13:34:14:307 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,2 - Mon Jan 13 06:34:14 2014 13:34:14:307 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 13:34:14:317 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 13:34:14:598 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 13:34:14:608 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 13:34:14:608 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:34:14:608 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:34:14:618 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:34:14:628 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 13:34:14:628 info: main: end 13:36:05:328 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Mon Jan 13 06:36:05 2014 13:36:05:338 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 13:36:05:338 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 13:36:05:338 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 13:36:05:368 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 13:36:05:378 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 13:36:05:378 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:36:05:378 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:36:05:388 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:36:05:388 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 13:36:05:388 info: main: end 20:12:05:178 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Tue Jan 14 13:12:05 2014 20:12:05:178 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 20:12:05:178 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 20:12:05:188 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 20:12:05:218 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 20:12:05:218 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 20:12:05:228 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 20:12:05:228 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 20:12:05:228 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 20:12:05:228 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 20:12:05:238 info: main: end 19:13:35:166 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Wed Jan 15 12:13:35 2014 19:13:35:170 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:13:35:172 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:13:35:175 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:13:35:214 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:13:35:222 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:13:35:224 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:13:35:226 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:13:35:233 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:13:35:235 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:13:35:236 info: main: end 19:28:38:101 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Wed Jan 15 12:28:38 2014 19:28:38:111 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:28:38:111 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:28:38:111 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:28:38:131 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:28:38:141 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:28:38:141 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:28:38:141 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:28:38:151 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:28:38:151 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:28:38:151 info: main: end 17:03:40:713 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Sat Jan 18 10:03:40 2014 17:03:40:713 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:03:40:713 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:03:40:713 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:03:40:813 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:03:40:813 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:03:40:813 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:03:40:823 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:03:40:823 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:03:40:823 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:03:40:823 info: main: end 19:00:31:784 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Sat Jan 18 12:00:31 2014 19:00:31:784 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:00:31:784 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:00:31:784 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:00:31:814 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:00:31:814 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:00:31:824 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:00:31:824 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:00:31:824 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:00:31:824 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:00:31:834 info: main: end 16:54:34:138 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Sun Jan 19 09:54:34 2014 16:54:34:138 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 16:54:34:138 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 16:54:34:138 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 16:54:34:168 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 16:54:34:178 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 16:54:34:178 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 16:54:34:178 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 16:54:34:188 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 16:54:34:188 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 16:54:34:188 info: main: end 16:47:58:739 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,3 - Wed Jan 22 09:47:58 2014 16:47:58:749 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 16:47:58:749 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 16:47:58:749 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 16:47:58:869 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 16:47:58:879 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 16:47:58:879 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 16:47:58:879 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 16:47:58:889 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 16:47:58:889 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 16:47:58:889 info: main: end 16:54:49:098 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Wed Jan 22 09:54:49 2014 16:54:49:108 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 16:54:49:108 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 16:54:49:108 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 16:54:49:138 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 16:54:49:148 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 16:54:49:148 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 16:54:49:148 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 16:54:49:158 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 16:54:49:158 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 16:54:49:158 info: main: end 19:02:00:713 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Fri Jan 24 12:02:00 2014 19:02:00:713 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:02:00:713 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:02:00:713 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:02:00:753 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:02:00:753 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:02:00:763 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:02:00:763 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:02:00:763 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:02:00:773 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:02:00:773 info: main: end 17:28:09:818 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sat Jan 25 10:28:09 2014 17:28:09:822 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:28:09:823 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:28:09:825 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:28:09:916 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:28:09:923 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:28:09:925 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:28:09:927 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:28:09:933 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:28:09:934 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:28:09:937 info: main: end 17:48:20:913 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sat Jan 25 10:48:20 2014 17:48:20:913 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:48:20:913 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:48:20:923 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:48:20:943 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:48:20:953 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:48:20:953 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:48:20:963 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:48:20:963 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:48:20:963 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:48:20:973 info: main: end 19:34:08:210 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Thu Jan 30 12:34:08 2014 19:34:08:218 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:34:08:220 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:34:08:222 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:34:08:328 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:34:08:336 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:34:08:338 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:34:08:340 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:34:08:346 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:34:08:348 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:34:08:350 