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Netflix, Hulu Download Problem

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    Netflix, Hulu Download Problem

    Hi, for the past few days I have been unable to download anything from Netflix as I keep getting a Netflix error stating that my browser is not supported. However, Netflix plays fine when I log in on Chrome/ Firefox/ Etc.. I have seen other posts with error code 308 but I am getting error code 306. Not sur eif this is the same issue. Thanks.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Wilson.Wang; 06-04-2021, 01:08 AM.

    It seems that all new episodes that are getting added this week are failing to download. Example The Good Doctor, Cruel Summer, and The Handmaid's Tale


      Netflix module is failing to download these two movies...

      Dog Gone Trouble
      Army Of The Dead

      I have tried several times. It fails consistently.

      See the attached logs


        Is there anyone else having the same problem with Hulu?


          I was just able to download Army of the Dead after several failed tries.

          Jupiter's Legacy is doing the same sort of thing. It usually fails but occasionally it will succeed.

          this is the section of the log that seems to be relevant:
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:45 Info: Get Stream Reqlic!
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:49 Info: Check allow : 0
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:49 Info: "get license failed retry 1 / 4"
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:49 Info: "get license failed retry 2 / 4"
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:50 Info: "get license failed retry 3 / 4"
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:50 Info: Get Stream license!
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:50 Info: license is NULL!
          42764 2021:06:02-14:22:50 Info: **** Get download Processed fail. The error is : 308
          Although it usually seems to be error code 306
          Attached Files


            Yes having the same issue both on Win and Mac versions. Getting a browser out of date message too.


              As observed by others (elsewhere) ...

              On 6/1, major streaming sites implemented changes requiring browser adjustments. Hulu, Netflix, etc.
              Hulu, Netflix and Paramount + have been flaky for the past couple of days, and I'm sure devs are aware and working on it.

              The logs are always the same, erroring in 308.


                This is going to be seen on pretty much every major platform for a few days. All the big ones updated something on June 1


                  Thanks, do some browsers possibly work better than others? Specifically would changing my default browser to something other than chrome possibly make it more stable in the short-term


                    Originally posted by potenial_user View Post
                    Thanks, do some browsers possibly work better than others? Specifically would changing my default browser to something other than chrome possibly make it more stable in the short-term
                    try with the latest release of firefox,


                      not just the new episodes, failed to download anything from Hulu yesterday and today.


                        Originally posted by jy616 View Post
                        not just the new episodes, failed to download anything from Hulu yesterday and today.
                        I'm having trouble with some episodes but nothing everything across the board. I started downloading all 12 seasons of NYPD Blue this morning and it was going all day today. I didn't have any issues until it got to the last 2 seasons and then 13 random, non-consecutive episodes failed to download. I've tried clearing everything out and restarting the computer but they still aren't working. But as a test I just randomly clicked on something (the first episode of Full House) and it downloaded normally.


                          For the Netflix downloading failure issue, we are working on it, time is needed. Please wait, thank you.


                            I'm having about half my series fail to download.


                              Attempted to download The Mitchells vs The Machines from Netflix, it starts than fails.

