00:43:57:732 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 02 19:43:57 2016 00:43:57:735 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 00:43:57:802 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:43:57:807 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:43:57:810 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:43:57:811 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 00:43:57:813 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:43:57:884 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:43:57:894 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:43:57:896 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:43:57:898 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:43:57:908 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:43:57:910 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 00:43:57:915 info: main: end 00:47:11:149 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 02 19:47:11 2016 00:47:11:165 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 00:47:11:229 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:47:11:234 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:47:11:237 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:47:11:239 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 00:47:11:242 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:47:11:294 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:47:11:304 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:47:11:307 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:47:11:307 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:47:11:307 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:47:11:307 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 00:47:11:323 info: main: end 02:21:05:623 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 02 21:21:05 2016 02:21:05:626 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 02:21:05:658 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:21:05:664 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 02:21:05:664 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:21:05:664 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 02:21:05:664 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 02:21:05:711 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 02:21:05:726 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 02:21:05:726 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 02:21:05:726 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 02:21:05:742 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 02:21:05:742 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 02:21:05:742 info: main: end 02:33:21:918 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 02 21:33:21 2016 02:33:21:933 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 02:33:22:043 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:33:22:058 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 02:33:22:058 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:33:22:058 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 02:33:22:058 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 02:33:22:102 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 02:33:22:118 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 02:33:22:118 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 02:33:22:118 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 02:33:22:134 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 02:33:22:134 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 02:33:22:134 info: main: end 04:11:40:694 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 02 23:11:40 2016 04:11:40:696 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 04:11:40:764 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 04:11:40:769 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 04:11:40:771 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 04:11:40:773 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 04:11:40:775 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 04:11:40:824 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 04:11:40:824 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 04:11:40:839 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 04:11:40:839 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 04:11:40:839 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 04:11:40:839 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 04:11:40:855 info: main: end 18:17:10:056 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 09 13:17:10 2016 18:17:10:072 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 18:17:11:484 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:17:11:484 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:17:11:484 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:17:11:484 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 18:17:11:484 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 18:17:13:154 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 18:17:13:170 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 18:17:13:170 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:17:13:170 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:17:13:185 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:17:13:185 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 18:17:13:185 info: main: end 00:07:44:239 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 16 19:07:44 2016 00:07:44:318 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 00:07:44:371 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:07:44:371 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:07:44:371 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:07:44:387 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 00:07:44:387 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:07:44:440 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:07:44:440 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:07:44:440 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:07:44:440 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:07:44:455 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:07:44:455 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 00:07:44:455 info: main: end 01:08:02:378 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 16 20:08:02 2016 01:08:02:378 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 01:08:02:409 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:08:02:409 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:08:02:409 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:08:02:425 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 01:08:02:425 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:08:02:462 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:08:02:478 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:08:02:478 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:08:02:478 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:08:02:494 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:08:02:494 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 01:08:02:494 info: main: end 06:55:31:780 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Tue May 17 01:55:31 2016 06:55:31:780 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 06:55:31:833 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 06:55:31:833 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 06:55:31:848 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 06:55:31:848 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 06:55:31:848 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 06:55:31:889 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 06:55:31:905 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 06:55:31:905 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 06:55:31:905 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 06:55:31:925 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 06:55:31:927 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 06:55:31:930 info: main: end 21:02:49:949 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 23 16:02:49 2016 21:02:49:950 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 21:02:49:975 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 21:02:49:978 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 21:02:49:980 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 21:02:49:982 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 21:02:49:983 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 21:02:50:026 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 21:02:50:035 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 21:02:50:037 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 21:02:50:040 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 21:02:50:050 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 21:02:50:051 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 21:02:50:054 info: main: end 21:22:08:550 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 23 16:22:08 2016 21:22:08:550 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 21:22:08:613 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 21:22:08:613 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 21:22:08:613 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 21:22:08:613 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 21:22:08:613 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 21:22:08:662 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 21:22:08:678 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 21:22:08:678 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 21:22:08:678 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 21:22:08:693 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 21:22:08:693 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 21:22:08:693 info: main: end 05:27:05:239 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Tue May 24 00:27:05 2016 05:27:05:239 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 05:27:05:292 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:27:05:292 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 05:27:05:308 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:27:05:308 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 05:27:05:308 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 05:27:05:350 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 05:27:05:366 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 05:27:05:366 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 05:27:05:366 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 05:27:05:384 