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QCEF... Here we go again...

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    QCEF... Here we go again...

    QCEF is not running properly or shutting down as expected. It's unnecessarily eating up so much ram and causing my computer hard drive to spin non-stop. I end up with a useless computer because it's not responsive. I have to go in and manually kill the process which usually takes a good few minutes to do since the computer hangs so badly from that file being opened up and left running. It is not closing when streamfab is closed. I am seeing that after streamfab crashes and then restarts there have been MULTIPLE instances of qcef running in the task manager. This screenshot is from using HBOMax only.

    EDIT: Well I can't upload the screenshot or the log file because I get this error on your website while trying to upload attachments:

    Upload failed due to your usergroup's upload quota. This file will require 48.7 KB but you only have 15.5 KB of 9.77 MB remaining

    Please send those files and the screenshot to my email account, thank you.


      Sent. Thank you Mona!


        I have had the same problem with Qcef.exe running either after an update or after a download fail and after shutting the Streamfab program off. I eats away at memory progressively slowing the computer down to a crawl. I made a batch file that checks if Streamfab64.exe is running and if not kills kills the task Qcef.exe. I run the Bat file using task scheduler every two hours as hidden. I have included the file as a .txt file. Change the extension to .bat and set up a task in Task scheduler. Works great. Enjoy
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by Pastordl View Post
          I have had the same problem with Qcef.exe running either after an update or after a download fail and after shutting the Streamfab program off. I eats away at memory progressively slowing the computer down to a crawl. I made a batch file that checks if Streamfab64.exe is running and if not kills kills the task Qcef.exe. I run the Bat file using task scheduler every two hours as hidden. I have included the file as a .txt file. Change the extension to .bat and set up a task in Task scheduler. Works great. Enjoy
          I'm getting the off and on QCEF.exe problem again. Is there any chance you can list out your batch file as text in a message. I'm unable to download any Attached Files due to a restriction that Fengtao can't figure out. I'm locked out of reading StreamFab.log files, as well, which is annoying if I want to help someone.
          Last edited by Cats4U; 02-09-2023, 10:32 AM. Reason: typo


            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

            I'm getting the off and on QCEF.exe problem again. Is there any chance you can list out your batch file as text in a message. I'm unable to download any Attached Files due to a restriction that Fengtao can't figure out. I'm locked out of reading StreamFab.log files, as well, which is annoying if I want to help someone.
            Here you go Cats4U and for anyone else unable to view Pastordl Kill Qcef if no Streamfab64.txt to run

            :: For testing if Streamfab is running, if not kill Qcef
            Echo off
            Set "MyProcess=streamfab64.exe"
            echo "%MyProcess%"
            tasklist /NH /FI "imagename eq %MyProcess%" 2>nul |find /i "%MyProcess%" >nul
            If not errorlevel 1 (
            Echo "%MyProcess%" is running
            :: pause
            goto quit
            ) else (
            echo "%MyProcess%" is not running
            Echo Killing Qcef.exe
            taskkill /IM "QCef.exe" /F
            TIMEOUT /T 6
            :: pause


              Thank you so much. It looks a lot like some of the other "Is the process running" bats I've seen after doing a Google search for that. I haven't done a side by side comparison yet. None that I saw had the taskkill component in them though.
              I run a program called Process Lasso that has a taskbar display. When I see the CPU staying real high, I know that QCEF is the cause. I know the logs say that StreamFab tries to shut down QCEF.exe at the end of the run but the Developer needs to test that it is done. This has been going on, off and on, for as long as I've been using SF, about a year and a half.


                Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                Thank you so much. It looks a lot like some of the other "Is the process running" bats I've seen after doing a Google search for that. I haven't done a side by side comparison yet. None that I saw had the taskkill component in them though.
                I run a program called Process Lasso that has a taskbar display. When I see the CPU staying real high, I know that QCEF is the cause. I know the logs say that StreamFab tries to shut down QCEF.exe at the end of the run but the Developer needs to test that it is done. This has been going on, off and on, for as long as I've been using SF, about a year and a half.
                I agree that Streamfab tries to shut down Qcef and sometimes fails. This may be due to the fact that several Qcef's are running during the operation of StreamFab. It is also clear that QCEF.EXE itself needs work in that if not being used by Streamfab it starts growing in size which is a clear sign of a memory leak problem. Both problems, the Streamfab not completely shutting down QCEF.EXE and QCEF.EXE's memory leak need to be addressed by the developers. I have been a developer in the past as well as a beta tester for several companies programs on Windows and Android. This is why I developed the Qcef kill batch file and included the "taskkill" function. It basically checks that Streamfab is not operating, then if it is not operating, "Kills" all running "QCEF.EXE" processes. It is a workaround that deals with the the two faults. Unfortunately it does not correct the root cause of the problem.

                Mona: You might consider sending this info to the developers as it might help point them to the root cause of this problem. The info is of the type that I have sent to developers that I was beta testing for. Nine times out of ten it helped them to locate and fix the problem. Thank you.
                Last edited by Pastordl; 02-13-2023, 04:18 PM.


