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Random Stuttering Video and Buzzing in Audio

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    Video Playback Random Stuttering Video and Buzzing in Audio

    I tried different movies and different internal and external hard drives and I am still getting random stuttering video and a buzzing noise in the audio. The buzzing noise happens at the same time the video stutters. I have tried turning off any setting that pertains to 3D... Also, I am using HDMI for my connection to my television. My Server has been updated to the current software. It also happens in both Menu and Main mode. Any suggestions....
    Last edited by drumbe; 07-13-2017, 10:43 PM.

    Per request from Dora....

    Per request from Dora in another thread I went to Setup - About - Feedback and sent in my units Log Files...


      I just wanted to pass on what worked for my issue of Stuttering Video accompanied with a Buzzing Noise in the Audio.... I tried all the suggestions mentioned here and nothing worked. Then I started looking around for a setting that may help and I came across a setting located at: SETTINGS - GENERAL - ADVANCED SETTINGS - BACKUP & RESET - FACTORY DATA RESET and seem to fix my issue. I ignored the warnings that pop up. After rebooting, I played a movie on the internal and external hard drive and they both played error free...

