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StreamFab Community Bug Tracker

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    StreamFab Community Bug Tracker

    As promised, i have setup a StreamFab Bug Tracker with a FOSS called Mantis Bug Tracker

    This is not sponsored, nor endorsed by StreamFab/Fengtao. It does not replace this forum and you should still report issues here first.

    The site was borne out of frustration with bugs that linger for months, even years. My reasoning is if we have visibility, we can apply pressure backed by data (what version 1st reported on, date reported, additional comments of said bug, etc...).

    Right now, the site is in its infancy and i have entered a few bugs and feature requests that are important to me but i encourage people who do have valid bugs and requests to enter them on the site.

    The only caveat is that since i own the site, i will moderate it any way i see fit. Some people clearly don't know how to report bugs or explain an issue so i reserve the right to edit stuff for clarity.

    I will also not accept feature requests that are just about adding a new site. That is a sure fire way to get flooded with obscure requests and legitimate issues go the wayside. Any feature requests that just make me roll my eyes will be removed

    Reporting issues

    To report an issue, you need to obviously create an account. I have no access to see passwords but can see email addresses so if you aren't comfortable with that, create a throwaway email account on one of the gazillion mail services. If that's still not enough, DM me with the info and i will create the issue for you.

    When reporting an issue, do not feel obligated to use BB Tools Paste. The StreamFab log does contain some info specific to you but i remove it from the log before pasting it. I may be missing stuff but that is a risk i am comfortable with. It's perfectly fine to skip that step although a fellow user might have been able to help you with access to the log.

    The info i redact is the Serial Number and the webview URL that starts with
    If you are wanting to add inline images on the bug tracker or especially on this forum, please upload the images to an image hosting site like or and link to those images. This is because this version of VBulletin is horribly configured and downsamples the images you upload and often makes them unreadable because of that.

    I will be generating issues based on the forum activity here if i feel it is warranted and should be tracked. So you could just wait a day or two before messaging me about creating the issue on the tracker.

    Viewing issues

    To view a list of the bugs and feature requests, you do not need an account as i have enabled anonymous access.

    Voting on Issues & Feature Requests

    I have installed a plugin to "vote" on issues and feature requests. This is to gauge what is most important to users so i can relay this to StreamFab. Again, reasoning is if they see a lot of people want something, they will implement it. Wishful thinking? Probably but it doesn't hurt to try.

    To vote, simply open an issue or feature request and scroll down to the Gauge Support section to vote on it.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	749
Size:	36.1 KB
ID:	429363

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	511
Size:	45.2 KB
ID:	429364

    Since this is a brand new site and i have never used MantisBT before, i am bound to have made configuration mistakes. Let me know and will try to address them as quickly as possible.

    I am hoping this takes off but if it doesn't, it's no biggie. I will still use it myself because trying to find stuff that was posted previously is a pain on a forum​​.

    I haven't really looked on the SFCBT site yet but is there a way to post here on the forum for each new (and approved as valid) bug report entered on the Bug Tracker site? You'd probably have to get a separate forum user account to post the entries. Perhaps we could get DVDFab to set one up. This bug tracker idea should have been done years ago by DVDFab themselves. Maybe they have an internal company one but as it stands now it is far too indirect. Someone posts a problem here, Mona troubleshoots it, person claims it is not fixed with Mona's suggestion, Mona somehow (exactly how is unknown) alerts the developer to the problem. Does it go into their own in-house bug tracker? The user with the problem is only rarely told the status of the bug fix, more often than not, they have to wait for a subsequent version update to see if their problem has disappeared. If not, they have to wait another week with fingers crossed. This is not the way to run a software company. Thankfully extremely few software companies run their bug reporting this way.
    Ideally DVDFab should set up their own bug tracker where users could formally enter their problems and it would show the status of the problem at all times. Barring that, this SFCBT could post user reports on the forum and (with any luck) Mona/Wilson could provide status updates in a timely manner. I'm not holding my breath. I guess the last option would be to give DVDFab administrative access on SFCBT but I'm sort of opposed to that since you designed it to be an aid to the user community and not to do DVDFab's job for them. Mixed feelings.


