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Bonus Content on Prime?

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    Bonus Content on Prime?

    Some TV shows on Prime have bonus content that can be purchased in addition to the episodes . Unfortunately, when navigating to the show, the scanner only picks up the main episodes and doesn't make the bonus content available for download. Is this something that could be addressed?


    I don't know about tv shows, but for some of the movies I purchased that had bonus content, it downloaded the bonus content as part of the download. So when I play the movie, after the movie is the bonus content. Could that possibly be happening with tv shows? maybe after the final episode?


      Yes, I also have some movies that include the bonus content as part of the main video. However, in the case I am referring to, the bonus content is in other distinct videos not part of the episode.

      Specifically, I am dealing with Doctor Who: Shada. There is one episode, plus 6 separate bonus videos. After downloading the main episode, I confirmed that the bonus content is not part of it.