                  Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

                  Here you go Cats4U and for anyone else unable to view Pastordl Kill Qcef if no Streamfab64.txt to run

                  :: For testing if Streamfab is running, if not kill Qcef
                  Echo off
                  Set "MyProcess=streamfab64.exe"
                  echo "%MyProcess%"
                  tasklist /NH /FI "imagename eq %MyProcess%" 2>nul |find /i "%MyProcess%" >nul
                  If not errorlevel 1 (
                  Echo "%MyProcess%" is running
                  :: pause
                  goto quit
                  ) else (
                  echo "%MyProcess%" is not running
                  Echo Killing Qcef.exe
                  taskkill /IM "QCef.exe" /F
                  TIMEOUT /T 6
                  :: pause
                  Thank you "Down2Earth" for listing this for "Cats4u" I've been out of the loop for over a month so missed the Email notice on Cat4u's request. Will try to remember to include a Text list of the file within the message as well as an attachment. I had originally tried to attach the actual .Bat file but the Forums system will not allow .Bat files to be uploaded. This would not have helped Cats4U but would have simplified the process of using it.


                    Originally posted by Pastordl View Post

                    Thank you "Down2Earth" for listing this for "Cats4u" I've been out of the loop for over a month so missed the Email notice on Cat4u's request. Will try to remember to include a Text list of the file within the message as well as an attachment. I had originally tried to attach the actual .Bat file but the Forums system will not allow .Bat files to be uploaded. This would not have helped Cats4U but would have simplified the process of using it.
                    Not a problem as you noted in your pervious post to CATS4U, this has been an ongoing issue with QCEF.exe not closing all the time because it sometimes has 4 and 5 running in Task Manger at the same time, not sure why. Sometimes it will close all of them when you close out StreamFab, sometimes NOT!

                    My anti-virus program monthly report always indicates a memory leak with Microsoft Edge which is my main browser that I use with StreamFab but I know that it is the QCEF.exe program running in the background as you have noted that is the memory leak problem. And thanks for sharing your 'QCEF kill batch file"' text script. This can be fixed and should be......I think this might be an overlooked issue in relation to some using Microsoft Edge not closing all the way and always running in the background even after you close it. Looks like a combination of the two evils....
                    Last edited by Down2Earth; 02-13-2023, 09:23 PM.


                      Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

                      Not a problem as you noted in your pervious post to CATS4U, this has been an ongoing issue with QCEF.exe not closing all the time because it sometimes has 4 and 5 running in Task Manger at the same time, not sure why. Sometimes it will close all of them when you close out StreamFab, sometimes NOT!

                      My anti-virus program monthly report always indicates a memory leak with Microsoft Edge which is my main browser that I use with StreamFab but I know that it is the QCEF.exe program running in the background as you have noted that is the memory leak problem. And thanks for sharing your 'QCEF kill batch file"' text script. This can be fixed and should be......I think this might be an overlooked issue in relation to some using Microsoft Edge not closing all the way and always running in the background even after you close it. Looks like a combination of the two evils....
                      I use Firefox or the built in browser with stream fab and either way I get the occasional left open leaky Qcef.exe problem.


                        Originally posted by Pastordl View Post

                        I use Firefox or the built in browser with stream fab and either way I get the occasional left open leaky Qcef.exe problem.
                        QCEF.exe is the only browser with SF. Edge, Chrome, or Firefox have nothing directly to do with SF. Unless I am misunderstanding what you mean by "use". As I've explained before, many times, QCEF is a QT5 binding of CEF, which is Chromium Embedded Framework. CEF is a scaled back browser/display component that is used by third-party programs. I have at least 3 other programs that use CEF as its built-in browser. For the most part it behaves similar to Chromium on which MS Edge, Chrome, and Firefox are all based. The current version of CEF in SF appears to be based on Chromium version 102 code whereas the forementioned browsers are currently based on Chromium versions 109 and 110. In my search for a newer pre-built version of QCEF (for experimental purposes) I came to find that my Google and etc. searches seemed to only turn up versions of QCEF from China. Don't know why that was but it in essence locked me out language-wise. I've seen CEF bound with Python, CSharp, etc. worldwide but QCEF seems to be a Chinese thing. I'm not a programmer so I might just be talking out my ass from lack of knowledge.

                        Anyway, thank you for your script, Pastordi. I have incorporated it into an automation system I use. I ran a test on it and it does the job. I don't currently have it enabled to run as a scheduled event but will soon after I clean up a few things that I left hanging.
                        Last edited by Cats4U; 02-14-2023, 08:37 AM. Reason: typos


                          The current version of CEF in SF appears to be based on Chromium version 102 code whereas the forementioned browsers are currently based on Chromium versions 109 and 110.
                          Just a small update to what I wrote - I checked the User Agent listing today for StreamFab and CEF is now based on Chromium version 107 and the forementioned browsers are all 110 now.

                          User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

                          A real good website that explains about User Agents and tells you what your browser has as a User Agent:
                          Read beyond the first page. Some of it is fascinating especially the developer stuff about the new ways besides User Agent that they are able to figure out what browser you are using. It is possible that this might be the reason behind StreamFab sometimes being rejected by streaming sites.
                          In any event, I still really wish the developers of SF would add a built-in User Agent switcher or better yet allow the use of standard Chrome extensions so that we could use a third-party UA switcher plus any number of other Chrome extensions such as a password manager.