      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
      I haven't really looked on the SFCBT site yet but is there a way to post here on the forum for each new (and approved as valid) bug report entered on the Bug Tracker site? You'd probably have to get a separate forum user account to post the entries. Perhaps we could get DVDFab to set one up. This bug tracker idea should have been done years ago by DVDFab themselves. Maybe they have an internal company one but as it stands now it is far too indirect. Someone posts a problem here, Mona troubleshoots it, person claims it is not fixed with Mona's suggestion, Mona somehow (exactly how is unknown) alerts the developer to the problem. Does it go into their own in-house bug tracker? The user with the problem is only rarely told the status of the bug fix, more often than not, they have to wait for a subsequent version update to see if their problem has disappeared. If not, they have to wait another week with fingers crossed. This is not the way to run a software company. Thankfully extremely few software companies run their bug reporting this way.
      Ideally DVDFab should set up their own bug tracker where users could formally enter their problems and it would show the status of the problem at all times. Barring that, this SFCBT could post user reports on the forum and (with any luck) Mona/Wilson could provide status updates in a timely manner. I'm not holding my breath. I guess the last option would be to give DVDFab administrative access on SFCBT but I'm sort of opposed to that since you designed it to be an aid to the user community and not to do DVDFab's job for them. Mixed feelings.
      Yes that was my intention. I was planning on posting at least a weekly list of outstanding issues and also at every release. For example, when comes out, i test the current opened bugs and if anything is fixed, i close it. Then i post that such and such issues have been closed, these are still opened, and these are new with something like that.


        I don't have a problem creating a forum account to post stuff there. When you said FOSS I was stoked because I already have a Fosshub account, lol, but I see it is a different site.


          Originally posted by MrKrawk View Post
          I don't have a problem creating a forum account to post stuff there. When you said FOSS I was stoked because I already have a Fosshub account, lol, but I see it is a different site.
          It's not a forum but yeah FOSS is just an acronym for Free Open Source Software


            So here is the list of the current issues on the bug tracker. I wanted to add direct links but because of the auto-moderation rules here, it would be set to Unapproved.

            I will post another list the day after v6.1.3.7 is released and i have tested these. If you are affected by any of these or would like to see one of the feature requests implemented, please vote for them and we can let the StreamFab devs know.

            Date Submitted Severity Product Version Category Summary
            2023-08-01 Tweak StreamFab v6.1.3.3 Remuxing Track Order, Default Flag & Forced Flag Are Wrong/Not Set
            2023-08-01 Feature Request User Interface Make All Download Pop-Up Windows Like the Amazon Prime Video Download Pop-Up Window
            2023-08-02 Major StreamFab v5.0.4.3 Downloading Discovery+ Subtitles Not Downloaded
            2023-08-02 Tweak StreamFab v5.0.3.8 Downloading Download Now Button Starts the Whole Queue Instead of Just Selected Items
            2023-08-02 Feature Request Analysis Auto-Select Netflix [Original] Audio
            2023-08-02 Feature Request Processing Allow Customizable Naming Templates for Movies and TV Shows
            2023-08-04 Major StreamFab v6.1.3.4 Analysis Crackle Download Window Only Shows Season 1 for Multi-Season TV Shows
            2023-08-20 Major StreamFab v6.1.3.6 Playback DRM MPD Incomplete & Out-of-Sync Downloads from
            2023-08-21 Minor StreamFab v6.1.3.5 Authentication No auto-login on Peacock
            Last edited by jpp72; 08-21-2023, 03:15 PM.



              In the above thread, I posted a notice that what I preferred was not downloaded, I got this after the download. Would it be possible to let me know I will not be getting H265 before I download it, not after?
              Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                Hi all,

                It's good, and thanks for your support.

