No announcement yet. Still Not Downloading HD from Amazon
Thanks everyone! Even though it may not be 100% accurate for all people all of the time, I think the current banner will be very helpful for everyone to better understand what's going on...
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You are right. I forgot i tested it independently and it does work:
Only certain MCU Movies and TV Shows before mid-2022 and a bunch of other random ones are available in 1080p because of the keys.db that was leaked containing keys for 1080p content
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Actually, i thought that's exactly what i did. I listed everything that works and i said what the status is of Amazon, Netflix and Max because those are the most used ones and i 100% expected people to ask what about Amazon, Netflix and Max.
Unless you are talking about the text before the list of what works? If so, not everyone even knows there was a CDM revoked, if we are aware , and is it being worked on.
It's obviously redundant for the people who visit the forum often but i had to think of everyone and not just the power users eager to queue up some Movie/TV Show goodness
So, to recap, the modules that are fully working are:
- AbemaTV Apple TV+ Crunchyroll Disney+ Hulu ITVX
- Joyn Lemino NHK+ OnlyFans Paramount+
- Pluto TV RTL+ Shahid Tubi U-Next
Last edited by jpp72; 02-24-2024, 09:28 PM.
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To be honest I dont like the banner thing at all, I am not saying I could do any better, but if I had to make one it would be what works, not what doesn't. That would be a much smaller and easy-to-understand banner. In my opinion, about 90% of everyone here is using Amazon and Netflix. (just my opinion) They are useless right now. Netflix and Amazon cannot download anything new in HD, Netflix cannot download anything that 99% of us don't have already. To me and I might assume, and I may be wrong, but I think 99% of us want 1080p, I am not wasting my time or available disk space on SD, I would even appreciate 720p. But it's 480p which for my purposes is useless. The banner does state that anything before such a date works as usual. I don't know about you, but I don't know what date every movie became available so I have to waste my time and see what happens, and 9 out of 10 times I am disappointed. I am not blaming jpp72 or Cats4U, they have done an amazing job under the harshest of circumstances. I honestly do not think the actual developers here do not know what they are doing. No, I can't fix it either, but nobody paid me a ton of money for a broken program, I am just frustrated. Forgive my rant.
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I like having the banner. Even if all it really means is "nothing new today", it's nice to know that up front. Probably the only reason to change it (until the problem is fixed) would be if there's a new version that you don't recommend, like back when we were all telling each other to stick to for awhile.
[edited] Oh darned, I said that before seeing that is apparently still the version for Roku. Recommending what version to use could get messy. I should have stopped at "I like having the banner."Last edited by wyhtmgm; 02-24-2024, 01:53 PM.
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There. You've got your banner. Jack put it up. Do you know anything more than you did before? We don't.
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Originally posted by Cats4U View PostEveryone wants the Reader's Digest version of the forum. Just read every message on the forum, and you'll get the same information you would want in a banner and a whole lot more. I've personally read every message on the forum for about the last 2 years now. That is no lie.
And then when we do put up a banner, users post the same problems in the forum that we wrote about in the banner, telling that they are still broke because they didn't bother to read it before they posted. We can't win.
I'll see if Jack would want to put one up. I told you, I won't do it. Management isn't telling us hardly anything and when they do, we find out it is either wrong or less than truthful. I'm not going to make stuff up just to calm the masses.
That said, having a visible banner was very helpful but for it to be effective, it should only contain specific facts about the situation (as the deleted banner pretty much did.) The banner should not make any promises, voice any displeasure, nor contain any opinions. In other words, "Just the facts, ma'am."
Clearly, there will be people who don't bother to read a banner and will post messages about something not working but for every one of those posts, there are probably twenty people who didn't post anything because they actually DID read the banner. Nothing is perfect but for sure, but taking the banner down may have sent a message to many that the DRM issue was solved so people ended up posting new messages when they felt something that should now be working wasn't working. It's not reasonable to expect that everyone will read each and every post. In my opinion, if someone creates a post complaining about an issue that's clearly identified in the banner message, nobody should feel obligated to respond to it. If anything, it should probably just be ignored!
I don't have statistics to prove this, but it seemed to me as if when the banner was up, the volume of new posts went down, and things were relatively quiet. When the banner came down, the post volume seemed to go up since people assumed we were back to "normal".
It's just my two cents, but I think we need a simple, banner announcing that the DRM issue exists, explaining what's likely to work and what's not likely to work, and that the developers are actively working on a fix but patience is needed, etc. Again, the original banner, for the most part, did a great job in covering these bases so nothing needs to be re-invented.
Either way, thank you for your efforts in not only moderating these forums, but also for your willingness to help everyone with your meaningful replies!
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Everyone wants the Reader's Digest version of the forum. Just read every message on the forum, and you'll get the same information you would want in a banner and a whole lot more. I've personally read every message on the forum for about the last 2 years now. That is no lie.
And then when we do put up a banner, users post the same problems in the forum that we wrote about in the banner, telling that they are still broke because they didn't bother to read it before they posted. We can't win.
I'll see if Jack would want to put one up. I told you, I won't do it. Management isn't telling us hardly anything and when they do, we find out it is either wrong or less than truthful. I'm not going to make stuff up just to calm the masses.
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Just downloaded everything in 5K . woohoo..
oh wait... 540........ the rest went bye bye.
Why take the banner away if it's still failing.
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Originally posted by Kattanders View Post
Hi Cats4U, I am a developer myself and I know too well, that some fixes or changes may have a huge impact and cannot be solved quickly or without major changes, especially if it needs to address complex 3rd party components which are say "undocumented" ... but regardless, our customers do expect more or less regular status updates about the progress. I believe a lot of frustrations here in the forum cold be calmed if such status updates would be published maybe in a specific "DVDFab Staff " thread or yet another banner, however in close communication with the development team - we wouldn't want to put even more pressure on the developers (I guess they already have plenty of that). BW
They are working as hard as they can. No ETA... period.
I don't need nobody repeating themselves.
What I want is an update, but words simply cannot not help here.
Read the list of changes in any product update carefully and you will be informed. If no word about Amazon or Netflix is in these lists, nothing has changed. Still working on it... no ETA. ;-)
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Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
I, personally, have no intention of putting up another new banner because the only thing I was told this last Sunday, Feb. 18th, was that all the DRM problems would be fixed at the end of the week except Netflix and Amazon, which needed more work. A day later, the test version of suddenly appears with no explanation or warning. It quickly became apparent, that the test version was meant to fix a non-DRM download problem in CWTV. I put up a banner briefly (< 5 minutes) telling of that release and telling of my displeasure with the situation. Thankfully, Jack calmed me down and made me see reason, and I took the banner down. I don't want to be the one to write everything is working great when it's not. Remember, I'm a StreamFab user myself, and I'm none too happy about how long this fix is taking to be completed and the lack of any information coming forth from Management about it. If they want to put up a banner, they can do it. After all, they are the only ones that actually know what is going on. This is the last I'm going to say on this matter.
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Originally posted by UHASDFN View PostI just downloaded a few 1920x1080 films from's prime service. *shrug*
i believe older films can be downloaded in 1080p
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I just downloaded a few 1920x1080 films from's prime service. *shrug*
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