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Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning failing

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    Paramount+ Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning failing

    I cannot get the newest release on the Paramount site to dl. It succeeds in analysis but generates the "failure accessing video information, please check your network connection or ask us for help.

    2024:01:25-16:29:21 0x00003894 [Info]: [save queue]: begin
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00003894 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: save count 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00003894 [Info]: [save queue]: end
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: key: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: host: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: key: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: host: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: [Tip Dlg] type: 9, BA: 1, BR: 1, BE: 1
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: [Check Download Item] Item ID: sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_BS
    2024:01:25-16:29:22 0x00004274 [Info]: [Check Download Item] Item PlayUrl:
    2024:01:25-16:29:23 0x00004274 [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
    2024:01:25-16:29:25 0x00004274 [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :9
    2024:01:25-16:29:25 0x00004274 [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:01:25-16:29:25 0x00004274 [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:01:25-16:29:25 0x00004274 [Info]: BatchDownloadManager, processCurrentWork, process id : sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_BS
    2024:01:25-16:29:26 0x00003534 [Info]: [Download Count Check]: Return Code : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:26 0x00004274 [Info]: DiskSpaceCheck, GetDiskFreeSpace result : 116, path : F:/StreamFabTEMP
    2024:01:25-16:29:26 0x00004274 [Info]: DiskSpaceCheck, GetDiskFreeSpace result : 116, path : F:/stream
    2024:01:25-16:29:26 0x00004274 [Info]: slot_checkAndStart, enableRecord: true
    2024:01:25-16:29:26 0x00004274 [Info]: m_workData.strSrtTempPath :F:/StreamFabTEMP/outputTemp/Paramount+/2024_01_25_16_29_26_sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_
    2024:01:25-16:29:26 0x00004274 [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
    2024:01:25-16:29:27 0x00004274 [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :9
    2024:01:25-16:29:27 0x00004274 [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:01:25-16:29:27 0x00004274 [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:01:25-16:29:27 0x00004274 [Info]: OnAddressChange - detect video url
    2024:01:25-16:29:28 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
    2024:01:25-16:29:30 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:30 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:30 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:31 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:32 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:32 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get new mpd url: 505-a862-432d-b644-bb34bf2fd503%22%2Csu
    2024:01:25-16:29:33 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:33 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:33 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:34 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:36 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:36 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:36 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:37 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: custom force play .
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjNkNjg4NGJmLWViMDktND A1Zi1hOWZjLWU0NGE1NmY3NjZiNiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ zdWIiOiIxNTQ2NDI4Nl9VUyIsImVudCI6W3siYmlkIjoiQWxsQ WNjZXNzTWFpbiIsImVwaWQiOjl9XSwiaWF0IjoxNzA2MjI4OTY 2LCJleHAiOjE3MDYyNDMzNjYsImlzcyI6ImNicyIsImFpZCI6I mNic2kiLCJpc2UiOnRydWUsImp0aSI6ImE4ZDcwMGFlLWE0MjI tNDZhMC04OTI4LWRjMWNlM2I4ZDdmNCJ9.7Ty6opFEiZYxy-Ay2VvoqXEBGEGmMJZCrUYYxaaTI30
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x000052f8 [Info]: CBS check add queue state, meta is valid : true
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x000052f8 [Info]: CBS meta current play id : "sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_BS"
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: get meta finish
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: get meta finish
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Control: CheckOption is true!
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: CBS download start, prepare params
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: selected audio : ("en")
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: selected subtitle : ("en")
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: play id : "sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_BS"
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Title : "Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning"
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Set output video info 5 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Set output audio info 2
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Set user info
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Start download
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00004274 [Info]: Audio: en / Subtitle: en / To: "F:/StreamFabTEMP/outputTemp/Paramount+/2024_01_25_16_29_26_sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_ BS"
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00003308 [Info]: download thread begin.
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x000052f8 [Info]: get mpd data OK.
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00003308 [Info]: Get data info success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00003308 [Info]: Parse data info success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00003308 [Info]: Match audio/subtitle success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x00003308 [Info]: Add stream success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get CKS.
    2024:01:25-16:29:38 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get cvk: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x000047dc [Info]: Operate check success.
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get cvk rs: 5
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get CHCRT no have.
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Got Video Stream allow!
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Get Stream Reqlic!
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x00004274 [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :9
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x00004274 [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x00004274 [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:01:25-16:29:39 0x00004274 [Info]: show license dlg
    2024:01:25-16:29:41 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Check allow : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Check allow 2 : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00004274 [Info]: Get LS data error: {"code":190121,"message":"License denied by Widevine. Device is revoked and the configured policies do not allow to override device revocation."}
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Get Stream license!
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: license is NULL!
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Video: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Video: AAAAWHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADgIARIQp7 h3e4lCQvW9wP7TvgugLyIgc2gwVWVKZXhvQmJQTnI0MHZMOHpW OVRwRzlxRzdfQlM4AQ==
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Audio: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:43 0x00005ce8 [Info]: Audio: AAAAWHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADgIARIQp7 h3e4lCQvW9wP7TvgugLyIgc2gwVWVKZXhvQmJQTnI0MHZMOHpW OVRwRzlxRzdfQlM4AQ==