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 05:27:05:387 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 05:27:05:390 info: main: end 23:24:11:175 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 30 18:24:11 2016 23:24:11:207 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 23:24:11:941 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:24:11:941 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:24:11:988 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:24:11:988 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 23:24:11:988 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:24:15:876 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:24:15:876 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:24:15:891 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:24:15:891 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:24:15:891 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:24:15:907 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 23:24:15:907 info: main: end 23:24:27:292 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 30 18:24:27 2016 23:24:27:294 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 23:24:27:318 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:24:27:322 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:24:27:326 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:24:27:328 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 23:24:27:331 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:24:27:374 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:24:27:383 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:24:27:387 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:24:27:389 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:24:27:398 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:24:27:400 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 23:24:27:404 info: main: end 23:31:58:672 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon May 30 18:31:58 2016 23:31:58:674 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 23:31:58:706 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:31:58:710 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:31:58:712 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:31:58:714 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 23:31:58:716 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:31:58:766 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:31:58:775 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:31:58:777 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:31:58:779 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:31:58:786 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:31:58:789 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 23:31:58:793 info: main: end 05:52:34:975 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Tue May 31 00:52:34 2016 05:52:34:999 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 05:52:35:116 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:52:35:120 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 05:52:35:132 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:52:35:134 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 05:52:35:136 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 05:52:37:055 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 05:52:37:064 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 05:52:37:067 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 05:52:37:070 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 05:52:37:082 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 05:52:37:084 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 05:52:37:089 info: main: end 00:18:44:084 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 06 19:18:44 2016 00:18:44:084 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 00:18:45:131 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:18:45:146 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:18:45:240 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:18:45:256 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 00:18:45:256 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:18:54:594 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:18:54:610 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:18:54:610 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:18:54:610 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:18:54:625 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:18:54:625 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 00:18:54:625 info: main: end 00:40:38:793 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 06 19:40:38 2016 00:40:38:796 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 00:40:38:814 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:40:38:814 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:40:38:830 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:40:38:830 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 00:40:38:830 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:40:38:999 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:40:38:999 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:40:38:999 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:40:39:014 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:40:39:014 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:40:39:014 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 00:40:39:014 info: main: end 06:05:28:935 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Tue Jun 07 01:05:28 2016 06:05:28:935 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 06:05:29:054 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 06:05:29:054 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 06:05:29:070 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 06:05:29:070 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 06:05:29:070 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 06:05:29:115 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 06:05:29:131 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 06:05:29:131 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 06:05:29:131 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 06:05:29:153 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 06:05:29:154 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 06:05:29:154 info: main: end 18:32:15:575 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 13 13:32:15 2016 18:32:15:575 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 18:32:15:653 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:32:15:653 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:32:15:700 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:32:15:700 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 18:32:15:700 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 18:32:16:158 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 18:32:16:174 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 18:32:16:174 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:32:16:174 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:32:16:190 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:32:16:190 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 18:32:16:190 info: main: end 18:47:15:821 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 13 13:47:15 2016 18:47:15:823 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 18:47:15:871 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:47:15:875 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:47:15:877 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:47:15:879 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 18:47:15:882 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 18:47:15:928 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 18:47:15:938 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 18:47:15:942 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:47:15:945 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:47:15:955 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:47:15:957 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 18:47:15:961 info: main: end 05:21:28:884 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Tue Jun 14 00:21:28 2016 05:21:28:899 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 05:21:28:921 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:21:28:921 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 05:21:28:968 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:21:28:984 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 05:21:28:984 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 05:21:29:037 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 05:21:29:037 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 05:21:29:037 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 05:21:29:053 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 05:21:29:053 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 05:21:29:053 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 05:21:29:068 info: main: end 03:34:01:450 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 20 22:34:01 2016 03:34:01:452 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 03:34:01:511 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:34:01:516 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 03:34:01:561 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:34:01:564 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 03:34:01:566 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 03:34:01:610 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 03:34:01:625 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 03:34:01:625 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 03:34:01:625 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 03:34:01:641 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 03:34:01:641 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 03:34:01:641 info: main: end 23:52:16:120 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 27 18:52:16 2016 23:52:16:231 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 23:52:16:309 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:52:16:316 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:52:16:363 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:52:16:368 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 23:52:16:374 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:52:16:447 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:52:16:455 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:52:16:459 