                The below features will be added soon, it's in the plan:

                - Support for select Netflix Original audio default
                - Customize the output file name

                And the other problems, I will ask the dev to check it.

                Please post your logs the default location is:
                For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
                For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
                Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
                If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



                  Originally posted by Wilson.Wang View Post
                  Hi all,

                  It's good, and thanks for your support.

                  The below features will be added soon, it's in the plan:

                  - Support for select Netflix Original audio default
                  - Customize the output file name

                  And the other problems, I will ask the dev to check it.

                  That's great news! Long overdue but great nonetheless


                    Just want to let you know that I'll be contributing more entries to SFCBT in the future. I've got a ton of gripes and a lot of Feature Requests that I want to get to. Unfortunately I'm having a few medical issues that are slowing me down at the moment. Also, it being the summer hiatus period for TV I've cut back my subscriptions to the bare minimum. I don't like to bring up streamer issues for streamers that I'm not subscribed to nor can I confirm or deny other user's complaints if I don't presently have the streamer to test.

                    I invite all users here to contribute bug and feature requests to this wonderful utility that jpp72 has given us. Don't be shy. It's really easy to enter your concerns. You are helping the SF community and yourself by adding to the database.


                      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                      Just want to let you know that I'll be contributing more entries to SFCBT in the future. I've got a ton of gripes and a lot of Feature Requests that I want to get to. Unfortunately I'm having a few medical issues that are slowing me down at the moment. Also, it being the summer hiatus period for TV I've cut back my subscriptions to the bare minimum. I don't like to bring up streamer issues for streamers that I'm not subscribed to nor can I confirm or deny other user's complaints if I don't presently have the streamer to test.

                      I invite all users here to contribute bug and feature requests to this wonderful utility that jpp72 has given us. Don't be shy. It's really easy to enter your concerns. You are helping the SF community and yourself by adding to the database.
                      Thanks i appreciate it!


                        Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                        That's great news! Long overdue but great nonetheless
                        Even longer overdue now. Was anything actually fixed with I'm still back on because the last two updates don't appear to be of any use to me. I can't believe they are still trying to impose their idea of what "Best Quality" is again. I blame this on your shadow for saying he wants the best quality given to him rather than saying he wants to be able to choose what he considers the best quality for him.
                        The Amazon 25 problem still exists, does it not? The competition had it fixed in exactly 1 day and that was after "Scarlet Vulpa the 1st" argued for about 5 hours with the person that first reported the problem saying he had the problem because he was using a VPN and wasn't setup to download the files using HEVC. Only after that went nowhere, he reported it to his developers.


                          Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                          Even longer overdue now. Was anything actually fixed with I'm still back on because the last two updates don't appear to be of any use to me. I can't believe they are still trying to impose their idea of what "Best Quality" is again. I blame this on your shadow for saying he wants the best quality given to him rather than saying he wants to be able to choose what he considers the best quality for him.
                          The Amazon 25 problem still exists, does it not? The competition had it fixed in exactly 1 day and that was after "Scarlet Vulpa the 1st" argued for about 5 hours with the person that first reported the problem saying he had the problem because he was using a VPN and wasn't setup to download the files using HEVC. Only after that went nowhere, he reported it to his developers.
                          Posted by Cats4U
                          Even longer overdue now. Was anything actually fixed with
                          Actually no, but they broke more things.

                          Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                            Sounds like I'll have a relaxing weekend then with not having to do an update. Sticking with for now. Luckily it's the summer hiatus for movies and TV shows so I'm doing minimal downloads anyway. I know at times that I sound like a raving idiot with my complaints about StreamFab and at times I'm nothing but praise and defense for it. As I wrote previously, I just want StreamFab to be the best darn streamer downloader the world will ever see. I just get so frustrated with the developers and the whole system at times like these.


                              Posted by Cats4U
                              I just want StreamFab to be the best darn streamer downloader the world will ever see. I just get so frustrated with the developers and the whole system at times like these.
                              Remember what the Rolling Stones said. " You cant always get what you want"
                              Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R

