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StreamFab Paramount+ Problem: Is This Looping?

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    StreamFab Paramount+ Problem: Is This Looping?

    I don't know if this is the looping error that people are referring to, but 11 Minutes, episode 1 starts repeating a small segment several times at about 44:22. I haven't checked the other episodes yet.

    I haven't checked but if "11 Minutes" is an hour long episode then 44:22 should be right around the time you would see the 4 times loop and then the video should continue on. All Paramount+ TV Shows that has commercials if you watch it on a regular browser will show the looping right after the time of when the last commercial would have been. All Paramount+ movies (and possibly all TV Shows without commercials) will loop right after the start of the video.


      Thanks. The episode is 52:19 in length, so about an hour. Viewing the recorded version copied by StreamFab, the loop does occur 4 times, and it is right after a brief black screen, which must have been where a commercial had been. So this must the looping problem, as you described, and others have posted about.

      But when I watch the same episode from their website, using Chrome in Windows 10, and go to 44:00 and start watching, it doesn't loop at 44:22 - it plays like it should. I think you said it will loop in a regular browser? Or did I misunderstand?

      If it is any help to the developers, the log file is attached.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by dalemccl; 10-31-2022, 11:06 PM.


        Looking back on what I wrote I definitely worded it strangely so I'm not surprised that you misunderstood. It will not loop in a regular browser. What I was trying to say was that if you look at the video on a regular browser and make note of the time of the last commercial denoted by the marks on the browser player timeline that indicate where the commercials will be. Go to that time when you play the downloaded video on whatever media player you use. Perhaps only a few seconds after that, the looping will begin. I hope I made that clearer but I fear I didn't.


          That made it clear. Thanks. I will watch for an update when the developers are able to fix the problem. But you clarified for me that what I was seeing is what posters here are referring to as the "looping" problem. I wasn't sure when I made the original post above..


            We duplicated the loop problem with the v6000, sorry for that. The developer will check as soon as possible.


              Originally posted by Mona View Post
              We duplicated the loop problem with the v6000, sorry for that. The developer will check as soon as possible.
              Fixed in, both the loop at the start of movies and the loop right after the final commercial for TV shows. Thank you.
              Based on 5 hours of testing today, all of the major streamers that I use are working perfectly to my satisfaction now. That does not mean that every download is at 8k, it means I can live with the results I'm getting. Give me either 720p or 1080p with stereo audio (the physical dimensions of my rooms are not conducive to setting up multichannel) without the need for subtitles (since I speak English and have no interest in foreign videos), with no commercials and no audio or video glitches (such as looping) and I am very happy.


                I have verified that The loop in "11 Minutes", Episode 1 at 44:22 that I reported above is fixed in Thanks to the DVDFab staff for the fix.