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:52:16:461 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:52:16:470 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:52:16:473 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 23:52:16:477 info: main: end 23:55:02:791 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 27 18:55:02 2016 23:55:02:794 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 23:55:02:818 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:55:02:822 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:55:02:825 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:55:02:828 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 23:55:02:831 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:55:02:878 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:55:02:887 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:55:02:892 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:55:02:894 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:55:02:904 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:55:02:907 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 23:55:02:910 info: main: end 00:19:30:249 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jun 27 19:19:30 2016 00:19:30:252 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 00:19:30:281 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:19:30:285 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:19:30:287 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:19:30:289 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 00:19:30:291 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:19:30:338 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:19:30:347 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:19:30:350 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:19:30:351 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:19:30:351 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:19:30:351 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 00:19:30:351 info: main: end 20:18:42:697 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jul 04 15:18:42 2016 20:18:42:697 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 20:18:42:764 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 20:18:42:766 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 20:18:42:766 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 20:18:42:766 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 20:18:42:766 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 20:18:43:722 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 20:18:43:738 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 20:18:43:738 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 20:18:43:753 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 20:18:43:770 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 20:18:43:772 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 20:18:43:776 info: main: end 05:11:47:770 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Tue Jul 05 00:11:47 2016 05:11:47:773 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 05:11:47:791 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:11:47:791 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 05:11:47:806 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:11:47:806 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 05:11:47:806 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 05:11:47:925 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 05:11:47:934 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 05:11:47:937 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 05:11:47:940 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 05:11:47:949 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 05:11:47:951 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 05:11:47:954 info: main: end 22:04:13:087 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jul 11 17:04:13 2016 22:04:13:092 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 22:04:13:136 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 22:04:13:142 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 22:04:13:144 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 22:04:13:146 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 22:04:13:148 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 22:04:13:236 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 22:04:13:246 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 22:04:13:250 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 22:04:13:252 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 22:04:13:262 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 22:04:13:264 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 22:04:13:267 info: main: end 02:20:58:463 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,0 - Mon Jul 18 21:20:58 2016 02:20:58:466 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 02:20:58:496 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:20:58:500 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 02:20:58:503 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:20:58:505 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 0 02:20:58:507 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 02:20:58:556 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 02:20:58:567 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 02:20:58:569 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 02:20:58:571 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 02:20:58:581 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 02:20:58:584 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 0 02:20:58:587 info: main: end 04:59:17:253 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Jul 18 23:59:17 2016 04:59:17:256 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 04:59:17:281 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 04:59:17:286 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 04:59:17:295 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 04:59:17:298 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 04:59:17:301 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 04:59:17:597 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 04:59:17:606 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 04:59:17:609 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 04:59:17:611 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 04:59:17:621 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 04:59:17:623 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 04:59:17:627 info: main: end 22:55:40:406 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Jul 25 17:55:40 2016 22:55:40:443 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 22:55:40:459 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 22:55:40:474 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 22:55:40:474 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 22:55:40:474 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 22:55:40:474 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 22:55:40:527 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 22:55:40:543 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 22:55:40:543 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 22:55:40:543 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 22:55:40:543 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 22:55:40:543 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 22:55:40:559 info: main: end 03:13:35:279 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 01 22:13:35 2016 03:13:35:279 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 10586 03:13:35:379 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:13:35:401 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 03:13:35:417 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:13:35:417 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 03:13:35:417 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 03:13:35:533 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 03:13:35:533 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 03:13:35:533 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 03:13:35:533 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 03:13:35:548 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 03:13:35:548 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 03:13:35:548 info: main: end 13:16:54:397 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Sun Aug 07 08:16:54 2016 13:16:54:428 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 13:16:54:631 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 13:16:54:631 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 13:16:54:662 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 13:16:54:662 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 13:16:54:678 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 13:16:54:737 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 13:16:54:737 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 13:16:54:737 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:16:54:753 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:16:54:753 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:16:54:753 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 13:16:54:769 info: main: end 13:31:09:394 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Sun Aug 07 08:31:09 2016 13:31:09:394 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 13:31:09:456 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 13:31:09:456 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 13:31:09:488 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 13:31:09:488 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 13:31:09:488 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 13:31:09:548 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 13:31:09:548 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 13:31:09:548 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:31:09:548 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:31:09:563 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:31:09:563 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 13:31:09:563 info: main: end 00:56:33:750 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 08 19:56:33 2016 00:56:33:750 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 00:56:33:860 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:56:33:860 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:56:33:891 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:56:33:891 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 