As promised, i have setup a StreamFab Bug Tracker with a FOSS called Mantis Bug Tracker
This is not sponsored, nor endorsed by StreamFab/Fengtao. It does not replace this forum and you should still report issues here first.
The site was borne out of frustration with bugs that linger for months, even years. My reasoning is if we have visibility, we can apply pressure backed by data (what version 1st reported on, date reported, additional comments of said bug, etc...).
Right now, the site is in its infancy and i have entered a few bugs and feature requests that are important to me but i encourage people who do have valid bugs and requests to enter them on the site.
The only caveat is that since i own the site, i will moderate it any way i see fit. Some people clearly don't know how to report bugs or explain an issue so i reserve the right to edit stuff for clarity.
I will also not accept feature requests that are just about adding a new site. That is a sure fire way to get flooded with obscure requests and legitimate issues go the wayside. Any feature requests that just make me roll my eyes will be removed

Reporting issues
To report an issue, you need to obviously create an account. I have no access to see passwords but can see email addresses so if you aren't comfortable with that, create a throwaway email account on one of the gazillion mail services. If that's still not enough, DM me with the info and i will create the issue for you.
When reporting an issue, do not feel obligated to use BB Tools Paste. The StreamFab log does contain some info specific to you but i remove it from the log before pasting it. I may be missing stuff but that is a risk i am comfortable with. It's perfectly fine to skip that step although a fellow user might have been able to help you with access to the log.
The info i redact is the Serial Number and the webview URL that starts with
I will be generating issues based on the forum activity here if i feel it is warranted and should be tracked. So you could just wait a day or two before messaging me about creating the issue on the tracker.
Viewing issues
To view a list of the bugs and feature requests, you do not need an account as i have enabled anonymous access.
Voting on Issues & Feature Requests
I have installed a plugin to "vote" on issues and feature requests. This is to gauge what is most important to users so i can relay this to StreamFab. Again, reasoning is if they see a lot of people want something, they will implement it. Wishful thinking? Probably but it doesn't hurt to try.
To vote, simply open an issue or feature request and scroll down to the Gauge Support section to vote on it.
Since this is a brand new site and i have never used MantisBT before, i am bound to have made configuration mistakes. Let me know and will try to address them as quickly as possible.
I am hoping this takes off but if it doesn't, it's no biggie. I will still use it myself because trying to find stuff that was posted previously is a pain on a forum.