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DVDFab DRM Downloader v3.0.1.1 Disney+ Solo A Star Wars Story

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    DVDFab DRM Downloader v3.0.1.1 Disney+ Solo A Star Wars Story

    Will not download Solo A Star Wars Story - freezes for a period and then comes back in 30 seconds or so stating downloaded. When trying any further times within same session get the Disney+ Error code 41 basically movie not available. Numerous other movies on Disney+ flat out wont download various reasons saw this with as well. I did manage to download Togo after several attempts. This software is far from ready has too many problems at least with Disney+. I have been able to successfully download several movies from Amazon.

    We will try to duplicate it first. Please post the drmDownloader log file as well, thanks.


      Did a clean run for Solo A Star Wars Story on Disney+ just see spinning circle on web browser and download never begins, after awhile I end up having to cancel the download. See attached logs. drmDownloader.log DVDFab_Downloader.log


        Originally posted by dgunnell View Post
        Did a clean run for Solo A Star Wars Story on Disney+ just see spinning circle on web browser and download never begins, after awhile I end up having to cancel the download. See attached logs. [ATTACH]n389916[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]n389917[/ATTACH]
        Please update to v3012 to try again and feedback, thanks.


          Still same behavior after several attempts it finally started to record then froze after 15 seconds later on Disney+ came back with error code 83. This was recording at normal speed. Logs attached
          Attached Files