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000052f8 [Info]: get mpd data OK.
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x00003308 [Info]: Get data info success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x00003308 [Info]: Parse data info success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x00003308 [Info]: Match audio/subtitle success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x00003308 [Info]: Add stream success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get CKS.
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get cvk: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get cvk rs: 5
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get CHCRT no have.
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000063e8 [Info]: Got Video Stream allow!
    2024:01:25-16:29:44 0x000063e8 [Info]: Get Stream Reqlic!
    2024:01:25-16:29:45 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
    2024:01:25-16:29:46 0x000063e8 [Info]: Check allow : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: Check allow 2 : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x00004274 [Info]: Get LS data error: {"code":190121,"message":"License denied by Widevine. Device is revoked and the configured policies do not allow to override device revocation."}
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: Get Stream license!
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: license is NULL!
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: Video: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: Video: AAAAWHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADgIARIQp7 h3e4lCQvW9wP7TvgugLyIgc2gwVWVKZXhvQmJQTnI0MHZMOHpW OVRwRzlxRzdfQlM4AQ==
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: Audio: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000063e8 [Info]: Audio: AAAAWHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADgIARIQp7 h3e4lCQvW9wP7TvgugLyIgc2gwVWVKZXhvQmJQTnI0MHZMOHpW OVRwRzlxRzdfQlM4AQ==
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000052f8 [Info]: get mpd data OK.
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x00003308 [Info]: Get data info success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x00003308 [Info]: Parse data info success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x00003308 [Info]: Match audio/subtitle success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x00003308 [Info]: Add stream success .
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get CKS.
    2024:01:25-16:29:48 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get cvk: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:49 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get cvk rs: 5
    2024:01:25-16:29:49 0x000052f8 [Info]: Get CHCRT no have.
    2024:01:25-16:29:49 0x00005d78 [Info]: Got Video Stream allow!
    2024:01:25-16:29:49 0x00005d78 [Info]: Get Stream Reqlic!
    2024:01:25-16:29:50 0x00005d78 [Info]: Check allow : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: Check allow 2 : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00004274 [Info]: Get LS data error: {"code":190121,"message":"License denied by Widevine. Device is revoked and the configured policies do not allow to override device revocation."}
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: Get Stream license!
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: license is NULL!
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: Video: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: Video: AAAAWHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADgIARIQp7 h3e4lCQvW9wP7TvgugLyIgc2gwVWVKZXhvQmJQTnI0MHZMOHpW OVRwRzlxRzdfQlM4AQ==
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: Audio: a7b8777b894242f5bdc0fed3be0ba02f
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00005d78 [Info]: Audio: AAAAWHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADgIARIQp7 h3e4lCQvW9wP7TvgugLyIgc2gwVWVKZXhvQmJQTnI0MHZMOHpW OVRwRzlxRzdfQlM4AQ==
    2024:01:25-16:29:53 0x00003308 [Info]: **** Get download Processed fail. The error is : 307
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00003308 [Info]: download thread is about to exit, flag check :
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00003308 [Info]: Clear by download finish.
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00003308 [Info]: download thread end.
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie module: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie name: "Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie year: "2023"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie resolution: "240P"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie videocodec: "H264"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie videorange: "SDR"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie audiocodec: "AAC"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie resolutionwidth: 320
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie resolutionheight: 240
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie name after change: "Mission_ Impossible - Dead Reckoning"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux movie out name: "Mission_ Impossible - Dead Reckoning (2023)"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, before remux, audio file count : 1, subtitle file count : 1
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, before remux, audio file F:/StreamFabTEMP/outputTemp/Paramount+/2024_01_25_16_29_26_sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_ BS_audio_en.mp4 is existed ? : 0, file size : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, skip this unavailable audio file
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, before remux, subtitle file F:/StreamFabTEMP/outputTemp/Paramount+/2024_01_25_16_29_26_sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_ is existed ? : 0, file size : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, skip this unavailable subtitle file
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Download, before remux, video file F:/StreamFabTEMP/outputTemp/Paramount+/2024_01_25_16_29_26_sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_ BS_video.mp4 is existed ? : 0, file size : 0
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: Remux file not exist: "F:/StreamFabTEMP/outputTemp/Paramount+/2024_01_25_16_29_26_sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_ BS_video.mp4"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, play id from current work queue : "sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_BS"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, download send RecordResult signal, flag : false
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: batchDownloaderManager, record result, id : sh0UeJexoBbPNr40vL8zV9TpG9qG7_BS, type : 3
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002a4c [Info]: CBS Download, download send processFinish signal, flag : false
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: [Download Check]: /************************************************** **************************/
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: [Download Check]: download result: "failed"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: [Download Check]: fail code: 307
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: [Download Check]: /************************************************** **************************/
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: key: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: host: "Paramount+"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: [File Check]: record file location: "F:/stream/Paramount+/Mission_ Impossible - Dead Reckoning (2023).mp4"
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: [File Check]: record file not existed
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00004274 [Info]: Open Folder Settings : false --- true
    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00001a2c [Log]: DRMLocalServer: receive all msg elk:{"failure_reason":"307","pid_web":"910","reg_s tatus":"reg_enable","result":"failed","title":""," type":"download","url":"","website":"Paramount+"}

