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I am angry.

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    I am angry.

    I've been using DVDFab software for a few years and have been mostly satisfied. But Stream Fab, which I bought for Netflix and Amazon Lifelong, hasn't worked as advertised most of the time. And it's pretty expensive. That makes me pretty annoyed.
    Gotta get rid of it.

    @UleKay - it is frustrating, but the reason for StreamFab not working is due to some streaming providers changed their DRM encoding recently. The developers are working to resolve this (see sticky post on this topic )

    Netflix downloads are now working again (with a few isolated exceptions which developers are looking into as they are identified) as of version and we are hoping a solution for amazon is out any time now.

    The community shares your frustration, but hopefully this is only a temporary problem.


      Sure, it's temporary. Just as changes will happen again and they'll have to make new changes again. On and on this will repeat. I know it's expensive, but remember the support keeps it going. Being annoyed or mad is a personal choice inside of yourself. The software program literally has zero impact nor influance on your moods. Same as someone's words said to you. As they continue to reverse engineer Netflix and others more downloading will be possible. Post logs! Just because you're using Windows or MacOS doesn't mean solves happen quickly, computers vary and so do connections. Logs are really helpful to programmers.


        I have to echo the sentiment of being angry here. The staff behind this software need to get off their tail ends and fix the issues. Priority has been given to changing the name, introducing new sites, but not actually fixing issues at all

        We were promised 1080p quality, and at first received it, across the board. Now? It's hit and miss. Developers make changes deliberately to drop that resolution, for whatever reason. There was no reason to drop Disney to 720. Things could have been left as they were (streaming, not downloading), as was the case with Apple and things would have been at 1080 now. Hulu was introduced at 720.

        Then we have the Amazon debacle that's been going on for over a month now. We're forced to download in SD, because the developers don't want to rollout a fix, or get off their tail ends and put it in the software.

        Of course, the big one, right now is the major DRM issues taking place, again, for 3 weeks now, which they haven't shown a bit of concern about.

        Then, we have the whole failed promises thing. We're promised "all sites added", but in reality get few, and some left behind.

        What people bought into here is a classic scam. So classic that there's even a name for it, bait and switch. Tempt the buyer in with something, then deliver something drastically different.

        Getting around the restrictions isn't impossible. Providing Amazon at 1080p ISN'T impossible. Providing QUALITY and TIMELY work ISN'T impossible. If that was so, the competition to this product would still be behind. They're not. THEIR customers have had the ability to keep up for weeks now, and THEY charge much, much less

        Hire competent developers, because this is clearly going to cost you a good deal in goodwill and customers

        Being told "be patient" is wearing thin. We, as customers have been patient for weeks, months even, simply to be ignored. It's time to actually start delivering instead of hiding behind closed doors.

        This product could be good. I'm sure we all want it to be good. The problem is that this slow development time is just unacceptable. If the workload is this high, then hire more developers. Bring in competent staff that can fix problems, because right now, this software really is worthless, and doesn't have a future, based on what we've seen the past six months.
        Last edited by twhiting9275; 06-22-2021, 05:48 PM.



          Why don´t you just calm down? I am 100 % sure the developers are doing their best to solve the problems and not trying to screw you. Be patient!!! This program is not a scam!!


            Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
            ....[snip] Of course, the big one, right now is the major DRM issues taking place, again, for 3 weeks now, which they haven't shown a bit of concern about.
            You haven't read the stickies. There is more than a bit of concern. Do you have any idea of what cracking video protection is like? In the days of Betamax and then VHS is was a bit challenging then became easier. Just as DVDs and Blu-ray was very challenging and now has become easier. To the user, it's a matter of using DVDFab or something else. Most users don't understand the complexity of the code or the effort to create it.

            Then, we have the whole failed promises thing. We're promised "all sites added", but in reality get few, and some left behind.
            Relax! Don't drink coffee...drink some decaff Tea.. Not everything with computers are easy. To gain some perspective, or understanding...learn Machine Language. Or some other complex coding method.

            Bring in competent staff that can fix problems, because right now, this software really is worthless, and doesn't have a future, based on what we've seen the past six months.
            Have you heard of ebb and flow? A lot in life functions that way. You seem to be really focused on the negative. Ebb and flow is about balance within it. Name changing software is much easier than removing DRM and I'm betting the programmers didn't make that choice. The future?? A company can do very well, out pacing one, and then the other company does something really "amazing" out pacing the Other one. Intel and AMD have been part of the Ebb and Flow for many, many years. Keep cool, relax. I'll be surprised if they don't release some more fixes soon.


              Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
              I have to echo the sentiment of being angry here. The staff behind this software need to get off their tail ends and fix the issues. Priority has been given to changing the name, introducing new sites, but not actually fixing issues at all

              We were promised 1080p quality, and at first received it, across the board. Now? It's hit and miss. Developers make changes deliberately to drop that resolution, for whatever reason. There was no reason to drop Disney to 720. Things could have been left as they were (streaming, not downloading), as was the case with Apple and things would have been at 1080 now. Hulu was introduced at 720......
              I get your frustrations, I don't work for DVDFab, nor do I understand the complexities (or simplicity as you seem to think) of circumventing the protections/DRM these sites use.

