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How do I get to output 4.2.2/8 bit?

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    How do I get to output 4.2.2/8 bit?

    I have a Setting problem with color space and depth. My current setting is to output 4.2.2/8 bit with screen resolution at 1080/60. But the server always output 4.4.4/12bit. How do I get to output 4.2.2/8 bit?

    The original thread you made the post was really old, so I moved it to a new one.

    About the question, normally if you have set it as 4.2.2/8 bit in the Settings panel, but it got switched, it could be some compatible issue between the display screen equipment. Please adjust the screen equipment first.


      Originally posted by Mona View Post
      The original thread you made the post was really old, so I moved it to a new one.

      About the question, normally if you have set it as 4.2.2/8 bit in the Settings panel, but it got switched, it could be some compatible issue between the display screen equipment. Please adjust the screen equipment first.
      Sorry, Mona, for my using the old thread to make this post - I could not find a way to start a new thread :>(

      My DVDFab server is connected to an Anthem D2v 3D processor which in turn is connected to a JVC DLA-N7 projector. The processor easily accepts 1080p/60 4.4.4/12bit and the display is a 4K projector, so why should there be a problem with the DVDFab server outputting 1080p/60 4.2.2/8bit? I tried a Passthru setting on the Anthem with no success.

      I wish the DVDFab server has a Passthru setting for output resolution for users like me using an outboard video processor.
      Last edited by benleeys; 03-31-2021, 06:53 AM.


        Mona, am I going to get a sensible answer to this issue soon? What do you mean by saying "Please adjust the screen equipment first.". I am tryng to send 1080p/60 4.2.2/8bit to my 4k projector, but the DVDFab server is insisting on upconverting it to 1080/60 4.4.4/12bit which is an increase in the signal bandwidth from 4.46Gbps to 6.24Gbps. This doesn't make any sense to me. If the reverse is happening, I would understand. Not this!

