_44 vts_25 1m 21.75s: pathplayer vts_14 size_1412 1m 21.75s: pathplayer vts_20 size_0 1m 21.75s: pathplayer vts_24 size_1412 1m 24.92s: got dvdinfo 1m 24.92s: opened dvd 1m 26.71s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 26.79s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 29.38s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 29.38s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 29.38s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 29.38s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 29.41s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 29.41s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 29.41s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 29.41s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 29.42s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 29.47s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 29.67s: DVD Copy 2m 29.67s: Source: E:/ 2m 29.67s: SourceSize: 6845 MB 2m 29.67s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 19m 51.90s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 19m 53.97s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 19m 53.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 20m 06.03s: opening drive E 20m 06.03s: opened i/o 20m 06.03s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 20m 22.06s: Burn data size is: 4300 20m 22.06s: Burn disc space is: 4489 20m 22.48s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_CONFIRMATION/ with MyBurn 32m 24.67s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 32m 28.17s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 32m 28.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 32m 30.18s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 32m 30.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 32m 38.07s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 32m 38.07s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 32m 38.07s: UILog:Run Work to end. 32m 38.07s: get_newversion : true 32m 38.07s: auto_check : true 32m 38.07s: update_type : 2 32m 38.07s: nv_selection : 1 32m 38.07s: ad_selection : 2 32m 39.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 33m 14.30s: Exit process: stop running. 33m 14.31s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 33m 14.37s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 33m 14.38s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 33m 14.38s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 33m 14.44s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 33m 14.44s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2016/06/13 13:32:12) 0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.09s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.09s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.14s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.34s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 02.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 02.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 02.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 02.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 02.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 02.17s: set code page : .0 0m 02.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 02.17s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.28s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 03.31s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 03.31s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 03.31s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 03.31s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 03.31s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 03.31s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 03.31s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 03.31s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 03.33s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 03.33s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 03.33s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.92s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:9 )( OV:9302 )( BV:9301 )( S:4e15e87557640e2664de65a36037b5a6 ) 0m 03.94s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 03.94s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.94s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.94s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 03.94s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.94s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.94s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.67s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.67s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.69s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 04.69s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 06.13s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 06.60s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 06.60s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:3 )( OV:9303 )( S:c64e0b24b56c022c077278b1a0f12aaf 0m 06.60s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.60s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 07.05s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 07.05s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 07.89s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 08.39s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 08.39s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 08.39s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 08.39s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 08.40s: BD: init read settings. 0m 08.40s: BD: init write settings. 0m 08.40s: bd set region A 0m 08.40s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 08.40s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 08.41s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 08.41s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 08.41s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 08.89s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 09.09s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 09.09s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.44s: Start show MainUI. 0m 09.45s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.12s: allow_test : false 0m 10.67s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 11.01s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 11.01s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 13.49s: opening drive E 0m 13.49s: opened i/o 0m 13.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 13.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 07.20s: Exit process: stop running. 2m 07.20s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 2m 07.23s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 2m 07.24s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 2m 07.24s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 2m 07.30s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 2m 07.30s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/06/13 13:47:15) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-25 0m 00.01s: App info: 9244 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.18s: set code page : .0 0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.18s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.36s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.36s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.36s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.36s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.36s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.36s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.36s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.36s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.37s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.37s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.37s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.42s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:3 )( OV:9303 )( BV:9301 )( S:c64e0b24b56c022c077278b1a0f12aaf ) 0m 00.43s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.43s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.43s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.43s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.43s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.43s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.43s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.95s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.96s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 00.96s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.07s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.55s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.55s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.55s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.55s: bd set region A 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.55s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 02.02s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.02s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.02s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.02s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.76s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.76s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 02.76s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.42s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.42s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.70s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.71s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 03.80s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.80s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1574387a1727a2223e4b520562bd151a 0m 03.81s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 04.36s: allow_test : false 0m 04.44s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.74s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 04.91s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.91s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.27s: opening drive E 0m 07.27s: opened i/o 0m 07.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 28m 10.42s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 28m 10.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 48m 22.95s: Exit process: stop running. 48m 22.99s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 48m 23.01s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 48m 23.01s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 48m 23.01s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 48m 23.06s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 48m 23.06s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/06/13 14:36:26) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.03s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.60s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.60s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.60s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.60s: set code page : .0 0m 00.60s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.60s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.61s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 00.61s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 00.61s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.61s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.61s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.61s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.61s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.61s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.77s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.77s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.28s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2016/06/14 00:21:27) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.00s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.64s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.64s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.64s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.65s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.70s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.70s: set code page : .0 0m 00.70s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.70s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.80s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.09s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.09s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 01.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 01.09s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 01.09s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.09s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.09s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.26s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.26s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.26s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.26s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.08s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.08s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.09s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.33s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 05.39s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 05.40s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:2 )( OV:9303 )( BV:9301 )( S:aaa9fb11c470884f2261fddb8d10fd4a 0m 05.82s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 05.82s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 05.82s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 05.82s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 05.82s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 05.82s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 05.82s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 05.82s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 06.76s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.76s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 07.11s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.52s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.52s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.52s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.52s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.52s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.52s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.52s: bd set region A 0m 07.52s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.52s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 07.53s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 07.53s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 07.53s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 08.09s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 08.09s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 08.33s: Show UI Step 3 0m 08.33s: Start show MainUI. 0m 08.33s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 08.84s: allow_test : false 0m 09.22s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 09.32s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 09.49s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 09.49s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.49s: opening drive E 0m 09.49s: opened i/o 0m 09.49s: got media type 4 0m 09.93s: got max lba 3365951 0m 09.94s: got disc type 10 0m 10.00s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 10.00s: volume label GET_A_JOB 0m 10.00s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 10.00s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 11.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.89s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 11.90s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 11.90s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 11.90s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 11.91s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 11.91s: key method 0 0m 14.25s: got udf/iso 0m 21.61s: got discinfo 0m 21.69s: pathplayer enabled 0m 26.49s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_42 cell_2 start_2371 end_21318 sector_2484 count_4 0m 30.92s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_21319 end_40640 sector_21420 count_4 0m 34.90s: button: vts_24 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_21319 end_40640 sector_21420 count_4 0m 38.81s: button: vts_28 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_21319 end_40640 sector_21420 count_4 0m 42.68s: button: vts_19 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_21319 end_40640 sector_21420 count_4 0m 46.61s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_43 cell_1 start_21319 end_40640 sector_21420 count_4 0m 46.96s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_40641 end_50422 sector_40766 count_7 0m 47.06s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_50423 end_60185 sector_50557 count_7 0m 47.38s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_60186 end_69957 sector_60311 count_7 0m 48.16s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_70005 end_70045 sector_70005 count_4 0m 49.27s: button: vts_24 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_70005 end_70045 sector_70005 count_4 0m 50.17s: button: vts_29 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_69958 end_70004 sector_69958 count_6 0m 50.30s: button: vts_19 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_40641 end_50422 sector_40766 count_7 0m 50.39s: button: vts_19 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_50423 end_60185 sector_50557 count_7 0m 50.72s: button: vts_19 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_60186 end_69957 sector_60311 count_7 0m 51.46s: button: vts_19 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_70005 end_70045 sector_70005 count_4 0m 51.49s: button: vts_19 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_69958 end_70004 sector_69958 count_6 0m 51.63s: button: vts_28 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_40641 end_50422 sector_40766 count_7 0m 51.74s: button: vts_28 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_50423 end_60185 sector_50557 count_7 0m 52.08s: button: vts_28 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_60186 end_69957 sector_60311 count_7 0m 52.82s: button: vts_28 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_70005 end_70045 sector_70005 count_4 0m 52.85s: button: vts_28 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_69958 end_70004 sector_69958 count_6 0m 53.00s: button: vts_24 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_40641 end_50422 sector_40766 count_7 0m 53.11s: button: vts_24 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_50423 end_60185 sector_50557 count_7 0m 53.44s: button: vts_24 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_60186 end_69957 sector_60311 count_7 0m 53.83s: button: vts_24 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_69958 end_70004 sector_69958 count_6 0m 53.96s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_40641 end_50422 sector_40766 count_7 0m 54.05s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_50423 end_60185 sector_50557 count_7 0m 54.37s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_60186 end_69957 sector_60311 count_7 0m 54.76s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_49 cell_1 start_70005 end_70045 sector_70005 count_4 0m 54.79s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_69958 end_70004 sector_69958 count_6 0m 55.08s: pathplayer title_35 vts_29 0m 55.09s: pathplayer title_35 vts_29 0m 57.92s: got dvdinfo 0m 57.93s: opened dvd 1m 00.12s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 00.23s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 00.31s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 08.75s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 08.75s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 08.75s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 08.76s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 08.80s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 08.80s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 08.80s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 08.80s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 08.80s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 08.89s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 08.98s: DVD Copy 1m 08.98s: Source: E:/ 1m 08.99s: SourceSize: 17437 MB 1m 08.99s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 11m 11.48s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 13.54s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 11m 13.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 11m 25.62s: opening drive E 11m 25.62s: opened i/o 11m 25.62s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 11m 41.64s: Burn data size is: 4300 11m 41.64s: Burn disc space is: 4488 11m 42.03s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/GET_A_JOB/ with MyBurn 22m 36.30s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 39.80s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 22m 39.80s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 22m 53.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 22m 53.34s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 53.34s: UILog:Run Work to end. 22m 54.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 23m 11.88s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 23m 11.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 23m 17.91s: opening drive E 23m 20.97s: opened i/o 23m 20.97s: got media type 4 23m 21.09s: got max lba 3624145 23m 21.10s: got disc type 10 23m 21.16s: type DVD-VIDEO 23m 21.16s: volume label 10_CLOVERFIELD_LANE 23m 21.16s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 23m 21.16s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 23m 21.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 23m 21.18s: Source manager: add source id 1. 23m 21.19s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 23m 21.19s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 23m 21.19s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 23m 21.21s: got copyright 1 f6 23m 21.21s: key method 0 23m 26.33s: got udf/iso 23m 29.81s: got discinfo 23m 29.82s: pathplayer enabled 23m 32.27s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_633 end_1692 sector_736 count_4 23m 52.00s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_1792 end_1905 sector_1792 count_10 23m 52.05s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_0 end_115 sector_0 count_13 23m 52.10s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_2 start_116 end_232 sector_116 count_13 23m 52.15s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_3 start_233 end_349 sector_233 count_13 23m 52.19s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_4 start_350 end_466 sector_350 count_13 23m 55.75s: got dvdinfo 23m 55.75s: opened dvd 23m 56.74s: Source manager: open successful. 23m 56.76s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 24m 17.50s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 24m 17.50s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 24m 17.50s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 24m 17.53s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 24m 17.53s: UILog:Run current Work. 24m 17.53s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 24m 17.53s: UILog:start running at thread. 24m 17.54s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 24m 17.56s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 24m 17.57s: DVD Copy 24m 17.57s: Source: E:/ 24m 17.57s: SourceSize: 6646 MB 24m 17.57s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 39m 19.65s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 39m 21.72s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 39m 21.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 39m 23.72s: opening drive E 39m 23.72s: opened i/o 39m 23.72s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 39m 53.83s: Burn data size is: 4300 39m 53.83s: Burn disc space is: 4489 39m 54.22s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/10_CLOVERFIELD_LANE/ with MyBurn 50m 48.51s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 50m 51.94s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 50m 51.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 51m 08.99s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 51m 08.99s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 51m 08.99s: UILog:Run Work to end. 51m 09.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 53m 26.32s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 53m 26.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 56m 16.53s: Exit process: stop running. 56m 16.54s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 56m 16.57s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 56m 16.57s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 56m 16.57s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 56m 16.62s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 56m 16.62s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2016/06/20 22:34:00) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.03s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.64s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.64s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.64s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.67s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.71s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.72s: set code page : .0 0m 00.72s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.72s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.78s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.08s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.08s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.08s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 01.08s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 01.08s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.08s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.08s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 01.09s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.09s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.09s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.19s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:2 )( OV:9303 )( BV:9301 )( S:aaa9fb11c470884f2261fddb8d10fd4a ) 0m 01.19s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.19s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.19s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.19s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.19s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.19s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.19s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.67s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.67s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.87s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.25s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.30s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.30s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.30s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.30s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.30s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.30s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.30s: bd set region A 0m 03.30s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 03.30s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 04.55s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.55s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 04.55s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.12s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.13s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.13s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 13.11s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 13.47s: Show UI Step 3 0m 13.47s: Start show MainUI. 0m 13.47s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 13.93s: allow_test : false 0m 14.18s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 14.45s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 14.45s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 14.58s: opening drive E 0m 14.58s: opened i/o 0m 14.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 14.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 26.29s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 26.29s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 26.29s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 26.29s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 36.46s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 36.46s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:0 )( OV:9305 )( S:2dc51f5262090633ee4f474de5f9651a 0m 36.47s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 36.47s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 104m 32.65s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 104m 32.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 104m 40.69s: opening drive E 104m 42.41s: opened i/o 104m 42.41s: got media type 4 104m 42.56s: got max lba 2226607 104m 42.56s: got disc type 10 104m 42.64s: type DVD-VIDEO 104m 42.64s: volume label DECAY 104m 42.64s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 104m 42.64s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 104m 42.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 104m 42.65s: Source manager: add source id 0. 104m 42.66s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 104m 42.66s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 104m 42.66s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 104m 42.72s: got copyright 0 0 104m 46.00s: got udf/iso 104m 47.21s: got discinfo 104m 47.21s: pathplayer enabled 104m 49.06s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_41428 end_70565 sector_41658 count_3 104m 52.27s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4 end_1081 sector_60 count_4 104m 52.56s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_1082 end_41427 sector_1312 count_11 104m 53.21s: got dvdinfo 104m 53.21s: opened dvd 104m 54.29s: Source manager: open successful. 104m 54.41s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 105m 33.72s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 105m 33.72s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 105m 33.72s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 105m 33.73s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 105m 33.77s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 105m 33.77s: UILog:Run current Work. 105m 33.77s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 105m 33.77s: UILog:start running at thread. 105m 33.77s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 105m 33.87s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 105m 33.89s: DVD Copy 105m 33.90s: Source: E:/ 105m 33.90s: SourceSize: 4347 MB 105m 33.90s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 115m 26.74s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 115m 28.80s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 115m 28.81s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 115m 47.01s: opening drive E 115m 47.01s: opened i/o 115m 47.01s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 115m 49.04s: Burn data size is: 4300 115m 49.04s: Burn disc space is: 4488 115m 49.30s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/DECAY/ with MyBurn 126m 44.67s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 126m 49.16s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 126m 49.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 127m 05.97s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 127m 05.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 127m 05.97s: UILog:Run Work to end. 127m 06.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 127m 29.27s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 127m 29.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 127m 37.31s: opening drive E 127m 39.88s: opened i/o 127m 39.89s: got media type 4 127m 40.04s: got max lba 3105059 127m 40.05s: got disc type 10 127m 40.12s: type DVD-VIDEO 127m 40.12s: volume label HOW_TO_BE_SINGLE 127m 40.12s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 127m 40.12s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 127m 40.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 127m 40.14s: Source manager: add source id 1. 127m 40.16s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 127m 40.16s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 127m 40.16s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 127m 40.26s: got copyright 1 fe 127m 40.26s: key method 0 127m 45.32s: got udf/iso 127m 48.65s: got discinfo 127m 48.65s: pathplayer enabled 127m 52.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_53 sector_0 count_3 127m 56.66s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_54 end_111 sector_54 count_8 127m 56.69s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_112 end_167 sector_112 count_7 127m 56.72s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_168 end_221 sector_168 count_9 127m 57.72s: got dvdinfo 127m 57.73s: opened dvd 127m 58.31s: Source manager: open successful. 127m 58.34s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 128m 16.11s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 128m 16.11s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 128m 16.11s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 128m 16.15s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 128m 16.15s: UILog:Run current Work. 128m 16.15s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 128m 16.15s: UILog:start running at thread. 128m 16.15s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 128m 16.18s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 128m 16.19s: DVD Copy 128m 16.19s: Source: E:/ 128m 16.19s: SourceSize: 6063 MB 128m 16.19s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 142m 08.67s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 142m 10.75s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 142m 10.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 142m 12.75s: opening drive E 142m 12.75s: opened i/o 142m 12.78s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 142m 36.85s: Burn data size is: 4300 142m 36.85s: Burn disc space is: 4489 142m 37.23s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/HOW_TO_BE_SINGLE/ with MyBurn 153m 30.60s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 153m 34.92s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 153m 34.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 154m 37.18s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 154m 37.18s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 154m 37.18s: UILog:Run Work to end. 154m 38.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 158m 19.64s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 158m 19.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 158m 27.68s: opening drive E 158m 30.25s: opened i/o 158m 30.25s: got media type 4 158m 30.40s: got max lba 3736751 158m 30.41s: got disc type 10 158m 30.48s: type DVD-VIDEO 158m 30.48s: volume label DEAD_7 158m 30.48s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 158m 30.48s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 158m 30.49s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 158m 30.50s: Source manager: add source id 2. 158m 30.53s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 158m 30.53s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 158m 30.53s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 158m 30.72s: got copyright 1 fe 158m 30.72s: key method 0 158m 36.37s: got udf/iso 158m 41.49s: got discinfo 158m 41.50s: pathplayer enabled 158m 46.16s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_2 start_3472 end_19576 sector_3718 count_4 158m 50.62s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_2 start_21012 end_35674 sector_21253 count_5 158m 53.86s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_2 start_37102 end_51859 sector_37334 count_8 158m 54.10s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_2 start_69510 end_84237 sector_69789 count_8 158m 54.75s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_2 start_53266 end_68069 sector_53503 count_12 159m 07.49s: got dvdinfo 159m 07.50s: opened dvd 159m 09.81s: Source manager: open successful. 159m 09.84s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 159m 59.03s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 159m 59.04s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 159m 59.04s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 159m 59.07s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 159m 59.07s: UILog:Run current Work. 159m 59.07s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 159m 59.07s: UILog:start running at thread. 159m 59.08s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 159m 59.10s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 159m 59.22s: DVD Copy 159m 59.22s: Source: E:/ 159m 59.22s: SourceSize: 7295 MB 159m 59.22s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 176m 28.84s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 176m 30.92s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 176m 30.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 176m 32.92s: opening drive E 176m 32.92s: opened i/o 176m 32.92s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 176m 51.01s: Burn data size is: 4300 176m 51.01s: Burn disc space is: 4489 176m 51.38s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/DEAD_7/ with MyBurn 187m 46.76s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 187m 51.07s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 187m 51.07s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 187m 57.40s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 187m 57.40s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 187m 57.40s: UILog:Run Work to end. 187m 58.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 188m 03.10s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 188m 03.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 188m 07.13s: Exit process: stop running. 188m 07.13s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 188m 07.15s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 188m 07.15s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 188m 07.15s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 188m 07.19s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 188m 07.19s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/06/27 18:52:14) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.03s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.07s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.05s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.15s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.20s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.20s: set code page : .0 0m 01.20s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.20s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.38s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.01s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.02s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.02s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 02.02s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 02.02s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.02s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.02s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.02s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 02.02s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.02s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.02s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.10s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9301 )( S:2dc51f5262090633ee4f474de5f9651a ) 0m 03.10s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 03.10s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.10s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.10s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 03.10s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.11s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.11s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.93s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 03.94s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 03.94s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 03.94s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 06.02s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 06.02s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:b4a7d603ce4790adabe7fc22a0c6a7e3 0m 06.04s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.04s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 07.09s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 07.50s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 07.50s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 08.01s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 08.26s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 08.66s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 08.66s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 08.66s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 08.66s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 08.66s: BD: init read settings. 0m 08.66s: BD: init write settings. 0m 08.66s: bd set region A 0m 08.66s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 08.66s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 09.87s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 09.87s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 09.87s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 10.47s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 10.48s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 10.48s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 2m 03.71s: Show UI Step 3 2m 03.72s: Start show MainUI. 2m 03.72s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 2m 04.85s: Init process: init main ui successful. 2m 05.16s: Init process: show main ui successful. 2m 05.16s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 2m 05.79s: opening drive E 2m 05.79s: opened i/o 2m 07.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 07.01s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 07.17s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 2m 07.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 2m 23.22s: Exit process: stop running. 2m 23.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 2m 23.24s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 2m 23.24s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 2m 23.24s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 2m 23.28s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 2m 23.29s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/06/27 18:55:02) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.01s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.17s: set code page : .0 0m 00.