Current v1.0.0.6. Had previously copied 2 DVD movie (Last Samurai - Full Screen version). Set Collection for both. Wall Poster correct with 1 display leading to 2 discs. Database, tbMovieEx had one entry with idMovie = 127. tbVideosFile had 2 idFile entries (= 498 and 499 - disc 1 and 2) and both 498 and 499 had idMovie = 127. Everything fine.
Added new DVD (Last Samurai - Wide Screen version). MS refused all attempts to have it coexist as an independent movie. Deleted collection and had 3 wall posters, but all linked together. Change one, change all. No new entry in tbMovieEx, but new entry in tbVideosFile, idFile = 773 but idMovie = 127. Set deleted flag = 1 for original movie (idFile = 498 and 499) and refresh. New entry made in tbMovieEx, idMovie = 248 for the Widescreen version. Worked fine. Went back and reset deleted flag = 0 for idFile 498 and 499. Refresh. All 3 linked again with idMovie = 127.
Finally forced to just delete the full screen versions. There needs to be a way to have multiple versions of the same movie. This situation differs from those I previously reported because it is not a different movie with the same name or the same movie of a different year.
Any ideas what else could be done?
Added new DVD (Last Samurai - Wide Screen version). MS refused all attempts to have it coexist as an independent movie. Deleted collection and had 3 wall posters, but all linked together. Change one, change all. No new entry in tbMovieEx, but new entry in tbVideosFile, idFile = 773 but idMovie = 127. Set deleted flag = 1 for original movie (idFile = 498 and 499) and refresh. New entry made in tbMovieEx, idMovie = 248 for the Widescreen version. Worked fine. Went back and reset deleted flag = 0 for idFile 498 and 499. Refresh. All 3 linked again with idMovie = 127.
Finally forced to just delete the full screen versions. There needs to be a way to have multiple versions of the same movie. This situation differs from those I previously reported because it is not a different movie with the same name or the same movie of a different year.
Any ideas what else could be done?