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Disney "abnormally high number of requests" warning

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    Disney "abnormally high number of requests" warning

    So over the past few days, I had been queueing up the Simpsons TV series and downloading over night. I've completed up to Season 8.

    Today when I tried to sign into Disney+ via StreamFab, I got a black screen, no graphics or sign in options.

    Upon deleting my SF temp folders and trying again, I got to the Disney+ Login screen. I was able to enter my ID and password, then got a message:

    "Due to an abnormally high number of requests, we have temporarily blocked traffic from your IP address. Pleas try again later (Error Code 91)."

    I get the same message when I try using Chrome or my Roku.

    That being said, I can still sign into Disney+ on my phone using cellular data and play movies.

    Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
    So over the past few days, I had been queueing up the Simpsons TV series and downloading over night. I've completed up to Season 8.

    Today when I tried to sign into Disney+ via StreamFab, I got a black screen, no graphics or sign in options.

    Upon deleting my SF temp folders and trying again, I got to the Disney+ Login screen. I was able to enter my ID and password, then got a message:

    "Due to an abnormally high number of requests, we have temporarily blocked traffic from your IP address. Pleas try again later (Error Code 91)."

    I get the same message when I try using Chrome or my Roku.

    That being said, I can still sign into Disney+ on my phone using cellular data and play movies.
    there's not much on this error code 91 except to Check your internet connection - Restart your device or computer and relaunch the Disney+ app or refresh the site. Wait a few minutes before attempting to log in again. - Verify the details of your payment method. Check with the financial institution supporting your payment method.
    do you get the same results if you use a VPN ??


      Originally posted by october262 View Post

      there's not much on this error code 91 except to Check your internet connection - Restart your device or computer and relaunch the Disney+ app or refresh the site. Wait a few minutes before attempting to log in again. - Verify the details of your payment method. Check with the financial institution supporting your payment method.
      do you get the same results if you use a VPN ??
      I haven't tried anything except using my phone via cellular (instead of PC via home internet) which does work. So its just the home internet's IP.

      Its during the work day so I don't really have the time to play, so I figure I'll try again after work and see if the block is gone. Plus I have a new router on the way (should arrive today or tomorrow) so I'll be power cycling my modem and router and hopefully that will get a new IP address from my ISP and will fix it.

      I mainly posted this as INFO or a WARNING... that even though there is a 50 per day per service limit, you could still run into issues. I queued 48-50 per day from Disney+ each of the last 4 days and ran into this. When I downloaded 10-20 per day for several days in a row I had no issues.
      Last edited by KidJoe; 07-28-2022, 03:40 PM.


        so I'll be power cycling my modem and router and hopefully that will get a new IP address from my ISP and will fix it.
        Usually not. In general there are two ways to get a new IP address. Replace your network card or spoof it's MAC address in your router. Obviously, the latter is the easier of the two. Do remember that your StreamFab license is based on the MAC address presented to it so be prepared to possibly Deauthorize/Authorize if you make the change.


          As october262 was getting at, a VPN is a likely fix for this. But it will also likely degrade your download speed. And some services are getting wise to VPNs, can recognize IP addresses from them and proactively block them.

          My Internet service comes from my cable company and they assign my IP address, if I call or chat with them and tell them I want to release and renew my IP lease, and that I'd prefer a different address, they're likely to do it for me gratis. In fact they charge extra for a commitment to not change IP addresses occasionally. (I can also release/renew through my router, but that usually doesn't change my IP address - though sometimes it does). If you go that route though, don't make a habit of it. Do it too many times and they may decide there's a reason for it.
          Last edited by jhyler; 07-28-2022, 06:35 PM.


            I don't even get an error anymore...the site is blocked....just "ACCESS DENIED"...Now, I use a VPN when downloading a larger amount of files and all is OK.

            Turn off your router and unplug your modem...wait....give your provider a chance to issue your old address to someone else. Mine usually takes less than 15 minutes.
            Plug everything back're ready to go.

            Clone your MAC address in your modem or router...cycle power.

            If you have your computer on an assigned LAN's MAC address will not change and no need to reauthorize.