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.17s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.32s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.32s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.32s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.32s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.32s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.32s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.33s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.33s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.33s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.33s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.33s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.39s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9301 )( S:b4a7d603ce4790adabe7fc22a0c6a7e3 ) 0m 00.40s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.40s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.40s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.40s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.40s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.40s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.40s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.53s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.54s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.54s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 00.54s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.69s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.79s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 00.80s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 00.84s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.89s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:08a008a19cad849e8a46837d4f1a8bf8 0m 00.91s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.38s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.38s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.38s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.38s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.38s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.38s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.38s: bd set region A 0m 01.39s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.39s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 01.40s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 01.40s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 01.40s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.03s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 02.04s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 02.27s: Show UI Step 3 0m 02.27s: Start show MainUI. 0m 02.27s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 02.91s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 03.22s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 03.22s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 05.63s: opening drive E 0m 05.63s: opened i/o 0m 05.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 05.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 21.29s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 21.29s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 21.31s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 21.31s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 21.31s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 21.35s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 21.35s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2016/06/27 19:19:29) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.01s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.17s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.18s: set code page : .0 0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.18s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.18s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.36s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.36s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.36s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.36s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.36s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.36s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.36s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.36s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.36s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.36s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.36s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.43s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9301 )( S:08a008a19cad849e8a46837d4f1a8bf8 ) 0m 00.43s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.43s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.43s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.43s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.44s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.44s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.44s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.80s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 00.83s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.84s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 00.88s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.88s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.88s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 00.88s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.95s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.19s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.33s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.33s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.33s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.33s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.33s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.33s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.33s: bd set region A 0m 01.33s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.33s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 01.80s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.80s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:0806e1b763af2eca8f50394183084547 0m 01.80s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.55s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.55s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 02.55s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.14s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.37s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.63s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.63s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.64s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.19s: allow_test : false 0m 04.29s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.63s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.63s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.01s: opening drive E 0m 07.02s: opened i/o 0m 07.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 307m 05.14s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 307m 05.14s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 307m 15.19s: opening drive E 307m 15.52s: opened i/o 307m 15.52s: got media type 4 307m 17.92s: got max lba 3069997 307m 17.92s: got disc type 10 307m 18.00s: type DVD-VIDEO 307m 18.00s: volume label THE_PROGRAM 307m 18.00s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 307m 18.00s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 307m 18.00s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 307m 18.00s: Source manager: add source id 0. 307m 18.02s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 307m 18.02s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 307m 18.02s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 307m 18.32s: got copyright 1 fe 307m 18.32s: key method 0 307m 23.49s: got udf/iso 307m 27.50s: got discinfo 307m 27.50s: pathplayer enabled 307m 28.62s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_385 end_18871 sector_586 count_4 307m 36.46s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_163 end_204 sector_163 count_10 307m 36.48s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_205 end_248 sector_205 count_10 307m 36.50s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_249 end_295 sector_249 count_10 307m 36.53s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_296 end_340 sector_296 count_10 307m 36.57s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_341 end_384 sector_341 count_4 307m 36.66s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_18872 end_18925 sector_18872 count_4 307m 38.61s: got dvdinfo 307m 38.62s: opened dvd 307m 40.29s: Source manager: open successful. 307m 40.35s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 307m 53.27s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 307m 53.27s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 307m 53.28s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 307m 53.28s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 307m 53.32s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 307m 53.32s: UILog:Run current Work. 307m 53.32s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 307m 53.32s: UILog:start running at thread. 307m 53.32s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 307m 53.42s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 307m 53.47s: DVD Copy 307m 53.47s: Source: E:/ 307m 53.47s: SourceSize: 5980 MB 307m 53.47s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 320m 50.28s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 320m 52.34s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 320m 52.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 321m 04.39s: opening drive E 321m 04.39s: opened i/o 321m 04.39s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 322m 02.49s: Burn data size is: 4300 322m 02.49s: Burn disc space is: 4488 322m 02.82s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_PROGRAM/ with MyBurn 332m 55.97s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 333m 00.53s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 333m 00.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 333m 20.59s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 333m 20.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 333m 24.52s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 333m 24.52s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 333m 24.52s: UILog:Run Work to end. 333m 25.49s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 333m 26.62s: opening drive E 333m 28.24s: opened i/o 333m 28.24s: got media type 4 333m 28.47s: got max lba 2142847 333m 28.47s: got disc type 10 333m 28.55s: type DVD-VIDEO 333m 28.55s: volume label UNHALLOWED_GROUND 333m 28.56s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 333m 28.56s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 333m 28.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 333m 28.57s: Source manager: add source id 1. 333m 28.59s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 333m 28.59s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 333m 28.59s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 333m 28.61s: got copyright 0 7e 333m 32.65s: got udf/iso 333m 34.99s: got discinfo 333m 35.00s: pathplayer enabled 333m 35.55s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4 end_25532 sector_252 count_4 333m 40.29s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_309 end_381 sector_309 count_6 333m 40.36s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_220 end_308 sector_220 count_7 333m 40.42s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_159 end_219 sector_159 count_6 333m 40.49s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4 end_101 sector_4 count_7 333m 40.57s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_102 end_158 sector_102 count_6 333m 40.97s: got dvdinfo 333m 40.98s: opened dvd 333m 43.43s: Source manager: open successful. 333m 43.46s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 333m 51.25s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 333m 51.25s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 333m 51.25s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 333m 51.28s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 333m 51.29s: UILog:Run current Work. 333m 51.29s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 333m 51.29s: UILog:start running at thread. 333m 51.29s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 333m 51.31s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 333m 51.34s: DVD Copy 333m 51.34s: Source: E:/ 333m 51.34s: SourceSize: 4184 MB 333m 51.34s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 352m 34.47s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 352m 36.53s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 352m 36.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 352m 38.54s: opening drive E 352m 38.54s: opened i/o 352m 38.54s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 354m 02.64s: Burn data size is: 4183 354m 02.64s: Burn disc space is: 4489 354m 03.01s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/UNHALLOWED_GROUND/ with MyBurn 364m 48.15s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 364m 52.68s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 364m 52.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 365m 12.35s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 365m 12.35s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 365m 12.35s: UILog:Run Work to end. 365m 13.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 369m 57.43s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 369m 57.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 370m 05.47s: opening drive E 370m 05.88s: opened i/o 370m 05.88s: got media type 5 370m 07.85s: got max lba 2202527 370m 07.87s: got disc type 10 370m 07.94s: type DVD-VIDEO 370m 07.94s: volume label THE_CONFIRMATION 370m 07.94s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 370m 07.94s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 370m 07.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 370m 07.95s: Source manager: add source id 2. 370m 07.96s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 370m 07.96s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 370m 07.96s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 370m 08.00s: got copyright 0 0 370m 17.87s: got udf/iso 370m 22.22s: got discinfo 370m 22.23s: pathplayer enabled 370m 27.43s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_9743 sector_3473 count_4 370m 28.22s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_9744 end_18892 sector_9808 count_4 370m 29.05s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_18893 end_18925 sector_18893 count_9 370m 29.36s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_18926 end_18958 sector_18926 count_9 370m 29.43s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_18959 end_18993 sector_18959 count_9 370m 29.51s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_18994 end_19026 sector_18994 count_9 370m 29.69s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_19052 end_19074 sector_19052 count_5 370m 29.89s: button: vts_3 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_19027 end_19051 sector_19027 count_4 370m 38.17s: got dvdinfo 370m 38.17s: opened dvd 370m 39.50s: Source manager: open successful. 370m 39.52s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 370m 52.08s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 370m 52.09s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 370m 52.09s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 370m 52.12s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 370m 52.12s: UILog:Run current Work. 370m 52.12s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 370m 52.12s: UILog:start running at thread. 370m 52.13s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 370m 52.15s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 370m 52.23s: DVD Copy 370m 52.23s: Source: E:/ 370m 52.23s: SourceSize: 4300 MB 370m 52.23s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 390m 00.32s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 390m 00.67s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 390m 00.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 390m 04.68s: opening drive E 390m 04.68s: opened i/o 390m 04.68s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 390m 22.52s: Burn data size is: 4300 390m 22.52s: Burn disc space is: 4489 390m 22.87s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_CONFIRMATION/ with MyBurn 401m 18.02s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 401m 20.81s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 401m 20.82s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 402m 16.95s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 402m 16.95s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 402m 21.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 402m 21.96s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 402m 21.96s: UILog:Run Work to end. 402m 22.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1009m 42.15s: Exit process: stop running. 1009m 42.15s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 1009m 42.17s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 1009m 42.17s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 1009m 42.17s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 1009m 42.21s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 1009m 42.22s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.43s: DVDFab (2016/07/04 15:18:40) 0m 00.51s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.51s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.51s: App info: 2016-6-7 0m 00.51s: App info: 9303 Official 0m 00.54s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.54s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.54s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.75s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.77s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.77s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.80s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.85s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.85s: set code page : .0 0m 01.85s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.85s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.05s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 03.69s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 03.69s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 03.69s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 03.69s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 03.69s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 03.69s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 03.69s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 03.69s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 03.69s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 03.69s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 03.70s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.19s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9301 )( S:0806e1b763af2eca8f50394183084547 ) 0m 04.20s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 04.20s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 04.20s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 04.20s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 04.20s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 04.21s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.21s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.92s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.92s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.93s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 04.93s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 06.36s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 06.91s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.91s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 07.04s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 07.36s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.93s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.93s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.93s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.93s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.93s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.93s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.93s: bd set region A 0m 07.93s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.93s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 09.16s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 09.16s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 09.16s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 09.86s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 09.87s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.87s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 14.10s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 14.10s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:81bc12788e8b14cc8fe32e4a734a0187 0m 14.10s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 14.10s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 17.98s: Show UI Step 3 0m 17.98s: Start show MainUI. 0m 17.98s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 18.57s: allow_test : false 0m 19.05s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 19.43s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 19.43s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 19.71s: opening drive E 0m 19.71s: opened i/o 0m 19.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 19.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 59.05s: allow_test : false 14m 27.83s: Exit process: stop running. 14m 28.53s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 14m 28.55s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 14m 28.55s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 14m 28.55s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 14m 28.60s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 14m 28.60s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/07/04 15:34:37) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-6-17 0m 00.01s: App info: 9305 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.45s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.45s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.45s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.46s: set code page : .0 0m 00.46s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.46s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.46s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 00.46s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 00.46s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.46s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.46s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.46s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.46s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.46s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.70s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.70s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.14s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2016/07/05 00:11:47) 0m 00.00s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.00s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.00s: App info: 2016-6-17 0m 00.00s: App info: 9305 Official 0m 00.03s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.08s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.08s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.08s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.16s: set code page : .0 0m 00.16s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.16s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.21s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.43s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.43s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 00.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 00.43s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 00.44s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.44s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.44s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.50s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.50s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.50s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.50s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.79s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.05s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.05s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.05s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8 0m 02.05s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.78s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.78s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9301 )( S:595b2560803d7dafdb778a2bce316ada 0m 03.05s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 03.05s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.05s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.05s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 03.05s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 03.05s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.05s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.05s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.47s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 03.69s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.70s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.92s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.35s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.35s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.35s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.35s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.36s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.36s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.36s: bd set region A 0m 04.36s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.36s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.90s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.91s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.91s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 57.62s: Show UI Step 3 0m 57.62s: Start show MainUI. 0m 57.62s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 58.20s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 58.46s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 58.46s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 58.56s: opening drive E 0m 58.57s: opened i/o 0m 58.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 58.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 08.50s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 1m 08.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 16.54s: opening drive E 1m 19.11s: opened i/o 1m 19.11s: got media type 4 1m 19.24s: got max lba 3307520 1m 19.25s: got disc type 10 1m 19.32s: type DVD-VIDEO 1m 19.32s: volume label HAIL_CAESAR 1m 19.32s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 1m 19.32s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 1m 19.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 19.34s: Source manager: add source id 0. 1m 19.35s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 1m 19.36s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 1m 19.36s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 1m 19.62s: got copyright 1 fe 1m 19.62s: key method 0 1m 24.91s: got udf/iso 1m 28.53s: got discinfo 1m 28.54s: pathplayer enabled 1m 31.37s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 start_1179 end_1968 sector_1220 count_4 1m 42.60s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_378 end_1178 sector_430 count_1 1m 43.01s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_46 end_100 sector_46 count_12 1m 43.04s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_2 start_101 end_154 sector_101 count_12 1m 43.06s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_3 start_155 end_203 sector_155 count_12 1m 43.08s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_4 start_204 end_256 sector_204 count_12 1m 43.11s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_5 start_257 end_301 sector_257 count_12 1m 43.15s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_302 end_339 sector_302 count_6 1m 43.18s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_340 end_377 sector_340 count_6 1m 45.44s: got dvdinfo 1m 45.44s: opened dvd 1m 46.83s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 46.88s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 02.63s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 02.63s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 02.63s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 02.64s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 02.68s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 02.68s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 02.68s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 02.68s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 02.68s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 02.76s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 02.81s: DVD Copy 2m 02.81s: Source: E:/ 2m 02.81s: SourceSize: 5923 MB 2m 02.81s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 13m 58.39s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 14m 00.46s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 14m 00.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 14m 12.54s: opening drive E 14m 12.54s: opened i/o 14m 12.54s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 14m 26.55s: Burn data size is: 4300 14m 26.55s: Burn disc space is: 4488 14m 26.95s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/HAIL_CAESAR/ with MyBurn 25m 22.20s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 25m 26.72s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 25m 26.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 25m 57.24s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 25m 57.24s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 25m 57.25s: UILog:Run Work to end. 25m 58.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 26m 12.84s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 26m 12.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 26m 20.88s: opening drive E 26m 23.45s: opened i/o 26m 23.45s: got media type 4 26m 23.60s: got max lba 2794379 26m 23.61s: got disc type 10 26m 23.68s: type DVD-VIDEO 26m 23.68s: volume label OTHER_SIDE_OF_THE_DOOR 26m 23.68s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 26m 23.69s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 26m 23.69s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 26m 23.71s: Source manager: add source id 1. 26m 23.73s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 26m 23.73s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 26m 23.73s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 26m 23.92s: got copyright 1 fe 26m 23.92s: key method 0 26m 29.29s: got udf/iso 26m 34.10s: got discinfo 26m 34.12s: pathplayer enabled 26m 35.03s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_342 end_13521 sector_575 count_4 26m 53.66s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_301 end_341 sector_301 count_7 26m 53.75s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_13551 end_13587 sector_13551 count_7 26m 54.33s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_142 end_171 sector_142 count_11 26m 54.38s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_2 start_172 end_202 sector_172 count_11 26m 54.43s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_3 start_203 end_235 sector_203 count_11 26m 54.48s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_4 start_236 end_267 sector_236 count_11 26m 54.52s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_5 start_268 end_300 sector_268 count_11 26m 54.62s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_6 start_13522 end_13550 sector_13522 count_11 26m 54.65s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_13588 end_13622 sector_13588 count_9 26m 56.75s: got dvdinfo 26m 56.75s: opened dvd 26m 58.52s: Source manager: open successful. 26m 58.56s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 27m 21.17s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 27m 21.17s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 27m 21.17s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 27m 21.21s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 27m 21.21s: UILog:Run current Work. 27m 21.21s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 27m 21.21s: UILog:start running at thread. 27m 21.22s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 27m 21.24s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 27m 21.28s: DVD Copy 27m 21.28s: Source: E:/ 27m 21.28s: SourceSize: 5442 MB 27m 21.28s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 39m 48.68s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 39m 50.75s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 39m 50.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 39m 52.75s: opening drive E 39m 52.75s: opened i/o 39m 52.75s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 42m 27.10s: Burn data size is: 4300 42m 27.10s: Burn disc space is: 4489 42m 27.52s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/OTHER_SIDE_OF_THE_DOOR/ with MyBurn 53m 19.77s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 53m 24.98s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 53m 24.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 54m 09.05s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 54m 09.05s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 54m 09.05s: UILog:Run Work to end. 54m 09.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 54m 19.13s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 54m 19.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 54m 27.17s: opening drive E 54m 29.73s: opened i/o 54m 29.73s: got media type 4 54m 29.93s: got max lba 4018842 54m 29.94s: got disc type 10 54m 30.01s: type DVD-VIDEO 54m 30.01s: volume label BY_THE_SEA 54m 30.01s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 54m 30.01s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 54m 30.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 54m 30.03s: Source manager: add source id 2. 54m 30.05s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 54m 30.05s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 54m 30.06s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 54m 30.29s: got copyright 1 fe 54m 30.29s: key method 0 54m 35.68s: got udf/iso 54m 39.94s: got discinfo 54m 40.07s: blu-ray DD7A2A82C79415CB6C4FAF9D99BF4FC6D8C121FD 54m 40.07s: cert BEE=0x00 54m 40.39s: pathplayer enabled 54m 43.34s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_1965 end_3237 sector_2011 count_4 54m 54.63s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_360 end_1636 sector_410 count_4 54m 54.69s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_36 cell_1 start_1904 end_1964 sector_1956 count_9 55m 07.11s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_0 end_63 sector_0 count_12 55m 07.13s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_64 end_127 sector_64 count_12 55m 07.16s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_128 end_187 sector_128 count_12 55m 07.19s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_188 end_249 sector_188 count_12 55m 07.21s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_250 end_308 sector_250 count_12 55m 07.32s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_309 end_359 sector_309 count_6 55m 07.39s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1637 end_1697 sector_1689 count_6 55m 11.56s: got dvdinfo 55m 11.56s: opened dvd 55m 13.29s: Source manager: open successful. 55m 13.32s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 55m 24.49s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 55m 24.49s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 55m 24.49s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 55m 24.53s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 55m 24.53s: UILog:Run current Work. 55m 24.53s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 55m 24.53s: UILog:start running at thread. 55m 24.53s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 55m 24.56s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 55m 24.63s: DVD Copy 55m 24.63s: Source: E:/ 55m 24.63s: SourceSize: 7847 MB 55m 24.63s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 73m 00.72s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 73m 02.78s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 73m 02.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 73m 04.79s: opening drive E 73m 04.79s: opened i/o 73m 04.79s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 76m 43.27s: Burn data size is: 4300 76m 43.27s: Burn disc space is: 4489 76m 43.51s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/BY_THE_SEA/ with MyBurn 87m 35.76s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 87m 41.01s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 87m 41.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 87m 46.37s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 87m 46.37s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 87m 46.37s: UILog:Run Work to end. 87m 47.26s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 90m 03.40s: Exit process: stop running. 90m 03.41s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 90m 03.42s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 90m 03.43s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 90m 03.43s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 90m 03.48s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 90m 03.48s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/07/11 17:04:09) 0m 00.14s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.15s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.15s: App info: 2016-6-17 0m 00.15s: App info: 9305 Official 0m 00.20s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.20s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.20s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 02.19s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 02.30s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 02.30s: App info: client type 2. 0m 02.35s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 02.40s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 02.40s: set code page : .0 0m 02.40s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 02.40s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 03.12s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 03.57s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 03.57s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 03.57s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 03.57s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 03.57s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 03.57s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 03.57s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 03.57s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 03.57s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 03.57s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 03.57s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.78s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 03.78s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.78s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.78s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 05.12s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 05.12s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 05.12s: Reg check: Serial number is: 70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8:00-db-df-78-37-db 0m 05.12s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 06.47s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 06.47s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9306 )( S:9b9a9e465332d0ff64ba9895de7531be 0m 06.79s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 06.81s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.81s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 06.81s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 06.81s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 06.81s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 06.81s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 06.81s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 07.36s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 08.89s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 08.89s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 08.92s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 10.46s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 10.91s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 10.91s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 10.91s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 10.91s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 10.91s: BD: init read settings. 0m 10.91s: BD: init write settings. 0m 10.91s: bd set region A 0m 10.91s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 10.91s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 12.13s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 12.33s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 12.33s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 12.97s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 12.97s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 12.97s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 27.38s: Show UI Step 3 0m 27.38s: Start show MainUI. 0m 27.38s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 28.21s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 28.47s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 28.47s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 28.58s: opening drive E 0m 28.58s: opened i/o 0m 28.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 28.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 42.23s: allow_test : false 27m 07.15s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 27m 07.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 438m 01.61s: opening drive E 438m 04.15s: opened i/o 438m 04.15s: got media type 4 438m 04.33s: got max lba 3018784 438m 04.33s: got disc type 10 438m 04.38s: type DVD-VIDEO 438m 04.39s: volume label MIRACLES_FROM_HEAVEN 438m 04.39s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 438m 04.39s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 438m 04.39s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 438m 04.41s: Source manager: add source id 0. 438m 04.43s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 438m 04.44s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 438m 04.44s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 438m 04.64s: got copyright 1 fe 438m 04.64s: key method 0 438m 09.84s: got udf/iso 438m 14.01s: got discinfo 438m 14.02s: pathplayer enabled 438m 17.90s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_284 end_1099 sector_321 count_4 438m 22.80s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_1380 end_1414 sector_1414 count_9 438m 22.