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Internal HDD just stopped being recongnized

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    Hardware Problem/Question Internal HDD just stopped being recongnized

    Hello, everybody. Greetings from Brazil, here!
    My DVDFab Movie Server just stopped recognizing the HDD that I've been using since 2020 (NTFS formatted and functioning normally since 2020 inside the HDD internal bay at the Server). Just two days ago I used it to watch the last season's finale of "The Blacklist" series and it played normally.
    Well, today I just took it out of the device, put it on the dock, as I always do, and transferred a few downloaded episodes of 3 other series for the HDD (a 4tb WD drive).
    The drive is still normally recognized in Windows11, it writes and reads the files normally, it shows in Explorer with all directories and files, as it has always have. I can even play the video files normally in my computer!
    But now, whenever I pu it back into the Server HDD bay, and turn the device on, it keeps showing a message: "An unidentified hard disk drive detected in Movie Server. To use it, you need to format it first", and then it prompts me to choose if I wanna format it or not. And nothing ever plays anymore.
    Does anyone here please know what kind of issue is that?
    I'm desperate, since there are almost 4tb of files with more than 380 movies + a few series and videos on it and I don't have another HDD to back them up to, then I would have the device to format it and loose all of them (Yeah, I have also a 6tb HDD and a 8tb HDD which are both almost full of the same files as a safeguard in case I loose data, so I would have to buy another one).
    I've reset the Server, but to no avail. Took the HDD out of the internal bay of the Server, put it in again several times: nothing changes and the warning still shows up. I checked for errors with the HDD tools in W11, and it is shown as OK.
    What can I do now? Has anyone here experienced something like that? I've included photos of the warning and also screen captures of the W11 Explorer so you guys can see that, at least for my windows 11 notebook, the 4Tb HDD is functioning normally.
    I thank any help in advance.

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    BTW, I tried with the other HDD, the 6tb one, and it was fully recognized by the Movie Server. So I guess I'll have to buy a new one and then copy/past all files from the 4tb to it. Even so, it's weird that the 4tb is functioning at the dock, with the W11 notebook, but not recognized anymore by the movie server.