                              -------------------------11044 Drm Video Downloader End 2021-06-03----------------------------
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: log path: C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/Documents/DVDFab Downloader/log/
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Set call back
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: init cef result : true
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: CT : "49"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: AP : "C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab Downloader"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: TT : "100322"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: TM: Exists
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: log version: 20210527-f352a5dd-Release
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: os country: "United States"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: os language: "English"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: UI language: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab Downloader/QLanguage/Downloader_ENU.qm"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Resolution : 1600 * 900
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: DPI : 1
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: App Argument: ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab Downloader\\DRMDownloader.exe", "--site=Netflix")
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Version: winx64
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Version: "3205"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: UN: "bW1jYXVsaWZmZTA3NTJAY29tY2FzdC5uZXQ="
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Lang Code: "ENU"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: LibraryState: true
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Amazon Codec: 0
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Video Resolution: 5
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Sound Track: 1
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Subtitle Status: 0
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Finish Folder Status: true
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Sub Folder Status: true
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: OS: 64bit System Windows 10 Build 19042
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: GPU: name, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 ,driver
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Website title: "Netflix"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:53:58 Info: Website url: ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: OnNetflixPageData get current member
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: : US
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: : en-US
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: perform_key_handshake success
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: hand shake processing
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:02 Info: hand shake success
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:08 Info: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:08 Info: "already handshake ,load_manifest strPlayID :81399614, dolby :0, hevc :0, headermap :5"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: OnNotifyLoadManifest parse success
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: get meta finish
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:09 Info: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: show license dlg
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: TM: Exists
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: TM: Exists
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : en-656e7c352e317c5072696d6172797c747275657c6e6f6e657c 756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e6b 6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - English [Original] AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : es-65737c352e317c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e6f6e65 7c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e 6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Spanish AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : fr-66727c352e317c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e6f6e65 7c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e 6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - French AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : yue-7975657c352e317c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e6f6e 657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c75 6e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Cantonese AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : zh-TW-7a682d54577c352e317c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e 6f6e657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f 7c756e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Mandarin (Guoyu) AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : en-656e7c352e317c4173736973746976657c66616c73657c6e6f 6e657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c 756e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - English - Audio Description AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : fr-66727c352e317c4173736973746976657c66616c73657c6e6f 6e657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c 756e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - French - Audio Description AAC 5.1"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : en-656e7c322e307c5072696d6172797c747275657c6e6f6e657c 756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e6b 6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - English [Original] AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : es-65737c322e307c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e6f6e65 7c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e 6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Spanish AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : fr-66727c322e307c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e6f6e65 7c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e 6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - French AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : yue-7975657c322e307c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e6f6e 657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c75 6e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Cantonese AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : zh-TW-7a682d54577c322e307c5072696d6172797c66616c73657c6e 6f6e657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f 7c756e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Mandarin (Guoyu) AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : en-656e7c322e307c4173736973746976657c66616c73657c6e6f 6e657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c 756e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - English - Audio Description AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "audio map : fr-66727c322e307c4173736973746976657c66616c73657c6e6f 6e657c756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c 756e6b6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - French - Audio Description AAC 2.0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : en-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c656e7c466f726365647c756e6b6e6f776e7c546578747c 7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - English [ForcedNarrative]"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : es-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c65737c5375627469746c65737c756e6b6e6f776e7c5465 78747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Spanish"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : es-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c65737c466f726365647c756e6b6e6f776e7c546578747c 7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Spanish [ForcedNarrative]"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : fr-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c66727c5375627469746c65737c756e6b6e6f776e7c5465 78747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - French"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : fr-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c66727c466f726365647c756e6b6e6f776e7c546578747c 7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - French [ForcedNarrative]"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : yue-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c7975657c466f726365647c756e6b6e6f776e7c54657874 7c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - yue [ForcedNarrative]"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : zh-Hans-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c7a682d48616e737c5375627469746c65737c756e6b6e6f 776e7c546578747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Simplified Chinese"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : zh-Hant-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c7a682d48616e747c5375627469746c65737c756e6b6e6f 776e7c546578747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Traditional Chinese"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : zh-Hant-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c7a682d48616e747c466f726365647c756e6b6e6f776e7c 546578747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - Chinese [ForcedNarrative]"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:11 Info: "subtitles map : en-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c656e7c436c6f73656443617074696f6e737c756e6b6e6f 776e7c546578747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30 - English [CC]"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:13 Info: add work queue, playId : "81399614"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:13 Info: "WorkQueueList, add work item, id : 81399614, url :"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, item.strID: 81399614 "
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, item.audiomap size: 1 "
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, item.subtitleMap: 2 "
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, enableRecord: true"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "DiskSpaceCheck, GetDiskFreeSpace result : 612"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "DiskSpaceCheck, GetDiskFreeSpace result : 612"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "slot_checkAndStart, enableRecord: true"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: m_strOutputTempPath : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: filehashDir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: video dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614/video"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614/audio"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: subtitle dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614/subtitle"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: NetflixResponseFilterControl_Download check add Queue : meta is valid : true
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: NetflixResponseFilterControl_Download meta current play id : "81399614"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, load item.strPlayUrl:"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: TM: Exists
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: license callback: true
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Control: CheckOption is true!
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: netflix Download, download start, prepare params
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: selected audio : ("en-656e7c352e317c5072696d6172797c747275657c6e6f6e657c 756e6b6e6f776e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c417564696f7c756e6b 6e6f776e7c7c7c6e6f6e657c30")
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: selected subtitle : ("en-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c656e7c466f726365647c756e6b6e6f776e7c546578747c 7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30", "en-6e6f6e657c554e4b4e4f574e7c756e6b6e6f776e7c66616c73 657c656e7c436c6f73656443617074696f6e737c756e6b6e6f 776e7c546578747c7072696d6172797c7c7c6e6f6e657c30")
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: domain : ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: play id : "81399614"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: video id: ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Title : "The Mitchells vs. The Machines"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Set output video info 1 0
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Set output audio info 2
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: varExtraData heaac-5.1hq-dash:heaac-5.1-dash:heaac-2hq-dash:heaac-2-dash:
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Set user info
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Start download
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Audio: en / Subtitle: en / en /
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: base output dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: video output dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614/video"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio output dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614/audio"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: subtitle output dir : "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/outputTemp/2021_06_03_10_54_14_81399614/subtitle"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: download thread begin.
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: record start signal emitted
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 128
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: ParseAudioTrack not find keyword codecName, read profile
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: stream.bitrate : 192
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: audio stream isDrm false, i think plain stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Match audio/subtitle success .
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:14 Info: Add stream success .
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:15 Info: Quick get all process less.
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:15 Info: Got Video Stream allow!
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:15 Info: Get Stream Reqlic!
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:19 Info: Check allow : 0
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:20 Info: "get license failed retry 1 / 4"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:20 Info: "get license failed retry 2 / 4"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:20 Info: "get license failed retry 3 / 4"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:20 Info: **** Get download Processed fail. The error is : 306
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:21 Info: Get Stream license!
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:21 Info: license is NULL!
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: download thread is about to exit, flag check :
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: "m_bGetMPD : 0, m_bGetMPDFinish : 0, m_bGetKey : 0, m_bGetKeyFinish : 1, m_bDownload : 0, m_bDownloadFinish : 0"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: download thread end.
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Netflix Download, download finish slot enter
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: title path before change: "The Mitchells vs. The Machines"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Clear by download finish.
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: title path after change: "The Mitchells vs. The Machines"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: remuxDownloadedFiles not found video stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: remuxDownloadedFiles not found audio stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: remuxDownloadedFiles not found subtitle stream
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Netflix Download, play id from current work queue : "81399614"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Netflix Download, download send RecordResult signal, flag : false
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: "batchDownloaderManager, record result, id : 81399614, type : 2"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Remux file not exist: ""
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: TM: Exists
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Netflix Download, download send processFinish signal, flag : false
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: "batchDownloaderManager, process finish, id : 81399614, type : 2"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, not find item.strID, cancel download: "
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: "checkDownloadTaskQueueItem, load home page"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: record end signal emitted
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: record file location: "C:\\Users\\Michael\\Downloads\\DVDFAB/Netflix/The Mitchells vs. The Machines.mp4"
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: record file not existed
                              8864 2021:06:03-10:54:22 Info: Open Folder Settings : true --- true