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_1415 end_1450 sector_1450 count_9 438m 22.89s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 start_1451 end_1487 sector_1487 count_10 438m 23.06s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_1100 end_1168 sector_1168 count_9 438m 23.13s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_4 start_1309 end_1379 sector_1379 count_9 438m 23.21s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_1240 end_1308 sector_1308 count_9 438m 23.30s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_1169 end_1239 sector_1239 count_9 438m 27.12s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_297 end_343 sector_343 count_9 438m 33.10s: got dvdinfo 438m 33.11s: opened dvd 438m 34.25s: Source manager: open successful. 438m 34.35s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 439m 02.64s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 439m 02.64s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 439m 02.64s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 439m 02.65s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 439m 02.69s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 439m 02.69s: UILog:Run current Work. 439m 02.69s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 439m 02.69s: UILog:start running at thread. 439m 02.69s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 439m 02.70s: Reg check: Serial number is: 70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8:00-db-df-78-37-db 439m 02.70s: Reg check: Connect type is: 2 439m 03.04s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 439m 03.04s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9306 439m 03.06s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 439m 03.17s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 439m 03.21s: DVD Copy 439m 03.21s: Source: E:/ 439m 03.21s: SourceSize: 5848 MB 439m 03.21s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 452m 05.57s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 452m 07.63s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 452m 07.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 452m 25.86s: opening drive E 452m 25.86s: opened i/o 452m 25.86s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 452m 27.88s: Burn data size is: 4300 452m 27.88s: Burn disc space is: 4488 452m 28.14s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/MIRACLES_FROM_HEAVEN/ with MyBurn 463m 23.39s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 463m 28.02s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 463m 28.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 463m 49.53s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 463m 49.54s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 463m 49.54s: UILog:Run Work to end. 463m 50.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 463m 52.09s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 463m 52.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 464m 00.13s: opening drive E 464m 02.69s: opened i/o 464m 02.69s: got media type 4 464m 02.89s: got max lba 2821836 464m 02.90s: got disc type 10 464m 02.97s: type DVD-VIDEO 464m 02.97s: volume label THE_OFFERING 464m 02.97s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 464m 02.97s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 464m 02.97s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 464m 02.99s: Source manager: add source id 1. 464m 03.02s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 464m 03.02s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 464m 03.02s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 464m 03.18s: got copyright 1 fe 464m 03.18s: key method 0 464m 08.28s: got udf/iso 464m 12.46s: got discinfo 464m 12.47s: pathplayer enabled 464m 13.61s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_329 end_13472 sector_530 count_4 464m 20.45s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_163 end_200 sector_163 count_10 464m 20.49s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_201 end_236 sector_201 count_10 464m 20.51s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_237 end_272 sector_237 count_10 464m 20.56s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_273 end_307 sector_273 count_10 464m 20.61s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_308 end_328 sector_308 count_4 464m 20.69s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_13473 end_13498 sector_13473 count_3 464m 22.48s: got dvdinfo 464m 22.48s: opened dvd 464m 23.88s: Source manager: open successful. 464m 23.92s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 465m 06.66s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 465m 06.66s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 465m 06.66s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 465m 06.70s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 465m 06.70s: UILog:Run current Work. 465m 06.70s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 465m 06.70s: UILog:start running at thread. 465m 06.70s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 465m 06.73s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 465m 06.78s: DVD Copy 465m 06.78s: Source: E:/ 465m 06.78s: SourceSize: 5496 MB 465m 06.78s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 477m 46.35s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 477m 48.41s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 477m 48.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 477m 50.42s: opening drive E 477m 50.42s: opened i/o 477m 50.42s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 478m 10.50s: Burn data size is: 4300 478m 10.50s: Burn disc space is: 4489 478m 10.91s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_OFFERING/ with MyBurn 489m 04.16s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 489m 08.59s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 489m 08.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 505m 54.30s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 505m 54.30s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 505m 54.30s: UILog:Run Work to end. 505m 55.24s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 506m 09.25s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 506m 09.26s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 506m 17.29s: opening drive E 506m 19.85s: opened i/o 506m 19.85s: got media type 4 506m 19.98s: got max lba 4047275 506m 19.99s: got disc type 10 506m 20.04s: type DVD-VIDEO 506m 20.04s: volume label YOUNG_MESSIAH 506m 20.04s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 506m 20.04s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 506m 20.04s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 506m 20.06s: Source manager: add source id 2. 506m 20.09s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 506m 20.09s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 506m 20.09s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 506m 20.18s: got copyright 1 fe 506m 20.18s: key method 0 506m 25.46s: got udf/iso 506m 29.85s: got discinfo 506m 29.86s: pathplayer enabled 506m 32.76s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_947 end_1499 sector_980 count_5 506m 45.22s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_363 end_946 sector_427 count_5 506m 45.27s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_1845 end_1907 sector_1845 count_6 506m 51.01s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_2 start_363 end_946 sector_427 count_5 506m 51.85s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_2 start_947 end_1499 sector_980 count_5 506m 51.91s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_0 end_70 sector_0 count_12 506m 51.94s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_71 end_141 sector_71 count_12 506m 51.97s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_142 end_216 sector_142 count_12 506m 52.01s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_217 end_291 sector_217 count_12 506m 52.04s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_292 end_362 sector_292 count_12 506m 52.09s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_1908 end_1974 sector_1908 count_6 506m 52.14s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1500 end_1561 sector_1500 count_6 506m 52.35s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_1770 end_1844 sector_1770 count_8 506m 57.98s: got dvdinfo 506m 57.98s: opened dvd 506m 59.93s: Source manager: open successful. 506m 59.97s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 507m 51.19s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 507m 51.19s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 507m 51.19s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 507m 51.23s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 507m 51.23s: UILog:Run current Work. 507m 51.23s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 507m 51.23s: UILog:start running at thread. 507m 51.23s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 507m 51.26s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 507m 51.30s: DVD Copy 507m 51.30s: Source: E:/ 507m 51.30s: SourceSize: 7903 MB 507m 51.30s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 525m 39.50s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 525m 41.57s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 525m 41.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 525m 43.58s: opening drive E 525m 43.58s: opened i/o 525m 43.58s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 526m 05.67s: Burn data size is: 4300 526m 05.67s: Burn disc space is: 4489 526m 06.05s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/YOUNG_MESSIAH/ with MyBurn 537m 01.30s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 537m 05.76s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 537m 05.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 537m 13.77s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 537m 13.77s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 537m 13.77s: UILog:Run Work to end. 537m 14.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 537m 15.80s: Exit process: stop running. 537m 15.80s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 537m 15.83s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 537m 15.83s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 537m 15.84s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 537m 15.91s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 537m 15.91s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.10s: DVDFab (2016/07/18 21:20:56) 0m 00.13s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.13s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.13s: App info: 2016-6-17 0m 00.13s: App info: 9305 Official 0m 00.20s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.20s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.20s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.81s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.87s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.87s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.93s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.97s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.97s: set code page : .0 0m 01.97s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.98s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.23s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.69s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.69s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.69s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XD0005 0m 02.70s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XD0000, 0XD0000 0m 02.70s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.70s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.70s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.70s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,0 0m 02.70s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.70s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.70s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9305 )( BV:9306 )( S:9b9a9e465332d0ff64ba9895de7531be ) 0m 03.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 03.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.34s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.34s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 03.35s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.35s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.01s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.01s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.02s: Reg check: Serial number is: 70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8:00-db-df-78-37-db 0m 04.02s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 07.31s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 07.46s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 07.46s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:24 )( OV:9307 )( BV:9308 )( S:554eb37f7c088d012f277d0149f9834c 0m 07.46s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 07.46s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 09.73s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 10.29s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 10.29s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 12.70s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 13.16s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 13.16s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 13.16s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 13.16s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 13.16s: BD: init read settings. 0m 13.16s: BD: init write settings. 0m 13.16s: bd set region A 0m 13.16s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 13.16s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 14.38s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 14.38s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 14.38s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 15.00s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 15.01s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 15.24s: Show UI Step 3 0m 15.24s: Start show MainUI. 0m 15.25s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 15.85s: allow_test : false 0m 17.52s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 17.83s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 17.83s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 20.60s: opening drive E 0m 20.60s: opened i/o 0m 20.61s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 20.61s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 4m 58.32s: allow_test : false 90m 36.21s: Exit process: stop running. 90m 36.21s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 90m 36.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 90m 36.22s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 90m 36.22s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 90m 36.26s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 90m 36.27s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2016/07/18 22:51:52) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2016-7-13 0m 00.04s: App info: 9307 Official 0m 00.07s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.61s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.61s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.63s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.63s: set code page : .0 0m 00.63s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.63s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.63s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 00.63s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 00.63s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.63s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.63s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.63s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.63s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.63s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.90s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.91s: Init process: install process. 0m 02.79s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/07/18 23:59:16) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-7-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9307 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.12s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.19s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.19s: set code page : .0 0m 00.19s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.19s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.32s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.76s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.76s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.76s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.76s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.76s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.76s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.76s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.76s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.76s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.76s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.76s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.83s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.84s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.84s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.84s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 04.49s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.49s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.51s: Reg check: Serial number is: 70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8:00-db-df-78-37-db 0m 04.51s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 05.47s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 05.47s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9307 )( BV:9308 )( S:78c52bc6e216d8a7fa182da54090f625 0m 05.92s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 05.94s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 05.94s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 05.94s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 05.94s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 05.94s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 05.94s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 05.94s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 06.79s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.79s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 07.03s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.40s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.40s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.40s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.40s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.40s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.40s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.40s: bd set region A 0m 07.40s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.40s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 08.61s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 08.62s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 08.62s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 09.17s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 09.18s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.40s: Show UI Step 3 0m 09.40s: Start show MainUI. 0m 09.41s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.03s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 10.31s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 10.32s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 14.55s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 17.04s: opening drive E 0m 17.04s: opened i/o 0m 17.05s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 17.05s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 23m 32.87s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 23m 32.87s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 23m 41.01s: opening drive E 23m 43.55s: opened i/o 23m 43.55s: got media type 4 23m 43.73s: got max lba 2755900 23m 43.74s: got disc type 10 23m 43.80s: type DVD-VIDEO 23m 43.81s: volume label ANDRON 23m 43.81s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 23m 43.81s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 23m 43.81s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 23m 43.83s: Source manager: add source id 0. 23m 43.85s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 23m 43.85s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 23m 43.85s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 23m 44.04s: got copyright 1 fe 23m 44.04s: key method 0 23m 49.52s: got udf/iso 23m 53.93s: got discinfo 23m 53.95s: pathplayer enabled 23m 55.26s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_368 end_17512 sector_570 count_4 24m 02.16s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_163 end_206 sector_163 count_10 24m 02.18s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_207 end_251 sector_207 count_10 24m 02.20s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_252 end_297 sector_252 count_10 24m 02.25s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_298 end_341 sector_298 count_10 24m 02.27s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_342 end_367 sector_342 count_4 24m 02.35s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_17513 end_17554 sector_17513 count_3 24m 04.37s: got dvdinfo 24m 04.37s: opened dvd 24m 05.76s: Source manager: open successful. 24m 06.55s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 24m 17.36s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 24m 17.37s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 24m 17.37s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 24m 17.37s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 24m 17.41s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 24m 17.41s: UILog:Run current Work. 24m 17.41s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 24m 17.41s: UILog:start running at thread. 24m 17.42s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 24m 17.53s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 24m 17.70s: DVD Copy 24m 17.70s: Source: E:/ 24m 17.70s: SourceSize: 5366 MB 24m 17.70s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 36m 46.32s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 36m 48.39s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 36m 48.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 37m 04.58s: opening drive E 37m 04.58s: opened i/o 37m 04.59s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 37m 06.61s: Burn data size is: 4300 37m 06.61s: Burn disc space is: 4488 37m 06.89s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/ANDRON/ with MyBurn 48m 01.12s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 48m 04.75s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 48m 05.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 48m 23.64s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 48m 23.64s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 48m 23.64s: UILog:Run Work to end. 48m 24.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 48m 42.83s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 48m 42.83s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 48m 50.87s: opening drive E 48m 53.41s: opened i/o 48m 53.41s: got media type 4 48m 53.57s: got max lba 3327676 48m 53.57s: got disc type 10 48m 53.65s: type DVD-VIDEO 48m 53.65s: volume label MIDNIGHT_SPECIAL 48m 53.65s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 48m 53.65s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 48m 53.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 48m 53.67s: Source manager: add source id 1. 48m 53.69s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 48m 53.69s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 48m 53.69s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 48m 53.78s: got copyright 1 fe 48m 53.79s: key method 0 48m 58.65s: got udf/iso 49m 01.98s: got discinfo 49m 01.99s: pathplayer enabled 49m 05.31s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2191 sector_60 count_2 49m 10.11s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2192 end_2245 sector_2192 count_9 49m 15.06s: got dvdinfo 49m 15.06s: opened dvd 49m 15.77s: Source manager: open successful. 49m 16.69s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 50m 03.72s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 50m 03.72s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 50m 03.72s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 50m 03.75s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 50m 03.75s: UILog:Run current Work. 50m 03.75s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 50m 03.76s: UILog:start running at thread. 50m 03.76s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 50m 03.78s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 50m 03.79s: DVD Copy 50m 03.79s: Source: E:/ 50m 03.79s: SourceSize: 6498 MB 50m 03.79s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 64m 41.87s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 64m 43.93s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 64m 43.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 64m 45.93s: opening drive E 64m 45.94s: opened i/o 64m 45.94s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 65m 24.05s: Burn data size is: 4300 65m 24.05s: Burn disc space is: 4489 65m 24.42s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/MIDNIGHT_SPECIAL/ with MyBurn 76m 18.64s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 76m 22.11s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 76m 22.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 76m 39.51s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 76m 39.51s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 76m 39.51s: UILog:Run Work to end. 76m 40.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 76m 42.15s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 76m 42.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 76m 46.18s: Exit process: stop running. 76m 46.18s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 76m 46.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 76m 46.22s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 76m 46.22s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 76m 46.29s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 76m 46.29s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/07/25 17:55:37) 0m 00.11s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.11s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.11s: App info: 2016-7-13 0m 00.11s: App info: 9307 Official 0m 00.14s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.82s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.82s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.82s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.84s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.89s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.89s: set code page : .0 0m 01.89s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.89s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.51s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.55s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.86s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.86s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 02.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 02.86s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.86s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.86s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.86s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 02.86s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.86s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.86s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.36s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9307 )( BV:9308 )( S:78c52bc6e216d8a7fa182da54090f625 ) 0m 04.36s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 04.36s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 04.36s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 04.38s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 04.38s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 04.38s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.38s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.66s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.66s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.66s: Reg check: Serial number is: 70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8:00-db-df-78-37-db 0m 04.66s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 04.78s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 05.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 05.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:17 )( S:9fc0881850ed770b3ae91ea0fb13e922 0m 05.91s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 05.91s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 21.02s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 21.02s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 22.99s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 23.53s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 23.53s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 23.53s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 23.53s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 23.56s: BD: init read settings. 0m 23.56s: BD: init write settings. 0m 23.56s: bd set region A 0m 23.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 23.56s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 24.78s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 24.78s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 24.78s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 25.38s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 25.39s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 25.63s: Show UI Step 3 0m 25.64s: Start show MainUI. 0m 25.64s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 27.15s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 27.42s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 27.42s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 30.09s: opening drive E 0m 30.09s: opened i/o 0m 30.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 30.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 25m 25.11s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 25m 25.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 66m 41.95s: UI manager: switch to Converter mode. 96m 20.45s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 377m 14.66s: opening drive E 377m 17.18s: opened i/o 377m 17.18s: got media type 4 377m 17.29s: got max lba 1948287 377m 17.29s: got disc type 10 377m 17.35s: type DVD-VIDEO 377m 17.35s: volume label RESTORATION 377m 17.35s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 377m 17.35s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 377m 17.35s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 377m 17.37s: Source manager: add source id 0. 377m 17.39s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 377m 17.39s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 377m 17.39s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 377m 17.39s: got copyright 0 0 377m 17.93s: got udf/iso 377m 19.67s: got discinfo 377m 19.68s: pathplayer enabled 377m 22.23s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_28556 end_43828 sector_28785 count_3 377m 25.16s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_14288 end_28555 sector_14532 count_6 377m 26.17s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4 end_14287 sector_247 count_9 377m 26.69s: got dvdinfo 377m 26.69s: opened dvd 377m 28.17s: Source manager: open successful. 377m 29.01s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 378m 10.28s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 378m 10.28s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 378m 10.28s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 378m 10.28s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 378m 10.34s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 378m 10.34s: UILog:Run current Work. 378m 10.34s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 378m 10.35s: UILog:start running at thread. 378m 10.35s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 378m 10.44s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 378m 10.46s: DVD Copy 378m 10.46s: Source: E:/ 378m 10.46s: SourceSize: 3804 MB 378m 10.46s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 389m 42.67s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 389m 44.74s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 389m 44.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 389m 56.81s: opening drive E 389m 56.82s: opened i/o 389m 56.82s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 390m 12.84s: Burn data size is: 3803 390m 12.84s: Burn disc space is: 4488 390m 13.22s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/RESTORATION/ with MyBurn 400m 16.53s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 400m 21.00s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 400m 23.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 401m 25.17s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 401m 25.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 401m 26.99s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 401m 26.99s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 401m 26.99s: UILog:Run Work to end. 401m 27.93s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 401m 37.00s: error curl post: Timeout was reached 429m 17.87s: Exit process: stop running. 429m 17.87s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 429m 17.90s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 429m 17.91s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 429m 17.91s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 429m 17.97s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 429m 17.97s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.00s: DVDFab (2016/08/01 22:13:34) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2016-7-13 0m 00.04s: App info: 9307 Official 0m 00.09s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.73s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.76s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.76s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.79s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.84s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.84s: set code page : .0 0m 00.84s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.84s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.93s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.26s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.26s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 01.26s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 01.26s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.26s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.26s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.26s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 01.26s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.26s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.26s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:17 )( OV:9307 )( BV:9308 )( S:9fc0881850ed770b3ae91ea0fb13e922 ) 0m 01.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.34s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.34s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.34s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.36s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.36s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.58s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.58s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.58s: Reg check: Serial number is: 70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d8:00-db-df-78-37-db 0m 01.58s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.95s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.98s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.98s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.21s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 02.22s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.22s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:10 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9309 )( S:ae07411badde2312b3c1f3978e534ba5 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.23s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.63s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.63s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.63s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.63s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.63s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.64s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.64s: bd set region A 0m 02.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 02.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 03.27s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.87s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.87s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.87s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 04.50s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 04.51s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.75s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.75s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.75s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.32s: allow_test : false 0m 05.49s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 05.79s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 05.79s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.17s: opening drive E 0m 08.17s: opened i/o 0m 08.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 122m 24.59s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 122m 24.59s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 122m 34.75s: opening drive E 122m 37.44s: opened i/o 122m 37.45s: got media type 4 122m 37.59s: got max lba 4087460 122m 37.60s: got disc type 10 122m 37.65s: type DVD-VIDEO 122m 37.65s: volume label MOTHERS_DAY 122m 37.65s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 122m 37.65s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 122m 37.66s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 122m 37.66s: Source manager: add source id 0. 122m 37.68s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 122m 37.68s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 122m 37.68s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 122m 37.78s: got copyright 1 fe 122m 37.78s: key method 0 122m 43.38s: got udf/iso 122m 47.59s: got discinfo 122m 47.60s: pathplayer enabled 122m 49.66s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_681 end_1091 sector_728 count_4 123m 00.29s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_274 end_680 sector_317 count_1 123m 00.48s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_2 start_681 end_1091 sector_728 count_4 123m 00.66s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_2 start_274 end_680 sector_317 count_1 123m 00.77s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_0 end_52 sector_0 count_12 123m 00.82s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_53 end_110 sector_53 count_12 123m 00.83s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_111 end_167 sector_111 count_12 123m 00.86s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_168 end_221 sector_168 count_12 123m 00.88s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_222 end_273 sector_222 count_12 123m 00.92s: button: vts_9 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1092 end_1129 sector_1092 count_5 123m 05.75s: got dvdinfo 123m 05.96s: opened dvd 123m 07.07s: Source manager: open successful. 123m 08.22s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 123m 29.47s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 123m 29.47s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 123m 29.47s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 123m 29.47s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 123m 29.51s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 123m 29.51s: UILog:Run current Work. 123m 29.51s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 123m 29.52s: UILog:start running at thread. 123m 29.52s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 123m 29.60s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 123m 29.65s: DVD Copy 123m 29.65s: Source: E:/ 123m 29.65s: SourceSize: 7207 MB 123m 29.65s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 139m 12.68s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 139m 12.75s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 139m 12.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 139m 26.84s: opening drive E 139m 26.84s: opened i/o 139m 26.84s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 141m 13.01s: Burn data size is: 4300 141m 13.02s: Burn disc space is: 4488 141m 13.24s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/MOTHERS_DAY/ with MyBurn 152m 05.51s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 152m 09.03s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 152m 09.04s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 152m 36.42s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 152m 36.42s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 152m 36.42s: UILog:Run Work to end. 152m 37.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 152m 43.13s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 152m 43.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 152m 51.17s: opening drive E 152m 53.73s: opened i/o 152m 53.73s: got media type 4 152m 53.85s: got max lba 2493448 152m 53.86s: got disc type 10 152m 53.91s: type DVD-VIDEO 152m 53.92s: volume label PUERTORICANSINPARIS 152m 53.92s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 152m 53.92s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 152m 53.92s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 152m 53.94s: Source manager: add source id 1. 152m 53.96s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 152m 53.96s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 152m 53.96s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 152m 54.04s: got copyright 1 fe 152m 54.04s: key method 0 152m 59.28s: got udf/iso 153m 02.60s: got discinfo 153m 02.61s: pathplayer enabled 153m 05.20s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 start_239 end_1431 sector_290 count_3 153m 27.38s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_46 end_81 sector_46 count_12 153m 27.42s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_2 start_82 end_120 sector_82 count_12 153m 27.47s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_3 start_121 end_163 sector_121 count_12 153m 27.50s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_4 start_164 end_202 sector_164 count_12 153m 27.53s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_5 start_203 end_238 sector_203 count_12 153m 27.59s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_1432 end_1455 sector_1432 count_7 153m 29.94s: got dvdinfo 153m 29.94s: opened dvd 153m 31.27s: Source manager: open successful. 