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Files stuck on remuxing

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    Files stuck on remuxing

    There is an obvious problem with StreamFab, where files are stuck on remuxing, or just stuck in general, and cannot be removed from the queue.
    How does one get these removed, and when is this going to be properly addressed by developers?

    How often is it happening to you? Is it every service, or just one or two? I only saw movies that couldn't be removed from the queue once, a long long time ago. I don't recall how I cleared it (I tried searching the forum for my post, but I can't find it at the moment), and I haven't seen it since.

    Have you tried exiting StreamFab and deleting its temp folder?


      Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
      How often is it happening to you?
      Right now, I have two services on the same PC with this. Can't re-download the episode or anything
      Others have had this happen as well, quite frequently even

      Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
      Have you tried exiting StreamFab and deleting its temp folder?


        Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
        Others have had this happen as well, quite frequently even
        Do you have links to other threads reporting this? Maybe include them so the devs see how many other reports in the forum there are?

        I tried searching, but I can't even find my mention of it, so maybe I'm not searching correctly?


          Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
          Do you have links to other threads reporting this? Maybe include them so the devs see how many other reports in the forum there are?

          I tried searching, but I can't even find my mention of it, so maybe I'm not searching correctly?
          try "stuck on remuxing" -


            Originally posted by october262 View Post
            THANK YOU!!

            Interesting, that search shows 3 other people besides twhiting9275 who started this thread. The oldest being oshns11 which dates back to in April. And the search didn't reveal my post, which I still can't find, am I misremembering that I had that issue? I could swear I had one get stuck in the queue, i don't recall the exact point of failure, then again, maybe my memory is going and I'm imagining things .

            I wonder how pervasive this issue is. How often it happens? (is it every time you try to download, once or twice a month, etc.?)


              Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
              There is an obvious problem with StreamFab, where files are stuck on remuxing, or just stuck in general, and cannot be removed from the queue.
              How does one get these removed, and when is this going to be properly addressed by developers?
              Which one (HBO, Amazon or ?) did you encounter this "stuck on remuxing" issue, did it happen on every single download?
              Perhaps you can try it on a different computer?
              Please provide the whole log folder, thank you.


                Originally posted by Mona View Post
                Which one (HBO, Amazon or ?) did you encounter this "stuck on remuxing" issue, did it happen on every single download?
                HOW the file got stuck is irrelevant. It's going to happen, and this should have been thought of before putting in a queuing system that doesn't allow these things to be cleared

                Originally posted by Mona View Post
                Please provide the whole log folder,
                What good is that going to do here? none
                Is providing this going to suddenly provide a way to get these 'un stuck'? No
                Stop trying to focus on 'how it happened', and fix the problem. How it happened is irrelevant

                Properly addressing this means providing a way for people to clear off these without having to do a massive uninstall/reinstall. Not trying to figure 'how it got stuck'. Things get stuck, it happens. The proper solution (which should have been put in before this came up) is to allow people to clear that data out, KNOWING that this happens, and can happen frequently.


                  twhiting9275 asking for the whole log folder might help them see if there is an error behind the scenes when you try to clear the queue, if there is, that could potentially help them address why the clear queue/clear history button is not removing these failed items. Sure it might not, but without them reviewing the logs they wont know.

                  Also, knowing how it happened, maybe they can prevent items getting stuck in the queue in the future.


                    Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                    Also, knowing how it happened, maybe they can prevent items getting stuck in the queue in the future.
                    They can't even be bothered to fix bugs they've known about for months. They just keep introducing new ones
                    This is one of those things that needs to be addressed properly, but just keeps on getting ignored


                      Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
                      They can't even be bothered to fix bugs they've known about for months. They just keep introducing new ones
                      This is one of those things that needs to be addressed properly, but just keeps on getting ignored
                      Look at those other threads from the search. Only 1 person submitted logs. How are they supposed to fix bugs based on "it's broke, fix it NOW!!!" Posts with nothing else to go on?

                      I get that this is a long standing bug, based on one thread of a person who reported it. But of the search results, 4 people (including you) have posted about it and only 1 supplied logs. How many users of this product are there NOT experiencing this issue? I bet it's way more than 4.

                      How are the FAB team supposed to have any chance to fix it if it's not impacting everyone, and they don't have logs or more details go on? You didn't even answer which service, and is it every download.

                      If you don't want to supply them info that could be helpful for them to fix the issue, then don't be surprised if the issue doesn't get fixed.


                        Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
                        Stop trying to focus on 'how it happened', and fix the problem. How it happened is irrelevant
                        The logs contain the why not the how. Don't expect the problem to be resolved anytime soon without providing the logs.


                          Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
                          There is an obvious problem with StreamFab, where files are stuck on remuxing, or just stuck in general, and cannot be removed from the queue.
                          How does one get these removed, and when is this going to be properly addressed by developers?
                          For those tasks that "are stuck on remuxing", after you restart StreamFab, in the task queue, are they still shown as they did before the restart?


                            Post is titled "StreamFab v4.0.2.4 (Win) Files stuck on remuxing" on Oct 23rd
                            StreamFab is released Oct 21st did this fix it?


                              Originally posted by yoyo57 View Post
                              Post is titled "StreamFab v4.0.2.4 (Win) Files stuck on remuxing" on Oct 23rd
                              StreamFab is released Oct 21st did this fix it?

                              My guess would be no. probably did not fix or address this issue. There is nothing in the release notes about it.

                              I would suspect until the devs can either reproduce the failure themselves, OR can get full logs and additional information from those experiencing the issue, this issue will remain.

                              Thankfully its not impacting everyone, but it is definitely a point of frustration for those who are experiencing it.

