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Amazon - no more possible to analyze single episodes (website change)

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    Amazon Amazon - no more possible to analyze single episodes (website change)

    For two days now, it has no longer been possible to analyze individual episodes.
    However, manual selection and download works and movies are not affected:

    If I use a url for a season or single episode nothing is marked in selection.
    So it's not more possible to analyze single episodes or detect differences in seasons.

    All SF Versions affected. I also tested new created StreamFab.ini with no changes.

    After detecting at I tested also (USA) freevee series with same result.

    example Haven.s01e02 tested links:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	amazon_haven.s01e02.jpg
Views:	1842
Size:	45.8 KB
ID:	449455

    btw: I don't see any prefix for module (?)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	no_prefix_found.jpg
Views:	2203
Size:	30.8 KB
ID:	449454

    I can confirm. it only works if you enter in the streamfab browser and search for the series there. Then you can at least select a single episode. I think there is an arrow next to each season.
    But if I insert a link to an episode I have an analysis loop.


      Originally posted by steffen011279 View Post
      I can confirm. it only works if you enter in the streamfab browser and search for the series there. Then you can at least select a single episode. I think there is an arrow next to each season.
      In 20 minutes I have not managed to determine the bitrate (or size)
      of e.g. Reacher.s01e02 or Reacher.s02e01 with SF

      Perhaps i'am too silly, but I can't get an analyze of any episode 2 or season 2
      (if no separate website for season 2) - neither via search nor via Details.

      I only ever see the bitrate and size of the 1st episode from 1st season of a page.​


        Next to the seasons I have two arrows pointing downwards. If you click on them you can see the individual episodes.
        Sorry that I can't describe it in such detail because of my visual impairment.​
        However, it could be that the resolution change only affects one episode.
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by steffen011279 View Post
          Next to the seasons I have two arrows pointing downwards.
          If you click on them you can see the individual episodes.
          The problem is that I didn't get around to using the season selection
          because the analysis of season 1 is already in the foreground
          and when I cancel it I'm back on the Prime Video homepage.

          The manual season selection apparently only works if the default setting
          of "Auto Analysis" is switched off - but also works with season URL (s02).

          So there is still the problem that only the first episode of a season is analyzed
          and no episode is automatically selected (both were still possible on Tuesday).​


            Aah now it's clear to me!
            Manual does not work for me either, as you describe.
            I had auto-analyze active.
            When I call up a direct link with auto-analyze, the analysis starts again and again.
            If I entered in sf “Visit website” and searched for Reacher via the browser page, I could also select individual episodes and see all seasons, at least with auto-analysis.


              Originally posted by steffen011279 View Post
              .. I could also select individual episodes and see all seasons, at least with auto-analysis.
              That was never my problem, I can see, select and play all episodes ..
              .. I miss only the analyze (and selection) of the active episode
              if it isn't the episode 1 (after I figured out, how to force the season)​


                Originally posted by Germania View Post
                That was never my problem, I can see, select and play all episodes ..
                .. I miss only the analyze (and selection) of the active episode
                if it isn't the episode 1 (after I figured out, how to force the season)​
                When using manual analysis:
                • In StreamFab, play the episode you want to analyze
                • If there is an ad, wait until the episode starts
                • Close the video player with the X at the top right
                • PrimeVideo should now say something like "Episode 3 Continue Watching"
                • Click the analysis button.
                Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	183.3 KB ID:	449530

                Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	186.6 KB ID:	449531

                With automatic analysis:
                • In StreamFab, make sure clipboard monitoring is on
                • In your regular​ browser, right-click the Play Icon of the episode to analyze and copy the link
                • If the show has a lot of Seasons, or you just don't want the episode to play inside StreamFab, click cancel on the StreamFab clipboard prompt and see the optional steps below
                • If you don't care that the episode will start playing inside StreamFab, click download

                Optional steps:
                • In order for the episode to NOT play inside StreamFab, paste the link inside a text editor
                • Remove "?autoplay=1&t=0" from the end of the URL
                • Copy the URL to the clipboard
                • Click Download on the StreamFab pop-up


                  Your "Optional steps" is that what I used the last year.
                  But after Tuesday it don't work anymore at ..
                  .. it show only the bitrate from episode 1 - therefore my post:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	pv_reacher.s02e03_before_play.jpg
Views:	1561
Size:	61.7 KB
ID:	449543

                  But you are right - I need to play (and see ads) every single episode,
                  to analyze the active episode:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	pv_reacher.s02e03_continue.jpg
Views:	1528
Size:	55.8 KB
ID:	449544

                  Watch now => Only analyze 1st episode
                  Continue watching => analyze active episode

                  But that's really annoying and time-consuming
                  btw: SF crashed twice in 4 analyze attempts, yeah

                  Anyway - thank you jack​


                    I have to agree. The analyzed episode is no longer selected in the window.

