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unable to download playlist from Youtube Premium

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    unable to download playlist from Youtube Premium

    Kobra Kai season 1 and 2

    using most recent version of downloader

    log file
    -------------------------1300 DVDFab Downloader C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab Downloader\DVDFab Downloader.exe /install /add_plan Begin 2020-03-14----------------------------
    1300 14:33:30 Info: app info: compiled time Mar 6 2020 20:36:49, nOpenGLMode=0
    1300 14:33:30 Info: install: set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Chromium\NativeMessagingHosts\com.dvdfab. downloader "C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab Downloader/com.dvdfab.downloader.json" ret 0
    1300 14:33:30 Warning: QFile::remove: Empty or null file name

    -------------------------11628 DVDFab Downloader --installmode Begin 2020-03-14----------------------------
    11628 14:33:33 Info: app info: compiled time Mar 6 2020 20:36:49, nOpenGLMode=0
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:33 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to LoadDateStatusWidget "widgetLoading", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: Qt WebEngine ICU data not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017/resources. Trying parent directory...
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: Qt WebEngine ICU data not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017. Trying application directory...
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017/translations\qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017/resources. Trying parent directory...
    11628 14:33:33 Warning: Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017. Trying application directory...
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to LoadDateStatusWidget "widgetLoading", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: PlayerBar(0x10295390, name="widgetBottom") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:34 Warning: PlayerBar(0x10295390, name="widgetBottom") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: play back error: 10000
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: PlayerBar(0x10295390, name="widgetBottom") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: PlayerBar(0x10295390, name="widgetBottom") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: PlayerBar(0x102bf2f8, name="m_pWidgetPlaybar") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:35 Warning: PlayerBar(0x10295390, name="widgetBottom") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:36 Log: Serial number is: 9c-b6-d0-c1-43-0d:b8-85-84-b2-2a-6e
    11628 14:33:36 Log: Connect type is: 0
    11628 14:33:36 Info: [Web service] update flag: Auto
    11628 14:33:36 Info: start update: Success
    11628 14:33:36 Info: streamdata: ServerSyncer load nSyncTimeWithServer= 1584157138
    11628 14:33:36 Info: ServerSyncer: load oplist size= 0 eOpList: ""
    11628 14:33:36 Warning: PlayerBar(0x102bf2f8, name="m_pWidgetPlaybar") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
    11628 14:33:36 Info: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
    11628 14:33:36 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_WaitDownload"
    11628 14:33:36 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_WaitDownload"
    11628 14:33:36 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_WaitDownload"
    11628 14:33:36 Log: f8f158148a5a06ec259b6e7f01c1e254-7fe8cd0b60b21c2bbd0a1c3c26a434b6-aa716d64a7507eb08bf5c3050ecb3fde-1d85fc9884dbbd91b5302dd6bf905883-e67a8ef80c685fbc7173f69775e660c4
    11628 14:33:39 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_Pause"
    11628 14:33:39 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_Pause"
    11628 14:33:39 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_Pause"
    11628 14:33:40 Log: Times of connecting server is: 0
    11628 14:33:40 Log: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
    11628 14:33:40 Info: ServerSyncer: push_back op 2
    11628 14:33:40 Info: ServerSyncer: push_back op 7
    11628 14:33:40 Info: syncserver: sync_op: CreatePlaylist "my_Favourite"
    11628 14:33:43 Info: syncserver: sync_op: 2 finish success
    11628 14:33:43 Info: syncserver: success 2
    11628 14:33:43 Info: syncserver: sync_op: PullPlaylist
    11628 14:33:43 Info: MediaLibraryUpdater: SyncFromNet Start "ESyncFromNetType_Playlist" "{"ePlayListType":0,"strId":""}"
    11628 14:33:43 Info: syncserver: sync_op: 7 finish success
    11628 14:33:43 Info: syncserver: success 7
    11628 14:33:43 Info: syncserver: pullPlaylist 7 play_list ("Like Songs")
    11628 14:33:43 Info: MediaLibraryUpdater: SyncFromNet End "ESyncFromNetType_Playlist" "{"ePlayListType":0,"strId":""}" true
    11628 14:33:46 Warning: Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports is deprecated. Please refer to for possible migration paths.
    11628 14:33:47 Critical: Refused to display ' hl=en& nin%3Faction_handle_signin%3Dtrue%26feature%3Dpass ive%26app%3Ddesktop%26hl%3Den%26next%3D%252Fsignin _passive' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.
    11628 14:33:51 Warning: The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    11628 14:34:36 Warning: Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports is deprecated. Please refer to for possible migration paths.
    11628 14:34:40 Warning: The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    11628 14:34:45 Info: WebSiteView: url changed for operateBar: QUrl("")
    11628 14:34:50 Info: WebSiteView: url changed for operateBar: QUrl("")
    11628 14:34:59 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Analyze start ""
    11628 14:35:03 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Analyze result true ""
    11628 14:35:03 Info: ThumbnailUpdater: playlist true "Cobra Kai : Season 2"
    11628 14:35:06 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_Deleted"
    11628 14:35:07 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_WaitDownload"
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFMTogIk1lcmN5IFBhcnQgSUnigJ0=" as file name "S2E1: "Mercy Part II”"
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFMjog4oCcQmFjayBpbiBCbGFja+KAnQ==" as file name "S2E2: “Back in Black”"
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFMzog4oCcRmlyZSBhbmQgSWNl4oCd" as file name "S2E3: “Fire and Ice”"
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFNDog4oCcVGhlIE1vbWVudCBvZiBUcnV0aOKAnQ==" as file name "S2E4: “The Moment of Truth”"
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFNTog4oCcQWxsIElu4oCd" as file name "S2E5: “All In”"
    11628 14:35:08 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:08 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 1
    11628 14:35:09 Info: DownloadManager: DownloadPlaylistStatusChanged "EMediaDownStatus_Downloading"
    11628 14:35:10 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5
    11628 14:35:11 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:11 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:11 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:11 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:11 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:11 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:12 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFNjog4oCcVGFrZSBhIFJpZ2h04oCd" as file name "S2E6: “Take a Right”"
    11628 14:35:12 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:12 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFNzog4oCcTHVsbOKAnQ==" as file name "S2E7: “Lull”"
    11628 14:35:12 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:12 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:12 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:12 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:13 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:13 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:13 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:13 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFODog4oCcR2xvcnkgb2YgTG92ZeKAnQ==" as file name "S2E8: “Glory of Love”"
    11628 14:35:13 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:13 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFOTog4oCcUHVscG#igJ0=" as file name "S2E9: “Pulpo”"
    11628 14:35:13 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:17 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:17 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:17 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:18 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:18 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:18 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:18 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:18 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:18 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:18 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "UzJFMTA6IOKAnE5vIE1lcmN54oCd" as file name "S2E10: “No Mercy”"
    11628 14:35:18 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start "" "" "" vip_speed= true
    11628 14:35:19 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:19 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:19 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    11628 14:35:23 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out "ERROR: This video is unavailable.\n" "" ""
    11628 14:35:23 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result false "" ""
    11628 14:35:23 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "" ""

    Hi, DVDFab Downloader doesn't support to download paid contents from sites (like Youtube Premium) that require to log in.


      Well, theres your next project then.

      Perhaps you could also put that on the ad page for Downloader, as it curently states it works with "Youtube"; there is no mention it is not compatible with Youtube Premium.