info: main: end 18:20:54:194 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Fri Jan 31 11:20:54 2014 18:20:54:204 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:20:54:204 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:20:54:204 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:20:54:315 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:20:54:315 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:20:54:315 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:20:54:325 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:20:54:325 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:20:54:325 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 18:20:54:335 info: main: end 17:14:31:256 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Tue Feb 04 10:14:31 2014 17:14:31:266 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:14:31:276 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:14:31:276 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:14:31:356 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:14:31:366 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:14:31:366 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:14:31:366 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:14:31:376 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:14:31:376 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:14:31:376 info: main: end 18:47:37:839 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Fri Feb 07 11:47:37 2014 18:47:37:839 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:47:37:839 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:47:37:839 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:47:37:949 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:47:37:949 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:47:37:959 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:47:37:959 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:47:37:969 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:47:37:969 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 18:47:37:969 info: main: end 19:19:28:351 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sat Feb 08 12:19:28 2014 19:19:28:351 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:19:28:351 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:19:28:351 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:19:28:391 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:19:28:401 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:19:28:401 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:19:28:401 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:19:28:411 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:19:28:411 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:19:28:411 info: main: end 17:37:36:204 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sun Feb 09 10:37:36 2014 17:37:36:204 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:37:36:204 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:37:36:204 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:37:36:245 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:37:36:255 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:37:36:255 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:37:36:255 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:37:36:265 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:37:36:265 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:37:36:265 info: main: end 15:10:00:922 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Tue Feb 11 08:10:00 2014 15:10:00:926 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:10:00:927 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:10:00:929 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:10:01:028 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:10:01:036 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:10:01:038 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:10:01:039 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:10:01:046 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:10:01:048 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 15:10:01:050 info: main: end 19:22:16:611 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Thu Feb 13 12:22:16 2014 19:22:16:625 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:22:16:626 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:22:16:629 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:22:16:711 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:22:16:720 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:22:16:722 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:22:16:724 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:22:16:731 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:22:16:733 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:22:16:735 info: main: end 19:22:17:133 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Thu Feb 13 12:22:17 2014 19:22:17:139 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:22:17:140 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:22:17:143 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:22:17:181 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:22:17:199 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:22:17:201 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:22:17:203 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:22:17:211 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:22:17:213 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:22:17:215 info: main: end 14:40:26:710 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Fri Feb 14 07:40:26 2014 14:40:26:720 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:40:26:720 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:40:26:720 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:40:26:820 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:40:26:830 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:40:26:830 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:40:26:830 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:40:26:840 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:40:26:840 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 14:40:26:840 info: main: end 19:25:11:064 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Fri Feb 14 12:25:11 2014 19:25:11:074 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:25:11:074 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:25:11:074 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:25:11:104 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:25:11:104 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:25:11:104 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:25:11:114 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:25:11:114 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:25:11:114 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:25:11:124 info: main: end 16:38:48:497 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sat Feb 15 09:38:48 2014 16:38:48:497 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 16:38:48:507 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 16:38:48:507 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 16:38:48:537 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 16:38:48:547 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 16:38:48:547 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 16:38:48:547 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 16:38:48:557 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 16:38:48:557 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 16:38:48:557 info: main: end 17:30:42:337 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sat Feb 15 10:30:42 2014 17:30:42:342 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:30:42:343 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:30:42:345 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:30:42:369 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:30:42:375 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:30:42:377 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:30:42:379 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:30:42:386 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:30:42:387 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:30:42:389 info: main: end 19:15:11:441 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Fri Feb 21 12:15:11 2014 19:15:11:464 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:15:11:465 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:15:11:467 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:15:11:596 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:15:11:603 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:15:11:605 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:15:11:608 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:15:11:614 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:15:11:616 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 19:15:11:618 info: main: end 18:11:49:388 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Sun Feb 23 11:11:49 2014 18:11:49:398 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:11:49:398 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:11:49:398 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:11:49:428 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:11:49:438 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:11:49:438 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:11:49:448 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:11:49:448 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:11:49:448 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 