I updated my system from 1037 to 2003 a bit over a week ago and want to share what I have found. I apologize in advance if I repeat items that have already been posted.
The update went smoothly. I followed the clear data procedure and then performed the update without incident. After doing this, I had a new icon in the top right of the main screen that looks like a person's head with a small X over it. I thought perhaps this meant I was not "logged in", so I re-logged in, but the icon persists. No idea what it is trying to tell me.
The Good Stuff
The Neutral Stuff
The Not So Good Stuff
That is about all I have for now. If I find anything else, I will post later.
The update went smoothly. I followed the clear data procedure and then performed the update without incident. After doing this, I had a new icon in the top right of the main screen that looks like a person's head with a small X over it. I thought perhaps this meant I was not "logged in", so I re-logged in, but the icon persists. No idea what it is trying to tell me.
The Good Stuff
- USB drives now seem to keep their drive letters constant. This is much appreciated.
- Scraping appears to be pretty accurate now, at least for movies. It also downloads a much larger number of actors for a given movie than it used to.
- The "Update Path" function in the library manager now seems to work. This is also much appreciated. Updating a single path rather than all paths saves much time.
- Collections are now shown with a collection level poster, rather than being shown with one of the individual movie's poster. This is much better.
- For files that represent multiple episodes of a TV show, each episode is shown on the episode screen instead of just the first one in the file.Much nicer.
The Neutral Stuff
- The "All " screen in movies does not show collections. The movies in a collection are each listed separately. Of course, this makes the file count more accurate. I can live with this, but it is different from previous version.
- Scraping seems to take longer, but if that is the penalty for getting more accurate scraping, than I am good with that.
- The MS does not automatically scrape new files when added. It used to do this (somewhat unreliably though). While this would be helpful most of the time, I can see where manually initiating the scraping can be desirable. For instance, DVDFAB does not always name the files per the expected convention. By not automatically scraping the new file, I have a chance to correct the file name before it scrapes to either the wrong thing or nothing. Perhaps a compromise could be devised where the user could initiate a scan of just new files. This would avoid the long scrape time on a large hard drive. Or, the user could access the newly transferred file via "VIDEOS", select it, then use a new function under the menu button to "scan/scrape this file".
The Not So Good Stuff
- The option to run the main movie or menu mode is gone. It really needs to come back.
- All the audio tracks are listed as "unknown". This seems to be specific to iso files. MKV files show the audio track type.
- The subtitle button no longer works, nor can a subtitle be selected using the menu button.
- The top menu and popup menu buttons on the remote no longer function. The items no longer appear when using the menu button. Thus, there is no way to interrupt playback and return to the DVD or BD menu.
- The info screen no longer shows the resolution of the source file. It still shows the framerate. This seems to be specific to iso files.
- The info screen no longer shows the file title as it used to.
- Users cannot create a collection. This function has been missing since version 1010.
- Chapter menus show during the playback of the entire file. This happens only for some bluray disks transferred as a full copy. I see it on some Disney blurays. This bug has been around since the beginning (almost 2 years now) I get around it by re-transferring the file in "main movie" mode, but that is not an ideal solution.
- On the "season" screen for TV shows, you can select the description to read it like you can do for movies. However the description changes after selection from the season specific description to the general description for the show,
- You cannot select the description field at the episode screen for tv shows. So, when it is longer than the allowed space, it can't entirely be read.
- TV show episodes no longer show the episode title, only the episode number.
- Background photos for tv shows are missing from the season and episode screens. The poster is back though, so that is good.
- The MS still doesn't handle pilot episode for TV shows very well. By pilot episodes, I mean episodes that are listed on The Movie Database as Season 0. For instance, the pilot episode for Star Trek, "The Cage". is listed in TMDB under SPECIALS, Season 0. Under 1037, I could list the file name as season 0 and the system would fail to scrape, but then I could manually edit it and get it to show up under season 0 in the poster wall. Under 2003, the file just disappears. Can't be edited. Can only find it under VIDEOS. I am open to any suggestions you can provide on how to handle this situation
That is about all I have for now. If I find anything else, I will post later.