              Originally posted by jimc115 View Post

              Turn off your router and unplug your modem...wait....give your provider a chance to issue your old address to someone else. Mine usually takes less than 15 minutes.
              Plug everything back're ready to go.
              I guess it depends on the provider. I worked as a cable modem tech for many years and the method I wrote above was the way I was taught and the way I have personally always used. I have had my router and modem off for days on occasion and when brought up again I had the same IP address. I do not have a static IP address. The last time I changed it was maybe 3 years ago when I used the spoof router method.

              If you have your computer on an assigned LAN's MAC address will not change and no need to reauthorize.
              You were messing with my brain!
              I went back to see my router settings to refresh my memory on what I did. I knew I was going to have to reauthorize to my new computer back in Jan. if I didn't spoof my old network card's MAC address to the router. But the router wasn't spoofed when I just looked. It said it used the "default" MAC. Which turns out to be the network card MAC. ??? Didn't make sense since the new card had the old card's MAC. Long story short - I had forgotten that I was able to spoof the MAC address on network card itself. So, that's another way to get a new IP address, spoof the MAC address on the network card if the card allows. I'm sure that most do now.


                As expected, I either got a new WAN IP after changing out the router and rebooting the modem, or I just waited long enough that Disney stopped blocking my IP.

                Either way I can hit Disney+ from my home PCs.


                  Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                  Usually not. In general there are two ways to get a new IP address. Replace your network card or spoof it's MAC address in your router. Obviously, the latter is the easier of the two. Do remember that your StreamFab license is based on the MAC address presented to it so be prepared to possibly Deauthorize/Authorize if you make the change.
                  Replacing my PCs network card, and thus changing its MAC address, would only result in a new LAN IP (assuming I'm using DHCP, which I'm not). As my other PC on my home network, as well as my Roku, also experienced the message, it was clear it was the WAN IP that was getting blocked.

                  When I put the new router in, I entered the same MAC address in the "clone MAC address" field in the new router that I had in the old.

                  so I likely got a new WAN IP from my ISP when I rebooted my cable modem after hooking the new router.


                    Thanks for the suggestions all. But I wasn't worried about troubleshooting.

                    I was posting as a warning that even with the 50 downloads per service per day limits, the Streaming Services can still give you problems.

                    So pace yourselves when you have a lot you want to download.


                      Just curious on how many videos you grabbed in a 24-36 hour period and how long did the block last?

                      Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                      Thanks for the suggestions all. But I wasn't worried about troubleshooting.

                      I was posting as a warning that even with the 50 downloads per service per day limits, the Streaming Services can still give you problems.

                      So pace yourselves when you have a lot you want to download.


                        Originally posted by MrMayor View Post
                        Just curious on how many videos you grabbed in a 24-36 hour period and how long did the block last?
                        I had completed the first 8 seasons. In about 4 nights. It was a coue mornings later, after downloading more that I got the block.

                        I had queued up enough just to stay under 50 per day over the course of the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th. Which allowed me to get seasons 1-8.

                        On the 27th I added seasons 9 and 10 to the queue, again staying under 50, and started my download.

                        On the morning of the 28th, I check SF and saw 3 episodes had failed, I retired them which failed, and that is when I noticed the black screen in the D+ tab in SF, cleared SF cache and log folders, then tried signing back into D+ and saw the error message.

                        I do not know how long it was between when the downloads on the 27th stopped and the morning when I retired the remaining 3 episodes and I discovered the block.

                        I installed the new router and rebooted the cable modem the afternoon of the 28th. I didn't try to watch a movie on Disney+ until about 8pm.

                        While I have watched a movies on Disney+ since being unblocked, I haven't tried downloading more yet.
                        Last edited by KidJoe; 07-30-2022, 01:30 PM.


                          Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                          As expected, I either got a new WAN IP after changing out the router and rebooting the modem, or I just waited long enough that Disney stopped blocking my IP.

                          Either way I can hit Disney+ from my home PCs.
                          I'd use a VPN for Disney now if you can....I can tell you I wasn't downloading as much as you, but still a lot.,I was also downloading 1080p (not SF).



                            I guess it depends on the provider. I worked as a cable modem tech for many years and the method I wrote above was the way I was taught and the way I have personally always used. I have had my router and modem off for days on occasion and when brought up again I had the same IP address. I do not have a static IP address. The last time I changed it was maybe 3 years ago when I used the spoof router method.
                            Next time try unscrewing the cable from the modem besides cutting power.


                              jimc115 I tried to PM on a question but said your mailbox is full. PM Me.