                    I have now analyzed season 4. Normally season 4 episode 1 should now be selected in the window, i.e. 1 of 107.

                    Now 0 of 107 is selected. We no longer know which episode was used for analysis.

                    Basically this would not be a problem if Streamfab analyzed each episode individually, like it did back then, even if it would take 1 minute longer.

                    Wilson.Wang , can you check this?

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-09-01 002737.jpg
Views:	1582
Size:	66.1 KB
ID:	449550
                    NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


                      Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post
                      I have now analyzed season 4
                      Yep and you can't no more analyze other episode than first of season
                      without start player and see ads !

                      Until now, I only had to enter the URL of the episode
                      and I knew the resolution, bit rate and video size.
                      Sometimes the different between episodes are >100%

                      I had already considered select #8 as an answer ..
                      .. but it can only be a temporary workaround.
                      Manual playback is not an acceptable solution for me.

                      The missing auto selection of current episode is another annoyance.​

                      Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post
                      Basically this would not be a problem if Streamfab analyzed each episode individually
                      ​Of course, it would be best to simply select the episode
                      and force the analysis by switching between H264 + H265​


                        Originally posted by Germania View Post

                        ​Of course, it would be best to simply select the episode
                        and force the analysis by switching between H264 + H265​
                        Although i appreciate the fact that they added the manual analysis, it is a half-assed incomplete implementation as usual.

                        Back in June 2023, i created a whole thread on how they should improve the analysis. I even suggested adding a button next to each episode (could even be a tiny icon) but as usual, completely ignored.

                        If they would just do these 2 things, it would improve the user experience immensely:
                        1. Add an icon next to each episode in the download pop-up so we can analyze individual episodes
                        2. For batch downloads, number each bitrate for the same resolution. For example on amazon, you have BR1, BR2, BR3 for 1080p. If i batch download with BR3 and StreamFab gets to an episode that only has BR1 and BR2, it should download BR2. Right now, it downloads BR1 and it's so fucking annoying. I have to go back and analyze individual episodes and download BR2 one by one
                        Last edited by jpp72; 09-01-2024, 04:22 AM.


                          Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                          I even suggested adding a button next to each episode (could even be a tiny icon) but as usual, completely ignored.
                          yep, this looks great. I have never seen this suggestion, because it was before my SF purchase.

                          btw: At the beginning of my SF time, what struck me most was the desire
                          that the selection dialog should be transferred to the other VIP services.
                          If I see this correctly, this only happened recently with AppleTV+ (preview)​


                            Originally posted by Germania View Post
                            yep, this looks great. I have never seen this suggestion, because it was before my SF purchase.

                            btw: At the beginning of my SF time, what struck me most was the desire
                            that the selection dialog should be transferred to the other VIP services.
                            If I see this correctly, this only happened recently with AppleTV+ (preview)​
                            Ya. Even before Cats4U and I were brought in as mods, they gave us a word document highlighting the major things they were working on. One of them was making all download windows the same as the Amazon one.

                            So it has gone from that, to us (Tom and I) organizing and cleaning the forum, fixing the usergroups, fixing promotions, fixing image attachment sizes, creating topic prefixes, enabling likes, enabling setting answers, cleaning users awaiting moderation, creating polls and even me starting a database driven bug tracker. We were also taking all the shit from the DRM change while they ignore every single recommendation on how to handle it.

                            Meanwhile, everyone is still waiting for the new download window on Netflix (the most used streamer in the world)


                              The worst part was that they had almost 6 months during the DRM change when they sat with their thumb up their ass waiting for someone in the world to release the keys so they could use them. They could have assigned someone to write the QT code to make all the modules look like Amazon, then. That didn't necessarily mean they had to release it then. They probably would have heard a rash of shit for making a GUI change to nonworking modules, but they could have plugged the new GUI in immediately after the DRM was fixed.

