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DVDFab Movie Server loosing activation information

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    DVDFab Movie Server loosing activation information

    I have just had v 2.02.0 installed. I went through the setup, lan connection and the activation process. Activation was successful, but if I powered it down and restarted it, the same process setup, Lan connection and activation process came up again. It seems it is not storing these information like the previous release.

    Can one downgrade it to the previous one via USB cause this is annoying?

    Yes you can downgrade via usb. I'm back at v1010. I try the new versions and always end up going back. Just make sure you take the numbers off the file.


      I downgraded back to v1020 but it was not the same as before, every time I started the movie server, it asked me if I wanted to upgrade to v2020 although the setting up screen did not appear as before.

      Any rate, will support team look at the problem why v2020 keeps showing the setting screen every time the movie server is powered up?


        Couple of noted appears that there is an OTA released with V2020 if you are receiving a message to upgrade to it and you have downgraded to V1020. If there is an OTA to upgrade to V2020 that can't be retracked until you do upgrade to it.

        But not understanding why you keep having to log in and reactivate your set up of the movie server every time you shut it off and turn it back on again with V2020. Something is not right for sure with that.....I travel a lot and take my movie server with me out of my network/WiFi to hotel rooms and use it out of network, come back home and hook it back up to my network/WiFi without any interruption like I never moved it out my house... that is with V2020, don't see anything wrong with V2020.

        This is a long shot but would say to check your ip address for the movie server with V2020 before you shut it off and again when you turn it on to see if it is changing on you. Also when you are activating the DMS, where are you activating it from; online or at the setting screen on the DMS? Had problems logging on before when I first started with that.

        You noted that it doesn't seem to be storing your information which it doesn't appear it is, take note where it is not saving this information, online or DMS.....also....this sounds dopy but are you sure you are logged in correctly to activate's not saving and your right if you have to reactivate your account everytime but pretty sure V2020 is not your problem!
        Last edited by Down2Earth; 02-29-2020, 09:46 PM.


          I do have the internet reconnect each time I power up - but I've not had to re-activate and only had to do this once regardless of a full power cycle (power switch), or just turning off in software (soft reset).

