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computer restarts

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    computer restarts

    Im having a problem. When i use dvdfab blu-ray main movie and full disk to compress a movie. its compresses it for a little wile then restarts my computer. please help
    Amd 64 X2 Dual core processor 6000+ 3.09Ghz
    Geforce 9800Gt 512mb
    3gb ram
    Win Xp
    600W power supply

    The most common reason a computer will restart abruptly is that it has overheated. Compressing BD content will run the CPU full out. You likely need to add some cooling (or fix existing fans that aren't working properly) in your pc.


      I kinda thought that. But didn't know dvdfab had that much intestacy to my processor. Probably doesnt help that i have fab core boosting it sped. So more fans i need ? I have 1 on my case and 1 on the processor itself. Now if can help me find a way to add new fans please i would be very appreciated . If u need a pic of my pc . let me know cause i can take one and then host it on some hoster site. Please let me know thank you
      Amd 64 X2 Dual core processor 6000+ 3.09Ghz
      Geforce 9800Gt 512mb
      3gb ram
      Win Xp
      600W power supply


        Another possibility

        I recently encountered problems backing up my BD copy of Full Metal Jacket. My computer would either restart about 20% of the way through or it would simply stop decoding the video with no error message. I ran a system monitoring program to see if it was overheating and the temps never went over 36 degrees centigrade. My system is an AMD X6 and 16 GB of ram running Win 7 on an Asus 880 motherboard.
        After a few more days my system started blue screening at random several times a day whether under load or not. I ran Windows 7 built in memory diagnostics which told me I had a hardware issue with memory. I removed the 3rd and 4th 4GB dimms with no improvement over a day. I swapped the pair I removed with the 4 GB dimms that were in the 1st and 2nd slots and all problems went away. No more restarts or stalling when decoding, no more blue screens. So running diagnostics on your ram may lead you to a solution if you aren't everheating.



          I just don't get it.

          You posted numerous issues in your last thread and received solid advice from a number of members.
          These problems included newly installed RAM (likely bad or incompatible) and a "new" incorrectly installed/wired video card.

          You very likely have an inadequate psu and who knows what else.
          You were experiencing crashes and BSOD.
          There's almost no question that you're overheating.
          Who knows what else?

          So did you actually do any of the troubleshooting suggested?
          Other members took the time to respond and offer advice as recently as 10 hours ago, yet you simply abandoned the thread...apparently.

          You should expect the same
          If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

          You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


            And besides from what Maneman has pointed out, this is a DVDFab forum, not a cheaparse hardware support forum.
            "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


              I didnt abandon the thread nor did i ignore members suggestion. I work nights so i sleep during the day. Wensday is the night with the gf (due to us working different shifts.... her working days and me on nights I try to go to bed early so i can get some rest before i have to wake up)

              Jerrinfla, I to am getting this blue screen but only when i have the new stick that i bought used installed on my motherboard (took Mainemans advice and took out all the sticks and tried them individually) 1 time it didnt restart and i checked and the memory said 2.9 gb wich was right so i shut down the pc and restarted just to find out blue screen would appear when the computer loaded up into the desktop. Why it worked that one time and not again when its the model number ddr2 800 like my motherboard says it takes gets me wondering what is going on. It has a lifetime warranty even though i bought it on ebay if i can't get it to work going to see if i can send it back to the manufacture.

              Yes true. But i thought since i payed for the software and i am updating my pc for just the program that maybe (which i have and appreciate ) get some help since i am having a world full of problems with these new parts. . I have bought a new graphics card to upgrade the cudas (Current one gets 15 cudas) takes about 6-10 hours to compress depending on if i have to use it or i leave it alone. I upgraded my ram so i could use my pc when dvd fab is compressing. My pc would restart after say 7 hours of using dvd fab. So I opened the door/window to let it vent out. I was compressing a movie that was 33.00 gb down to 25Gb and took 10 + hours just to get to 90 percent and then it would restart. Im looking into a better power supply (450W im using now) to hopefully cool down the pc. So i was looking for other ways to cool down pc. Thank you everyone for your help.
              Amd 64 X2 Dual core processor 6000+ 3.09Ghz
              Geforce 9800Gt 512mb
              3gb ram
              Win Xp
              600W power supply


                Originally posted by dasadpoet View Post
                I didnt abandon the thread nor did i ignore members suggestion. I work nights so i sleep during the day. Wensday is the night with the gf (due to us working different shifts.... her working days and me on nights I try to go to bed early so i can get some rest before i have to wake up)
                You're missing the point entirely. No one cares that you don't respond within any particular time frame.
                We all have lives which include families, jobs, relationships, etc., etc.

                The point is that you started another thread and you now have 2 threads dealing with the same issues.

                This only serves to fragment advice and frustrate and annoy those attempting to follow the thread(s), particularly those giving/receiving help.
                Do you expect people to read both threads and somehow integrate the info?

                It is also a violation of forum rules and etiquette
                If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                  Sorry for breaking the rules. I did integrate the issue of ram into my cudas topic. They did involve both issues not at start but I just got the ram 3 days ago then my pc would restart so i asked in the cudas also cause until you mainman responding i wasn't really getting a response except of your system is restarting due to over heating (thank you for that) . This forum was my pc restarting due to overheating i asked if any one knew of any more ways i can eliminate the over heading due to dvdfab intensity. My other one was how i could make dvdfab go faster if buying a new card would do that, ram just started to make it restart due to me just getting it . So i bought new ram and then it started to give me problems, System would restart.
                  So if i have problems to just add them to 1 topic even if its not the same problem .

                  Thank you complication, jerrinfla and maineman, for your help.

                  Please close thread.
                  Amd 64 X2 Dual core processor 6000+ 3.09Ghz
                  Geforce 9800Gt 512mb
                  3gb ram
                  Win Xp
                  600W power supply

