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Not working right again

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    Not working right again

    Tried to do a Def Leppard playlist on BOTH of my machines. Unsuccessful on both even trying a single video. Is it due to major traffic issues with Coronavirus or something else? hope this is the proper log file. Here's the playlist too
    Attached Files

    Same here. v2.2.0.2 was working fine for me downloading videos from YouTube. Updated to and now I can't download.
    Attached Files


      This is what my log says when I go to download it say failed

      -------------------------1060 2 DVDFab Downloader End 2020-04-18----------------------------

      -------------------------9076 2 DVDFab Downloader C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab Downloader\DVDFab Downloader.exe Begin 2020-04-18----------------------------
      9076 14:28:59 Info: app info: compiled time Apr 10 2020 15:57:29, nOpenGLMode=16
      9076 14:28:59 Warning: Qt WebEngine ICU data not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017/resources. Trying parent directory...
      9076 14:28:59 Warning: Qt WebEngine ICU data not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017. Trying application directory...
      9076 14:28:59 Warning: Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017/translations\qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
      9076 14:28:59 Warning: Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017/resources. Trying parent directory...
      9076 14:28:59 Warning: Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/Qt/Qt5.12.7/5.12.7/msvc2017. Trying application directory...
      9076 14:29:01 Log: 3c8561dce5c6023db23f7fcabf1e737e-3abd6003aad9614855acfb990f855e06-3e772a85ee8af179be8625caaa7e6ff1-f3a3c282772e58f4660cd077a9d3b800-9b4600b4c07bd7e288932d9e1234fa67
      9076 14:29:01 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      9076 14:29:01 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal UIControl::signal_deleteCreatePlaylist(SStreamPlay listId &)
      9076 14:29:01 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'widgetCreateList')
      9076 14:29:01 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal UIControl::signal_deleteSavedPlaylist(SStreamPlayl istId &)
      9076 14:29:01 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'widgetSavedList')
      9076 14:29:01 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to LoadDateStatusWidget "widgetLoading", which already has a layout
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
      9076 14:29:04 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      9076 14:29:05 Warning: play back error: 10000
      9076 14:29:05 Warning: PlayerBar(0xbd30c60, name="m_pWidgetPlaybar") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
      9076 14:29:06 Log: Serial number is: 00-01-6c-d6-79-ad:68-14-01-95-49-4b
      9076 14:29:06 Log: Connect type is: 0
      9076 14:29:06 Info: [Web service] update flag: Auto
      9076 14:29:06 Info: start update: Success
      9076 14:29:06 Info: streamdata: ServerSyncer load nSyncTimeWithServer= 1587233478
      9076 14:29:06 Info: ServerSyncer: load oplist size= 0 eOpList: ""
      9076 14:29:08 Warning: PlayerBar(0xbd30c60, name="m_pWidgetPlaybar") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
      9076 14:29:08 Info: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
      9076 14:29:09 Log: Times of connecting server is: 0
      9076 14:29:09 Log: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
      9076 14:29:09 Info: ServerSyncer: push_back op 2
      9076 14:29:09 Info: ServerSyncer: push_back op 7
      9076 14:29:09 Info: syncserver: sync_op: CreatePlaylist "my_Favourite"
      9076 14:29:11 Info: syncserver: sync_op: 2 finish success
      9076 14:29:11 Info: syncserver: success 2
      9076 14:29:11 Info: syncserver: sync_op: PullPlaylist
      9076 14:29:11 Info: MediaLibraryUpdater: SyncFromNet Start "ESyncFromNetType_Playlist" {"ePlayListType":0,"strId":""}
      9076 14:29:11 Info: syncserver: sync_op: 7 finish success
      9076 14:29:11 Info: syncserver: success 7
      9076 14:29:11 Info: syncserver: pullPlaylist 7 play_list ("Like Songs")
