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Multiple Instances of FAB

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    Originally posted by fengtao View Post
    Yes, it's added in v8098, please use /NOSCANDRIVE.
    Really? I tried "C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8 Qt\DVDFab.exe" /NOSCANDRIVE

    Still behaves like before. As soon as disk is inserted, Fab starts scanning. If I already have a disk inserted, and then start Fab, it starts scanning after the flash screen.

    What am I doing wrong? I'm using

    AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz | Radeon HD 4670 | Win7 Pro x64 | 8 GB | Synology DS211j 5TB | Wired GbE | 2x WDTV Live + |


      Originally posted by tjkaz View Post
      Really? I tried "C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8 Qt\DVDFab.exe" /NOSCANDRIVE

      Still behaves like before. As soon as disk is inserted, Fab starts scanning. If I already have a disk inserted, and then start Fab, it starts scanning after the flash screen.

      What am I doing wrong? I'm using
      You should read the file Commandline.txt in the DVDFab program files folder to get an idea what Command Line is all about.



        Geez, please don't do something you have no clue about. It's embarrassing!

        Please post your logs the default location is:

        For Win7 C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
        For Vista C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab\Log
        For XP C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
        Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.


          Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
          You should read the file Commandline.txt in the DVDFab program files folder to get an idea what Command Line is all about.
          Ok, that was obvious....
          So I read through the txt file - what's your point?
          If you know how to do this, and know it in fact that it works, please share specifics.

          And, why this fix (feature) was implemented in the command line, versus a generic configuration parameter in the GUI is another issue for another thread.

          AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz | Radeon HD 4670 | Win7 Pro x64 | 8 GB | Synology DS211j 5TB | Wired GbE | 2x WDTV Live + |


            The point is that you need to run the command with all parameters included; like the movie you want to process, where it should go, etc. Like this:

            /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "D:\Source\sample.iso" /DEST "D:\Target\"

            You can't just add the /NOSCANDRIVE and think the GUI version will work with it.


              Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
              You should read the file Commandline.txt in the DVDFab program files folder to get an idea what Command Line is all about.
              You should also read the file commandline.txt in the DVDFab folder and let us know where it states how to use the /NOSCANDRIVE option because I certainly couldn't find it in there. It wasn't in the release notes either.

              Originally posted by tjkaz View Post
              Ok, that was obvious....
              So I read through the txt file - what's your point?
              If you know how to do this, and know it in fact that it works, please share specifics.
              I totally agree. An example of a working command line using this option would be much appreciated.

              Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
              The point is that you need to run the command with all parameters included; like the movie you want to process, where it should go, etc.
              I don't believe that to be correct. I believe the intent is to use the /NOSCANDRIVE option by itself to open the DVDFab GUI while preventing it from immediately scanning the drives.

              Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
              Like this:

              /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "D:\Source\sample.iso" /DEST "D:\Target\"
              Great! Now give us a complete example that you know works using the /NOSCANDRIVE option.

              Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
              You can't just add the /NOSCANDRIVE and think the GUI version will work with it.
              Why not? A lot of GUI programs work with command line options. If there were instructions in the commandline.txt on how to use this new feature we wouldn't need to be discussing it.

              Fengtao and/or Signals,

              Can you please clear this up for us? Thanks in advance! ...and thank you Fengtao for this great software.


                Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
                The point is that you need to run the command with all parameters included; like the movie you want to process, where it should go, etc. Like this:

                /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "D:\Source\sample.iso" /DEST "D:\Target\"

                You can't just add the /NOSCANDRIVE and think the GUI version will work with it.
                Wow, thanks Gummigutta - I would have not concluded that as most programs (at least all programs that I'm aware of) allow for command line switches (one or more) but still behave mostly the same except for the effect of the switches.

                AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz | Radeon HD 4670 | Win7 Pro x64 | 8 GB | Synology DS211j 5TB | Wired GbE | 2x WDTV Live + |


                  Dear all,

                  Single /NOSCANDRIVE parameter doesn't work for now, we only tested with conversion parameters together.