18:11:49:448 info: main: end 18:18:28:979 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sun Feb 23 11:18:28 2014 18:18:28:989 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:18:28:989 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:18:28:989 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:18:28:989 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:18:29:019 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:18:29:029 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:18:29:029 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:18:29:029 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:18:29:039 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:18:29:039 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:18:29:039 info: main: end 18:49:42:013 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sun Feb 23 11:49:42 2014 18:49:42:013 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:49:42:013 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:49:42:023 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:49:42:023 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:49:42:053 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:49:42:053 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:49:42:063 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:49:42:063 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:49:42:063 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:49:42:073 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:49:42:073 info: main: end 19:20:11:681 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sat Mar 01 12:20:11 2014 19:20:11:685 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:20:11:687 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:20:11:689 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:20:11:690 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:20:11:815 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:20:11:822 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:20:11:825 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:20:11:826 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:20:11:832 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:20:11:834 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:20:11:836 info: main: end 17:41:59:248 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sun Mar 09 11:41:59 2014 17:41:59:251 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:41:59:253 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:41:59:255 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:41:59:256 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:41:59:359 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:41:59:366 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:41:59:368 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:41:59:370 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:41:59:378 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:41:59:379 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:41:59:381 info: main: end 17:50:06:775 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Mon Mar 10 11:50:06 2014 17:50:06:785 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:50:06:785 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:50:06:785 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:50:06:785 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:50:06:825 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:50:06:825 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:50:06:835 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:50:06:835 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:50:06:835 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:50:06:845 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:50:06:845 info: main: end 17:55:51:343 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Mon Mar 10 11:55:51 2014 17:55:51:353 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:55:51:353 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:55:51:353 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:55:51:353 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:55:51:384 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:55:51:394 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:55:51:394 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:55:51:394 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:55:51:404 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:55:51:404 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:55:51:404 info: main: end 17:57:16:990 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Mon Mar 10 11:57:16 2014 17:57:16:990 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:57:17:000 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:57:17:000 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:57:17:000 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:57:17:030 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:57:17:040 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:57:17:040 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:57:17:040 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:57:17:050 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:57:17:050 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:57:17:050 info: main: end 17:59:14:336 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Mon Mar 10 11:59:14 2014 17:59:14:336 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:59:14:336 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:59:14:336 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:59:14:366 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:59:14:376 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:59:14:376 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:59:14:386 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:59:14:386 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:59:14:396 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 17:59:14:396 info: main: end 18:12:15:495 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Mon Mar 10 12:12:15 2014 18:12:15:495 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:12:15:505 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:12:15:505 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:12:15:535 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:12:15:535 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:12:15:535 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:12:15:545 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:12:15:545 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:12:15:555 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 18:12:15:555 info: main: end 12:36:09:217 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,5 - Tue Mar 11 06:36:09 2014 12:36:09:221 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:36:09:223 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:36:09:225 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:36:09:504 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:36:09:516 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:36:09:518 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:36:09:520 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:36:09:527 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:36:09:528 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_is3nd4th = 0 12:36:09:530 info: main: end 12:38:48:582 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Tue Mar 11 06:38:48 2014 12:38:48:592 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:38:48:592 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:38:48:592 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:38:48:592 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:38:48:646 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:38:48:657 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:38:48:660 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:38:48:662 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:38:48:668 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:38:48:670 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:38:48:672 info: main: end 14:17:44:606 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Mar 12 08:17:44 2014 14:17:44:609 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:17:44:612 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:17:44:613 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:17:44:615 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:17:44:706 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:17:44:713 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:17:44:715 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:17:44:717 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:17:44:723 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:17:44:725 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:17:44:727 info: main: end 17:32:52:909 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Fri Mar 14 11:32:52 2014 17:32:52:927 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:32:52:930 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:32:52:932 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:32:52:934 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:32:53:320 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:32:53:327 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:32:53:330 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:32:53:331 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:32:53:338 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:32:53:340 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:32:53:342 info: main: end 18:03:17:394 