      9076 14:29:11 Info: MediaLibraryUpdater: SyncFromNet End "ESyncFromNetType_Playlist" {"ePlayListType":0,"strId":""} true
      9076 14:29:14 Log: Serial number is: 00-01-6c-d6-79-ad:68-14-01-95-49-4b
      9076 14:29:14 Log: Connect type is: 0
      9076 14:29:15 Log: Times of connecting server is: 0
      9076 14:29:15 Log: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
      9076 14:29:28 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5
      9076 14:29:30 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
      9076 14:29:43 Warning: Filefile:///C:/Users/jenki/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab%20Downloader/my_resource/website_home/list.html) Line7167)method `computeYoodleData` not defined
      9076 14:29:44 Warning: Filefile:///C:/Users/jenki/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab%20Downloader/my_resource/website_home/list.html) Line7167)method `computeYoodleData` not defined
      9076 14:29:47 Warning: Filefile:///C:/Users/jenki/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab%20Downloader/my_resource/website_home/list.html) Line0)The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
      9076 14:29:53 Info: WebSiteView: url changed for operateBar: QUrl("")
      9076 14:29:54 Warning: Filefile:///C:/Users/jenki/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab%20Downloader/my_resource/website_home/list.html) Line7167)method `computeYoodleData` not defined
      9076 14:29:54 Warning: Filefile:///C:/Users/jenki/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab%20Downloader/my_resource/website_home/list.html) Line7167)method `computeYoodleData` not defined
      9076 14:29:55 Info: analyzeMedia: start YoutubeToMP3Process.exe "Encrypted_LS1za2lwLWRvd25sb2FkIC0tcHJpbnQtZHZ kZmF iLW91dCAtLWVtYmVkLXRodW1ibmFpbCAtLXRodW1ibmFpbC1ka XIgQzovVXNlcnMvamVua2kvRG9jdW1lbnRzL0RWREZhYiBEb3d ubG9hZGVyL3RlbXAvWW91VHViZSAtLWR1bXAtanNvbiAtLWVuY 29kaW5nIHV0Zi04IC0taWdub3JlLWVycm9ycyAtLW5vLXBsYXl saXN0IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUuY29tL3dhdGNoP3Y9S UdWWk9MVjlTUG8="
      9076 14:29:55 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Analyze start ""
      9076 14:29:59 Warning: StreamMedia: local file empty !
      9076 14:30:00 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Analyze result true ""
      9076 14:30:00 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start: "" "" "" vip_speed= true args= "Encrypted_LS1uby1wbGF5bGlzdCAtLW5ld2xpbmUgLS1 kdmR mYWItcHJpbnQtanNvbiAtLXByaW50LWR2ZGZhYi1vdXQgLS1pZ 25vcmUtZXJyb3JzIC0tZHZkZmFiLWlnbm9yZS1lcnJvcnMgLW8 gQzovVXNlcnMvamVua2kvRGVza3RvcC9tdXNpYyBmb3Igc2hvd y9EVkRGYWIgRG93bmxvYWRlci9TaW5nbGUgTXVzaWMvLmZhYl9 kb3duX3RtcC8lKHRpdGxlKXMuJShleHQpcyAtLWF1ZGlvLXF1Y WxpdHkgMTI4SyAteCAtLWF1ZGlvLWZvcm1hdCBtcDMgLS1wb3N 0cHJvY2Vzc29yLWFyZ3MgLWlkM3YyX3ZlcnNpb24gMyAtLWVuY 29kaW5nIHV0Zi04IC0tbGltaXQtcmF0ZSAxMDAwTSAtLWVtYmV kLXRodW1ibmFpbCAtLWFkZC1tZXRhZGF0YSAtLXhhdHRycyAtL W5vLWNvbnRpbnVlIGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUuY29tL3d hdGNoP3Y9SUdWWk9MVjlTUG8="
      9076 14:30:00 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 1
      9076 14:30:04 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "youtube IGVZOLV9SPo" "Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield .webm" ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

      9076 14:30:05 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result: false "youtube IGVZOLV9SPo" "Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield .webm"
      9076 14:30:05 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "youtube IGVZOLV9SPo" "Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield .webm"

      9076 14:30:05 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 3
      9076 14:30:05 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5
      9076 14:30:07 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
      9076 14:30:13 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5


        On a whim, I went to one of the adult aites and got an Alyssa Milano video with no problems at all.. Deleted the clip afterwards cause I already own both of the movies


          Found out on another site that YouTube is choking the chicken because of the overload of people using the site