    2024:01:25-16:29:54 0x00002dfc [Info]: Operate check success.
    2024:01:25-16:30:01 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
    2024:01:25-16:30:10 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
    2024:01:25-16:34:16 0x00004274 [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6

    All VIP services are slowly saying goodbye ..
    .. because the decryption requirements have just changed - see header in forum !

    (StreamFab can't get the key for decryption - no network problem)​


      Just reported to Developers. Sexy Beast series, just released, won't download either.


        tshizzle, I appreciate the effort, but please, next time, don't post your StreamFab.log file out in the open. Upload it as an attachment. Thank you.


          This movie downloaded for me overnight. It had been marked as failed since the DRM issue started, but maybe SF occasionally re-attempts failures? Anyway, it worked without me knowingly kicking it off.
          Husband, father, watcher of way too much TV and Movies.
          Software developer for 30+ years starting with BASIC on DOS 5.x and now on the MEAN stack (Mongo/Express/Angular/Node) in an AWS environment.


            Originally posted by AnttDvdFab View Post
            This movie downloaded for me overnight. It had been marked as failed since the DRM issue started, but maybe SF occasionally re-attempts failures? Anyway, it worked without me knowingly kicking it off.
            I just tried again to download MI: Dead Reckoning and sure enough, it worked this time. Weird.


              I just tried it myself. It downloads, whereas previously it didn't. Plus, no sign of anything in the way of DRM change warnings in the log. Very strange! And it was released on Jan. 25th. I tested Sexy Beast from Jan. 25th again and it failed again. I also tested The Young and the Restless soap opera from Jan. 26th, and it failed with DRM warnings in log.


                I just tried again and it worked - thanks for the update on your success. Whatever the developers did it is appreciated.

