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Appears The CW might be eligible to be added to the DRM victim list

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    The CW Appears The CW might be eligible to be added to the DRM victim list

    New episode of Children Ruin Everything added to The CW yesterday fails.

    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00005934 [Info]: Get LS data format error: Widevine generateLicense call against [] failed with status [ACCESS_DENIED]: device-certificate-revoked: 27175
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00005934 [Info]: Undefined data Error = 0
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: Get Stream license!
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: license is NULL!​
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00005934 [Info]: Undefined data Error = 0
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: Get Stream license!
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: license is NULL!
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: Video: 6b7b7141ed51512ebadfa1237a46ed9b
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: Video: AAAAOHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAABgiEK4Cmk GNIpvavcdvIrAEgkZI49yVmwY=
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: Audio: e4c42e11b0d75365abd2df4f1eeac951
    2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00000314 [Info]: Audio: AAAAOHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAABgiEK4Cmk GNIpvavcdvIrAEgkZI49yVmwY=
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00006480 [Info]: download thread is about to exit, flag check :
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00006480 [Info]: Clear by download finish.
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00006480 [Info]: download thread end.
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: show name before change: "Children Ruin Everything"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: show name after change: "Children Ruin Everything"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: title path before change: "Confidence"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: title path after change: "Confidence"​

    . . . . . . . . .

    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: CWTV play id from current work queue : "859a4bca-409e-4353-ae13-8d65b4eb72b6"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: CWTV download send RecordResult signal, flag : false
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x0000560c [Info]: CWTV download send processFinish signal, flag : false
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: batchDownloaderManager, record result, id : 859a4bca-409e-4353-ae13-8d65b4eb72b6, type : 3
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: [Download Check]: /************************************************** **************************/
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: [Download Check]: download result: "failed"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: [Download Check]: fail code: 308
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: [Download Check]: /************************************************** **************************/
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: key: "CWTV"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: host: "CWTV"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: [File Check]: record file location: "C:/Users/PrimaryDesktop-PC/Desktop/Temp Videos/STREAMFAB Recordings/CWTV/Children Ruin Everything/S03/Children Ruin Everything_S03_E303.mp4"
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: [File Check]: record file not existed
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x00005934 [Info]: Open Folder Settings : false --- true
    2024:01:28-13:20:42 0x000007d4 [Log]: DRMLocalServer: receive all msg elk:{"failure_reason":"308","pid_web":"948","reg_s tatus":"reg_enable","result":"failed","title":""," type":"download","url":"","website":"CWTV"}

    Ability to attach my log file is not working for me.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by whb; 01-28-2024, 06:32 PM. Reason: Looks like to log was attached after all.

    I can download only older episodes, s01+02 ok, s03 no

    Click image for larger version

Name:	cw_Children Ruin Everything.jpg
Views:	554
Size:	99.3 KB
ID:	436023

    As with AppleTV+, “only” newer publications failed.​


      2024:01:28-13:20:41 0x00005934 [Info]: Get LS data format error: Widevine generateLicense call against [] failed with status [ACCESS_DENIED]: device-certificate-revoked: 27175​

      so, yes..


        I agree with all of you, and I am sending it on to the Developers. Thank you, everybody!


          The CW still a fail. Attempted same download as in original post.

          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00006558 [Info]: Get LS data format error: Widevine generateLicense call against [] failed with status [ACCESS_DENIED]: device-certificate-revoked: 27175
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00006558 [Info]: Undefined data Error = 0
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00005f1c [Info]: Get Stream license!
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00006558 [Info]: Get data done! 4
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00006558 [Info]: Get LS data format error: Widevine generateLicense call against [] failed with status [ACCESS_DENIED]: device-certificate-revoked: 27175
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00006558 [Info]: Undefined data Error = 0
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00005f1c [Info]: Get Stream license!
          2024:02:07-09:30:02 0x00005f1c [Info]: license is NULL!​

          If necessary, can upload log later when I have more time.


            The CWTV is broken too.

            [] failed with status [ACCESS_DENIED]: device-certificate-revoked: 27175​
            Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


              They don't seem to have hope for new ChromeCDM soon.. let‘s see how long it‘s gonna be before someone cracks the new ChromeCDM and is willing to sell it to them.

