I've recently purchased my lifetime subscription to DVDFAB and all was going well with backing up my DVD collection until a few weeks ago I've come across a couple of problems that I'm unable to resolve.
Firstly, if the disc I'm copying scans and reads as less than 4.7G it should be able to be burnt onto a standard DVD-R blank media disc right? I either have to reduce the size down to about 4.2G by selecting 'main movie' or dropping quality down from DVD 9 to DVD 5 just so that I don't have to use a duel layered disc. Is it just that I'm using a new type of disc (Sony DVD-R Ver 2.1 Discs) instead of my usual Verbatim DVD-R discs or could it be a coincidence? I would have thought Sony was a good brand.
Secondly, I seem to be able to copy then burn about 80% of a movie onto the Sony discs and then it just stops saying there has been an error when burning and it spits the disc out. It happens about 1 in 3 burns which is annoying.
Finally, many of the movies I'm trying to backup seem to be larger than the 4.7G even after dropping down to DVD 5 quality and selecting just 'main movie' and I have to use a Duel layered Verbatim DVD-R DL disc which isn't cheap at nearly $5 a disc. Any help getting these down to a size I can put on a standard 4.7G disc would be helpful.
Firstly, if the disc I'm copying scans and reads as less than 4.7G it should be able to be burnt onto a standard DVD-R blank media disc right? I either have to reduce the size down to about 4.2G by selecting 'main movie' or dropping quality down from DVD 9 to DVD 5 just so that I don't have to use a duel layered disc. Is it just that I'm using a new type of disc (Sony DVD-R Ver 2.1 Discs) instead of my usual Verbatim DVD-R discs or could it be a coincidence? I would have thought Sony was a good brand.
Secondly, I seem to be able to copy then burn about 80% of a movie onto the Sony discs and then it just stops saying there has been an error when burning and it spits the disc out. It happens about 1 in 3 burns which is annoying.
Finally, many of the movies I'm trying to backup seem to be larger than the 4.7G even after dropping down to DVD 5 quality and selecting just 'main movie' and I have to use a Duel layered Verbatim DVD-R DL disc which isn't cheap at nearly $5 a disc. Any help getting these down to a size I can put on a standard 4.7G disc would be helpful.