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Fri Mar 14 12:03:17 2014 18:03:17:404 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:03:17:404 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:03:17:404 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:03:17:404 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:03:17:444 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:03:17:444 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:03:17:454 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:03:17:454 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:03:17:464 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:03:17:464 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:03:17:464 info: main: end 12:35:00:241 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Mon Mar 17 06:35:00 2014 12:35:00:245 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:35:00:247 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:35:00:248 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:35:00:251 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:35:00:363 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:35:00:371 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:35:00:373 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:35:00:375 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:35:00:381 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:35:00:383 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:35:00:385 info: main: end 18:10:52:092 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Mon Mar 17 12:10:52 2014 18:10:52:096 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:10:52:103 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:10:52:105 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:10:52:106 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:10:52:132 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:10:52:138 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:10:52:140 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:10:52:142 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:10:52:148 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:10:52:149 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:10:52:151 info: main: end 19:07:52:891 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Tue Mar 18 13:07:52 2014 19:07:52:894 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:07:52:897 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:07:52:898 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:07:52:899 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:07:52:930 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:07:52:937 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:07:52:940 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:07:52:942 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:07:52:949 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:07:52:950 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:07:52:952 info: main: end 12:15:08:398 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Fri Mar 21 06:15:08 2014 12:15:08:408 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:15:08:408 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:15:08:408 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:15:08:408 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:15:08:518 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:15:08:528 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:15:08:528 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:15:08:538 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:15:08:538 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:15:08:538 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:15:08:548 info: main: end 12:21:09:868 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Fri Mar 21 06:21:09 2014 12:21:09:871 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:21:09:874 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:21:09:875 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:21:09:877 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:21:09:903 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:21:09:908 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:21:09:910 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:21:09:912 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:21:09:918 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:21:09:919 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:21:09:922 info: main: end 14:29:44:291 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Fri Mar 21 08:29:44 2014 14:29:44:301 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:29:44:301 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:29:44:301 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:29:44:301 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:29:44:341 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:29:44:341 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:29:44:351 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:29:44:351 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:29:44:351 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:29:44:361 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:29:44:361 info: main: end 15:52:09:460 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sat Mar 22 09:52:09 2014 15:52:09:475 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 15:52:09:477 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:52:09:478 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:52:09:480 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 15:52:09:549 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:52:09:556 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:52:09:558 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:52:09:560 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:52:09:566 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:52:09:568 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 15:52:09:570 info: main: end 18:20:36:700 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sat Mar 22 12:20:36 2014 18:20:36:700 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:20:36:700 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:20:36:710 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:20:36:710 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:20:36:741 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:20:36:741 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:20:36:751 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:20:36:751 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:20:36:761 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:20:36:761 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:20:36:761 info: main: end 17:48:23:288 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Mon Mar 24 11:48:23 2014 17:48:23:288 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:48:23:288 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:48:23:298 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:48:23:298 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:48:23:388 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:48:23:388 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:48:23:398 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:48:23:398 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:48:23:408 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:48:23:408 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:48:23:408 info: main: end 18:43:19:963 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Mar 26 12:43:19 2014 18:43:19:973 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:43:19:973 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:43:19:973 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:43:19:973 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:43:20:215 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:43:20:225 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:43:20:225 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:43:20:225 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:43:20:235 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:43:20:235 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:43:20:235 info: main: end 15:11:26:397 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Mar 27 09:11:26 2014 15:11:26:407 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 15:11:26:407 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:11:26:407 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:11:26:407 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 15:11:26:518 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:11:26:528 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:11:26:528 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:11:26:538 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:11:26:538 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:11:26:538 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 15:11:26:548 info: main: end 18:11:36:961 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Mar 27 12:11:36 2014 18:11:36:971 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:11:36:971 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:11:36:971 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:11:36:971 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:11:37:011 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:11:37:011 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:11:37:021 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:11:37:021 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:11:37:021 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:11:37:031 