
No announcement yet. Cannot download anything from Amazon

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new posts Cannot download anything from Amazon

    Any advice on this? Just bought a new channel on prime day and I'd like to download from it, I cannot download anything from amazon prime video at all. They just get stuck analyzing then fail. I've attached the log, just wondering if anyone else is having these issues currently.
    Attached Files

    noticed that Analyzing in general is very slow all the sudden.


      just wondering if anyone else is having these issues currently.
      I can honestly say that I have not seen that. I've gotten a few things the past few days from the channels I get from Amazon. I've also been waiting for a certain new episode that should have appeared on Thursday on the Britbox Channel but hasn't. I've gone back and ran a check on it every few hours since then and have not noticed anything unusual otherwise. The worst part is that it is available at the actual website but subscribing through Amazon doesn't give me access to it. I've got a ticket in on it.

      What Channel are you having trouble with? If I have it, I'll give it a try for you or I'm sure someone else will, if I don't.


        Originally posted by GW2 View Post
        Any advice on this? Just bought a new channel on prime day and I'd like to download from it, I cannot download anything from amazon prime video at all. They just get stuck analyzing then fail. I've attached the log, just wondering if anyone else is having these issues currently.
        I'm currently downloading with the Amazon module and I'm not having any issues on my end. I'm also still running Are you trying to download with the module or the DRM downloader?


          I'm not having any issues with Prime and Did you update to by using the "update" pop up? or did you use the offline installer?

          Whenever I have an issue, the first thing I try is using the Offline Installer I just download it, and run it right over top of my existing install, clear my StreamFab log folder, reboot my PC and try again.


            I bought AMC+, Discovery, Paramount+ and PBS Documentaries on Prime Day. No problems downloading on any of them. I'm on


              Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
              I'm not having any issues with Prime and Did you update to by using the "update" pop up? or did you use the offline installer?

              Whenever I have an issue, the first thing I try is using the Offline Installer I just download it, and run it right over top of my existing install, clear my StreamFab log folder, reboot my PC and try again.
              This fixed it for me, Never thought to do that. Thanks.


                They need to either actually fix that Live Updater or get rid of it completely. It is causing far too many problems. My vote would be to get rid of it or change it to provide notice that there is a new update and direct you to the offline versions and tell you to download one.


                  Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                  They need to either actually fix that Live Updater or get rid of it completely. It is causing far too many problems. My vote would be to get rid of it or change it to provide notice that there is a new update and direct you to the offline versions and tell you to download one.
                  Totally agree.

                  It's getting ridiculous that you have to install from the offline version to make sure everything's ok.

                  I quit doing the in-program update a while back due problems I encountered and others reports.