153m 32.79s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 154m 20.32s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 154m 20.32s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 154m 20.32s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 154m 20.35s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 154m 20.35s: UILog:Run current Work. 154m 20.35s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 154m 20.36s: UILog:start running at thread. 154m 20.36s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 154m 20.38s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 154m 20.41s: DVD Copy 154m 20.41s: Source: E:/ 154m 20.41s: SourceSize: 4867 MB 154m 20.41s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 165m 17.53s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 165m 19.60s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 165m 19.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 165m 21.60s: opening drive E 165m 21.60s: opened i/o 165m 21.60s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 166m 13.63s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 166m 14.08s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 166m 14.08s: UILog:Run Work to end. 166m 14.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 166m 15.65s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 166m 15.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 166m 21.68s: opening drive E 166m 21.99s: opened i/o 166m 22.00s: got media type 5 166m 22.04s: got max lba 0 166m 22.04s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 171m 26.53s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 171m 26.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 171m 32.54s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 171m 32.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 171m 39.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 171m 42.69s: opening drive E 171m 42.78s: opened i/o 171m 42.79s: got media type 5 171m 42.81s: got max lba 0 171m 42.81s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 171m 46.83s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 171m 46.83s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 172m 24.94s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 172m 24.95s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 172m 32.99s: opening drive E 172m 35.53s: opened i/o 172m 35.54s: got media type 4 172m 35.66s: got max lba 2493448 172m 35.67s: got disc type 10 172m 35.72s: type DVD-VIDEO 172m 35.73s: volume label PUERTORICANSINPARIS 172m 35.73s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 172m 35.73s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 172m 35.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 172m 35.75s: Source manager: add source id 2. 172m 35.77s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 172m 35.77s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 172m 35.77s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 172m 35.84s: got copyright 1 fe 172m 35.84s: key method 0 172m 41.14s: got udf/iso 172m 44.19s: got discinfo 172m 44.20s: pathplayer enabled 172m 48.32s: user cancelled 172m 48.34s: failed to open 1 172m 48.35s: Source manager: open failed, delete source id 2. 172m 48.56s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 172m 48.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 177m 10.54s: Exit process: stop running. 177m 10.54s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 177m 10.57s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 177m 10.58s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 177m 10.58s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 177m 10.67s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 177m 10.67s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.04s: DVDFab (2016/08/07 08:16:53) 0m 00.06s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2016-7-13 0m 00.06s: App info: 9307 Official 0m 00.09s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.09s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.67s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.73s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.73s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.76s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.81s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.81s: set code page : .0 0m 00.81s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.81s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.03s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.43s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.43s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 01.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 01.43s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.43s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.43s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.43s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 01.43s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.43s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.43s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.51s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 01.51s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.51s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.51s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.75s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.45s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.45s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9309 )( S:fa9eca988486852a40836a9510d7704f 0m 02.54s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.54s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.54s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.54s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.54s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.54s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.54s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.54s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.82s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 04.81s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 04.81s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 04.82s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 06.03s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 06.43s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 06.43s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 06.43s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 06.43s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 06.43s: BD: init read settings. 0m 06.43s: BD: init write settings. 0m 06.43s: bd set region A 0m 06.43s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 06.43s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 07.67s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 07.67s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 07.67s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 08.22s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 08.23s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 08.49s: Show UI Step 3 0m 08.49s: Start show MainUI. 0m 08.50s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 09.08s: allow_test : false 0m 09.39s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 09.72s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 09.72s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 12.10s: opening drive E 0m 12.11s: opened i/o 0m 12.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 12.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 25.79s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 25.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 25.81s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 25.81s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 25.81s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 25.84s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 25.84s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/08/07 08:31:09) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-7-13 0m 00.01s: App info: 9307 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.10s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.10s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.18s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.20s: set code page : .0 0m 00.20s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.20s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.20s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.45s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.45s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.45s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.45s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.45s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.45s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.45s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.45s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.45s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.45s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.52s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9309 )( S:fa9eca988486852a40836a9510d7704f ) 0m 00.52s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.52s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.52s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.52s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.52s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.52s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.52s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.68s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.68s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.68s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.68s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.84s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 00.87s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.91s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 00.91s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.04s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:f2c9aed2278132240e33f5320ab1c8ff 0m 01.14s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.41s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.41s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.41s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.41s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.41s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.41s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.41s: bd set region A 0m 01.41s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.42s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 02.65s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.19s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.20s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.43s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.43s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.43s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.03s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.32s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.32s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 06.69s: opening drive E 0m 06.69s: opened i/o 0m 06.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 06.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 5m 14.61s: Exit process: stop running. 5m 14.61s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 5m 14.63s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 5m 14.63s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 5m 14.63s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 5m 14.67s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 5m 14.67s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/08/07 08:43:54) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.01s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.03s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.03s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.03s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.03s: set code page : .0 0m 01.03s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.03s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 01.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.03s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.03s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.03s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 01.23s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 01.23s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.75s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.06s: DVDFab (2016/08/08 19:56:32) 0m 00.06s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.06s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.14s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.14s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.07s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.07s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.10s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.15s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.15s: set code page : .0 0m 01.15s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.15s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.21s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.94s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.94s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.94s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 01.94s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 01.94s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.94s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.94s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.94s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 01.94s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.94s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.94s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.05s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 02.05s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 02.05s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.05s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 04.09s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.10s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.10s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 04.10s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 04.46s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.80s: error curl post: SSL connect error 0m 06.44s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 1 0m 06.44s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9309 )( S:ec21690b0637ac38094510e00262705b 0m 06.69s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 06.69s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.69s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 06.69s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 06.69s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 06.69s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 06.69s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 06.69s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 07.24s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 09.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 09.09s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 09.67s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 10.09s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 10.09s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 10.09s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 10.09s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 10.11s: BD: init read settings. 0m 10.11s: BD: init write settings. 0m 10.11s: bd set region A 0m 10.11s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 10.11s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 10.12s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 10.12s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 10.12s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 10.71s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 10.73s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 10.98s: Show UI Step 3 0m 10.98s: Start show MainUI. 0m 10.99s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 12.35s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 12.85s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 12.85s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 15.27s: opening drive E 0m 15.27s: opened i/o 0m 15.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 15.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 15m 35.58s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 15m 35.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 264m 39.57s: opening drive E 264m 42.29s: opened i/o 264m 42.29s: got media type 4 264m 42.47s: got max lba 3048307 264m 42.48s: got disc type 10 264m 42.53s: type DVD-VIDEO 264m 42.53s: volume label SNIPER_GHOST_SHOOTER 264m 42.53s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 264m 42.53s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 264m 42.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 264m 42.54s: Source manager: add source id 0. 264m 42.56s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 264m 42.56s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 264m 42.56s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 264m 42.79s: got copyright 1 f0 264m 42.79s: key method 0 264m 48.07s: got udf/iso 264m 52.54s: got discinfo 264m 52.54s: pathplayer enabled 264m 56.29s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_284 end_355 sector_355 count_4 265m 04.44s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_685 end_749 sector_749 count_10 265m 04.47s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_750 end_814 sector_814 count_8 265m 04.50s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 start_815 end_876 sector_876 count_8 265m 04.72s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_1 start_356 end_440 sector_440 count_9 265m 04.83s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_4 start_602 end_684 sector_684 count_9 265m 04.90s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_3 start_518 end_601 sector_601 count_9 265m 04.97s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_2 start_441 end_517 sector_517 count_9 265m 08.43s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_168748 end_168847 sector_168847 count_8 265m 08.88s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_2 start_877 end_948 sector_948 count_4 265m 08.98s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_2 start_949 end_1010 sector_1010 count_10 265m 09.01s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_2 start_1011 end_1069 sector_1069 count_8 265m 09.04s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_2 start_1070 end_1128 sector_1128 count_8 265m 10.83s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_3 start_1129 end_1200 sector_1200 count_4 265m 11.33s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_3 start_1201 end_1264 sector_1264 count_10 265m 11.36s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_3 start_1265 end_1328 sector_1328 count_8 265m 11.38s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_3 start_1329 end_1390 sector_1390 count_8 265m 11.76s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_4 start_1391 end_1462 sector_1462 count_4 265m 11.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_4 start_1463 end_1530 sector_1530 count_10 265m 11.89s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_4 start_1531 end_1595 sector_1595 count_8 265m 11.92s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_4 start_1596 end_1658 sector_1658 count_8 265m 12.34s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_5 start_1659 end_1730 sector_1730 count_4 265m 12.45s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_5 start_1731 end_1794 sector_1794 count_10 265m 12.47s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_5 start_1795 end_1854 sector_1854 count_8 265m 12.50s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_5 start_1855 end_1914 sector_1914 count_8 265m 14.78s: got dvdinfo 265m 14.79s: opened dvd 265m 16.08s: Source manager: open successful. 265m 17.52s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 265m 32.23s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 265m 32.23s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 265m 32.23s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 265m 32.24s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 265m 32.28s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 265m 32.28s: UILog:Run current Work. 265m 32.28s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 265m 32.28s: UILog:start running at thread. 265m 32.28s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 265m 32.28s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 265m 32.28s: Reg check: Connect type is: 2 265m 32.83s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 265m 32.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:30 )( BV:9309 265m 32.84s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 265m 32.93s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 265m 33.02s: DVD Copy 265m 33.02s: Source: E:/ 265m 33.02s: SourceSize: 5931 MB 265m 33.02s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 278m 48.80s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 278m 50.87s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 278m 50.87s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 279m 09.06s: opening drive E 279m 09.06s: opened i/o 279m 09.07s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 279m 11.09s: Burn data size is: 4300 279m 11.09s: Burn disc space is: 4488 279m 11.33s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/SNIPER_GHOST_SHOOTER/ with MyBurn 290m 07.66s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 290m 11.25s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 290m 11.25s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 299m 14.21s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 299m 14.21s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 305m 04.25s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 305m 04.25s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 305m 04.25s: UILog:Run Work to end. 305m 05.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 305m 40.43s: Exit process: stop running. 305m 40.43s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 305m 40.50s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 305m 40.51s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 305m 40.51s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 305m 40.57s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 305m 40.57s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.18s: DVDFab (2016/08/15 21:06:36) 0m 00.33s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.33s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.33s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.33s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.37s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.37s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.37s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.71s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.95s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.95s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.98s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 02.03s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 02.03s: set code page : .0 0m 02.03s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 02.04s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.57s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 04.87s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 04.87s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 04.87s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 04.87s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 04.87s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 04.87s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 04.87s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 04.87s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 04.88s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 04.88s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 04.88s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.99s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9309 )( S:ec21690b0637ac38094510e00262705b )( 1:30 ) 0m 07.77s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 07.77s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 07.77s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 07.77s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 07.77s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 07.77s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 07.77s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 08.21s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 10.33s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 10.36s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 11.01s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 11.48s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 11.48s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 11.48s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 11.48s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 11.49s: BD: init read settings. 0m 11.49s: BD: init write settings. 0m 11.50s: bd set region A 0m 11.50s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 11.50s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 12.15s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 12.15s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 12.15s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 12.15s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 12.72s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 12.72s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 12.72s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 13.33s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 13.33s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 13.33s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 16.11s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 16.12s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:24 )( BV:9311 )( S:ae4d975245c8aa7b2bd3f039c21fe74a 0m 16.12s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 16.12s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 16.42s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 58.09s: Show UI Step 3 0m 58.10s: Start show MainUI. 0m 58.10s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 00.10s: Init process: init main ui successful. 1m 00.54s: Init process: show main ui successful. 1m 00.54s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 1m 00.67s: opening drive E 1m 00.67s: opened i/o 1m 00.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 00.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 60m 52.03s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 60m 52.05s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 112m 19.50s: Exit process: stop running. 112m 19.51s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 112m 19.53s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 112m 19.54s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 112m 19.54s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 00.23s: DVDFab (2016/08/15 23:03:50) 0m 00.28s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.28s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.28s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.28s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.34s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.34s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.34s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 01.78s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.84s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.84s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.87s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.90s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.90s: set code page : .0 0m 01.90s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.92s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.01s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 08.84s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 08.86s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 08.86s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 08.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 08.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 08.86s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 08.86s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 08.86s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 08.86s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 08.86s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 08.86s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 08.86s: Init process: command line in is 0m 09.73s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9311 )( S:ae4d975245c8aa7b2bd3f039c21fe74a ) 0m 09.73s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 09.73s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 09.75s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 09.75s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 09.75s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 09.87s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 09.87s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 10.75s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 10.75s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 10.76s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 10.76s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 11.17s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 11.41s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 11.41s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:658b159d278d4c61417b5d16c1d7673f 0m 11.41s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 13.22s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 13.22s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 13.95s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 14.51s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 14.51s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 14.51s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 14.51s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 14.53s: BD: init read settings. 0m 14.53s: BD: init write settings. 0m 14.53s: bd set region A 0m 14.53s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 14.53s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 14.55s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 14.55s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 14.55s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 15.24s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 15.26s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 15.52s: Show UI Step 3 0m 15.52s: Start show MainUI. 0m 15.54s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 16.96s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 17.29s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 17.29s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 19.86s: opening drive E 0m 19.87s: opened i/o 0m 19.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 19.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 72m 59.60s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 72m 59.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 73m 09.65s: opening drive E 73m 12.30s: opened i/o 73m 12.31s: got media type 4 73m 12.44s: got max lba 3117728 73m 12.45s: got disc type 10 73m 12.50s: type DVD-VIDEO 73m 12.50s: volume label DEMOLITION 73m 12.50s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 73m 12.50s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 73m 12.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 73m 12.51s: Source manager: add source id 0. 73m 12.52s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 73m 12.52s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 73m 12.52s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 73m 12.78s: got copyright 1 fc 73m 12.78s: key method 0 73m 18.25s: got udf/iso 73m 23.79s: got discinfo 73m 23.80s: pathplayer enabled 73m 25.14s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_2 start_571 end_11137 sector_812 count_4 73m 47.60s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_11138 end_21913 sector_11172 count_4 73m 47.94s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_330 end_372 sector_330 count_10 73m 47.98s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_142 end_181 sector_142 count_11 73m 48.03s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_2 start_182 end_216 sector_182 count_11 73m 48.06s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_3 start_217 end_251 sector_217 count_11 73m 48.11s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_4 start_252 end_289 sector_252 count_11 73m 48.15s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_5 start_290 end_329 sector_290 count_11 73m 48.26s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_6 start_21914 end_21946 sector_21914 count_11 73m 48.31s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_29 cell_1 start_21947 end_21971 sector_21947 count_5 73m 48.46s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_37 sector_0 count_3 73m 48.53s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_2 cell_1 start_38 end_98 sector_81 count_3 73m 48.61s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_3 cell_1 start_699 end_759 sector_742 count_3 73m 48.69s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_4 cell_1 start_760 end_811 sector_794 count_3 73m 48.77s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_5 cell_1 start_812 end_860 sector_843 count_3 73m 48.83s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_6 cell_1 start_861 end_923 sector_906 count_3 73m 48.91s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_7 cell_1 start_924 end_968 sector_951 count_3 73m 49.00s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_8 cell_1 start_99 end_147 sector_130 count_3 73m 49.06s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_9 cell_1 start_148 end_199 sector_182 count_3 73m 49.14s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_10 cell_1 start_200 end_258 sector_241 count_3 73m 49.20s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_11 cell_1 start_259 end_312 sector_295 count_3 73m 49.29s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_12 cell_1 start_313 end_361 sector_344 count_3 73m 49.35s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_13 cell_1 start_362 end_422 sector_405 count_3 73m 49.41s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_14 cell_1 start_423 end_494 sector_477 count_3 73m 49.47s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_15 cell_1 start_495 end_551 sector_534 count_3 73m 49.55s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_16 cell_1 start_552 end_603 sector_586 count_3 73m 49.63s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_17 cell_1 start_604 end_649 sector_632 count_3 73m 49.72s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_18 cell_1 start_650 end_698 sector_681 count_3 73m 49.79s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_19 cell_1 start_969 end_1023 sector_1006 count_3 73m 49.86s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_20 cell_1 start_1024 end_1095 sector_1078 count_3 73m 49.94s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_21 cell_1 start_1096 end_1153 sector_1136 count_3 73m 50.01s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_22 cell_1 start_1154 end_1226 sector_1209 count_3 73m 50.07s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_23 cell_1 start_1227 end_1297 sector_1280 count_3 73m 50.13s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_24 cell_1 start_1298 end_1353 sector_1336 count_3 73m 50.21s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_25 cell_1 start_1354 end_1405 sector_1388 count_3 73m 51.79s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_28 cell_1 start_1581 end_1619 sector_1581 count_3 73m 51.83s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_29 cell_1 start_1620 end_1658 sector_1620 count_3 73m 51.85s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_30 cell_1 start_1659 end_1688 sector_1659 count_3 73m 51.90s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_31 cell_1 start_1689 end_1715 sector_1689 count_3 73m 51.94s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_32 cell_1 start_1716 end_1756 sector_1716 count_3 73m 51.96s: button: vts_30 menu_0 pgc_33 cell_1 start_1757 end_1779 sector_1757 count_3 73m 52.89s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_21972 end_22021 sector_21972 count_11 73m 53.14s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_3 start_11138 end_21913 sector_11172 count_4 73m 56.17s: got dvdinfo 73m 56.17s: opened dvd 73m 58.33s: Source manager: open successful. 73m 59.07s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 74m 10.63s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 74m 10.64s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 74m 10.64s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 74m 10.64s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 74m 10.68s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 74m 10.68s: UILog:Run current Work. 74m 10.68s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 74m 10.68s: UILog:start running at thread. 74m 10.68s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 74m 10.94s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 74m 11.03s: DVD Copy 74m 11.03s: Source: E:/ 74m 11.03s: SourceSize: 6073 MB 74m 11.03s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 88m 58.20s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 89m 00.28s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 89m 00.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 89m 16.51s: opening drive E 89m 16.51s: opened i/o 89m 16.51s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 89m 18.53s: Burn data size is: 4300 89m 18.53s: Burn disc space is: 4488 89m 18.74s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/DEMOLITION/ with MyBurn 100m 11.00s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 100m 14.68s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 100m 16.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 101m 00.53s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 101m 00.53s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 101m 00.53s: UILog:Run Work to end. 101m 01.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 101m 06.81s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 101m 06.82s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 101m 12.84s: opening drive E 101m 14.42s: opened i/o 101m 14.42s: got media type 4 101m 14.68s: got max lba 2252265 101m 14.68s: got disc type 10 101m 14.76s: type DVD-VIDEO 101m 14.76s: volume label APPARITION 101m 14.76s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 101m 14.76s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 101m 14.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 101m 14.77s: Source manager: add source id 1. 101m 14.78s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 101m 14.78s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 101m 14.79s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 101m 15.08s: got copyright 1 fe 101m 15.08s: key method 0 101m 18.03s: got udf/iso 101m 18.84s: got discinfo 101m 18.85s: pathplayer enabled 101m 19.63s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_4 end_10983 sector_108 count_3 101m 22.43s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_10984 end_11019 sector_10984 count_8 101m 22.47s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_11056 end_11087 sector_11056 count_6 101m 22.51s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_11020 end_11055 sector_11020 count_8 101m 22.56s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_11088 end_11110 sector_11088 count_3 101m 23.21s: got dvdinfo 101m 23.21s: opened dvd 101m 23.75s: Source manager: open successful. 101m 24.70s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 102m 01.20s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 102m 01.20s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 102m 01.20s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 102m 01.23s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 102m 01.23s: UILog:Run current Work. 102m 01.23s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 102m 01.24s: UILog:start running at thread. 102m 01.24s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 102m 01.26s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 102m 01.27s: DVD Copy 102m 01.27s: Source: E:/ 102m 01.27s: SourceSize: 4398 MB 102m 01.27s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 111m 54.22s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 111m 56.32s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 111m 56.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 111m 58.32s: opening drive E 111m 58.32s: opened i/o 111m 58.32s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 112m 22.42s: Burn data size is: 4300 112m 22.42s: Burn disc space is: 4489 112m 22.76s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/APPARITION/ with MyBurn 123m 14.99s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 123m 20.50s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 123m 20.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 128m 40.80s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 128m 40.81s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 128m 40.81s: UILog:Run Work to end. 128m 41.78s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 128m 47.34s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 128m 47.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 131m 37.53s: Exit process: stop running. 