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Thor bluray and bluray 3d won't rip
BD Ripper (3D Plus) Thor bluray and bluray 3d won't rip
I am using the latest dvd fab version. Both the 3d version and the nomal bluray version both stop at 7%. A read error popup screen appears. Reytry or ignore does not help. Has anyone else has this problem? I just purchased the bluray ripper and 3d bluray ripper from dvdfab hoping to convert my bluray movies to mkv format. I also have the same problem with Captain America. It stops at 19.5%. HELP ANYONE?????
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Thor bluray and bluray 3d won't rip
I have the latest DVDfab installed. The blu-ray disc's both the 3d version and non 3d are brand new. The same for Captain America. I even bought an external blu-ray drive to trouble shoot. Connected on a different PC to see if it would help. Tried to do a clone copy to the hard disk with HD Decrypter. Still the read errors every-time. It seems quite unlikely that all four blu-ray disc's are defective and both my blu-ray drives on two different computers are the problem. The only common element is DVDFab. Please post a reply if anyone has had success ripping the Blu-Ray version either 3d or non 3d of Thor or Captain America. Thanks
You say you are using HD Decrypter which is the free version which I would expect troubles with and also say you have purchased modules.
Which is correct and have you checked your registration is active? Help (?), About!!"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."- Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
Thor and Captain America bluray and bluray 3d won't rip
I am new to DVDfab. But I am building and maintaining PC,s since 1994. I purchased the Lifetime 3d Blu-Ray Ripper version about 3 weeks ago. A week later I ended having to buy Dvdfab Blu-ray Ripper At that time the version was The reason for buying DVDfab was to backup my Blu-Rays to Mkv format so that i could watch the film with out all the previews and of course conserve my originals.The first Blu-Ray I ripped was my copy of Avengers 3d with no problem, left everthing at default settings. Then I tried to rip Thor 3d and Captain America with no sucess. Evertime it gave me read errors ,Thor at 19.5% and Captain America at 7.8%. I updated to as soon as it was available thinking this was the problem. No success same read errors. Tried no Cuda software only, tried to clone the Blu-Ray to the Hard Disk with free Hd Decrypter all with no success. I even downloaded the Beta Dvdfab 9 still the same problem. I suspected my 3 d Blu-Disc's were defective. I then tried to rip the non 3d Blu-Ray versions of Thor and Captain America. Same results. I think DVDfab is the problem. Pleaser read my other posts. Give me some feedback..Thanks... Fred
Thor and Captain America bluray and bluray 3d won't rip
When i selected ignore read errors automatically ,Dvdfab hangs for hours and still does not rip the bluray any further. I have no choice but to press cancel and finish which closes Dvdfab. I spent the last few days trying to Rip Thor and Captain America. Has anybody succeeded ripping the Blu-ray or Blu-ray 3D version of THOR or Captain America????????? Please post a Reply.....Thanks... Fred
It must be a bad disc, with manufacturing defect. Take this disc back to counters for exchange.
To check if it is a bad disc, download VSO Inspector found here
Editing software, video burning, DVD, Bluray, WebM,... and video downloading from the internet. Custom your own videos menu!
Put the movie in your drive and start playing the movie with a soft player, as the movie itself is playing pause it, but do not exit out of the player.
Start VSO Inspector and scan the disc, if it shows any errors then the disc is bad.
Hi coolgsd
If you are having problems please post your internal log.
CBR929Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.
Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together
Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum
Originally posted by coolgsd View PostNot bad disk. DVDFAb is unable to decrypt Thor, Hunger Games, Captain America and probably more. Hopefully a fix is coming because Blu-ray disks are too expensive and too delicate to use everyday. Need a backup!
- Can't find how to edit this so...
*Converting Avengers 3D in side by side 50% frame completes with no problems. Unfortunately the subs have a slight blinking that is eye straining, so I tried to convert into 100% frame to hopefully eliminate this. Unfortunately the before mentioned crash occurs.