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Can't uninstall - hiding running services

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    StreamFab for Windows Can't uninstall - hiding running services

    I would like to know why you have sneakily created a service to run in the background of my computer at all times, despite showing nothing running in Task Manager, that would prevent me from uninstalling your program (which I was going to reinstall) but am now having second thoughts. Your application repeatedly asks for and attempts to run the latest update, but it consistently fails. When I attempted to uninstall from my Apps, it keeps telling me "Uninstall has detected that StreamFab is currently running. Please close all instances of it now, then click OK to continue or Cancel to exit". Why are you attempting to 1. hide permanently running programs on my computer after I have closed them as far as I am made out to know, and 2. prevent me from uninstalling programs on my own computer that you have zero rights to permanently have access to despite my attempts to forcibly remove you.

    This is far from my first deceptive practice with you. For certain versions, and users, you advertised that all future sites would be free. NOT all non adult sites, but all sites. Turns out that you're hiding things from users now, claiming they 'meant all non adult sites'​. You continually advertise 4k, but I haven't been able to download a 4k video in months. Many times I'm even restricted to 240-480p downloads despite other applications having zero issues. I will not be recommending you for years until you have proven yourself worthy of your customers trust again. Thanks for the trash I'll be removing with a full reinstall of your most likely illegally practicing software application development.

    Oh, Jeez, another conspiracy hawker. Start reading the forum. Most, if not all, of your issues have been explained in the past.

    Start off by terminating QCef.exe using your Task Manager. That will solve your uninstallable running program. QCef is the browser portion (hardly hidden) of StreamFab which on rare occasions gets stuck running if StreamFab has been improperly shutdown.

    Your application repeatedly asks for and attempts to run the latest update, but it consistently fails.
    As has been discussed here a gazillion times, NEVER, EVER, use the online updater. It fails in some way, a good percentage of the time. This has been known for years. Only use the offline updater, easily found in the "sticky" section at the top of this forum.

    Unless you were one of the few who purchased the DRM Video Downloader All-In-One (early version of StreamFab) prior to March 10, 2021, that was the deal. You got all future non-adult modules for free. If you purchased after that date, you had to pay for any released adult and non-adult modules after that. It is all documented in this forum as it happened. If you did not take advantage of that early deal, then that has nothing to do with you.

    As for resolution problems, StreamFab can only download what is made available to it by the streamers. Give specifics and we'll go over what is available by individual streamers and/or production companies.

    By the way, nobody gives a shit what you recommend or don't. Of course, it is "most likely illegally practicing software application development". That's why you bought it (or obtained a crack). If the streamers offered a true unhindered download feature, you wouldn't have gone looking for such a program. So, in that regard, you are just as culpable by being part of the conspiracy.


      It is likely QCef.exe. Kill that process and you should be able to proceed. Agreed some of the coding is sub par and often problematic but it is not a communist plot to take over your PC. Take the tinfoil hat off, you're safe so long as the aliens are busy probing someone else and the government only listens to your thoughts when you're on the toilet.

      Originally posted by SliptDisk View Post
      I have been working in IT since I was 15.
      If this is true and you're more than 16 years old you should know by now how to find and kill a hung process. I was also in IT for 35+ years and am retired therefore I no longer offer "end user" support so if you don't know how you're on your own. Had you come asking questions instead of going off the rails and throwing wild punches at the very people that would have helped you you might have been met with a helping hand. People such as Cats4U have continuously bent over backwards to help members, myself included.

      As far as the update nagging there is a very simple solution. Make sure SF (and it's processes) is/are not running and rename StreamUpdate.exe in the install directory to StreamUpdate.exe.NOPE and no more nags. I have seen SF notify of an update at logon but renaming the file stops that also. If you know how to you can start Task Manager, click Startup Apps and disable StreamUpdate there.

      Using the built in updater is a little like sex with a hooker. You have no idea what's already there.