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:11:37:031 info: main: end 17:22:06:850 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sun Mar 30 11:22:06 2014 17:22:06:853 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:22:06:855 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:22:06:857 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:22:06:858 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:22:06:893 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:22:06:901 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:22:06:903 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:22:06:905 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:22:06:911 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:22:06:912 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:22:06:914 info: main: end 17:56:02:544 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Sun Mar 30 11:56:02 2014 17:56:02:547 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:56:02:549 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:56:02:550 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:56:02:552 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:56:02:580 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:56:02:585 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:56:02:587 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:56:02:589 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:56:02:596 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:56:02:597 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:56:02:599 info: main: end 18:05:38:414 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Apr 02 12:05:38 2014 18:05:38:434 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:05:38:434 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:05:38:434 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:05:38:434 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:05:38:534 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:05:38:544 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:05:38:544 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:05:38:544 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:05:38:554 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:05:38:554 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:05:38:554 info: main: end 18:17:30:798 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Apr 02 12:17:30 2014 18:17:30:808 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:17:30:808 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:17:30:808 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:17:30:808 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:17:30:848 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:17:30:848 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:17:30:858 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:17:30:858 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:17:30:858 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:17:30:868 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:17:30:868 info: main: end 18:19:49:324 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Apr 02 12:19:49 2014 18:19:49:324 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:19:49:324 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:19:49:334 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:19:49:334 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:19:49:384 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:19:49:394 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:19:49:394 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:19:49:394 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:19:49:404 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:19:49:404 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:19:49:404 info: main: end 18:40:49:669 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Apr 02 12:40:49 2014 18:40:49:669 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:40:49:679 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:40:49:679 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:40:49:679 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:40:49:709 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:40:49:719 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:40:49:719 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:40:49:729 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:40:49:729 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:40:49:729 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:40:49:739 info: main: end 19:11:09:178 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Wed Apr 02 13:11:09 2014 19:11:09:181 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:11:09:184 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:11:09:185 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:11:09:187 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:11:09:210 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:11:09:216 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:11:09:218 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:11:09:220 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:11:09:226 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:11:09:227 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:11:09:229 info: main: end 12:09:53:621 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Apr 03 06:09:53 2014 12:09:53:624 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:09:53:627 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:09:53:628 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:09:53:630 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:09:53:661 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:09:53:669 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:09:53:672 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:09:53:674 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:09:53:680 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:09:53:682 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:09:53:684 info: main: end 15:04:33:017 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Apr 03 09:04:33 2014 15:04:33:027 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 15:04:33:027 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:04:33:027 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:04:33:027 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 15:04:33:057 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:04:33:067 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:04:33:067 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:04:33:067 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:04:33:077 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:04:33:077 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 15:04:33:077 info: main: end 15:54:31:657 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Apr 03 09:54:31 2014 15:54:31:657 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 15:54:31:667 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:54:31:667 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:54:31:667 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 15:54:31:698 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:54:31:708 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:54:31:718 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:54:31:718 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:54:31:718 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:54:31:728 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 15:54:31:728 info: main: end 17:18:47:702 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Apr 03 11:18:47 2014 17:18:47:705 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:18:47:707 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:18:47:709 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:18:47:710 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:18:47:741 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:18:47:747 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:18:47:749 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:18:47:752 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:18:47:758 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:18:47:759 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:18:47:761 info: main: end 18:16:34:130 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,3,0 - Thu Apr 03 12:16:34 2014 18:16:34:140 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:16:34:140 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:16:34:140 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:16:34:140 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:16:34:180 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:16:34:180 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:16:34:190 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:16:34:190 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:16:34:190 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:16:34:200 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:16:34:200 info: main: end 13:00:51:784 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sun Apr 06 07:00:51 2014 13:00:51:784 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 13:00:51:794 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 13:00:51:794 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 13:00:51:794 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 13:00:51:825 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 13:00:51:835 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 13:00:51:835 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:00:51:835 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:00:51:845 