              I relied heavily on the Amazon module because it gave me the best quality audio and video, plus fast downloads. Even better than my iTunes downloads that I removed DRM from. I subscribe to some Amazon channels that must be accessed via Amazon (Starz for example) because they don't provide credentials for their stand alone apps, not to mention that Starz, Showtime, etc aren't supported by DRM Downloader, now StreamFab.. so I'm paying for those subscriptions that I can't download. Not having access to that same quality audio and video we had before is not fun.

              DVDFab DRM Downloader always advertised video resolutions "UP TO 1080p" and audio "up to 5.1". It never promised ALL SERVICES would be 1080p and 5.1, nor did it promise they ALWAYS would stay that way. I know because, I initially asked for the mods to post specifics of what resolution and audio we should expect for each site, because without test downloads we users didn't know, and there were a lot of people thinking if they got less than 1080p or 5.1 there was a bug in DRM Downloader. And I asked that IF changes occur, it gets called out in the release notes so customers knew it was expected.

              The Disney module may have started out as 1080p, but it was 2x playback speeds, and audio was limited to 125kb/s, 48kHz, AAC LC - 2 Channel. Same with HBOMax. The Disney change gave us much faster downloads and 5.1 audio, but did sacrifice resolution to 720p. Is that a Wildvine DRM thing? Do they utilize a different level of DRM to provide for the faster download and better audio?

              Since you mention Hulu, if I recall correctly the Hulu module came out as 720p, fast download and up to 5.1 audio, when it was initially release.

              You mention apps from other makers getting past the recent DRM changes. Do they give BOTH 1080p and 5.1 audio? or just 1080p video with no better than 2 channel audio? Do they download as fast? Because I have some software that will grab 1080p, at real time playback speeds, that doesn't look as good, and will only do stereo audio. Then again, that other software is billed more as a "Recorder" than a stream downloader.

              I don't like having to wait for this app to get back to the capabilities it had before, but I guess I'm cutting them a little slack because I figure if it was easy to get around the DRM to download the actual stream and 5.1 audio, there would be tons of apps out there already doing it, and not just "stream/screen recorders". I understand with the latest debacle its not a DVDFab change that broke all the services (resulting in 306 and 308 errors in the logs). And I've been here since the start of DRM Downloader, watching them accept feedback, bug reports, asking for logs, and working to fix bugs in due time. Sure some bugs took longer to fix than others, but they did work on things.
              Last edited by KidJoe; 06-23-2021, 01:02 AM.


                Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                I relied heavily on the Amazon module because it gave me the best quality audio and video, plus fast downloads.
                Agreed. Unfortunately, that has changed, and the devs don't want to fix it, sadly. It's one of those "we will get to it when we feel like it" situations, at this point, really.

                Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                The Disney module may have started out as 1080p, but it was 2x playback speeds, and audio was limited to 125kb/s, 48kHz, AAC LC - 2 Channel.
                The audio from Disney in 720 is far inferior to the streaming version we had. Bar none. You can't hear a damn thing unless it's cranked up all the way.
                Again, this should be given as a choice, not just "hey, deal with it". I'll wait the time to stream this, if it means a better quality outcome. Most people will, Instead, we just woke up one day and 720p with garbage audio was forced on us

                Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                Since you mention Hulu, if I recall correctly the Hulu module came out as 720p, fast download and up to 5.1 audio, when it was initially release.
                Again, the standard when all this was introduced (including and up to Hulu) was 1080/ That shouldn't have changed just because they wanted to change something. The standard for video is still 1080, not 720 BS

                Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                working to fix bugs in due time
                Except, again, they're not.
                Working to fix things in due time would be the competition which has already moved on from this, leaving this product in the dust.
                What they're doing is adding features, embedding more into the code that shouldn't be, and adding secret, password protected files to your system.... NOT working to fix bugs.


                  I've raised a lot of these issues myself, but I'm hoping it's just poor communication not lack of willingness to fix.

                  A couple of the staff's posts have implied that 720p is "good enough" .. It's not

                  I'm hoping that does not mean they've stopped working on Amazon, Disney+, or any other sites that are currently stuck at 720p.

                  We really do need more info and status updates. Keeping us informed, is mostly what I want. I can wait a little for fixes if I know they're coming.


                    Very sad to read the sledging of the developers of the program by those unfairly making up stuff like “they don’t want to fix it” and “get to it when we feel like it” and “just laughing at the poor suckers that gave them money while they do, literally, nothing about it
                    As they say, you can be a whizz with PHP code, but if you don’t know how to communicate effectively, you will struggle to work effectively on a team project.


                      Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
                      The problem is that this slow development time is just unacceptable. If the workload is this high, then hire more developers. Bring in competent staff that can fix problems, because right now, this software really is worthless, and doesn't have a future, based on what we've seen the past six months.
                      If you plan to work in their sales team and increase the sales then maybe they could hire more developers or whatever needed be. I've been using them for years and so far they have delivered. Coming from someone who understands a business, features are equally as important as bugs but to gain new clients you need new features to drive perceived value in purchasing the product. Without revenue, fixing bugs will be the last of your concern.

                      Just thank them for actually having a good customer support by listening to their users and fixing things. It's rare for businesses to do that now days.