131m 37.53s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 131m 37.55s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 131m 37.60s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 131m 37.60s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 131m 37.66s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 131m 37.66s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.05s: DVDFab (2016/08/22 20:31:49) 0m 00.06s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.06s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.63s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.65s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.65s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.68s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.75s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.75s: set code page : .0 0m 00.75s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.75s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.80s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.35s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.35s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 01.35s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 01.35s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.35s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.35s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.35s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 01.36s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.36s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.36s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:24 )( OV:9310 )( BV:9311 )( S:658b159d278d4c61417b5d16c1d7673f ) 0m 01.56s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.56s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.56s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.56s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.56s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.57s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.57s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.63s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.63s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.95s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.37s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.37s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.38s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.38s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.38s: bd set region A 0m 04.38s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.38s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 04.51s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 05.60s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.61s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.61s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.13s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.13s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.13s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 12.51s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 12.51s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 12.51s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 12.51s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 14.36s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 27.42s: Show UI Step 3 0m 27.42s: Start show MainUI. 0m 27.42s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 28.26s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 28.54s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 28.54s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 28.71s: opening drive E 0m 28.71s: opened i/o 0m 28.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 28.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 32.52s: error curl post: Timeout was reached 0m 37.56s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 1 0m 37.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:17 )( OV:9312 )( S:f7ca7be25aba72fb5d62da480fba3dc3 0m 37.57s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 37.57s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 46m 23.46s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 46m 23.46s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 237m 18.36s: opening drive E 237m 18.70s: opened i/o 237m 18.70s: got media type 4 237m 21.19s: got max lba 2826047 237m 21.20s: got disc type 10 237m 21.26s: type DVD-VIDEO 237m 21.26s: volume label THE_DUEL 237m 21.26s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 237m 21.26s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 237m 21.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 237m 21.27s: Source manager: add source id 0. 237m 21.28s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 237m 21.28s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 237m 21.28s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 237m 21.70s: got copyright 1 fe 237m 21.70s: key method 0 237m 27.56s: got udf/iso 237m 31.63s: got discinfo 237m 31.63s: pathplayer enabled 237m 34.93s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_2 start_17412 end_34448 sector_17569 count_4 237m 41.11s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_0 end_16381 sector_207 count_4 237m 41.46s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_34449 end_34496 sector_34449 count_6 237m 41.48s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_34497 end_34544 sector_34497 count_7 237m 41.51s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_34545 end_34595 sector_34545 count_7 237m 41.54s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_34596 end_34646 sector_34596 count_6 237m 41.56s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_34647 end_34709 sector_34647 count_7 237m 41.60s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_34710 end_34779 sector_34710 count_5 237m 44.00s: got dvdinfo 237m 44.00s: opened dvd 237m 45.41s: Source manager: open successful. 237m 46.39s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 238m 29.84s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 238m 29.84s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 238m 29.84s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 238m 29.85s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 238m 29.89s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 238m 29.89s: UILog:Run current Work. 238m 29.89s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 238m 29.89s: UILog:start running at thread. 238m 29.89s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 238m 29.99s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 238m 30.04s: DVD Copy 238m 30.04s: Source: E:/ 238m 30.04s: SourceSize: 5517 MB 238m 30.04s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 251m 56.80s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 251m 58.89s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 251m 58.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 252m 19.11s: opening drive E 252m 19.11s: opened i/o 252m 19.11s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 252m 21.14s: Burn data size is: 4300 252m 21.14s: Burn disc space is: 4488 252m 21.35s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_DUEL/ with MyBurn 263m 13.69s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 263m 17.29s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 263m 17.29s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 263m 39.50s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 263m 39.50s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 263m 39.50s: UILog:Run Work to end. 263m 40.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 263m 55.39s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 263m 55.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 264m 03.43s: opening drive E 264m 06.04s: opened i/o 264m 06.04s: got media type 4 264m 06.18s: got max lba 3228065 264m 06.18s: got disc type 10 264m 06.25s: type DVD-VIDEO 264m 06.25s: volume label BARBERSHOP_THE_NEXT_CUT 264m 06.25s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 264m 06.25s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 264m 06.25s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 264m 06.26s: Source manager: add source id 1. 264m 06.27s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 264m 06.27s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 264m 06.27s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 264m 06.47s: got copyright 1 fe 264m 06.47s: key method 0 264m 11.53s: got udf/iso 264m 15.18s: got discinfo 264m 15.18s: pathplayer enabled 264m 19.44s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2148 sector_60 count_2 264m 24.11s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2149 end_2202 sector_2149 count_8 264m 29.23s: got dvdinfo 264m 29.24s: opened dvd 264m 30.27s: Source manager: open successful. 264m 31.03s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 265m 08.19s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 265m 08.19s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 265m 08.19s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 265m 08.22s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 265m 08.22s: UILog:Run current Work. 265m 08.22s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 265m 08.23s: UILog:start running at thread. 265m 08.23s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 265m 08.25s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 265m 08.29s: DVD Copy 265m 08.29s: Source: E:/ 265m 08.29s: SourceSize: 6304 MB 265m 08.29s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 280m 10.77s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 280m 12.86s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 280m 12.86s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 280m 14.86s: opening drive E 280m 14.86s: opened i/o 280m 14.87s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 280m 48.99s: Burn data size is: 4300 280m 48.99s: Burn disc space is: 4489 280m 49.33s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/BARBERSHOP_THE_NEXT_CUT/ with MyBurn 291m 41.57s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 291m 47.04s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 291m 47.04s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 296m 51.76s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 296m 51.76s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 296m 51.76s: UILog:Run Work to end. 296m 52.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 296m 57.86s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 296m 57.86s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 297m 05.90s: opening drive E 297m 08.45s: opened i/o 297m 08.46s: got media type 4 297m 08.60s: got max lba 2395617 297m 08.60s: got disc type 10 297m 08.67s: type DVD-VIDEO 297m 08.67s: volume label CINDERELLA_IF_THE_SHOE_FITS 297m 08.67s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 297m 08.67s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 297m 08.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 297m 08.68s: Source manager: add source id 2. 297m 08.70s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 297m 08.70s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 297m 08.70s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 297m 08.92s: got copyright 1 f2 297m 08.92s: key method 0 297m 14.26s: got udf/iso 297m 17.48s: got discinfo 297m 17.48s: pathplayer enabled 297m 18.93s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_1838 sector_60 count_3 297m 23.31s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_1893 end_1948 sector_1893 count_7 297m 26.67s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_2 start_1949 end_2002 sector_1949 count_4 297m 27.71s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_3 start_2003 end_2058 sector_2003 count_8 297m 33.60s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_4 start_2059 end_2114 sector_2059 count_9 297m 35.35s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_5 start_2115 end_2168 sector_2115 count_4 297m 36.30s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_1839 end_1892 sector_1839 count_5 297m 39.34s: got dvdinfo 297m 39.35s: opened dvd 297m 41.59s: Source manager: open successful. 297m 42.49s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 297m 48.93s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 297m 48.93s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 297m 48.93s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 297m 48.96s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 297m 48.96s: UILog:Run current Work. 297m 48.96s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 297m 48.97s: UILog:start running at thread. 297m 48.97s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 297m 48.99s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 297m 49.01s: DVD Copy 297m 49.01s: Source: E:/ 297m 49.01s: SourceSize: 4678 MB 297m 49.01s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 308m 14.12s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 308m 16.20s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 308m 16.20s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 308m 18.20s: opening drive E 308m 18.20s: opened i/o 308m 18.20s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 308m 34.28s: Burn data size is: 4300 308m 34.28s: Burn disc space is: 4489 308m 34.69s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CINDERELLA_IF_THE_SHOE_FITS/ with MyBurn 319m 28.91s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 319m 32.36s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 319m 32.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 320m 13.21s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 320m 13.21s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 320m 13.21s: UILog:Run Work to end. 320m 14.14s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 320m 20.49s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 320m 20.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 322m 58.70s: Exit process: stop running. 322m 58.70s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 322m 58.74s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 322m 58.74s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 322m 58.74s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 322m 58.81s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 322m 58.81s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/08/29 20:16:53) 0m 00.03s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.03s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.03s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.03s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.10s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.10s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.90s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.90s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.90s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.94s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.98s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.99s: set code page : .0 0m 00.99s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.99s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.09s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.03s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.03s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 02.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 02.03s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.03s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.03s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.03s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 02.04s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.04s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.04s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/08/29 20:18:59) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-7-29 0m 00.01s: App info: 9310 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.13s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.13s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.13s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.20s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.20s: set code page : .0 0m 00.20s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.21s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.21s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.37s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.37s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.38s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.38s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.38s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.38s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.38s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.38s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.38s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.38s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.38s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.82s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:17 )( OV:9312 )( BV:9311 )( S:f7ca7be25aba72fb5d62da480fba3dc3 ) 0m 02.23s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.23s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 02.23s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.23s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.23s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.23s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.23s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.52s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.53s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.53s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 04.53s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 05.47s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 05.95s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 05.95s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:10 )( S:e21cfa3469d67124699c144aeb4b3ac6 0m 05.96s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 05.96s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 06.76s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.76s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 07.38s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.84s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.84s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.84s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.84s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.86s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.86s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.86s: bd set region A 0m 07.87s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.87s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 09.09s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 09.09s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 09.09s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 09.94s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 09.96s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.96s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 21.92s: Show UI Step 3 0m 21.92s: Start show MainUI. 0m 21.92s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 23.11s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 23.37s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 23.37s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 23.52s: opening drive E 0m 23.53s: opened i/o 0m 23.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 23.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 14m 13.79s: Exit process: stop running. 14m 13.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 14m 13.81s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 14m 13.81s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 14m 13.81s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 14m 13.85s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 14m 13.85s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/08/29 20:36:54) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-8-17 0m 00.01s: App info: 9312 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.45s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.45s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.09s: set code page : .0 0m 01.09s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.09s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 01.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.09s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 01.10s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.10s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.10s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 01.32s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 01.32s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.75s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/08/29 20:37:16) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-8-17 0m 00.01s: App info: 9312 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.13s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.18s: set code page : .0 0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.18s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.23s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.78s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.86s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.86s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.86s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.86s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.86s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.86s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.86s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.86s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.86s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.86s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.92s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.92s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.92s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.92s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.51s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.51s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.51s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 02.51s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 03.16s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.16s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:10 )( OV:9312 )( BV:9311 )( S:e1d7d4634af4da3ea2560e3cdba1d979 0m 03.46s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 03.46s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.46s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.46s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 03.46s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 03.46s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.46s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.46s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.73s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 04.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 04.06s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 04.26s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.64s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.64s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.64s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.64s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.64s: bd set region A 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.64s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 05.85s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.85s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.86s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.45s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.46s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.69s: Show UI Step 3 0m 06.70s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.70s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.36s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.63s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.63s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.01s: opening drive E 0m 10.01s: opened i/o 0m 10.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 10.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 230m 25.11s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 230m 25.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 230m 33.16s: opening drive E 230m 35.81s: opened i/o 230m 35.81s: got media type 4 230m 36.04s: got max lba 2996710 230m 36.04s: got disc type 10 230m 36.11s: type DVD-VIDEO 230m 36.12s: volume label OUTLAWS___ANGELS 230m 36.12s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 230m 36.12s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 230m 36.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 230m 36.13s: Source manager: add source id 0. 230m 36.14s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 230m 36.14s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 230m 36.14s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 230m 36.35s: got copyright 1 fe 230m 36.35s: key method 0 230m 41.63s: got udf/iso 230m 45.94s: got discinfo 230m 45.95s: pathplayer enabled 230m 47.03s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_481 end_20056 sector_682 count_3 230m 55.41s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_163 end_228 sector_163 count_11 230m 55.45s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_2 start_229 end_295 sector_229 count_11 230m 55.48s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_3 start_296 end_358 sector_296 count_11 230m 55.51s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_4 start_359 end_424 sector_359 count_11 230m 55.59s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_5 start_20103 end_20167 sector_20103 count_11 230m 55.68s: button: vts_11 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_425 end_480 sector_425 count_4 230m 57.18s: got dvdinfo 230m 57.18s: opened dvd 230m 58.36s: Source manager: open successful. 230m 59.18s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 231m 32.60s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 231m 32.60s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 231m 32.60s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 231m 32.61s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 231m 32.65s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 231m 32.65s: UILog:Run current Work. 231m 32.65s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 231m 32.65s: UILog:start running at thread. 231m 32.65s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 231m 32.75s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 231m 32.80s: DVD Copy 231m 32.80s: Source: E:/ 231m 32.80s: SourceSize: 5834 MB 231m 32.80s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 243m 56.50s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 243m 58.60s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 243m 58.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 244m 10.67s: opening drive E 244m 10.67s: opened i/o 244m 10.67s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 246m 57.00s: Burn data size is: 4300 246m 57.00s: Burn disc space is: 4488 246m 57.54s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/OUTLAWS___ANGELS/ with MyBurn 257m 55.78s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 258m 00.89s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 258m 00.89s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 259m 41.15s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 259m 41.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 259m 59.73s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 259m 59.73s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 259m 59.73s: UILog:Run Work to end. 260m 00.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 260m 09.23s: Exit process: stop running. 260m 09.23s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 260m 09.25s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 260m 09.25s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 260m 09.25s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 260m 09.30s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 260m 09.30s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.17s: DVDFab (2016/09/05 19:37:03) 0m 00.23s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.23s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.23s: App info: 2016-8-17 0m 00.23s: App info: 9312 Official 0m 00.27s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.27s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.27s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.27s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 02.41s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 02.48s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 02.48s: App info: client type 2. 0m 02.53s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 02.56s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 02.58s: set code page : .0 0m 02.58s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 02.58s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 02.70s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.98s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.98s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.98s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 02.98s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 02.98s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.98s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.98s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.98s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 02.98s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.98s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.98s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.32s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:10 )( OV:9312 )( BV:9311 )( S:e1d7d4634af4da3ea2560e3cdba1d979 ) 0m 03.32s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 03.32s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.32s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.32s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 03.32s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.32s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.36s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 04.36s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 04.36s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 04.36s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 05.06s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 05.38s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 06.24s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.24s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 06.27s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 06.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:3 )( BV:9313 )( S:d3a1a89f45558c28482c951e4e81fc45 0m 06.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 06.29s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 06.58s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.02s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.02s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.02s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.02s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.02s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.02s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.02s: bd set region A 0m 07.02s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.02s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 08.26s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 08.26s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 08.26s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 08.85s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 08.86s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.09s: Show UI Step 3 0m 09.09s: Start show MainUI. 0m 09.10s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.90s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 11.30s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 11.30s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 13.77s: opening drive E 0m 13.78s: opened i/o 0m 13.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 13.79s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 276m 22.95s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 276m 22.95s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 276m 30.99s: opening drive E 276m 32.60s: opened i/o 276m 32.60s: got media type 4 276m 32.75s: got max lba 2127535 276m 32.81s: got disc type 10 276m 32.90s: type DVD-VIDEO 276m 32.90s: volume label COMPADRES 276m 32.90s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 276m 32.90s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 276m 32.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 276m 32.91s: Source manager: add source id 0. 276m 32.92s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 276m 32.92s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 276m 32.92s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 276m 33.02s: got copyright 1 fe 276m 33.02s: key method 0 276m 35.67s: got udf/iso 276m 37.05s: got discinfo 276m 37.05s: pathplayer enabled 276m 40.04s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_2 start_18649 end_36361 sector_18781 count_4 276m 44.37s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_0 end_17452 sector_153 count_4 276m 44.73s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_36362 end_36410 sector_36362 count_6 276m 44.76s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_36411 end_36465 sector_36411 count_7 276m 44.79s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_36466 end_36525 sector_36466 count_7 276m 44.82s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_36526 end_36582 sector_36526 count_6 276m 44.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_36583 end_36665 sector_36583 count_5 276m 47.06s: got dvdinfo 276m 47.07s: opened dvd 276m 48.15s: Source manager: open successful. 276m 49.01s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 280m 10.51s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 280m 10.51s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 280m 10.51s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 280m 10.51s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 280m 10.55s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 280m 10.55s: UILog:Run current Work. 280m 10.55s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 280m 10.55s: UILog:start running at thread. 280m 10.56s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 280m 10.64s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 280m 10.68s: DVD Copy 280m 10.68s: Source: E:/ 280m 10.68s: SourceSize: 4153 MB 280m 10.68s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 289m 39.04s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 289m 41.12s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 289m 41.12s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 289m 53.20s: opening drive E 289m 53.20s: opened i/o 289m 53.20s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 290m 11.21s: Burn data size is: 4152 290m 11.21s: Burn disc space is: 4488 290m 11.58s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/COMPADRES/ with MyBurn 300m 53.84s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 300m 57.38s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 300m 57.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 301m 25.73s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 301m 25.73s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 301m 25.73s: UILog:Run Work to end. 301m 26.70s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 301m 35.55s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 301m 35.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 301m 41.58s: opening drive E 301m 44.11s: opened i/o 301m 44.11s: got media type 4 301m 44.25s: got max lba 4169919 301m 44.26s: got disc type 10 301m 44.31s: type DVD-VIDEO 301m 44.31s: volume label NOW_YOU_SEE_ME_2 301m 44.31s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 301m 44.31s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 301m 44.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 301m 44.33s: Source manager: add source id 1. 301m 44.34s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 301m 44.34s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 301m 44.34s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 301m 44.51s: got copyright 1 fe 301m 44.51s: key method 0 301m 49.85s: got udf/iso 301m 55.35s: got discinfo 301m 55.53s: blu-ray 3FC1F77452FA250CA899833F815962817E686E69 301m 55.54s: cert BEE=0x00 301m 55.82s: detected cinavia 301m 55.84s: pathplayer enabled 301m 59.93s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_2 start_410 end_17957 sector_452 count_4 302m 04.22s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_17958 end_35362 sector_17978 count_4 302m 04.52s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_20 end_60 sector_20 count_6 302m 08.48s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_61 end_102 sector_61 count_7 302m 08.52s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_103 end_144 sector_103 count_7 302m 08.55s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_4 start_195 end_238 sector_195 count_6 302m 08.58s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_145 end_194 sector_145 count_9 302m 09.40s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_1 start_17958 end_35362 sector_17978 count_4 302m 09.82s: pathplayer title_21 vts_15 302m 09.82s: pathplayer title_21 vts_15 302m 11.78s: got dvdinfo 302m 11.78s: opened dvd 302m 57.26s: Source manager: open successful. 302m 59.72s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 303m 02.08s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 303m 02.08s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 303m 02.09s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 303m 02.12s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 303m 02.12s: UILog:Run current Work. 303m 02.12s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 303m 02.13s: UILog:start running at thread. 303m 02.13s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 303m 02.16s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 303m 02.25s: DVD Copy 303m 02.25s: Source: E:/ 303m 02.25s: SourceSize: 6275 MB 303m 02.25s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 315m 49.28s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 315m 51.37s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 315m 51.38s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 315m 53.38s: opening drive E 315m 53.38s: opened i/o 315m 53.38s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 316m 21.49s: Burn data size is: 4300 316m 21.49s: Burn disc space is: 4489 316m 21.85s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/NOW_YOU_SEE_ME_2/ with MyBurn 327m 15.11s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 327m 19.56s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 327m 19.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 327m 38.20s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 327m 38.20s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 327m 38.20s: UILog:Run Work to end. 327m 39.21s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 333m 29.86s: Exit process: stop running. 333m 29.86s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 333m 29.88s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 333m 29.88s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 333m 29.88s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 333m 29.94s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 333m 29.94s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.52s: DVDFab (2016/09/12 20:17:43) 0m 00.56s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.56s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.56s: App info: 2016-8-17 0m 00.56s: App info: 9312 Official 0m 00.78s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.78s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.78s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.78s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 03.62s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 03.89s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 03.89s: App info: client type 2. 0m 03.92s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 04.02s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 04.02s: set code page : .0 0m 04.02s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 04.02s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 04.20s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 12.35s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 13.08s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 13.08s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 13.08s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 13.08s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 13.08s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 13.08s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 13.08s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 13.08s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 13.10s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 13.10s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 13.10s: Init process: command line in is 0m 13.98s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:3 )( OV:9312 )( BV:9313 )( S:d3a1a89f45558c28482c951e4e81fc45 ) 0m 13.98s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 13.98s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 13.98s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 13.98s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 13.98s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 13.99s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 13.99s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 14.33s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 14.33s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 14.33s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 14.33s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 14.42s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 15.24s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 15.24s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1:0 )( BV:9314 )( S:55614a714fdcc5c90bc4eff9ae65c6b3 0m 15.24s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 15.24s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 18.76s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 18.76s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 20.11s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 20.54s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 20.54s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 20.54s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 20.54s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 20.54s: BD: init read settings. 0m 20.54s: BD: init write settings. 0m 20.54s: bd set region A 0m 20.54s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 20.54s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 20.55s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 20.55s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 20.55s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 21.15s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 21.16s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 21.16s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 16m 07.30s: Show UI Step 3 16m 07.30s: Start show MainUI. 