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:00:51:845 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 13:00:51:845 info: main: end 18:20:40:745 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Mon Apr 07 12:20:40 2014 18:20:40:748 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:20:40:750 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:20:40:752 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:20:40:754 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:20:40:854 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:20:40:862 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:20:40:865 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:20:40:867 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:20:40:874 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:20:40:875 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:20:40:877 info: main: end 18:23:40:882 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Mon Apr 07 12:23:40 2014 18:23:40:885 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:23:40:887 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:23:40:889 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:23:40:890 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:23:40:926 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:23:40:935 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:23:40:938 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:23:40:939 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:23:40:946 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:23:40:947 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:23:40:949 info: main: end 18:24:42:745 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Mon Apr 07 12:24:42 2014 18:24:42:748 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:24:42:750 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:24:42:752 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:24:42:753 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:24:42:789 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:24:42:797 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:24:42:800 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:24:42:802 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:24:42:808 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:24:42:810 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:24:42:812 info: main: end 18:27:27:246 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Mon Apr 07 12:27:27 2014 18:27:27:250 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:27:27:253 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:27:27:254 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:27:27:256 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:27:27:292 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:27:27:299 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:27:27:301 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:27:27:303 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:27:27:439 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:27:27:440 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:27:27:442 info: main: end 17:53:07:242 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Fri Apr 11 11:53:07 2014 17:53:07:246 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:53:07:248 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:53:07:250 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:53:07:252 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:53:07:287 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:53:07:294 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:53:07:296 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:53:07:298 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:53:07:305 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:53:07:307 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:53:07:309 info: main: end 18:17:57:666 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Fri Apr 11 12:17:57 2014 18:17:57:670 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:17:57:672 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:17:57:673 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:17:57:675 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:17:57:711 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:17:57:719 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:17:57:721 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:17:57:723 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:17:57:730 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:17:57:732 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:17:57:734 info: main: end 18:19:51:897 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Fri Apr 11 12:19:51 2014 18:19:51:900 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:19:51:903 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:19:51:904 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:19:51:906 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:19:51:931 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:19:51:937 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:19:51:939 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:19:51:940 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:19:51:947 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:19:51:948 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:19:51:950 info: main: end 12:33:06:700 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 06:33:06 2014 12:33:06:703 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:33:06:705 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:33:06:707 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:33:06:708 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:33:06:742 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:33:06:749 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:33:06:752 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:33:06:754 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:33:06:760 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:33:06:762 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:33:06:764 info: main: end 12:35:46:263 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 06:35:46 2014 12:35:46:266 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:35:46:268 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:35:46:270 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:35:46:271 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:35:46:305 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:35:46:313 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:35:46:315 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:35:46:317 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:35:46:324 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:35:46:326 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:35:46:328 info: main: end 12:47:33:556 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 06:47:33 2014 12:47:33:559 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:47:33:562 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:47:33:563 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:47:33:565 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:47:33:598 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:47:33:606 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:47:33:609 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:47:33:611 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:47:33:617 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:47:33:619 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:47:33:620 info: main: end 12:57:45:622 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 06:57:45 2014 12:57:45:625 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:57:45:628 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:57:45:629 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:57:45:631 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:57:45:658 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:57:45:664 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:57:45:667 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:57:45:669 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:57:45:676 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:57:45:677 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:57:45:679 info: main: end 14:16:49:041 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 08:16:49 2014 14:16:49:044 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:16:49:047 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:16:49:048 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:16:49:050 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:16:49:084 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:16:49:092 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:16:49:094 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:16:49:096 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:16:49:102 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:16:49:104 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:16:49:106 info: main: end 14:20:21:445 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 08:20:21 2014 14:20:21:448 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:20:21:451 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:20:21:452 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:20:21:454 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:20:21:487 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:20:21:494 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:20:21:496 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:20:21:498 