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    What should the naming convention be to get seasons/episodes etc. to show correctly on the menus.
    For example I loaded my Stargate discs but I get one season, with 3 episode 1's for the first disc.
    Currently my media is in ISO form, S1 D1, S1 D2, S1 D3 etc. for Disc 1 -3 of season 1.
    Ideally I would like all the season 1 discs grouped together, awesomeness would be down to the episode level but I realize that might require extracting specific titles to individual files,
    But I would be happy with it showing Disc 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 and the picture being from each disc etc. right now it shows 3 episode 1's with the same graphic.

    Additionally if I were to go down to the episode level and split them out instead of leaving in ISO, what naming convention gives me the best results for that.

    I still really really would like to see a centralized database of media on the local hard drive, then one movies menu showing it all, then just give me a warning if the content isn't reachable etc.when I try to play it, i.e. all metadata and file locations on the local hard drive but the movies out on my NAS, then use the existing location just to go out and add additional content.
    I have ZERO movies on the local hard drive and many TB's of discs on my NAS, so every time I get less than ideal user experience until it is playing.

    Still loving my MS just really really want one centralized view of all my content, not drive I can put in the box will hold my content.

    Lastly thanks for the metadata web page config, it enabled me to fix several hundred incorrectly matched discs, it just a little slow and lacking some ui clues while it is searching, or when it is ready, i.e. clicking the tile that matches but OK won't go green because its not done and requires multiple times clicking, then when it goes back it refreshes the list putting me back at the top, but doesn't refresh the actual tile I just fixed, and I have to scroll down to find it or the next one which is tedious (but still way better than it just being blank like before)


    I have found the best way is like the example below, you will only see Season 1 Episode 1, Season 1 Episode 6 etc as it cannot recognise multi episode discs but at least you can tell which disc contains which set of episodes.

    Psychoville s01e01-e05.iso
    Psychoville s01e06-e07.iso
    Psychoville s02e01-e06.iso


      Thanks I will give that a try, or maybe finally break down and split it into episodes, so looks like I just need to remove the disc identifier, and change it to episode ranges.
      Appreciate the info.



        The ISO is named as XXXXX_S1_D1, and then edit the .meta file manually (the .meta file named same as the ISO file).

        Type the correct Title, Year, Season, EP. For EP, type "1-4", "4-8" if the disc is the multi episodes, Disc 1: 1-4 will be shown for the disc; type "1" "2" "3" if the ISO is single episode, Disc 1: 2 will be shown for the disc in MS.

        You need to refresh the Movie Library after saving the .meta file.

        like this:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
        For edit the Metainfo of TV Shows on the MS Manager webpage, we will improve it in the featrue version. Thanks!

        Please post your logs the default location is:
        For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
        For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
        Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
        If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



          Excellent. I have created the meta files for my ISO's and can now get them to display correctly; I have noticed that the MS Manager does not display them correctly so you need to look at the MS itself to confirm OK. I guess this will be part of the webpage improvements in the future. As a note to other people reading this who have to manually create the meta file the <discid> element of the XML seems to be irrelevant, I have excluded this from my files and all looks fine.

          Thanks Wilson