16m 07.30s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 16m 07.99s: Init process: init main ui successful. 16m 08.26s: Init process: show main ui successful. 16m 08.26s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 16m 08.37s: opening drive E 16m 08.37s: opened i/o 16m 09.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 16m 09.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 42m 52.84s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 42m 52.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 234m 31.92s: opening drive E 234m 34.46s: opened i/o 234m 34.47s: got media type 4 234m 34.65s: got max lba 3896405 234m 34.66s: got disc type 10 234m 34.73s: type DVD-VIDEO 234m 34.73s: volume label CAPTAIN_AMERICA_CIVIL_WAR 234m 34.73s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 234m 34.73s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 234m 34.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 234m 34.74s: Source manager: add source id 0. 234m 34.75s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 234m 34.75s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 234m 34.75s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 234m 35.01s: got copyright 1 f6 234m 35.01s: key method 0 234m 40.73s: got udf/iso 234m 44.68s: got discinfo 234m 44.68s: pathplayer enabled 234m 45.02s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_229 sector_53 count_5 234m 46.69s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_0 end_26789 sector_4292 count_4 234m 54.20s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_26790 end_53595 sector_26893 count_4 234m 54.65s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_59037 end_60141 sector_59085 count_14 234m 54.72s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_60142 end_61247 sector_60191 count_14 234m 54.92s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_61248 end_62350 sector_61294 count_14 234m 55.16s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_47 cell_1 start_62351 end_63453 sector_62397 count_14 234m 55.39s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_63454 end_64552 sector_63496 count_14 234m 55.77s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_53618 end_55430 sector_53668 count_4 234m 55.87s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_55431 end_57238 sector_55476 count_5 234m 56.37s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_39 cell_1 start_57239 end_59036 sector_57274 count_5 234m 59.79s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_80863 end_110403 sector_85789 count_4 235m 00.48s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_110427 end_140017 sector_110561 count_4 235m 00.99s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_50 cell_1 start_64553 end_65650 sector_64594 count_14 235m 01.05s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_51 cell_1 start_65651 end_66748 sector_65692 count_14 235m 01.29s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_52 cell_1 start_66749 end_67844 sector_66788 count_14 235m 01.56s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_53 cell_1 start_67845 end_68940 sector_67884 count_14 235m 01.84s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_54 cell_1 start_68941 end_70033 sector_68977 count_14 235m 02.19s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_70034 end_71844 sector_70082 count_4 235m 02.29s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 start_73656 end_75461 sector_73699 count_5 235m 02.84s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_40 cell_1 start_77267 end_79064 sector_77302 count_5 235m 04.82s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_140018 end_169629 sector_144966 count_4 235m 05.54s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_169652 end_199123 sector_169785 count_4 235m 06.03s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_71845 end_73655 sector_71893 count_4 235m 06.13s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_36 cell_1 start_75462 end_77266 sector_75504 count_5 235m 06.64s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_41 cell_1 start_79065 end_80862 sector_79100 count_5 235m 08.80s: got dvdinfo 235m 08.80s: opened dvd 235m 09.56s: Source manager: open successful. 235m 10.24s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 235m 49.92s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 235m 49.92s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 235m 49.92s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 235m 49.92s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 235m 49.97s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 235m 49.97s: UILog:Run current Work. 235m 49.97s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 235m 49.97s: UILog:start running at thread. 235m 49.98s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 235m 50.07s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 235m 50.11s: DVD Copy 235m 50.11s: Source: E:/ 235m 50.11s: SourceSize: 7470 MB 235m 50.11s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 253m 21.58s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 253m 23.66s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 253m 23.66s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 253m 41.88s: opening drive E 253m 41.89s: opened i/o 253m 41.89s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 253m 43.91s: Burn data size is: 4300 253m 43.91s: Burn disc space is: 4488 253m 44.14s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CAPTAIN_AMERICA_CIVIL_WAR/ with MyBurn 264m 36.37s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 264m 42.05s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 264m 42.06s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 264m 46.86s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnOrNextTask 264m 46.87s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 264m 52.08s: opening drive E 264m 52.08s: opened i/o 264m 52.08s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 265m 04.98s: Burn data size is: 4300 265m 04.98s: Burn disc space is: 4489 265m 05.42s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CAPTAIN_AMERICA_CIVIL_WAR/ with MyBurn 275m 57.68s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 276m 02.26s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 276m 02.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 276m 15.58s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 276m 15.58s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 276m 15.58s: UILog:Run Work to end. 276m 16.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 276m 25.56s: error curl post: Timeout was reached 276m 38.36s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 276m 38.36s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 276m 46.40s: opening drive E 276m 48.92s: opened i/o 276m 48.93s: got media type 4 276m 49.08s: got max lba 3896405 276m 49.09s: got disc type 10 276m 49.16s: type DVD-VIDEO 276m 49.16s: volume label CAPTAIN_AMERICA_CIVIL_WAR 276m 49.16s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 276m 49.16s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 276m 49.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 276m 49.17s: Source manager: add source id 1. 276m 49.18s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 276m 49.18s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 276m 49.18s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 276m 49.42s: got copyright 1 f6 276m 49.42s: key method 0 276m 54.98s: got udf/iso 276m 58.78s: got discinfo 276m 58.79s: pathplayer enabled 276m 59.10s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_229 sector_53 count_5 277m 00.80s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_0 end_26789 sector_4292 count_4 277m 08.26s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_26790 end_53595 sector_26893 count_4 277m 08.71s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 start_59037 end_60141 sector_59085 count_14 277m 08.78s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 start_60142 end_61247 sector_60191 count_14 277m 08.98s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 start_61248 end_62350 sector_61294 count_14 277m 09.23s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_47 cell_1 start_62351 end_63453 sector_62397 count_14 277m 09.45s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_48 cell_1 start_63454 end_64552 sector_63496 count_14 277m 09.83s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_53618 end_55430 sector_53668 count_4 277m 09.93s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_55431 end_57238 sector_55476 count_5 277m 10.46s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_39 cell_1 start_57239 end_59036 sector_57274 count_5 277m 13.88s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_80863 end_110403 sector_85789 count_4 277m 14.52s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_110427 end_140017 sector_110561 count_4 277m 15.02s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_50 cell_1 start_64553 end_65650 sector_64594 count_14 277m 15.08s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_51 cell_1 start_65651 end_66748 sector_65692 count_14 277m 15.37s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_52 cell_1 start_66749 end_67844 sector_66788 count_14 277m 15.63s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_53 cell_1 start_67845 end_68940 sector_67884 count_14 277m 15.90s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_54 cell_1 start_68941 end_70033 sector_68977 count_14 277m 16.26s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_70034 end_71844 sector_70082 count_4 277m 16.37s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 start_73656 end_75461 sector_73699 count_5 277m 16.93s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_40 cell_1 start_77267 end_79064 sector_77302 count_5 277m 18.83s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_140018 end_169629 sector_144966 count_4 277m 19.51s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_169652 end_199123 sector_169785 count_4 277m 19.98s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_71845 end_73655 sector_71893 count_4 277m 20.08s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_36 cell_1 start_75462 end_77266 sector_75504 count_5 277m 20.61s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_41 cell_1 start_79065 end_80862 sector_79100 count_5 277m 22.81s: got dvdinfo 277m 22.82s: opened dvd 277m 23.56s: Source manager: open successful. 277m 23.57s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 278m 25.87s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 278m 25.87s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 278m 25.87s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 278m 25.91s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 278m 25.91s: UILog:Run current Work. 278m 25.91s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 278m 25.92s: UILog:start running at thread. 278m 25.92s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 278m 25.94s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 278m 25.98s: DVD Copy 278m 25.98s: Source: E:/ 278m 25.98s: SourceSize: 7470 MB 278m 25.98s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 295m 32.03s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 295m 34.12s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 295m 34.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 295m 36.13s: opening drive E 295m 36.13s: opened i/o 295m 36.13s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 295m 54.21s: Burn data size is: 4300 295m 54.21s: Burn disc space is: 4489 295m 54.59s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CAPTAIN_AMERICA_CIVIL_WAR/ with MyBurn 306m 49.83s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 306m 54.30s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 306m 54.30s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 708m 56.33s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 708m 56.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 709m 09.17s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 709m 09.17s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 709m 09.17s: UILog:Run Work to end. 709m 10.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 710m 20.51s: Exit process: stop running. 710m 20.51s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 710m 20.52s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 710m 20.52s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 710m 20.52s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 710m 20.57s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 710m 20.57s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/09/19 13:38:04) 0m 00.11s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.11s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.11s: App info: 2016-8-17 0m 00.11s: App info: 9312 Official 0m 00.19s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.19s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.19s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.19s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 01.60s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.69s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.69s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.70s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.77s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.77s: set code page : .0 0m 01.77s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.77s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.85s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.13s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.13s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.13s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 02.13s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 02.13s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.13s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.13s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.13s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 02.13s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.13s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.13s: Init process: command line in is 0m 02.20s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9312 )( BV:9314 )( S:55614a714fdcc5c90bc4eff9ae65c6b3 ) 0m 02.22s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 02.22s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 02.22s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 02.22s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 02.22s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.22s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.22s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 02.59s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 02.59s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 02.59s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 02.59s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.95s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 03.16s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.27s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 03.27s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:6c5230ce3e2548de9a9a0fa2060fbdf1 0m 03.27s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.27s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 03.89s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.89s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 04.61s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 05.00s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 05.00s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 05.01s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 05.01s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 05.01s: BD: init read settings. 0m 05.01s: BD: init write settings. 0m 05.01s: bd set region A 0m 05.01s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 05.01s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 06.23s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.24s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 06.24s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.92s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.93s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 07.28s: Show UI Step 3 0m 07.28s: Start show MainUI. 0m 07.28s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 08.38s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 08.65s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 08.65s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 11.02s: opening drive E 0m 11.02s: opened i/o 0m 11.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.03s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 3m 32.91s: Exit process: stop running. 3m 32.91s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 3m 32.92s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 3m 32.92s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 3m 32.92s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 3m 32.96s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 3m 32.96s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/09/19 13:43:06) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-8-17 0m 00.01s: App info: 9312 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.11s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.18s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.18s: set code page : .0 0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.18s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.20s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.51s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.51s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.51s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.51s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.51s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.51s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.51s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.51s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.53s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.53s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.53s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.60s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:6c5230ce3e2548de9a9a0fa2060fbdf1 ) 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.61s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.61s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.61s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.61s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.61s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.61s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.90s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.93s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.93s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.93s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.93s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.11s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.24s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.81s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 01.81s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 01.81s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 01.81s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 01.81s: BD: init read settings. 0m 01.82s: BD: init write settings. 0m 01.82s: bd set region A 0m 01.82s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 01.82s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 01.91s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.17s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.17s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:e3c13cee06d2d3e074d8359b43ab71af 0m 02.18s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.04s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.04s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.04s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.58s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.59s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.82s: Show UI Step 3 0m 03.82s: Start show MainUI. 0m 03.82s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 04.42s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 04.71s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 04.71s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 07.07s: opening drive E 0m 07.08s: opened i/o 0m 07.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 07.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 36m 39.72s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 36m 39.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 188m 20.81s: Exit process: stop running. 188m 20.81s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 188m 20.83s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 188m 20.83s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 188m 20.83s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 188m 20.87s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 188m 20.87s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/09/19 16:51:57) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.01s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.11s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.11s: set code page : .0 0m 00.11s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.11s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.11s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.11s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.13s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.13s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.13s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 00.41s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 00.43s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.55s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/09/19 16:53:49) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.01s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.11s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.21s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.21s: set code page : .0 0m 00.21s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.21s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.23s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.50s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.50s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.50s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.50s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.50s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.50s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.50s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.50s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.51s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.51s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.51s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.58s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.59s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.59s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.59s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.75s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.75s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.76s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.76s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 00.90s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.36s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.36s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:fd9e3f526a2c31d97ec5da94feb59a52 0m 01.61s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 01.62s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.62s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 01.62s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 01.62s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 01.62s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.62s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.62s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.98s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.46s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.67s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.33s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.33s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.33s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.33s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.33s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.33s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.33s: bd set region A 0m 03.33s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 03.33s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 04.55s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 04.56s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 04.56s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.09s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.10s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.56s: Show UI Step 3 0m 05.56s: Start show MainUI. 0m 05.56s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.78s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.32s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.32s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 09.70s: opening drive E 0m 09.71s: opened i/o 0m 09.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 09.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 17.37s: Exit process: stop running. 0m 17.37s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 0m 17.39s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 0m 17.39s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 0m 17.39s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 17.43s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 0m 17.43s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/09/19 22:53:59) 0m 00.04s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.04s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.26s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.30s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.30s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.33s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.37s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.37s: set code page : .0 0m 00.37s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.37s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.51s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.76s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.76s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.76s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.76s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.76s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.76s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.76s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.76s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.76s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.76s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.76s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.84s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:fd9e3f526a2c31d97ec5da94feb59a52 ) 0m 00.84s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.84s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.84s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.84s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.84s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.84s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.40s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.40s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.40s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.40s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.73s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.99s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.99s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:f9710dff7a0e5a5274d83f269cf0d96e 0m 01.99s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 03.04s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.04s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.27s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.68s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.95s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.95s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.95s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.95s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.95s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.95s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.95s: bd set region A 0m 03.95s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 03.95s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 05.19s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.19s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.19s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.76s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.76s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.21s: Show UI Step 3 0m 06.21s: Start show MainUI. 0m 06.21s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 07.34s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 07.89s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 07.89s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 10.27s: opening drive E 0m 10.27s: opened i/o 0m 10.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 10.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 75m 41.63s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 75m 41.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 75m 49.68s: opening drive E 75m 52.40s: opened i/o 75m 52.41s: got media type 4 75m 52.54s: got max lba 3418564 75m 52.54s: got disc type 10 75m 52.59s: type DVD-VIDEO 75m 52.59s: volume label THE_NICE_GUYS 75m 52.59s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 75m 52.59s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 75m 52.60s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 75m 52.61s: Source manager: add source id 0. 75m 52.62s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 75m 52.62s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 75m 52.62s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 75m 52.72s: got copyright 1 fe 75m 52.72s: key method 0 75m 58.01s: got udf/iso 76m 01.56s: got discinfo 76m 01.57s: pathplayer enabled 76m 05.84s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_1759 sector_60 count_2 76m 11.19s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_1760 end_1813 sector_1760 count_9 76m 15.53s: got dvdinfo 76m 15.53s: opened dvd 76m 16.60s: Source manager: open successful. 76m 17.53s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 76m 24.01s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 76m 24.02s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 76m 24.02s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 76m 24.02s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 76m 24.06s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 76m 24.06s: UILog:Run current Work. 76m 24.06s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 76m 24.07s: UILog:start running at thread. 76m 24.07s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 76m 24.16s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 76m 24.32s: DVD Copy 76m 24.32s: Source: E:/ 76m 24.32s: SourceSize: 6676 MB 76m 24.32s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 91m 55.80s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 91m 57.88s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 91m 57.88s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 92m 09.95s: opening drive E 92m 09.96s: opened i/o 92m 09.96s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 95m 38.35s: Burn data size is: 4300 95m 38.36s: Burn disc space is: 4488 95m 38.87s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_NICE_GUYS/ with MyBurn 106m 34.43s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 106m 38.18s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 106m 38.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 106m 45.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 106m 45.96s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 106m 45.96s: UILog:Run Work to end. 106m 47.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 106m 48.21s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 106m 48.21s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 108m 34.39s: Exit process: stop running. 108m 34.39s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 108m 34.41s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 108m 34.41s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 108m 34.41s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 108m 34.46s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 108m 34.46s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.05s: DVDFab (2016/09/26 14:22:29) 0m 00.06s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.06s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.06s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.11s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.11s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.11s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.11s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.87s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.87s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.87s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.91s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.97s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.97s: set code page : .0 0m 00.97s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.97s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.08s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.31s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.31s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.31s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 01.31s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 01.31s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.31s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.31s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.31s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 01.31s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.31s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.31s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.48s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:f9710dff7a0e5a5274d83f269cf0d96e ) 0m 01.48s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.48s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 01.48s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.48s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.48s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.48s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.48s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.21s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.21s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 04.12s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.53s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.85s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.85s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.85s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.85s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.85s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.85s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.85s: bd set region A 0m 04.85s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.85s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 06.07s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 06.07s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 06.08s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.22s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 06.22s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 06.22s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 06.22s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 06.49s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 06.64s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.65s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.65s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 26.22s: error curl post: Timeout was reached 0m 29.23s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 1 0m 29.23s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:2301900782ec4eaa3a09747d113c8a71 0m 29.23s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 29.24s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 14m 41.45s: Show UI Step 3 14m 41.46s: Start show MainUI. 14m 41.46s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 14m 42.80s: Init process: init main ui successful. 14m 43.33s: Init process: show main ui successful. 14m 43.33s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 14m 43.46s: opening drive E 14m 43.46s: opened i/o 14m 44.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 14m 44.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 30m 27.73s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 30m 27.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 595m 07.71s: opening drive E 595m 10.79s: opened i/o 595m 10.79s: got media type 4 595m 10.92s: got max lba 3348013 595m 10.93s: got disc type 10 595m 10.98s: type DVD-VIDEO 595m 10.98s: volume label ME_BEFORE_YOU 595m 10.98s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 595m 10.99s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 595m 10.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 595m 10.99s: Source manager: add source id 0. 595m 11.01s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 595m 11.01s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 595m 11.01s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 595m 11.03s: got copyright 1 fe 595m 11.03s: key method 0 595m 15.87s: got udf/iso 595m 19.56s: got discinfo 595m 19.57s: pathplayer enabled 595m 24.16s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2246 sector_60 count_2 595m 30.16s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2247 end_2300 sector_2247 count_9 595m 35.18s: got dvdinfo 595m 35.18s: opened dvd 595m 36.13s: Source manager: open successful. 595m 37.08s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 595m 56.29s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 595m 56.29s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 595m 56.29s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 595m 56.30s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 595m 56.34s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 595m 56.34s: UILog:Run current Work. 595m 56.34s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 595m 56.34s: UILog:start running at thread. 595m 56.35s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 595m 56.44s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 595m 56.53s: DVD Copy 595m 56.53s: Source: E:/ 595m 56.53s: SourceSize: 6538 MB 595m 56.53s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 611m 25.05s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 611m 27.14s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 611m 27.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 611m 47.39s: opening drive E 611m 47.39s: opened i/o 611m 47.39s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 611m 49.41s: Burn data size is: 4300 611m 49.42s: Burn disc space is: 4488 611m 49.59s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/ME_BEFORE_YOU/ with MyBurn 622m 43.91s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 622m 47.57s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 622m 47.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 623m 43.73s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 623m 43.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 623m 46.95s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 623m 46.95s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 623m 46.95s: UILog:Run Work to end. 623m 48.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 623m 55.77s: Exit process: stop running. 623m 55.77s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 623m 55.78s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 623m 55.79s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 623m 55.79s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 623m 55.84s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 623m 55.84s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.16s: DVDFab (2016/10/03 20:16:30) 0m 00.18s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.18s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.18s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.18s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.26s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.26s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.26s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.26s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 01.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.25s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.25s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.28s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.33s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.33s: set code page : .0 0m 01.33s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.33s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.45s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.47s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.47s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.47s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 02.47s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 02.47s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.47s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.47s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.47s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 02.47s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.47s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.47s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.11s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:2301900782ec4eaa3a09747d113c8a71 ) 0m 03.13s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 03.13s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.13s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.13s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 03.13s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.13s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.13s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.08s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 05.20s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 05.20s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 05.20s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 05.20s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 05.77s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 05.77s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 06.30s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.07s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.07s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.07s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.07s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.08s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.08s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.08s: bd set region A 0m 07.08s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.08s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 08.29s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 08.29s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 08.29s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 08.95s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 08.96s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 09.53s: Show UI Step 3 0m 09.53s: Start show MainUI. 