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Instructions on how to open the MS folder from windows

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    General/Other Instructions on how to open the MS folder from windows

    Hello Everyone,

    Reading the instructions on how to format a HDD using the MS it says windows can't no longer read drive, so my question is, can the HHD folder be open from windows using the file directory from windows?

    If so, please supply how-tp instructions!?

    Wny? Well, I would like to copy a bunch of ISO's into that HDD, in which windows no longer read via an external port!

    Thanks for any feedback!

    Hi Again,
    Adding -- never mind -- I figure it out!

    It's been years I have not map a network, and I forgot how very easy it is ... Hopefully DVD Stuffers post a sticky how to map network drives (MS)!



      Question --

      Anyone knows how to increase the speed?

      example: transferring ISO's from a HHD inserted into an external port via map networking into the Sata1 folder in MS --- But getting limited speed like 6-ish MBs -- Any solutions anyone??




        It's related with your network connection, the normal speed is 60~80 MB/s if connecting the network via 1 GB (cable) network.


        Please post your logs the default location is:
        For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
        For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
        Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
        If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



          Originally posted by Wilson.Wang View Post

          It's related with your network connection, the normal speed is 60~80 MB/s if connecting the network via 1 GB (cable) network.


          Hi Wilson,
          Ok -- thanks!


            For reference, I have MS connected to 1Gb switch over CAT6 cabling I see 80-90GB/s transfer rates - 40GB file transfers from PC to MS internal HD (6Gb/s SATA) in ~ 7-9 minutes


              Originally posted by Ish View Post
              Hi Again,
              Adding -- never mind -- I figure it out!

              It's been years I have not map a network, and I forgot how very easy it is ... Hopefully DVD Stuffers post a sticky how to map network drives (MS)!

              Could you elaborate on what you did. I have been fighting this issue for 4 days. Movie Server does not appear in Windows under network servers or devices. Support has been useless. Everytime they respond, they answer a question I didn't even ask. I just want to map the Movie Server in Windows so I can transfer my Movie library to the Movie Server HDD.

              I can save a new disk copy to HDD using DVDFab 10 and I can connect to my Home Server from Movie Server and watch movie over ethernet, but I already have devices that can do that. I want my movies on Movie Server HDD so I can take it with me and still have all my movies.

              The product info was very misleading in that it led me to believe I could put a NTFS formated HDD into Movie Server and it would catalog all the movies already on the drive.


                Hi Pipeliner - I may not be of much help, but I am running a 6TB HDD formatted as NTFS and partitioned as GPT partition. I wanted NTFS for the same reasons as you..taking it with me. (Much easier to take MS in my RV than carrying lots of DVD's) I have over 400 movies on board. I can copy an iso directly and MS will find it and add it to the library (but not always correctly). The key is the partition method if your HDD is over 2TB - MBR doesn't seem to work except on smaller HDD (I initially tested MS with a 500GB NTFS/MBR and it worked). On my network, MS does not show up as Movie Server. It appears as Android_B9E10. Then navigate to the s"shared" folder, then to "sata", then to "sata2" on my system (others have reported the HDD mapped as "sata1". Then navigate to the folder "DVDFab". All the movies have to be in the "DVDFab" folder. If you can't find the HDD, then you may have a network configuration/mapping problem. Can MS connect to the internet via the network? If yes, then how is your network mapped - ie do you have a home group and other mapped groups? You won't be able to access an HDD that is not part of the group of your desktop. A simple test I have used in the past is to use my phone or tablet to try to access devices via my router. It helps figure out if the issue is mapping or the network. That's about the best I can offer. I'm sure Ish can tell you how he mapped it.


                  Duane, thanks for the tip to verify MS HDD access using phone. I was able to do that and now can map to the MS HDD from my desktop. Now I have a new problem, It will not accept any file over 972MB. I have verified this limit by transferring progressively larger files until I hit the limit. Also, under properties for the mapped drive it shows a 972MB file size after displaying HD size. I have not run into this before except in Enterprise systems. It doesn't matter what size drive I have in MS or how its formatted, same result. Also in my new unit, it will accept a NTFS drive up to 2TB, but anything larger will be reformatted to ext4 by MS. This unit is definitely not ready for Prime Time.


                    Glad the tip helped. As for the current problem, it sounds as if the system sees the HDD as a 1TB. Perhaps you have multiple partitions set up?? The fact MS sees it as more than 2TB but wants to reformat it, might (but I am only guessing) indicate the drive is partitioned as MBR. If possible, I'd format the HDD on the desktop and then partition it. A default partition is usually MBR and that can cause problems with larger drives. Force partition the HDD after NTFS formatting to a single volume the full size of the HDD using GPT partitioning. That should give you full access. Good luck.


                      Duane, thanks for you suggestions and help. I now have everything working to my satisfaction. On my system I discovered that if I installed 1TB or any size up to 6TB, when I looked at it under properties in Windows Explorer it would always display 1TB in size and only 972MB available. Another problem I had was I had Teracopy running in background on my computer and it would report not enough space on MS drive to copy movie. On a lark I clicked on Ignore button in TeraCopy and the file copied to MS without incident. I have been using TeraCopy for years without incident, but needless to say I have removed it now and all files copy to MS correctly.

                      I don't know if it is the Samba implementation on the MS or not, but MS still does not show up in Windows Explorer as a networked device on my computer.
                      I was able to map it using IP address of the MS. Also I am using a fixed IP address in the MS so as not to possibly mess up my mapped drive setup in Windows.