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:20:21:505 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:20:21:506 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:20:21:508 info: main: end 14:21:13:244 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 08:21:13 2014 14:21:13:247 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:21:13:250 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:21:13:251 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:21:13:253 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:21:13:287 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:21:13:295 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:21:13:297 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:21:13:299 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:21:13:305 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:21:13:306 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:21:13:308 info: main: end 14:23:09:541 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 08:23:09 2014 14:23:09:544 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:23:09:546 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:23:09:548 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:23:09:549 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:23:09:582 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:23:09:590 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:23:09:592 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:23:09:593 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:23:09:600 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:23:09:601 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:23:09:603 info: main: end 14:24:58:576 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 08:24:58 2014 14:24:58:580 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:24:58:582 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:24:58:584 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:24:58:585 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:24:58:618 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:24:58:626 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:24:58:628 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:24:58:630 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:24:58:636 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:24:58:638 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:24:58:640 info: main: end 14:39:37:339 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 08:39:37 2014 14:39:37:343 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:39:37:346 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:39:37:347 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:39:37:349 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:39:37:381 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:39:37:390 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:39:37:392 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:39:37:394 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:39:37:400 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:39:37:401 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:39:37:403 info: main: end 15:29:17:900 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 09:29:17 2014 15:29:17:920 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 15:29:17:920 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:29:17:920 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:29:17:920 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 15:29:17:950 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:29:17:960 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:29:17:960 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:29:17:970 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:29:17:970 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:29:17:970 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 15:29:17:980 info: main: end 15:31:47:591 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 09:31:47 2014 15:31:47:591 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 15:31:47:591 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 15:31:47:591 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 15:31:47:591 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 15:31:47:631 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 15:31:47:631 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 15:31:47:631 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 15:31:47:641 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 15:31:47:641 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 15:31:47:651 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 15:31:47:651 info: main: end 19:06:55:923 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 13:06:55 2014 19:06:55:926 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:06:55:928 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:06:55:930 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:06:55:931 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:06:55:957 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:06:55:963 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:06:55:965 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:06:55:966 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:06:55:972 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:06:55:974 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:06:55:976 info: main: end 19:08:38:151 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 13:08:38 2014 19:08:38:154 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:08:38:156 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:08:38:158 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:08:38:159 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:08:38:187 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:08:38:192 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:08:38:195 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:08:38:198 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:08:38:205 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:08:38:206 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:08:38:208 info: main: end 19:13:47:491 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 13:13:47 2014 19:13:47:494 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:13:47:497 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:13:47:498 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:13:47:499 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:13:47:524 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:13:47:530 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:13:47:532 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:13:47:534 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:13:47:541 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:13:47:543 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:13:47:545 info: main: end 19:18:11:413 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Sat Apr 12 13:18:11 2014 19:18:11:417 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 19:18:11:420 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 19:18:11:421 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 19:18:11:423 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 19:18:11:454 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 19:18:11:461 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 19:18:11:463 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 19:18:11:465 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 19:18:11:471 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 19:18:11:473 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 19:18:11:475 info: main: end 17:47:49:438 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Mon Apr 14 11:47:49 2014 17:47:49:442 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:47:49:449 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:47:49:450 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:47:49:452 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:47:49:480 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:47:49:486 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:47:49:488 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:47:49:491 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:47:49:498 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:47:49:499 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:47:49:501 info: main: end 17:49:49:372 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Mon Apr 14 11:49:49 2014 17:49:49:375 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 17:49:49:377 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 17:49:49:379 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 17:49:49:381 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 17:49:49:409 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 17:49:49:414 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 17:49:49:416 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 17:49:49:419 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 17:49:49:425 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 17:49:49:427 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 17:49:49:429 info: main: end 11:30:08:442 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Tue Apr 15 05:30:08 2014 11:30:08:442 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 11:30:08:442 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 11:30:08:442 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 11:30:08:442 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 11:30:08:482 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 11:30:08:492 