i bought the all in one app a few months back and seeing it says all in one should that also include this part of the program as well as any other new features, because all in one is just what it says and if that is not the case where we get this and any other future parts of the dvdfab software you might wanna rename the all in one to something else cause it can get confused. it like when i go to a store and they mis price something they have to sell me the item for that price even if they priced it incorrectly to honor all the customers, cause after all the customer is right., without customers there would be no store to keep it making money for the owner
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DVDFab DRM Removal
Originally posted by Panthera44Male View Posti bought the all in one app a few months back and seeing it says all in one should that also include this part of the program as well as any other new features, because all in one is just what it says and if that is not the case where we get this and any other future parts of the dvdfab software you might wanna rename the all in one to something else cause it can get confused. it like when i go to a store and they mis price something they have to sell me the item for that price even if they priced it incorrectly to honor all the customers, cause after all the customer is right., without customers there would be no store to keep it making money for the owner
We checked with your forum registered email account, but didn't seem locate the All-In-One order you mentioned. Please kindly contact me with relevant info, so that we can check it for you again.
About All-In-One package, it only contains the items listed under the package at the time when the order is made. New product(s) is not automaitcally part of the existed All-In-One package. Please kindly contact us for more info, thank you.
When changing your mail address, you should also remember to change your mail address in your account, which you can log in to on the DVDFab main site under Member.
But as Mona mentioned, new features which are added after our all-in-one purchase, are not added to our all-in-one, those we have to purchase separately to get those added.
I also don't have sudden features added to my all-in-one, or semi all-in-one as i could call it now, because i made my all-in-one purchase long before these tools was invented and added to the all-in-one purchase option.
I don't have the DVD to Blu-ray option or neither of the Cinavia tools, because they did not exist back when i made my all-in-one purchase.Last edited by Per K; 03-29-2017, 10:20 PM.
they should change the all in one a different name, can confuse allot of people who buy it into thinking they get all features including new ones. would save allot mods allot messages on this matter. only other thing i can mention is anyone who does have the all in one should get a break in price for this feature and future ones for lifetime keys
Would be a good idea with a discount for those of us, who does have an all-in-one lifetime license.
Others who develop video and audio tools does usually have such upgrade offers when ever they launch something brand new, hence why so many of their costumers usually also gladly accept their upgrade offers.Last edited by Per K; 03-30-2017, 01:44 PM.
Originally posted by Per K View PostWould be a good idea with a discount for those of us, who does have an all-in-one lifetime license.
Others who develop video and audio tools does usually have such upgrade offers when ever they launch something brand new, hence why so many of their costumers usually also gladly accept their upgrade offers.
Yes, we will have 50% dicount for the all-in-one old users later to purchase the new DRM Removal.
WilsonPlease post your logs the default location is:
For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.
Hi All,
About the 50% off coupon code for getting DRM Removal, if you are qualified, please kindly contact service team to get it.
If you are not sure abou it, you contact us as well.
1. Contact via our contact page: http://www.dvdfab.cn/contact.htm
2. Contact me
Originally posted by Mona View PostHi All,
About the 50% off coupon code for getting DRM Removal, if you are qualified, please kindly contact service team to get it.
If you are not sure abou it, you contact us as well.
1. Contact via our contact page: http://www.dvdfab.cn/contact.htm
2. Contact me
I receive answer of dvdfab staff. Thanks for the help MonaI buy it. I am so happy
Last edited by Electro007; 04-02-2017, 01:21 AM.