0m 09.53s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 09.58s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 11.50s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 12.07s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 12.07s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 14.52s: opening drive E 0m 14.53s: opened i/o 0m 14.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 14.54s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 17.08s: error curl post: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) 0m 19.14s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 1 0m 19.14s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:3b65b49285550d95257d2d128380028a 0m 19.14s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 19.14s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 42m 10.92s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 42m 10.94s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 197m 16.14s: Exit process: stop running. 197m 16.14s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 197m 16.16s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 197m 16.16s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 197m 16.16s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 00.02s: DVDFab (2016/10/04 00:13:41) 0m 00.02s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.02s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.04s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.04s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.07s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.07s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.07s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.30s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.34s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.34s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.37s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.42s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.42s: set code page : .0 0m 00.43s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.43s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.50s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.80s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.80s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.80s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.80s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.80s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.80s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.80s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.80s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.80s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.80s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.80s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:3b65b49285550d95257d2d128380028a ) 0m 00.96s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.96s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.96s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.96s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.96s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.96s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.96s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.99s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 00.99s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 00.99s: connect plugin info : 1:0 0m 01.00s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 01.02s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 2 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.02s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.04s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 01.06s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 01.07s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 01.07s: Reg check: Connect test Failed. 0m 01.09s: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name 0m 01.09s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 2 0m 01.09s: Reg check: Get registration info failed, the return string is: 0m 02.20s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 02.29s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.29s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 02.47s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 03.15s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 03.15s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 03.15s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 03.16s: BD: init read settings. 0m 03.16s: BD: init write settings. 0m 03.16s: bd set region A 0m 03.16s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 03.16s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 03.17s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.17s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.17s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.75s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.76s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.24s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.24s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.25s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 06.00s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.56s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.56s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.97s: opening drive E 0m 08.98s: opened i/o 0m 08.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 26.64s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 0m 26.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 34.79s: opening drive E 0m 37.49s: opened i/o 0m 37.49s: got media type 4 0m 37.67s: got max lba 3392751 0m 37.68s: got disc type 10 0m 37.73s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 37.73s: volume label INTO_THE_FOREST 0m 37.73s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 37.73s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 37.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 37.74s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 37.75s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 37.75s: Source open status:BD No, 2000-1-1 0m 37.75s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 37.98s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 37.98s: key method 0 0m 45.14s: got udf/iso 0m 51.64s: got discinfo 0m 51.65s: pathplayer enabled 0m 56.73s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_2 start_14898 end_28914 sector_15045 count_4 1m 02.98s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_0 end_13743 sector_125 count_4 1m 03.42s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_28915 end_29021 sector_28915 count_6 1m 03.50s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_29022 end_29121 sector_29022 count_7 1m 03.55s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_29122 end_29227 sector_29122 count_7 1m 03.63s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_29228 end_29328 sector_29228 count_6 1m 03.67s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_29329 end_29397 sector_29329 count_6 1m 03.73s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_29398 end_29469 sector_29398 count_6 1m 07.70s: got dvdinfo 1m 07.70s: opened dvd 1m 09.88s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 11.16s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 1m 19.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 1m 19.96s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 1m 19.96s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 1m 19.96s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 1m 20.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 1m 20.00s: UILog:Run current Work. 1m 20.00s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 1m 20.02s: UILog:start running at thread. 1m 20.02s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 1m 20.12s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 1m 20.16s: DVD Copy 1m 20.16s: Source: E:/ 1m 20.16s: SourceSize: 6624 MB 1m 20.16s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 30m 30.65s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 30m 32.72s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 30m 32.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 30m 52.96s: opening drive E 30m 52.96s: opened i/o 30m 52.96s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 30m 54.98s: Burn data size is: 4300 30m 54.99s: Burn disc space is: 4488 30m 55.18s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/INTO_THE_FOREST/ with MyBurn 41m 48.47s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 41m 53.17s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 41m 53.17s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 41m 55.88s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 41m 55.88s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 41m 55.88s: UILog:Run Work to end. 41m 57.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 42m 44.41s: Source manager: select video files for open. 42m 44.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 42m 51.34s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 42m 51.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 42m 57.36s: opening drive E 42m 58.92s: opened i/o 42m 58.93s: got media type 4 42m 59.08s: got max lba 1925807 42m 59.08s: got disc type 10 42m 59.16s: type DVD-VIDEO 42m 59.16s: volume label INVOKING3 42m 59.16s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 42m 59.16s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 42m 59.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 42m 59.17s: Source manager: add source id 1. 42m 59.18s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 42m 59.18s: Source open status:BD No, 2000-1-1 42m 59.18s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 42m 59.22s: got copyright 0 0 43m 02.42s: got udf/iso 43m 03.27s: got discinfo 43m 03.28s: pathplayer enabled 43m 03.82s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 start_3078 end_29566 sector_3562 count_2 43m 06.29s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4 end_7447 sector_228 count_11 43m 06.65s: got dvdinfo 43m 06.66s: opened dvd 43m 07.72s: Source manager: open successful. 43m 08.76s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 52m 34.11s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 52m 34.11s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 52m 34.11s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 52m 34.15s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 52m 34.15s: UILog:Run current Work. 52m 34.15s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 52m 34.15s: UILog:start running at thread. 52m 34.16s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 52m 34.18s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 52m 34.38s: DVD Copy 52m 34.38s: Source: E:/ 52m 34.38s: SourceSize: 3760 MB 52m 34.38s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 52m 34.43s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 53m 05.51s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 53m 07.60s: user cancelled 53m 11.53s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 53m 33.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 53m 34.35s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 53m 34.35s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 53m 34.35s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 53m 34.39s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 53m 34.39s: UILog:Run current Work. 53m 34.39s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 53m 34.39s: UILog:start running at thread. 53m 34.40s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 53m 34.42s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 53m 34.43s: DVD Copy 53m 34.43s: Source: E:/ 53m 34.43s: SourceSize: 3760 MB 53m 34.43s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 53m 34.55s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 53m 37.39s: user cancelled 53m 38.40s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 53m 47.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 53m 47.45s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 53m 47.45s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 53m 47.45s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 53m 47.47s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 53m 47.47s: UILog:Run current Work. 53m 47.47s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 53m 47.48s: UILog:start running at thread. 53m 47.48s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 53m 47.51s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 53m 47.52s: DVD Copy 53m 47.52s: Source: E:/ 53m 47.52s: SourceSize: 3760 MB 53m 47.52s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 53m 48.81s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 53m 51.27s: user cancelled 53m 51.85s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4 54m 03.47s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 54m 03.48s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 54m 05.33s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 54m 09.54s: Exit process: stop running. 54m 09.54s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 54m 09.55s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 54m 09.56s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 54m 09.56s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 54m 09.61s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 54m 09.61s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/10/04 01:07:59) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.01s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.11s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.11s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.11s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.14s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.19s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.19s: set code page : .0 0m 00.19s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.19s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.21s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.41s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.41s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.41s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.41s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.41s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.41s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.41s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.41s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.41s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.41s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 00.41s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.49s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:3b65b49285550d95257d2d128380028a ) 0m 00.49s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.49s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.49s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.49s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.49s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.49s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.49s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.93s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.20s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.20s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.22s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.23s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.23s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.23s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.31s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.35s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.92s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.92s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:c30cea1ec27f3f732b9ca195af6e9129 0m 01.92s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.92s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.29s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.29s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.29s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.29s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.30s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.30s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.30s: bd set region A 0m 02.30s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 02.30s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 02.31s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 02.99s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.00s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 03.00s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 09.49s: Show UI Step 3 0m 09.49s: Start show MainUI. 0m 09.49s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.73s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 11.62s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 11.62s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 11.72s: opening drive E 0m 11.73s: opened i/o 0m 11.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 11.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 15.65s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 0m 15.65s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 21.67s: opening drive E 0m 22.02s: opened i/o 0m 22.02s: got media type 4 0m 23.44s: got max lba 1925807 0m 23.45s: got disc type 10 0m 23.53s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 23.53s: volume label INVOKING3 0m 23.53s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 23.53s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 23.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 23.55s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 23.56s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 23.56s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 23.56s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 23.59s: got copyright 0 0 0m 26.91s: got udf/iso 0m 27.79s: got discinfo 0m 27.79s: pathplayer enabled 0m 28.32s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 start_3078 end_29566 sector_3562 count_2 0m 30.93s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_4 end_7447 sector_228 count_11 0m 31.28s: got dvdinfo 0m 31.28s: opened dvd 0m 32.33s: Source manager: open successful. 0m 33.35s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 2m 54.79s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 2m 54.79s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 2m 54.80s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 2m 54.80s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 2m 54.84s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 2m 54.84s: UILog:Run current Work. 2m 54.84s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 2m 54.85s: UILog:start running at thread. 2m 54.85s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 2m 54.95s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 2m 54.96s: DVD Copy 2m 54.96s: Source: E:/ 2m 54.96s: SourceSize: 3760 MB 2m 54.96s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 2m 55.07s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop 11m 53.31s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 11m 55.39s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 11m 55.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 12m 07.47s: opening drive E 12m 07.47s: opened i/o 12m 07.47s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 12m 21.48s: Burn data size is: 3760 12m 21.48s: Burn disc space is: 4489 12m 21.86s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/INVOKING3/ with MyBurn 22m 20.09s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 22m 25.63s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 22m 25.64s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 22m 29.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 22m 31.65s: Exit process: stop running. 22m 31.65s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 22m 31.67s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 22m 31.67s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 22m 31.67s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 22m 31.72s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 22m 31.72s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.25s: DVDFab (2016/10/10 20:42:14) 0m 00.28s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.28s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.28s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.28s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.46s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.46s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.46s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.46s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 01.39s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.61s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.61s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.64s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.69s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.70s: set code page : .0 0m 01.70s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.70s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.82s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 04.82s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 04.82s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 04.82s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 04.82s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 04.82s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 04.82s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 04.82s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 04.82s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 04.82s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 04.84s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 04.84s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.89s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 05.19s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:c30cea1ec27f3f732b9ca195af6e9129 ) 0m 05.19s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 05.19s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 05.19s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 05.19s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 05.19s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 05.19s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 05.19s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 07.61s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 07.61s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 09.72s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 09.72s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 09.72s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 09.72s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 10.16s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 10.94s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 10.94s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 10.94s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 10.98s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 11.00s: BD: init read settings. 0m 11.00s: BD: init write settings. 0m 11.00s: bd set region A 0m 11.00s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 11.00s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 12.23s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 12.23s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 12.23s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 12.99s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 13.00s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 13.00s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 14.17s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 14.17s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:d6de8ec286b9bf1e9747cfec7f3e4186 0m 14.18s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 14.18s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 19.24s: connect plugin info : 1:1 1m 20.25s: Show UI Step 3 1m 20.25s: Start show MainUI. 1m 20.25s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 22.12s: Init process: init main ui successful. 1m 22.69s: Init process: show main ui successful. 1m 22.69s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 1m 23.12s: opening drive E 1m 23.12s: opened i/o 1m 24.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 24.34s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 24.70s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 1m 24.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 212m 09.02s: opening drive E 212m 09.38s: opened i/o 212m 09.38s: got media type 4 212m 11.77s: got max lba 3833465 212m 11.78s: got disc type 10 212m 11.85s: type DVD-VIDEO 212m 11.85s: volume label THE_CONJURING_2 212m 11.85s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 212m 11.85s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 212m 11.86s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 212m 11.86s: Source manager: add source id 0. 212m 11.88s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 212m 11.88s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 212m 11.88s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 212m 12.32s: got copyright 1 f6 212m 12.32s: key method 0 212m 18.23s: got udf/iso 212m 22.05s: got discinfo 212m 22.05s: pathplayer enabled 212m 26.11s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2287 sector_60 count_3 212m 30.79s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_2288 end_2344 sector_2288 count_7 212m 30.91s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_2345 end_2402 sector_2345 count_8 212m 30.93s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_3 start_2403 end_2458 sector_2403 count_5 212m 30.96s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2459 end_2512 sector_2459 count_9 212m 33.61s: got dvdinfo 212m 33.62s: opened dvd 212m 34.37s: Source manager: open successful. 212m 35.27s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 212m 53.31s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 212m 53.31s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 212m 53.31s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 212m 53.32s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 212m 53.36s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 212m 53.36s: UILog:Run current Work. 212m 53.36s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 212m 53.36s: UILog:start running at thread. 212m 53.36s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 212m 53.45s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 212m 53.46s: DVD Copy 212m 53.46s: Source: E:/ 212m 53.46s: SourceSize: 7041 MB 212m 53.46s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 228m 31.03s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 228m 33.11s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 228m 33.11s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 228m 53.33s: opening drive E 228m 53.33s: opened i/o 228m 53.33s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 228m 55.36s: Burn data size is: 4300 228m 55.36s: Burn disc space is: 4488 228m 55.59s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_CONJURING_2/ with MyBurn 239m 51.85s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 239m 55.50s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 239m 55.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 240m 08.24s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 240m 08.24s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 240m 08.24s: UILog:Run Work to end. 240m 09.72s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 240m 17.56s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 240m 17.56s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 240m 25.60s: opening drive E 240m 28.19s: opened i/o 240m 28.19s: got media type 4 240m 28.33s: got max lba 4169919 240m 28.33s: got disc type 10 240m 28.40s: type DVD-VIDEO 240m 28.40s: volume label HILLARYS_AMERICA 240m 28.40s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 240m 28.40s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 240m 28.41s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 240m 28.41s: Source manager: add source id 1. 240m 28.42s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 240m 28.42s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 240m 28.42s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 240m 28.67s: got copyright 1 fe 240m 28.68s: key method 0 240m 33.68s: got udf/iso 240m 47.33s: got discinfo 240m 47.36s: pathplayer enabled 240m 48.74s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_2 start_18907 end_36661 sector_19026 count_4 240m 55.55s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_0 end_17366 sector_218 count_4 241m 02.18s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_36662 end_36752 sector_36662 count_6 241m 08.28s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_36753 end_36845 sector_36753 count_7 241m 08.33s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_36846 end_36945 sector_36846 count_7 241m 08.38s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_36946 end_37042 sector_36946 count_6 241m 08.42s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_37043 end_37130 sector_37043 count_5 241m 08.47s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 start_37131 end_37238 sector_37131 count_6 241m 08.53s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 start_37239 end_37340 sector_37239 count_7 241m 12.89s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 start_37341 end_37442 sector_37341 count_3 241m 13.98s: button: vts_20 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 start_37443 end_37547 sector_37443 count_5 241m 23.37s: pathplayer title_41 vts_29 241m 23.37s: pathplayer title_41 vts_29 241m 26.62s: got dvdinfo 241m 26.62s: opened dvd 241m 29.95s: Source manager: open successful. 241m 30.74s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 243m 15.36s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 243m 15.36s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 243m 15.36s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 243m 15.39s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 243m 15.39s: UILog:Run current Work. 243m 15.39s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 243m 15.40s: UILog:start running at thread. 243m 15.40s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 243m 15.42s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 243m 15.54s: DVD Copy 243m 15.54s: Source: E:/ 243m 15.54s: SourceSize: 10829 MB 243m 15.54s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 259m 16.41s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 259m 18.50s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 259m 18.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 259m 20.51s: opening drive E 259m 20.51s: opened i/o 259m 20.51s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 259m 50.63s: Burn data size is: 4300 259m 50.63s: Burn disc space is: 4489 259m 50.96s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/HILLARYS_AMERICA/ with MyBurn 270m 45.22s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 270m 50.68s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 270m 50.68s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 273m 32.39s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 273m 32.39s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 273m 32.39s: UILog:Run Work to end. 273m 33.99s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 273m 51.15s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 273m 51.15s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 274m 01.20s: opening drive E 274m 03.36s: opened i/o 274m 03.36s: got media type 5 274m 03.58s: got max lba 2203743 274m 03.60s: got disc type 10 274m 03.67s: type DVD-VIDEO 274m 03.67s: volume label HILLARYS_AMERICA 274m 03.67s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 274m 03.67s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 274m 05.21s: Exit process: stop running. 274m 05.22s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 274m 05.23s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 274m 05.23s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 274m 05.23s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 274m 05.30s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 274m 05.30s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.12s: DVDFab (2016/10/17 18:28:40) 0m 00.14s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.15s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.15s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.15s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.21s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.21s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.21s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.21s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 01.12s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.20s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.20s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.23s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.28s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.28s: set code page : .0 0m 01.28s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.28s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.37s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 04.03s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 04.03s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 04.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 04.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 04.03s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 04.03s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 04.03s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 04.03s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 04.04s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 04.04s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 04.04s: Init process: command line in is 0m 04.06s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.35s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9315 )( S:d6de8ec286b9bf1e9747cfec7f3e4186 ) 0m 04.37s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 04.37s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 04.37s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 04.37s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 04.37s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 04.37s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 04.37s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 06.37s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 06.37s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 06.94s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.70s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.70s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.70s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.70s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.72s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.72s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.72s: bd set region A 0m 07.72s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.72s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 07.74s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 07.74s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 07.74s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.93s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 07.93s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 07.93s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 07.93s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 08.34s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 08.35s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 08.82s: Show UI Step 3 0m 08.82s: Start show MainUI. 0m 08.84s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 10.90s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 11.50s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 11.50s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 18.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 18.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( BV:9317 )( S:e1921e053cba89e52f4e72f53409d7fa 0m 18.91s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 18.91s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 24.19s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 26.76s: opening drive E 0m 26.76s: opened i/o 0m 26.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 26.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 7m 39.88s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 7m 40.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 194m 31.54s: Exit process: stop running. 194m 31.54s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 194m 31.56s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 194m 31.56s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 194m 31.56s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/10/17 22:38:15) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.01s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.55s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.56s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.56s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.60s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.65s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.65s: set code page : .0 0m 00.65s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.65s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.80s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 01.03s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 01.03s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 01.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 01.03s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 01.03s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 01.03s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 01.04s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 01.04s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 01.04s: Init process: command line in is 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9317 )( S:e1921e053cba89e52f4e72f53409d7fa ) 0m 01.30s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 01.32s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 01.32s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 01.32s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 01.32s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 01.32s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 01.32s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 01.89s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.89s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.89s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.89s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.99s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 02.56s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.56s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:b235f29acfe2c82a9d58f82a89e00f01 0m 02.56s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.86s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 02.86s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.14s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 03.22s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 04.02s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.02s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.02s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.02s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.02s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.02s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.02s: bd set region A 0m 04.02s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.02s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 05.25s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.25s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.25s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 05.83s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 05.84s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 05.84s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 24.34s: Show UI Step 3 0m 24.34s: Start show MainUI. 0m 24.34s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 25.74s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 26.27s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 26.27s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 26.40s: opening drive E 0m 26.41s: opened i/o 0m 26.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 26.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 47.75s: opening drive E 1m 47.75s: opened i/o 1m 47.75s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 1m 47.76s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 1m 47.76s: DriveX msg: remove driveX E. 1m 47.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 47.77s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 58.16s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 1m 58.17s: opening drive E 1m 58.17s: opened i/o 1m 58.18s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 92m 30.28s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 92m 30.28s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 92m 36.31s: opening drive E 92m 38.00s: opened i/o 92m 38.00s: got media type 4 92m 38.20s: got max lba 2294911 92m 38.22s: got disc type 10 92m 38.31s: type DVD-VIDEO 92m 38.31s: volume label CAFE_SOCIETY 92m 38.31s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 92m 38.32s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 92m 38.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 92m 38.33s: Source manager: add source id 0. 