      Contrary to popular belief these forums are NOT StreamFab, simply housed here. Everyone here is a customer and it's only on a blue moon you'll see SF staff posting anything other than version updates. Everyone posting here and helping each other is doing so of their own volition. If I didn't take the source into account all this "you this" and "you that" shit would piss me off.
      Win11 Pro 22H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.


        Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
        1 - Oh, Jeez, another conspiracy hawker. Start reading the forum. Most, if not all, of your issues have been explained in the past.

        2 - Start off by terminating QCef.exe using your Task Manager. That will solve your uninstallable running program. QCef is the browser portion (hardly hidden) of StreamFab which on rare occasions gets stuck running if StreamFab has been improperly shutdown.

        3 - As has been discussed here a gazillion times, NEVER, EVER, use the online updater. It fails in some way, a good percentage of the time. This has been known for years. Only use the offline updater, easily found in the "sticky" section at the top of this forum.

        4 - Unless you were one of the few who purchased the DRM Video Downloader All-In-One (early version of StreamFab) prior to March 10, 2021, that was the deal. You got all future non-adult modules for free." If you purchased after that date, you had to pay for any released adult and non-adult modules after that. It is all documented in this forum as it happened. If you did not take advantage of that early deal, then that has nothing to do with you.

        5 - As for resolution problems, StreamFab can only download what is made available to it by the streamers. Give specifics and we'll go over what is available by individual streamers and/or production companies.

        6 - By the way, nobody gives a shit what you recommend or don't. Of course, it is "most likely illegally practicing software application development". That's why you bought it (or obtained a crack). If the streamers offered a true unhindered download feature, you wouldn't have gone looking for such a program. So, in that regard, you are just as culpable by being part of the conspiracy.
        1 - Refer to 6

        2 - Process is not running anywhere on my system.

        3 - I have tried this multiple times and receive the same.

        4 - You know nothing of the 13 years of issues I've had with this company. You don't know that they have fully deleted my purchase history after I called out not being grandfathered in for all future modules that I literally purchased the same week before they grandfathered. You don't know that the email confirmations were all sent in such a way so that it makes it impossible to tell what was actually purchased without the referenced deleted invoices.

        5 - This is simply not true. For weeks to months at a time promised resolutions have failed to be met across multiple streaming platforms until developers have fixed something they majorly screwed up in first place. We're lucky to get admittance when it happens as most of the time they have someone like you licking their dingleberries clean.

        6 - Just like no one gives a shit about your elevated opinions of yourself. Stop assuming you're the smartest one in the room when you're operating on minimal information and stop running your mouth instead of closing it like your mom should have her legs the night you were conceived. See? It's not that hard to pay attention once in awhile, along with your bf where you both recommended everything I ALREADY TRIED BEFORE THIS. Condescending idiots.


          One can only be condescending to those deserving of it. Or worse, require it.

          Although it likely just grazed the hairs on the top of your head as it passed by it is painfully obvious there is a hung process but it is understandable you can't find it. I don't mean to burst your bubble but Geek Squad is NOT considered IT by any measure. There are more characters in this designation which are ID10T.

          There is only one place on your system a process can run, and that is in RAM so "running anywhere on my system" makes no sense. Windows 10/11 Task Manager is less a tool and more a toy for novices. Try Process Explorer by Sysinternals. With it you can kill just about ANY running process (same as killing a PID in Linux). It will also tell you what files are associated with that process so you can address that as well.

          If the process launches at startup or at logon and you don't see it in Task Manager -->> Startup Apps (surprise, surprise. msconfig is deprecated) open Regedit and check the Run and RunOnce keys in HKLM and HKCU. If you find something there relating to SreamFab you've found the culprit, what you do about it is up to you. I cannot recommend any further steps as this would be akin to giving a sharp 9" carving knife to a two year old.

          To my knowledge SF does not and has not in recent history installed anything as a service. If your install does I suggest you take it up with whomever you downloaded it from as it would seem you were given free bonus software along with it.

          13 years of issues, member since 2020, and only 7 posts, all of which rants?
          Win11 Pro 22H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.

