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Enlarger AI does not close

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    Enlarger AI does not close

    ID: 10347301

    I am trying to convert a 480p DVD to 1080p. Everything converts nicely until the end. Tasks shows 100% complete, but does not close. ISO file not written to destination. This DVD is a burn of a personal video made. It plays and everything. Enlarger AI thinks it is a commercial DVD and tries to get TMDB information. NOTE: The process continues for 10 hours after these entries and converts, but won't close.

    19:24:33:441 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,9,4 - Tue Oct 27 15:24:33 2020

    19:24:33:444 info: GetOsVer: Operating System Version (10.0) Build is 19041
    19:24:33:494 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
    19:24:33:501 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1
    19:24:33:508 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
    19:24:33:546 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - - 6.1 memory-(8)G
    19:24:33:764 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: device_count - 1 - cuda_api_version = 11000 -
    19:24:33:767 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: bTCC - 0 - computeMode = 0 -
    19:24:33:777 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: major = 6, minor = 1, clockRate = 1847500, 20
    19:24:33:781 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: deviceName - GeForce GTX 1080 - benchmark divided by 10000 = 472960 -
    19:24:33:795 info: DetectVideoCard_CUDA: bestCudaDetectInfo 1,0,472960,6,1,2560,GeForce GTX 1080, os 18
    19:24:33:801 info: DetectVideoCard_CUDA: LoadNVENCEncodeDll OK
    19:24:33:808 info: fab_check::check_cuda: cudaStatus = 0 , modeType = 504 , devCap = 1
    19:24:33:811 info: fab_check::check_cuda: AcquireWriteBlock OK.
    19:24:33:814 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 506e3, 6, 5e, platform = 8
    19:24:33:818 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
    19:24:33:826 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 0 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1, Minor = 0, PlatForm = 8
    19:24:33:831 info: main: end

    15:21:10 info: log level changed to 0
    15:21:12 info: tcpserver: is stop.
    15:24:32 info: log level changed to 0
    15:24:38 info: tcpserver: is stop.
    15:24:38 info: tcpserver: Successfully initialized
    15:24:38 info: tcpserver: is start.
    15:24:38 info: tcpserver: RecvThread is start.
    15:24:38 info: tcpserver: WorkThread is start.
    15:24:49 info: previous line repeats 4 times.
    15:24:49 notice: DiscID:3054212614581066111.
    15:24:50 warning: Get disc description error!
    15:24:52 info: CFileScraper::ScraperMovie: scraper file[]
    15:24:52 notice: CVideoScraperTmdb::ScraperMovie: scraper by file[]
    15:24:52 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
    15:24:52 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter is incorrect.
    15:24:52 debug: Dll was not found in path
    15:24:52 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
    15:24:52 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter is incorrect.
    15:24:52 debug: Dll was not found in path
    15:24:52 notice: strHtml:{"page":1,"total_results":3,"total_pages": 1,"results":[{"popularity":0.6,"id":549529,"video":true,"vot e_c ount":0,"vote_average":0,"title":"Wang Leehom 2008 MUSIC-MAN World Tour","release_date":"2010-02-17","original_language":"zh","original_title":"W an g Leehom 2008 MUSIC-MAN World Tour","genre_ids":[10402],"backdrop_path":null,"adult":false,"overview": "", "poster_path":"\/ghgMwVltN9EMQjxMe0NnHh8gqgX.jpg"},{"popularity":0. 806,"id":618453,"video":true,"vote_count":0,"vote_ average":0,"title":"Wang Leehom 2008 Sony Ericsson MUSIC-MAN World Tour","release_date":"2010-02-11","original_language":"en","original_title":"W an g Leehom 2008 Sony Ericsson MUSIC-MAN World Tour","genre_ids":[],"backdrop_path":null,"adult":false,"overview": "Wi th his trailblazing music, Leehom performs super-heroics as the guitar-toting Music-Man! The Taiwan pop king's Music-Man World Tour took off at the Taipei Arena in September 2008, and subsequently conquered fans in China, Southeast Asia, and the United States. Now, Music-Man's faithful followers can relive the experience anytime with this highly anticipated live recording. Filmed in Full HD, the Blu-ray set contains 150 minutes of concert performances with over 30 songs (including hits from Leehom's latest album Heart Beat), as well as 40 minutes of behind-the-scenes footage.","poster_path":"\/g6jiA9EK04lscubYQ5RtjlXp1Lv.jpg"},{"popularity":0. 6,"id":326227,"video":false,"vote_count":0,"vote _a verage":0,"title":"Music-Mania","release_date":"1910-01-01","original_language":"fr","original_title":"L a musicomanie","genre_ids":[35,16],"backdrop_path":null,"adult":false,"overview": "A bizarre musical couple falls asleep after an insane performance, and dreams about musical instruments.","poster_path":null}]}
    15:24:52 debug: tmdbutils: search[MUSICMAN|], get result[(2010-02-17|Wang Leehom 2008 MUSIC-MAN World Tour),] from list[(2010-02-17|Wang Leehom 2008 MUSIC-MAN World Tour),(2010-02-11|Wang Leehom 2008 Sony Ericsson MUSIC-MAN World Tour),(1910-01-01|Music-Mania),]
    15:24:52 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
    15:24:52 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter is incorrect.
    15:24:52 debug: Dll was not found in path
    15:24:52 notice: strHtml:{"id":549529,"cast":[{"cast_id":0,"character":"Singer","credit_id":" 5ba 47e509251412df000ba42","gender":2,"id":134184,"nam e":"Leehom Wang","order":1,"profile_path":"/91T5AcwwRNsiaM8xzsMAQDlNPqk.jpg"}],"crew":[]}
    15:24:52 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
    15:24:52 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter is incorrect.
    15:24:52 debug: Dll was not found in path
    15:24:53 notice: strHtml:{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":null,"belon gs_to_collection":null,"budget":0,"genres":[{"id":10402,"name":"Music"}],"homepage":null,"id":549529,"imdb_id":null,"or igi nal_language":"zh","original_title":"Wang Leehom 2008 MUSIC-MAN World Tour","overview":"","popularity":0.6,"poster_path" :"/ghgMwVltN9EMQjxMe0NnHh8gqgX.jpg","production_compa nies":[],"production_countries":[{"iso_3166_1":"CN","name":"China"}],"release_date":"2010-02-17","revenue":0,"runtime":null,"spoken_languages ":[{"iso_639_1":"zh","name":"普通话"}],"status":"Released","tagline":"","title":"Wang Leehom 2008 MUSIC-MAN World Tour","video":true,"vote_average":0.0,"vote_count" :0,"releases":{"countries":[{"certification":"","iso_3166_1":"CN","primary" :fa lse,"release_date":"2010-02-17"}]}}
    15:24:53 notice: CVideoScraperTmdb::ScraperMovie: finsihed[successed], duration[356ms]
    15:24:53 notice: CFileScraper::ScraperMovieByTMDB: scraping by tmdb, result[successed]
    15:24:53 info: fileScraper: scraper end, duration[356ms]
    15:25:05 debug: vidon result: <html>
    <head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
    <body bgcolor="white">
    <center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
    Last edited by tklevar; 10-28-2020, 04:30 PM.