92m 38.34s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 92m 38.34s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 92m 38.34s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 92m 38.60s: got copyright 1 fe 92m 38.60s: key method 0 92m 41.44s: got udf/iso 92m 50.43s: got discinfo 92m 50.45s: pathplayer enabled 92m 51.78s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_2 start_1528 end_13570 sector_1668 count_4 92m 58.44s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_13571 end_25612 sector_13709 count_4 93m 04.97s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_20 end_54 sector_20 count_6 93m 11.25s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_2 start_55 end_88 sector_55 count_7 93m 11.29s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_3 start_89 end_125 sector_89 count_7 93m 11.31s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_4 start_166 end_202 sector_166 count_6 93m 11.35s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_126 end_165 sector_126 count_6 93m 11.37s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_203 end_240 sector_203 count_4 93m 11.89s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_241 end_269 sector_241 count_2 93m 11.93s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_2 start_270 end_305 sector_270 count_3 93m 11.98s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_3 start_306 end_346 sector_306 count_3 93m 12.02s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_4 start_347 end_388 sector_347 count_3 93m 12.07s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_5 start_389 end_418 sector_389 count_3 93m 12.10s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_6 start_419 end_457 sector_419 count_3 93m 12.15s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_7 start_458 end_504 sector_458 count_3 93m 12.19s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_8 start_505 end_531 sector_505 count_3 93m 12.23s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_9 start_532 end_558 sector_532 count_3 93m 12.27s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_10 start_559 end_591 sector_559 count_3 93m 12.31s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_11 start_592 end_621 sector_592 count_3 93m 12.36s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_12 start_622 end_671 sector_622 count_3 93m 12.40s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_13 start_672 end_703 sector_672 count_3 93m 12.44s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_14 start_704 end_731 sector_704 count_3 93m 12.48s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_15 start_732 end_766 sector_732 count_3 93m 12.52s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_16 start_767 end_799 sector_767 count_3 93m 12.57s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_17 start_800 end_828 sector_800 count_3 93m 12.61s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_18 start_25613 end_25643 sector_25613 count_3 93m 12.65s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_19 start_25644 end_25670 sector_25644 count_3 93m 12.70s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_20 start_25671 end_25712 sector_25671 count_3 93m 12.74s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_21 start_25713 end_25743 sector_25713 count_3 93m 12.78s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_22 start_25744 end_25780 sector_25744 count_3 93m 12.82s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_23 start_25781 end_25805 sector_25781 count_3 93m 19.52s: pathplayer title_24 vts_23 93m 19.52s: pathplayer title_24 vts_23 93m 22.18s: got dvdinfo 93m 22.18s: opened dvd 93m 23.95s: Source manager: open successful. 93m 24.75s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 93m 37.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 93m 37.34s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 93m 37.34s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 93m 37.35s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 93m 37.39s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 93m 37.39s: UILog:Run current Work. 93m 37.39s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 93m 37.39s: UILog:start running at thread. 93m 37.40s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 93m 37.49s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 93m 37.60s: DVD Copy 93m 37.60s: Source: E:/ 93m 37.60s: SourceSize: 4165 MB 93m 37.60s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 102m 45.77s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 102m 47.85s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 102m 47.85s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 102m 59.92s: opening drive E 102m 59.92s: opened i/o 102m 59.92s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 103m 13.93s: Burn data size is: 4101 103m 13.93s: Burn disc space is: 4488 103m 14.33s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CAFE_SOCIETY/ with MyBurn 113m 40.60s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 113m 46.09s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 113m 46.09s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 166m 52.55s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 166m 52.55s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 166m 52.55s: UILog:Run Work to end. 166m 54.00s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 167m 20.70s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 167m 20.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 167m 24.72s: opening drive E 167m 26.81s: opened i/o 167m 26.82s: got media type 4 167m 27.06s: got max lba 2176193 167m 27.06s: got disc type 10 167m 27.12s: type DVD-VIDEO 167m 27.12s: volume label THE_DEVIL_S_SORCERESS 167m 27.12s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 167m 27.12s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 167m 27.13s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 167m 27.13s: Source manager: add source id 1. 167m 27.15s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 167m 27.15s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 167m 27.15s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 167m 27.18s: got copyright 1 fe 167m 27.18s: key method 0 167m 29.87s: got udf/iso 167m 30.76s: got discinfo 167m 30.76s: pathplayer enabled 167m 33.26s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_3617 end_4750 sector_3666 count_4 167m 48.28s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_4751 end_4807 sector_4751 count_13 167m 48.32s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_4808 end_4868 sector_4808 count_12 167m 48.56s: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_49 sector_0 count_3 167m 49.50s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_4869 end_4913 sector_4869 count_5 167m 50.49s: got dvdinfo 167m 50.50s: opened dvd 167m 51.59s: Source manager: open successful. 167m 52.46s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 168m 00.46s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 168m 00.46s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 168m 00.46s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 168m 00.50s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 168m 00.50s: UILog:Run current Work. 168m 00.50s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 168m 00.50s: UILog:start running at thread. 168m 00.51s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 168m 00.53s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 168m 00.57s: DVD Copy 168m 00.57s: Source: E:/ 168m 00.57s: SourceSize: 4249 MB 168m 00.57s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 177m 36.40s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 177m 38.49s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 177m 38.50s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 177m 40.50s: opening drive E 177m 40.50s: opened i/o 177m 40.50s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 178m 00.60s: Burn data size is: 4249 178m 00.60s: Burn disc space is: 4489 178m 00.95s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/THE_DEVIL_S_SORCERESS/ with MyBurn 188m 51.20s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 188m 54.66s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 188m 54.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 189m 06.71s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 189m 06.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 189m 10.00s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 189m 10.00s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 189m 10.00s: UILog:Run Work to end. 189m 11.43s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 196m 26.99s: Exit process: stop running. 196m 26.99s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 196m 27.01s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 196m 27.01s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 196m 27.01s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 196m 27.07s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 196m 27.07s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.26s: DVDFab (2016/10/24 17:13:15) 0m 00.28s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.28s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.28s: App info: 2016-9-19 0m 00.28s: App info: 9316 Official 0m 00.36s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.36s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.36s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.36s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 01.65s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 01.73s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 01.73s: App info: client type 2. 0m 01.77s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 01.82s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 01.84s: set code page : .0 0m 01.84s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 01.84s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 01.95s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 02.85s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 02.85s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 02.85s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 02.85s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 02.85s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 02.85s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 02.85s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 02.85s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 02.85s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 02.85s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8. 0m 02.85s: Init process: command line in is 0m 03.54s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9316 )( BV:9317 )( S:b235f29acfe2c82a9d58f82a89e00f01 ) 0m 03.55s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 03.55s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 03.55s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 03.55s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 03.55s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 03.55s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 03.55s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 04.40s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 05.89s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 05.89s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 06.50s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 07.25s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 07.25s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 07.26s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 07.26s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 07.27s: BD: init read settings. 0m 07.27s: BD: init write settings. 0m 07.27s: bd set region A 0m 07.27s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 07.27s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 07.28s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 07.28s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 07.28s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 07.91s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 07.92s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 07.92s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 08.76s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 08.76s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 08.77s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 08.77s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 09.51s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 16.38s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 16.38s: Reg check: Parse string: ( OV:9319 )( S:cfd73673b1ac5e5cce674504f95220be 0m 16.39s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 16.39s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 31.64s: Show UI Step 3 0m 31.64s: Start show MainUI. 0m 31.64s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 34.50s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 35.08s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 35.08s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 35.75s: opening drive E 0m 35.75s: opened i/o 0m 35.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 35.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 7m 59.53s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 7m 59.53s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 76m 31.18s: Exit process: stop running. 76m 31.18s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 76m 31.20s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 76m 31.20s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 76m 31.20s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 76m 31.24s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 76m 31.24s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/10/24 18:34:55) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-10-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9319 Official 0m 00.04s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.04s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.04s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.71s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.71s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.71s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.71s: set code page : .0 0m 00.71s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.71s: warning: MyPlay: invalid gpu detect handle 0m 00.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0 0m 00.73s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0 0m 00.73s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.73s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.73s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0 0m 00.73s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.73s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 10 Build 14393. 0m 00.73s: Init process: command line in is /install /language "English" 0m 01.06s: Install Update Language: language file is C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/QLanguage/FabQt_ENU.qm . 0m 01.07s: Init process: install process. 0m 01.64s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/10/24 18:35:11) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-10-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9319 Official 0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.06s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.12s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.12s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.12s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.20s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.21s: set code page : .0 0m 00.21s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.21s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.26s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.66s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.66s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.66s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.66s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.66s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.66s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.66s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.66s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.68s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.68s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 10 Build 14393. 0m 00.68s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.76s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed 0m 00.76s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.76s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.76s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.91s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.13s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 02.41s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 02.43s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9319 )( BV:9317 )( S:6fe1de7b73162799b8a6c64ef31a5fa9 0m 02.82s: Reg check: thread exit normal. 0m 02.82s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.82s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.82s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1. 0m 02.82s: Reg check: End check info. 0m 02.82s: Init process: Set account info to DriveX. 0m 02.82s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 02.82s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 02.82s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 03.52s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 03.52s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 03.68s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 04.37s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 04.37s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 04.37s: BD: init read settings. 0m 04.37s: BD: init write settings. 0m 04.37s: bd set region A 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 04.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 05.60s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 05.60s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 05.60s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 06.21s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 06.21s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 06.21s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3 0m 06.68s: connect plugin info : 1:1 1m 02.97s: Show UI Step 3 1m 02.97s: Start show MainUI. 1m 02.97s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 1m 03.97s: Init process: init main ui successful. 1m 04.45s: Init process: show main ui successful. 1m 04.45s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 1m 04.57s: opening drive E 1m 04.57s: opened i/o 1m 04.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 1m 04.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 340m 20.42s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 340m 20.42s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 340m 28.46s: opening drive E 340m 31.00s: opened i/o 340m 31.00s: got media type 4 340m 31.15s: got max lba 3481473 340m 31.16s: got disc type 10 340m 31.23s: type DVD-VIDEO 340m 31.23s: volume label WARCRAFT 340m 31.23s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 340m 31.23s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 340m 31.23s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 340m 31.24s: Source manager: add source id 0. 340m 31.25s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 340m 31.25s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 340m 31.25s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 340m 31.51s: got copyright 1 fe 340m 31.51s: key method 0 340m 36.51s: got udf/iso 340m 37.79s: got discinfo 340m 37.79s: pathplayer enabled 340m 38.22s: pathplayer Get TVS Key begin 340m 38.56s: pathplayer Get TVS Key end 340m 38.56s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates begin 340m 38.89s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates end 340m 38.97s: got dvdinfo 340m 38.97s: opened dvd 340m 42.22s: Source manager: open successful. 340m 43.11s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 341m 05.57s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 341m 05.57s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 341m 05.57s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 341m 05.58s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 341m 05.62s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 341m 05.62s: UILog:Run current Work. 341m 05.62s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 341m 05.62s: UILog:start running at thread. 341m 05.62s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 341m 05.71s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 341m 05.75s: DVD Copy 341m 05.75s: Source: E:/ 341m 05.75s: SourceSize: 6779 MB 341m 05.75s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 355m 46.93s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 355m 49.02s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 355m 49.02s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 356m 01.10s: opening drive E 356m 01.10s: opened i/o 356m 01.10s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 356m 13.11s: Burn data size is: 4300 356m 13.11s: Burn disc space is: 4488 356m 13.49s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/WARCRAFT/ with MyBurn 367m 07.77s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 367m 11.31s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 367m 11.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 367m 18.98s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 367m 18.99s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 367m 18.99s: UILog:Run Work to end. 367m 20.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 367m 33.37s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 367m 33.37s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 367m 41.41s: opening drive E 367m 44.59s: opened i/o 367m 44.59s: got media type 4 367m 47.46s: got max lba 2975563 367m 47.47s: got disc type 10 367m 47.51s: type DVD-VIDEO 367m 47.51s: volume label WHO_GETS_THE_DOG 367m 47.51s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 367m 47.51s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 367m 47.52s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 367m 47.52s: Source manager: add source id 1. 367m 47.53s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 367m 47.53s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 367m 47.54s: opening drive E 367m 47.54s: opened i/o 367m 47.64s: got max lba 2975563 367m 47.65s: got disc type 10 367m 47.69s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 367m 47.71s: got copyright 1 fe 367m 47.71s: key method 0 367m 47.99s: got udf/iso 367m 49.04s: got discinfo 367m 49.04s: pathplayer enabled 367m 49.41s: pathplayer Get TVS Key begin 367m 49.75s: pathplayer Get TVS Key end 367m 49.75s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates begin 367m 50.09s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates end 367m 50.10s: got dvdinfo 367m 50.10s: opened dvd 367m 50.58s: Source manager: open successful. 367m 51.38s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1. 368m 35.41s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 368m 35.41s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 368m 35.41s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 368m 35.44s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 368m 35.44s: UILog:Run current Work. 368m 35.44s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 368m 35.45s: UILog:start running at thread. 368m 35.45s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 368m 35.47s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 368m 35.48s: DVD Copy 368m 35.48s: Source: E:/ 368m 35.48s: SourceSize: 5810 MB 368m 35.48s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 385m 37.91s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 385m 39.99s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 385m 40.00s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 385m 42.00s: opening drive E 385m 42.00s: opened i/o 385m 42.00s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 386m 00.08s: Burn data size is: 4300 386m 00.09s: Burn disc space is: 4489 386m 00.45s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/WHO_GETS_THE_DOG/ with MyBurn 396m 54.75s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 397m 00.20s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 397m 00.20s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 399m 14.34s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 399m 14.34s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 399m 14.35s: UILog:Run Work to end. 399m 15.67s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 399m 22.58s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 399m 22.58s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 399m 28.61s: opening drive E 399m 31.24s: opened i/o 399m 31.24s: got media type 4 399m 31.37s: got max lba 2925101 399m 31.37s: got disc type 10 399m 31.43s: type DVD-VIDEO 399m 31.43s: volume label CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE 399m 31.43s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 399m 31.43s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 399m 31.44s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 399m 31.44s: Source manager: add source id 2. 399m 31.45s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 399m 31.45s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 399m 31.45s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 399m 31.49s: got copyright 1 fe 399m 31.49s: key method 0 399m 35.99s: got udf/iso 399m 37.13s: got discinfo 399m 37.13s: pathplayer enabled 399m 37.49s: pathplayer Get TVS Key begin 399m 37.82s: pathplayer Get TVS Key end 399m 37.82s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates begin 399m 38.15s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates end 399m 38.16s: got dvdinfo 399m 38.17s: opened dvd 399m 41.00s: Source manager: open successful. 399m 42.66s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 2 with source 2 and uiinfo 2. 400m 10.60s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 400m 10.60s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 400m 10.60s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 400m 10.64s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 400m 10.64s: UILog:Run current Work. 400m 10.64s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 400m 10.64s: UILog:start running at thread. 400m 10.64s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 400m 10.66s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 400m 10.67s: DVD Copy 400m 10.67s: Source: E:/ 400m 10.67s: SourceSize: 5712 MB 400m 10.67s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 413m 51.64s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 413m 53.73s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 413m 53.74s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 413m 55.74s: opening drive E 413m 55.74s: opened i/o 413m 55.74s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 414m 15.83s: Burn data size is: 4300 414m 15.83s: Burn disc space is: 4489 414m 16.19s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE/ with MyBurn 414m 19.76s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 414m 19.76s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 414m 39.82s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 414m 39.82s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 414m 43.83s: opening drive E 414m 43.83s: opened i/o 414m 43.83s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 414m 53.01s: Burn data size is: 4300 414m 53.01s: Burn disc space is: 4489 414m 53.44s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE/ with MyBurn 414m 57.84s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 414m 57.84s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 414m 59.80s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2 414m 59.80s: UILog:Run Work to end. 415m 07.71s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 415m 17.90s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 415m 17.90s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 415m 25.94s: opening drive E 415m 28.50s: opened i/o 415m 28.51s: got media type 4 415m 28.65s: got max lba 2925101 415m 28.65s: got disc type 10 415m 28.72s: type DVD-VIDEO 415m 28.72s: volume label CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE 415m 28.72s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 415m 28.72s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 415m 28.73s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 415m 28.73s: Source manager: add source id 3. 415m 28.74s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 415m 28.75s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 415m 28.75s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 415m 28.94s: got copyright 1 fe 415m 28.94s: key method 0 415m 33.43s: got udf/iso 415m 34.45s: got discinfo 415m 34.45s: pathplayer enabled 415m 34.81s: pathplayer Get TVS Key begin 415m 35.15s: pathplayer Get TVS Key end 415m 35.15s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates begin 415m 35.49s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates end 415m 35.50s: got dvdinfo 415m 35.51s: opened dvd 415m 38.36s: Source manager: open successful. 415m 38.42s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 3 with source 3 and uiinfo 3. 416m 03.82s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 416m 03.83s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 416m 03.83s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 416m 03.89s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 416m 03.89s: UILog:Run current Work. 416m 03.89s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 416m 03.89s: UILog:start running at thread. 416m 03.90s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 416m 03.91s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 416m 03.93s: DVD Copy 416m 03.93s: Source: E:/ 416m 03.93s: SourceSize: 5712 MB 416m 03.93s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 427m 50.98s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 427m 53.07s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 427m 53.08s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 427m 55.08s: opening drive E 427m 55.08s: opened i/o 427m 55.08s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 428m 27.20s: Burn data size is: 4300 428m 27.20s: Burn disc space is: 4489 428m 27.54s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/MainMovie/CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE/ with MyBurn 428m 31.10s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 428m 31.10s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 429m 31.25s: opening drive E 429m 31.25s: opened i/o 429m 31.25s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 429m 46.13s: Burn data size is: 4300 429m 46.13s: Burn disc space is: 4489 429m 46.54s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/MainMovie/CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE/ with MyBurn 429m 51.26s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 429m 51.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 429m 53.77s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2 429m 53.77s: UILog:Run Work to end. 430m 07.31s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 430m 07.32s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 468m 18.27s: Exit process: stop running. 468m 18.27s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 468m 18.30s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 468m 18.31s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 468m 18.31s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 468m 18.35s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 468m 18.35s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/10/25 08:24:43) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-10-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9319 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.24s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.24s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.24s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.27s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.32s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.32s: set code page : .0 0m 00.32s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.32s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.33s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.52s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.53s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.53s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.53s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.53s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.53s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.53s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.53s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.53s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.53s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 10 Build 14393. 0m 00.53s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9319 )( BV:9317 )( S:6fe1de7b73162799b8a6c64ef31a5fa9 ) 0m 00.61s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.61s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )- 0m 00.61s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.61s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.62s: Init process: Set account info to DriveX. 0m 00.62s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.62s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.62s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.82s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 00.82s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 00.82s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 00.82s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.23s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.26s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.38s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.54s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.54s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:865e778bf101589dcb10e30c4e1d7147 0m 01.55s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 01.55s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 02.18s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.18s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.18s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.18s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.18s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.18s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.18s: bd set region A 0m 02.18s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 02.19s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 03.41s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.41s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.41s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.48s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 03.97s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.98s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.39s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.40s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.40s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.69s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.18s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.18s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.55s: opening drive E 0m 08.56s: opened i/o 0m 08.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.57s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 28.26s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 0m 28.27s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 38.42s: opening drive E 0m 40.96s: opened i/o 0m 40.96s: got media type 4 0m 41.10s: got max lba 2925101 0m 41.10s: got disc type 10 0m 41.15s: type DVD-VIDEO 0m 41.16s: volume label CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE 0m 41.16s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX E. 0m 41.16s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX E. 0m 41.16s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 41.16s: Source manager: add source id 0. 0m 41.17s: Source open status:DVD Yes, 2231-10-11 0m 41.17s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1 0m 41.17s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/ 0m 41.37s: got copyright 1 fe 0m 41.37s: key method 0 0m 46.02s: got udf/iso 0m 46.53s: ff error: 0 0m 51.16s: got discinfo 0m 51.16s: pathplayer enabled 0m 55.19s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_1 start_0 end_2338 sector_60 count_3 0m 59.71s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_2339 end_2396 sector_2339 count_8 0m 59.82s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_2397 end_2452 sector_2397 count_7 0m 59.85s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_2453 end_2506 sector_2453 count_9 1m 02.16s: pathplayer Get TVS Key begin 1m 02.16s: pathplayer Get TVS Key end 1m 03.36s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates begin 1m 03.36s: pathplayer Get audio bitrates end 1m 03.36s: global: Get audio bitrates begin 1m 05.29s: global: Get audio bitrates end 1m 06.06s: got dvdinfo 1m 06.06s: opened dvd 1m 06.75s: Source manager: open successful. 1m 07.64s: Work manager: create DVD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0. 8m 05.49s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start 8m 05.49s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start 8m 05.49s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work 8m 05.49s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1 8m 05.56s: UILog:Msg Start : run work 8m 05.56s: UILog:Run current Work. 8m 05.56s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter. 8m 05.56s: UILog:start running at thread. 8m 05.56s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok. 8m 05.65s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 8m 05.66s: DVD Copy 8m 05.66s: Source: E:/ 8m 05.66s: SourceSize: 5712 MB 8m 05.66s: OutputSize: 4300 MB 21m 43.66s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start 21m 45.75s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 21m 45.75s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 21m 57.83s: opening drive E 21m 57.83s: opened i/o 21m 57.83s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX E. 22m 15.84s: Burn data size is: 4300 22m 15.85s: Burn disc space is: 4488 22m 16.21s: burn folder C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/CENTRAL_INTELLIGENCE/ with MyBurn 33m 09.59s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 33m 13.98s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX E. 33m 13.98s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 35m 54.25s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX E. 35m 54.25s: Source manager:open source flag:1,0,1,1,1 37m 39.94s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_BurnFinish 37m 39.94s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3 37m 39.94s: UILog:Run Work to end. 37m 41.45s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 37m 44.42s: Exit process: stop running. 37m 44.42s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end 37m 44.44s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end 37m 44.44s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end 37m 44.44s: Exit process: finish MainUI. 37m 44.49s: Exit process: finish FreePref. 37m 44.49s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release. 0m 00.01s: DVDFab (2016/10/25 09:45:59) 0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled. 0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish. 0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-10-21 0m 00.01s: App info: 9319 Official 0m 00.05s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled. 0m 00.05s: Init Qt_Log : disabled. 0m 00.05s: --- 3D implement select : Use default implement --- 0m 00.12s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile 0m 00.12s: Qt Translator file load success 0m 00.12s: App info: client type 2. 0m 00.15s: MobilePlay load: preload successful. 0m 00.20s: MobilePlay load: Load successful. 0m 00.21s: set code page : .0 0m 00.21s: Init process: Transfer settings successful. 0m 00.21s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/joeko/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/ 0m 00.21s: info: _check_gpu is running ... 0m 00.43s: info: check_gpu run successful 0m 00.43s: info: recommand= 202178560, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8 0m 00.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0XC0D0005 0m 00.43s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0XC0D0000, 0XC0D0000 0m 00.43s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1 0m 00.43s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 : : 17,8 0m 00.43s: Init process: Load config successful. 0m 00.44s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 10 Build 14393. 0m 00.44s: Init process: command line in is 0m 00.51s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9319 )( BV:9317 )( S:865e778bf101589dcb10e30c4e1d7147 ) 0m 00.52s: Reg check: Option check status-Local 0m 00.52s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )- 0m 00.52s: App info: language type ENU. 0m 00.52s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/ 0m 00.52s: Init process: Set account info to DriveX. 0m 00.52s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled 0m 00.52s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful. 0m 00.52s: connect plugin info : start. 0m 00.95s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile 0m 00.99s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Start get sys number. 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-db-df-78-37-db:70-5a-0f-2a-16-5a:00-db-df-78-37-d7 0m 01.01s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0 0m 01.15s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine. 0m 01.15s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal). 0m 01.30s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful. 0m 01.38s: connect plugin info : 1:1 0m 01.91s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0 0m 01.91s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:fd50293cead624f25225046422cc93f0 0m 01.91s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork 0m 02.13s: Burn engine: start init. 0m 02.13s: Burn engine: set log folder. 0m 02.13s: DVD: init read settings. 0m 02.13s: DVD: init write settings. 0m 02.13s: BD: init read settings. 0m 02.13s: BD: init write settings. 0m 02.13s: bd set region A 0m 02.13s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin. 0m 02.13s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end. 0m 03.35s: Burn engine: writer count 1. 0m 03.35s: Burn engine: 0-E:\ [hp DVDRWSU208HB]. 0m 03.36s: Burn engine: end init. 0m 03.98s: Init process: Init setting page successful. 0m 03.98s: QtLog Mode = false 0m 04.43s: Show UI Step 3 0m 04.43s: Start show MainUI. 0m 04.43s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode. 0m 05.50s: Init process: init main ui successful. 0m 06.01s: Init process: show main ui successful. 0m 06.02s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0 0m 08.39s: opening drive E 0m 08.39s: opened i/o 0m 08.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1 0m 08.40s: Source manager:open source flag:1,1,1,1,1