                              -------------------------8864 Drm Video Downloader End 2021-06-03----------------------------

                              -------------------------13576 2 Downloader C:\Program Files\DVDFab Downloader\DVDFab Downloader64.exe Begin 2021-06-03----------------------------
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:34 Info: app info: compiled time May 27 2021 15:41:31, nOpenGLMode
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:34 Log: Start get hd.
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:34 Info: Youtube DL Service Not Exists
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:34 Info: Youtube DL Service Start
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: hd1.
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Info: Youtube DL Service Status: Starting
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: hd2.
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: hd3.
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Info: Youtube DL Service Status: Running
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: hd4.
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: hd: 5ab4b751229c0545c1611837f45f1ec8-c049e0ade6d4644cd6f92aeaf40add0f-16581bf8e45fb9da989a9a6d04c59293-df8d1d0870d2f3b0a332458ce01f3622-faf8aed4f1189daaea6f1be4460a8a2e
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: Serial number is: 0c-84-dc-86-dd-a3:a0-48-1c-c6-0e-55
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:35 Log: Connect type is: 0
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal UIControl::signal_deleteCreatePlaylist(SStreamPlay listId &)
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'widgetCreateList')
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal UIControl::signal_deleteSavedPlaylist(SStreamPlayl istId &)
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'widgetSavedList')
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to LoadDateStatusWidget "widgetLoading", which already has a layout
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:36 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Warning: PlayerBar(0x266a6ff8eb0, name="m_pWidgetPlaybar") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5000).
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: Times of connecting server is: 0
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:37 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5001).
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 9
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Info: streamdata: ServerSyncer load nSyncTimeWithServer= 1617910705
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Info: ServerSyncer: load oplist size= 0 eOpList: ""
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Info: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Warning: QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted: TLS initialization failed
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Warning: QIODevice::read (QFile, "C:\Program Files\DVDFab Downloader\sslCert\server_cert.pem"): device not open
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal QCefClient::cefEmbedded()
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:40 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(9000).
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:41 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5003).
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:41 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5002).
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:42 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5004).
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:46 Info: [Web service] update flag: Auto
                              13576 2021:06:03-10:55:46 Info: start update: Success