00:56:33:891 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:56:33:949 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:56:33:965 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:56:33:965 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:56:33:965 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:56:33:981 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:56:33:981 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 00:56:33:996 info: main: end 02:06:39:132 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 15 21:06:39 2016 02:06:39:132 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 02:06:39:215 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:06:39:215 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 02:06:39:316 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 02:06:39:316 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 02:06:39:316 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 02:06:40:857 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 02:06:40:873 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 02:06:40:873 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 02:06:40:873 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 02:06:40:894 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 02:06:40:894 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 02:06:40:894 info: main: end 04:03:53:248 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 15 23:03:53 2016 04:03:53:248 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 04:03:53:483 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 04:03:53:483 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 04:03:53:514 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 04:03:53:514 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 04:03:53:514 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 04:03:59:171 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 04:03:59:187 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 04:03:59:187 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 04:03:59:187 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 04:03:59:203 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 04:03:59:203 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 04:03:59:203 info: main: end 01:31:50:605 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 22 20:31:50 2016 01:31:50:608 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:31:50:679 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:31:50:692 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:31:50:736 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:31:50:739 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:31:50:742 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:31:51:025 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:31:51:034 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:31:51:037 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:31:51:040 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:31:51:051 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:31:51:054 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:31:51:057 info: main: end 01:16:54:685 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 29 20:16:54 2016 01:16:54:716 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:16:54:873 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:16:54:873 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:16:54:889 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:16:54:889 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:16:54:889 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:16:55:052 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:16:55:072 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:16:55:073 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:16:55:073 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:16:55:073 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:16:55:089 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:16:55:089 info: main: end 01:18:59:422 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 29 20:18:59 2016 01:18:59:437 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:18:59:459 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:18:59:459 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:18:59:459 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:18:59:459 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:18:59:475 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:18:59:513 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:18:59:529 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:18:59:529 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:18:59:529 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:18:59:544 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:18:59:546 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:18:59:550 info: main: end 01:37:17:168 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Aug 29 20:37:17 2016 01:37:17:172 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:37:17:201 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:37:17:206 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:37:17:209 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:37:17:212 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:37:17:214 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:37:17:265 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:37:17:275 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:37:17:278 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:37:17:280 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:37:17:290 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:37:17:292 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:37:17:295 info: main: end 00:37:05:761 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Sep 05 19:37:05 2016 00:37:05:776 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 00:37:05:799 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:37:05:799 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 00:37:05:799 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 00:37:05:799 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 00:37:05:799 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 00:37:05:848 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 00:37:05:864 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 00:37:05:864 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 00:37:05:864 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 00:37:05:880 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 00:37:05:880 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 00:37:05:880 info: main: end 01:17:47:835 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Sep 12 20:17:47 2016 01:17:47:835 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:17:47:866 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:17:47:866 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:17:47:866 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:17:47:882 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:17:47:882 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:17:55:934 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:17:55:949 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:17:55:949 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:17:55:949 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:17:55:965 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:17:55:965 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:17:55:965 info: main: end 18:38:05:968 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Sep 19 13:38:05 2016 18:38:05:968 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 18:38:05:999 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:38:05:999 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:38:06:015 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:38:06:015 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 18:38:06:015 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 18:38:06:099 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 18:38:06:115 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 18:38:06:115 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:38:06:115 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:38:06:130 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:38:06:130 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 18:38:06:130 info: main: end 18:43:06:389 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,3 - Mon Sep 19 13:43:06 2016 18:43:06:404 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 18:43:06:589 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:43:06:589 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:43:06:589 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 18:43:06:605 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 18:43:06:605 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 18:43:06:644 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 18:43:06:660 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 18:43:06:660 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:43:06:660 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:43:06:675 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:43:06:675 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 18:43:06:691 info: main: end 21:53:49:334 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Sep 19 16:53:49 2016 21:53:49:334 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 21:53:49:402 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 21:53:49:402 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 21:53:49:434 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 21:53:49:434 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 21:53:49:434 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 21:53:49:504 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 21:53:49:512 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 21:53:49:515 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 21:53:49:517 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 21:53:49:528 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 21:53:49:530 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 21:53:49:533 info: main: end 03:54:00:241 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Sep 19 22:54:00 2016 03:54:00:241 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 03:54:00:303 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:54:00:303 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 03:54:00:303 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:54:00:303 