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 11:30:08:492 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 11:30:08:492 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 11:30:08:502 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 11:30:08:502 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 11:30:08:502 info: main: end 11:53:16:447 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Tue Apr 15 05:53:16 2014 11:53:16:450 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 11:53:16:453 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 11:53:16:454 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 11:53:16:456 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 11:53:16:483 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 11:53:16:489 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 11:53:16:491 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 11:53:16:492 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 11:53:16:499 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 11:53:16:501 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 11:53:16:503 info: main: end 12:30:02:473 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Wed Apr 16 06:30:02 2014 12:30:02:476 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:30:02:479 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:30:02:480 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:30:02:483 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:30:02:516 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:30:02:524 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:30:02:527 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:30:02:529 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:30:02:536 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:30:02:538 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:30:02:540 info: main: end 12:42:11:513 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Wed Apr 16 06:42:11 2014 12:42:11:516 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:42:11:519 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:42:11:520 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:42:11:522 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:42:11:553 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:42:11:561 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:42:11:564 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:42:11:565 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:42:11:572 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:42:11:573 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:42:11:575 info: main: end 12:46:04:593 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Wed Apr 16 06:46:04 2014 12:46:04:597 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:46:04:599 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:46:04:601 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:46:04:603 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:46:04:635 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:46:04:643 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:46:04:645 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:46:04:647 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:46:04:654 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:46:04:656 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:46:04:658 info: main: end 12:58:02:312 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,2 - Wed Apr 16 06:58:02 2014 12:58:02:312 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 12:58:02:322 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 12:58:02:322 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 12:58:02:322 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 12:58:02:353 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 12:58:02:363 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 12:58:02:363 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 12:58:02:363 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 12:58:02:373 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 12:58:02:373 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 12:58:02:373 info: main: end 14:48:04:316 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Wed Apr 16 08:48:04 2014 14:48:04:319 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 14:48:04:322 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 14:48:04:323 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 14:48:04:325 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 14:48:04:357 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 14:48:04:365 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 14:48:04:367 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 14:48:04:369 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 14:48:04:376 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 14:48:04:377 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 14:48:04:379 info: main: end 13:51:27:173 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Thu Apr 17 07:51:27 2014 13:51:27:183 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 13:51:27:183 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 13:51:27:183 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 13:51:27:183 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 13:51:27:214 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 13:51:27:224 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 13:51:27:224 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 13:51:27:224 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 13:51:27:234 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 13:51:27:234 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 13:51:27:234 info: main: end 18:23:29:881 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Mon Apr 21 12:23:29 2014 18:23:29:881 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:23:29:881 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:23:29:891 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:23:29:891 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:23:29:921 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:23:29:921 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:23:29:931 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:23:29:931 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:23:29:931 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:23:29:941 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:23:29:941 info: main: end 18:25:51:568 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Mon Apr 21 12:25:51 2014 18:25:51:568 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:25:51:578 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:25:51:578 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:25:51:578 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:25:51:608 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:25:51:608 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:25:51:618 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:25:51:618 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:25:51:618 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:25:51:618 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:25:51:628 info: main: end 18:27:40:401 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Mon Apr 21 12:27:40 2014 18:27:40:401 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:27:40:411 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:27:40:411 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:27:40:411 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:27:40:442 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:27:40:442 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:27:40:452 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:27:40:452 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:27:40:452 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:27:40:462 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:27:40:462 info: main: end 18:33:26:015 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Mon Apr 21 12:33:26 2014 18:33:26:025 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:33:26:025 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:33:26:025 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:33:26:025 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:33:26:056 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:33:26:066 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:33:26:066 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:33:26:066 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:33:26:076 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:33:26:076 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:33:26:076 info: main: end 18:35:44:924 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,3,3 - Mon Apr 21 12:35:44 2014 18:35:44:924 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1 18:35:44:924 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 18:35:44:924 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 206a7 18:35:44:934 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 18:35:44:954 info: intel_common::get_best_hardware_apiversion: Intel Media SDK. imp = 514, API Level: 1.4 18:35:44:964 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: Des - Intel(R) HD Graphics Ven - 8086 18:35:44:964 info: intel_common::DetectIntelCardAttachedMonitor: DriverVer - 18:35:44:964 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - before init - 0 18:35:44:974 info: intel_common::init_mfx_session: - after init - 0 18:35:44:974 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 259 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1 18:35:44:974 info: main: end