                  The next version will support single /NOSCANDRIVE parameter, please wait.

                  Best Regards,
                  DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


                    Thanks Fengtao, and others.
                    Unfortunately, I think somehow the original intent of this request got lost.
                    The initial post was referring to the behavior whereby a second and subsequent instance of Fab will initially try to read an optical drive that was already being read by a first instance of Fab. What was asked for was the ability to have Fab NOT start reading any optical drive upon opening, and let the user select which drive each instance was to read from.
                    It seems that the /NOSCAN switch is to just tell Fab not to scan the media (and only in command line mode right now). In essence, what was asked for was the ability to turn off the "auto-read" feature of Fab.
                    So if the only way to avoid this is to "string" a bunch of command line switches together to define source, target, and all the other parameters of the backup together (ie., /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "D:\Source\sample.iso" /DEST "D:\Target\"), then I'd like to enhance the original feature request to state, "the ability to turn off auto-disk-read within the GUI."

                    AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz | Radeon HD 4670 | Win7 Pro x64 | 8 GB | Synology DS211j 5TB | Wired GbE | 2x WDTV Live + |



                      I tried "dvdfab.exe /NOSCANDRIVE" with the latest beta ( that you posted yesterday and it's still scanning the drive upon launch. Am I doing something wrong?


                      Edit: I just tried it again with the official release ( that you posted a few seconds ago and I still can't get it to work.

                      Originally posted by fengtao View Post
                      Dear all,

                      The next version will support single /NOSCANDRIVE parameter, please wait.

                      Best Regards,
                      Last edited by jkadlec; 06-16-2011, 03:45 PM. Reason: New Version



                        I still cannot get this new command line option to work. I am using the latest beta ( of DVDFab.

                        I have tried...

                        dvdfab /MODE "NOSCANDRIVE"
                        dvdfab /MODE NOSCANDRIVE
                        dvdfab /NOSCANDRIVE
                        dvdfab NOSCANDRIVE

                        Can you PLEASE give an example command line that disables the drive scanning when loading DVDFab. This option is listed in the commandline.txt file but there are no examples on how to use it.

                        Thank you.


                          Not Yet....?

                          Just tried with Qt and no luck. Starts reading the disk right away right after the splash screen goes away.

                          AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz | Radeon HD 4670 | Win7 Pro x64 | 8 GB | Synology DS211j 5TB | Wired GbE | 2x WDTV Live + |



                            Several versions after you wrote this...

                            Originally posted by fengtao View Post
                            Dear all,

                            Single /NOSCANDRIVE parameter doesn't work for now, we only tested with conversion parameters together.

                            The next version will support single /NOSCANDRIVE parameter, please wait.

                            Best Regards,
                            ...the /NOSCANDRIVE parameter is still not working, including the latest version, currently

                            Can you please acknowledge that you are at least aware of this?

                            Thank you.


                              +1 for this feature.

                              Might I suggest:
                              - a preference setting to stop DVDfab from automatically processing a bluray/DVD when they are inserted. This could be a global preference is there were also a button to tell/force DVDfab to read a selected input source.

                              This would help me with two problems I have. The first is as described in this thread: when running multiple instances of dvdfab inserting a new dvd/bluray causes all of them to read the new dvd/bluray. The second is when, for whatever reason, dvdfab doesn't 'notice' that I have changed the selected dvd/bluray drive.

                              This would make a great product perfect for me.


                                The /NOSCANDRIVE parameter is interesting but I think it misses the mark.

                                What people like me and others are looking for is a way to force a GUI instance of DVDFab to look at one and only one drive letter. This way, we get all the features of DVDFab and the ability to run multiple drives at once without interference.

                                I do think the /NOSCANDRIVE would be useful for when using DVDFab Ripper if it worked in the GUI. This way, I could add each title to the queue as it finished its copy to the hard drive. At present, I have to wait until all discs are processed before creating the queue in ripper because it wants to scan all the new discs being inserted.

