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Expand Command Line Options

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    Video Converter Expand Command Line Options

    Would it be possible to add some more command line options specifically relating to Video Converter?

    I have a couple of TV tuners in my PC, and I DVR a lot of shows. I then use DVDFab to edit out the commercials. I'd like to write a C# app (for my own personal use only) that reads the Excel file I keep of all the start and end times and then opens DVDFab via command line to trim the file based on the start and end times. After getting all 4-6 parts split out, I would want to open DVDFab once more via command line to merge all x parts together.

    Ideally, the command line would accept the source file name, dest file name, start time, and end time for a trim command.

    The merge portion seems like it would be more difficult to do in the command line, due to the varied number of files being merged. But even just adding command line options for trimming down a file would be a huge help.