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 03:54:00:303 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 03:54:00:356 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 03:54:00:372 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 03:54:00:372 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 03:54:00:372 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 03:54:00:387 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 03:54:00:387 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 03:54:00:387 info: main: end 19:22:30:536 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Sep 26 14:22:30 2016 19:22:30:552 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 19:22:30:583 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 19:22:30:583 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:22:30:599 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 19:22:30:599 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 19:22:30:616 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 19:22:30:670 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 19:22:30:670 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 19:22:30:670 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:22:30:670 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:22:30:686 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:22:30:686 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 19:22:30:686 info: main: end 01:16:32:301 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Oct 03 20:16:32 2016 01:16:32:301 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:16:32:338 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:16:32:338 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:16:32:354 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:16:32:369 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:16:32:369 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:16:32:820 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:16:32:822 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:16:32:822 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:16:32:822 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:16:32:838 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:16:32:838 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:16:32:838 info: main: end 05:13:42:522 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Tue Oct 04 00:13:42 2016 05:13:42:537 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 05:13:42:598 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:13:42:613 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 05:13:42:635 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 05:13:42:635 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 05:13:42:635 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 05:13:42:699 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 05:13:42:699 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 05:13:42:699 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 05:13:42:715 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 05:13:42:715 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 05:13:42:715 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 05:13:42:730 info: main: end 06:08:00:225 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Tue Oct 04 01:08:00 2016 06:08:00:225 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 06:08:00:292 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 06:08:00:297 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 06:08:00:299 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 06:08:00:301 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 06:08:00:304 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 06:08:00:356 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 06:08:00:365 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 06:08:00:369 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 06:08:00:371 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 06:08:00:381 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 06:08:00:384 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 06:08:00:387 info: main: end 01:42:16:413 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Oct 10 20:42:16 2016 01:42:16:429 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 01:42:16:644 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:42:16:644 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 01:42:16:713 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 01:42:16:713 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 01:42:16:713 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 01:42:18:654 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 01:42:18:654 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 01:42:18:670 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 01:42:18:670 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 01:42:18:686 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 01:42:18:686 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 01:42:18:686 info: main: end 23:28:42:380 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Oct 17 18:28:42 2016 23:28:42:411 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 23:28:42:442 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:28:42:442 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:28:42:474 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:28:42:474 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 23:28:42:474 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:28:44:535 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:28:44:551 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:28:44:551 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:28:44:551 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:28:44:566 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:28:44:566 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 23:28:44:566 info: main: end 03:38:16:821 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Oct 17 22:38:16 2016 03:38:16:821 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 03:38:16:852 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:38:16:852 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 03:38:16:870 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 03:38:16:872 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 03:38:16:872 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 03:38:16:928 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 03:38:16:928 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 03:38:16:928 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 03:38:16:944 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 03:38:16:944 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 03:38:16:944 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 03:38:16:961 info: main: end 22:13:17:480 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Oct 24 17:13:17 2016 22:13:17:496 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 22:13:17:512 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 22:13:17:512 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 22:13:17:528 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 22:13:17:530 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 22:13:17:532 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 22:13:17:930 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 22:13:17:934 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 22:13:17:934 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 22:13:17:934 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 22:13:17:950 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 22:13:17:950 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 22:13:17:950 info: main: end 23:35:11:810 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Mon Oct 24 18:35:11 2016 23:35:11:810 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 23:35:11:841 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:35:11:841 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 23:35:11:841 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 23:35:11:856 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 23:35:11:856 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 23:35:11:913 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 23:35:11:913 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 23:35:11:913 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 23:35:11:929 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 23:35:11:929 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 23:35:11:944 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 23:35:11:944 info: main: end 13:24:43:421 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Tue Oct 25 08:24:43 2016 13:24:43:424 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 13:24:43:484 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 13:24:43:490 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 13:24:43:492 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 13:24:43:494 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 13:24:43:497 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 13:24:43:549 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 13:24:43:558 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 13:24:43:561 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:24:43:563 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:24:43:574 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:24:43:577 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 13:24:43:580 info: main: end 14:45:59:427 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,6,4 - Tue Oct 25 09:45:59 2016 14:45:59:429 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 14393 14:45:59:501 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 14:45:59:505 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:45:59:508 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 14:45:59:511 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, platform = 8 14:45:59:514 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 14:45:59:565 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.17 14:45:59:576 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 Ven - 8086 14:45:59:579 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:45:59:581 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:45:59:593 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:45:59:596 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 6403 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 17, PlatForm = 8 14:45:59:599 info: main: end