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When can we get a real sale?

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    Purchase Problem When can we get a real sale?

    I've been a loyal customer since 2008. I decided today, again, to check pricing on the All-In-One Lifetime license and was met, yet again, with great disappointment. DVDFab "specials" continue to disappoint. The pricing hasn't changed in over two years. The lifetime has always been $224 with some random minor freebee included.

    What's worse is you don't get any credit for already owning lifetime licenses on a portion of the bundle (so I've been told in the past via emails with customer service). What am I going to do with a second license? Does the money I already spent mean nothing? How about my loyalty?

    I'd really like to see an *actual* special instead of following the marketing model they teach in grade school: raise the price and offer a discount.

    Instead of emailing customer service and getting yet another cookie-cutter response that ultimately just means that my long-term support and feedback of the product means absolutely nothing to the company, I figured I would post on the forum in hopes of reaching someone different that might actually care about all of us. *fingers crossed*

    To clarify and summarize, I making two points here:
    1. Run a real sale that actually lowers the net cost.
    2. Give us *something* for the licenses we already own on top of the final, discounted price.

    Explanation for #1: No one likes being lied to. The products aren't on sale. They've been the same price for years.

    Explanation for #2: If a new customer comes in to buy a lifetime license for the entire suite of products for $X, then why should an existing customer that already spent $Y have to pay another $X (total paid $Y + $X) to get the same thing? Lifetime licenses don't expire -- that's the point of them. They exist for the benefit of both sides: 1) a customer who believes in the product and wants to legitimately support it and doesn't want to be burdened with annual renewals and 2) a company that gets to take in a large sum of money up front to reward them for their hard work. Existing customers should be able to add onto their existing lifetime license up to $X - $Y so that in the end, total paid is $X to get the entire suite of products. It actually works in the company's favor since we paid you years ago and [CFO language here] makes that money worth a lot more than $X in today's dollars [/CFO language].
    Last edited by Hossy; 11-30-2014, 02:53 AM.

    The forum is really not the place to discuss business issues, no one here can really do anything about what you are requesting. I would suggest you sign up for the promotional emails, I think the All-In-One has been offered at least once this year at a price below where it is now, but the price will go up on December 1st due to the addition of new features.

    It seems like what would help you would be to offer a way to purchase all the modules that you don't have at some sort of a discount. I will mention this to the head of marketing and promotions and we can see what happens. In the future, for things like this you can send an email to fengtao(at)DVDFab(dot)cn to start at the top of the food chain. He is a busy guy but enjoys hearing from DVDFab users.
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      Thanks, @signals! I appreciate your help and look forward to whatever you find out.


        You are welcome, be patient due to the time/date difference.
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          Hossy and others:

          Watch your email for a special promotion. Anyone with Lifetime for any combination of modules, but not all of them, should receive it. The exact terms and timing are still being worked out but will be in the email.
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            Just confirming... I don't think you meant the 12/5 "20% off “DVDFab + VidOn Box” Moves Your Movie Library on TV" email ???

            My HDD crashed, so my computer's been down a couple days. Just catching up on email.


              No, it was more specific. Sorry to hear about your crash.

              I will ask them to resend it to the email you used to register for the forum if it has not expired.
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                The email will go out this weekend, perhaps Friday. Watch for it, the time may be limited. You will need to have an account set up in the DVDFab website Member Center to take advantage of the deal, so do that if you have not already.
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                  The email has been sent, please check your inbox or log in at the Member Center on the DVDFab website, the link for the deal is in light blue text just above the box with your list of licenses. Note that the discount will vary depending on how many and which modules you currently have as Lifetime. You can see the price that it calculates before entering any credit card data. The deal expires in 10 days, so give yourself an early Christmas present

                  Note that the credit for already owned modules is for their full current retail price, regardless of what you actually paid or when, so if you purchased them long ago or with a discount code or promo, this could amount to an additional discount, big in some cases.
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                    I have already purchased lifetime licenses for all of the modules individually. I did not purchase the All-In-One lifetime license.

                    I logged into the members area and clicked on the "upgrade to All-In-One Lifetime" link (out of curiosity) and it said I could "upgrade" to the All-In-One Lifetime for $64.83. Keep in mind that I already have a lifetime license for ALL of the modules...just not an All-In-One lifetime license.

                    Is this a bug on the website or is there an actual benefit to having an All-In-One lifetime license instead of having individual lifetime licenses? I'm asking because if I remember correctly the latest module, DVD to Blu-ray Converter, was free to All-In-One lifetime license holders but not for others who had bought lifetime licenses for ALL of the modules individually.


                      Your last sentence is what got the idea started I think. I guess there could be a balance depending on how the website deals with modules or licenses that are no longer sold (like Platinum). It provides a list somewhere during the process of the modules that are being added, but it may not be until after the credit card gets banged. Someone from the staff would have to answer that I think, they will be online shortly.
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                        Thank you for your response, Signals. I would be interested in what the Staff has to say about this. If upgrading to the All-In-One provides additional benefits I would seriously consider it. If not, then there would be nothing to gain by doing so.


                          Very true, other than cleaning up my list of licenses in the Member Center, but I think I can live with that. There may be some future modules that will be free to All-In-One Lifetime holders.

                          Tell me if your Member Center email is the same as the one you registered here and I will ask someone to check it specifically. If it is not the same one, send me the correct one in a PM, but don't include the password.
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                            I also have lifetime versions of:

                            DVDFab5 (Platinum)
                            Mobile Option
                            DVDFab Blu-ray Copy

                            When I select upgrade it gives me:

                            DVDFab DVD Copy
                            DVDFab DVD Ripper
                            DVDFab Video Converter
                            DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus)
                            DVDFab DVD to Blu-ray Converter
                            DVDFab Blu-ray to DVD Converter
                            DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter
                            DVDFab DVD Creator
                            DVDFab Blu-ray Creator
                            VidOn Box

                            But surely I already have DVD Copy and DVD Ripper so I should not have to pay for them again?


                              No, I would think not. Unsure of the cause of this, they will check it when the office opens.
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