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DVDFab downloader (for Android)

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    DVDFab downloader (for Android)

    I confess, I am not a person of infinity patience. I do try my best but my situation with the DVDFab Downloader for Android is beginning to try what patience I do have.
    Really, I do not care whose fault it is or is not, I just want a straight answer.
    Now sit down while I tell you a tale.
    On the 13th of September 2020 I opened a dialogue with a DVDFab representative on the subject of authorizations, specifically changing from an outdated android phone to a tablet (I am not going to mention names as they may well be blameless in all of this)
    By the 18th of November 2020 the issue of changing one’s authorizations from the phone to the tablet where sorted only for another issue to arise.
    The Android downloader was identifying my account as a ‘Lifetime VIP’ yet I could not download playlists. So I asked three times, 1st on the 18th of November and then again the 3rd of December 2020 what was the nature of my account status in regards to Downloader for Android? The 3rd of December communication had to be followed up on the 18th of December.
    Each time I have gotten an answer it has been the same, “I will talk to the developer” (or words to that effect) and as of today, the 4th of January 2021, I still cannot use Downloader for Android to download playlists (it will not even recognize playlists now) and it stills informs me I am a “Lifetime VIP”.
    Finally, just some context. I have 6 lifetime licenses, of which DVDFab Downloader for Android is NOT one. I do have a license for DVDFab YouTube to mp3 which is a god send.
    Before anyone jumps on their moral soap box and spouts I should pay for it, that is not the issue. The software says I am a “lifetime VIP”,it is not me doing it. If it says I am a "lifetime VIP" then why does it not work still?? If “lifetime VIP” means nothing then just tell me finally and I can delete it.
    (oh and no, I will not pay for it. If getting a straight answer on how it actually is supposed to work I will stick to the PC version thank you)

    Two weeks, 40 plus views and still no one wants to talk.....All I want is a straight answer, is that so fudging hard.?

