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I need some help with dvd drive recognition

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  • maineman
    Originally posted by EJNE11 View Post
    hi, yes both of those are marked accordingly. Is there anything that should be in the target area of dvdfad when using imgburn?
    Yes, this shouldn't change if I'm understanding you correctly. The target location is not a function of what burn engine you're utliizing.

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  • EJNE11
    hi, yes both of those are marked accordingly. Is there anything that should be in the target area of dvdfad when using imgburn?

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  • maineman
    Originally posted by EJNE11 View Post
    Yes I am still trying to use the vso engine. But I also have imgburn and it works good except I cannot get imgburn two open automatically after the DVD is processed in dvd fad, I did use the above setup for it but for some reason it just doesn't work may be for the same reason that the vso engine does not pick up my DVD burner. I also tried all your suggestions none of them have so far worked thank you all, for trying to help.
    Hi again, I'm stuck at work, but grabbed a few minutes...
    Could you check in your setup of Img and be certain in while in Build Mode (I think it's page 2) you have selected:
    Don't Prompt Image Details
    Don't Prompt Volume Label and Auto Answer 'Yes' .

    Img will always prompt you for a layer break location when burning DL's (unless you utilized build mode and created an .MDS file), but with SL's, you should be able to make this automatic.

    Let us know, thanks

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  • GregiBoy
    Anuli, if you keep behaving like this on the forum, you will end up banned.

    As said above, you have to put some effort and thought into solving your own problem, which to me after 40 years in the computer industry, sounds like a hardware/operating system problem or conflict.

    I would suggest that the only way you are going to resolve it is a clean install of your operating system and then Fab only.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Please refrain form sending me PMs asking for help.
    The forum is the place to ask and there are people
    here that are trying to help you.

    They can only do so much you have to put some thought and effort
    into solving your problem also.

    I can not add anything to what has already been suggested.
    Last edited by Guest; 11-27-2009, 08:51 PM.

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  • EJNE11
    Yes I am still trying to use the vso engine. But I also have imgburn and it works good except I cannot get imgburn two open automatically after the DVD is processed in dvd fad, I did use the above setup for it but for some reason it just doesn't work may be for the same reason that the vso engine does not pick up my DVD burner. I also tried all your suggestions none of them have so far worked thank you all, for trying to help.

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  • anuli
    I am not hijacking. If Iam ,I apologise for that. I was trying to share my experiences with them. Could u pl guide as to where to find the solution for my problem?
    Originally posted by GregiBoy View Post
    Anuli, you have been told before. Do not hijack other peoples threads !!!

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  • GregiBoy
    Anuli, you have been told before. Do not hijack other peoples threads !!!

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  • anuli
    Even I am facing same problem.
    I downloaded DVDFab6 from net. Two movies ripped and burnt , consuming 3 hrs each. Then third movie was read but not burnt.
    I tried to Reset DMA but could not reset Not Applicable to DMA.
    In registry HKey_Local_Machine\.....\000x, there is no SlaveIdDataCheckSum option to delete & then reboot to reset DMA. Even I would not locate Upper & Lower filters to delete. Try out for above steps if it may help u in case.
    Originally posted by EJNE11 View Post
    High I am new to the site I did look it over and did not find an answer to my question. I run windows vista, my dvd drive is "pbds dvd + rw ds-8w1pata"
    And my question is dvdfad no longer recognizes my DVD burner. It did before and now it just stopped, it will pick it up on source but it will not pick up the DVD burner on target. Any ideas please!

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  • maineman
    It sounds like your still using the default burn engine VSO, right?
    There are a couple of things I can think of to troubleshoot this, but frankly, I'd try Img as your selected burn engine.

    Go into device manager, scroll to or near the bottom to find VSO.
    Click on it to expand.
    Now delete all instances of patin-couffin driver.
    The most recent versions of VSO utlilize SPTI.

    Check in Fab > Common Settings > Read > I/O Mode, select SPTI.
    If this doesn't work, try Auto and if still no luck try ASPI.

    As a last resort you can install VSO again...the easiest way to do this is to just install Fab again and be certain that VSO is ticked on for installation.

    Like I said, it it were me, I'd just dowmload and install Img.
    It is extremely reliable and much more configurable.
    Most of us agree, it is the best burn utlity of its kind, on the planet.

    Here's some link, descriptions and some great video tutorials ny troy512 on how to set it up with Fab:

    Last edited by maineman; 11-27-2009, 04:33 PM.

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  • EJNE11
    I am not able to force recognition. it just put's the dvd drive as a file,if I try to burn from there it will err out not able to find file.

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  • EJNE11
    no this dose not work.

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  • maineman
    Originally posted by EJNE11 View Post
    yes to all 3
    Hi EJNE11,

    Sorry about asking the obvious, but I can't tell for sure from your screenshot or your posts...

    Are you able to force this I mean click on the folder icon to the far right of the Target bar.
    This should populate all locations on your pc (similar to windows explorer)
    like so:
    Attached Files

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  • EJNE11
    yes to all 3

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  • AGJ
    Are you using Vista Home Premium? Also do you have both McAfee and Microsoft Security Essentials installed? If yes for all 3 then that would be the problem and you would need to do a few things to fix your problem

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