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  • Cats4U
    Originally posted by Marty92 View Post
    Yes, I don't understand why they removed the red Banner again, even though the DRM problems still exist.
    I, personally, have no intention of putting up another new banner because the only thing I was told this last Sunday, Feb. 18th, was that all the DRM problems would be fixed at the end of the week except Netflix and Amazon, which needed more work. A day later, the test version of suddenly appears with no explanation or warning. It quickly became apparent, that the test version was meant to fix a non-DRM download problem in CWTV. I put up a banner briefly (< 5 minutes) telling of that release and telling of my displeasure with the situation. Thankfully, Jack calmed me down and made me see reason, and I took the banner down. I don't want to be the one to write everything is working great when it's not. Remember, I'm a StreamFab user myself, and I'm none too happy about how long this fix is taking to be completed and the lack of any information coming forth from Management about it. If they want to put up a banner, they can do it. After all, they are the only ones that actually know what is going on. This is the last I'm going to say on this matter.

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  • Movies99
    Regarding the red banner, don’t know why it’s been removed. Bring it back until the DRM situation has been totally solved!!

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    Originally posted by Marty92 View Post
    Yes, I don't understand why they removed the red Banner again, even though the DRM problems still exist.

    This suggests that there are no more problems with it, even though nothing has fixed.

    They don't want to show they aren't capables of fix it yet

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  • Marty92
    Yes, I don't understand why they removed the red Banner again, even though the DRM problems still exist.

    This suggests that there are no more problems with it, even though nothing has fixed.

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  • theresay
    Well the change log said nothing about Amazon, and one of the moderator said the dev already told him will not fix Amazon and Netflix yet, so it's no surprise.

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  • Movies99
    Looked at the forum this morning seeing the new update plus the removal of the red banner listing the DRM problems.
    Was excited to open the new StreamFab update only to find nothing had changed for me.
    Amazon still downloading at 540p and unable to get anything from CTV using the DRM MPD!
    Disappointed, to say the least.
    I suggest you put the red banner back up again as the DRM still needs dev work to fix it to give 1080 or at least 720.
    Not happy.

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  • Mauser
    started a topic Amazon Still Not Downloading HD from Amazon Still Not Downloading HD from Amazon

    Tested an episode of Mr. & Mrs Smith (2024) this morning - cannot download anything but 480p.