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Doesn't detect media

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    Doesn't detect media

    I've been using DVDFab for quite some time and successfully, but in the last week or so it doesn't recognize any disc (DVD/Blu) I put in my drive.

    I have an older Plextor DVD drive that I replaced with a new Lite-On Blu-Ray. Just before I did the swap two days ago, I tried 8.1.38 with the older drive and none of my DVD's were recognized. Since the swap, which probably isn't important at all, I have been unable to get DVDFab to recognize anything I put in the Blu-Ray.

    I've gone through and un/reinstalled the program several times hoping that would fix it. I've even gone through and done a huge update on all the drivers (video, chipset, drive controllers, etc). Still nothing.

    Here's my last logged attempt:

    DVDFab (2011/12/31 22:28:01)

    0m 02.87s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 03.15s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
    0m 15.71s: css attach D:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
    0m 15.75s: css attach D:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.BUP
    0m 15.75s: failed to open disc 0

    Plus, if it helps here is a copy of the info file I happened to save:

    Info for drive [D:\] (DVDFab
    Vendor: ATAPI
    Product: iHBS112 2
    Revision: PL01
    Vendor specific: 2011/05/13 14:43
    Drive region control: RPC II
    Drive region: 1
    User changes left: 4
    Vendor resets left: 4

    Disc media: Unknown
    Disc type: Unknown
    Disc is not opened.

    Thanks for any advice/help/anything you come up with because I'd like to use DVDFab again.

    Hi SBanzai
    What are your Path Player settings?

    Try disabling it or enabling it, if it is disabled.

    To do this Open Fab Click the Green top right > Protection > Path Player click Disable Path Player click OK restart Fab and try again, just remember to set it back to Always Enabled.

    Also check your cables, did your new drive come with any disc's that you installed software for it?

    Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

    Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

    Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


      I've had PathPlayer enabled and disabled. it has no effect.

      The drive is OEM, so I picked up my own blu-ray playback software. I've also tried hunting down any kind of driver for it, but found nothing.

      This is perplexing because DVDFab is the only program having any problems seeing any disc.



        OK, don't make a move until you here from someone (CBR929) with more knowledge than me.

        CBR929: Under revision, PL01 in his lite on iHBS112 2 drive, that's his firmware am I correct? If so shouldn't it be CLOK. Go here.

        As i said, don't do anything until this is verifyed. I don't want you messing up the drive.


          PL01 is the latest firmware update.
          Newegg has been shipping this drive with PL01 since 11/xx/2011...maybe even a bit before.

          The link that HIDEF posted is a reliable site, I'm guessing they just haven't caught up yet.

          Anyway, this sounds like a driver issue/conflict.

          Should you choose to flash your drive, I'd back up your EEPROM first.
          Your liteon has a mediatek chipset...reliable and very forgiving.

          I haven't done much with burners in a couple of years, but I've owned a bunch of liteys and you can flash 'em (mediatek) forward and backward 'til the cows come home.
          Still, it pays to back up.

          Liteon has some dandy utilities.
          You might consider running auto firmware detect/update utility:

          Try uninstalling the drive in device manager.
          Windoz (XP, Vista, Win7) will reinstall the device and automatically assign appropriate drivers.
          This will do no harm, at worst, nothing will change.

          Do you have Img installed? If no, please do this and run the
          Filter Driver Load Order
          tool and post the results right here.
          It'll help us narrow down the problem.

          ImgBurn > Tools > Filter Driver Load Order

          By any chance is this litey on an AHCI controller?
          You can check this in your bios.


            I suspect a driver problem as well, but its not very obvious, which is why I went through and updated everything I could.

            For the moment, I'll hold off on flashing the drive just to be cautious for once.

            Here's the info from img:
            Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.5.6.0

            Upper Device Filter: [None Found]
            Upper Class Filter: SiRemFil
            Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device
            Lower Class Filter: [None Found]
            Lower Device Filter: [None Found]

            Filter Name: SiRemFil
            File Name: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\SiRemFil.sys
            File Version:
            File Description: Filter driver for Silicon Image SATALink controllers.
            Product Name: eSATA Removable drive filter driver
            Product Version:
            Company Name: Silicon Image, Inc
            Copyright: Copyright © 2005-2007 Silicon Image, Inc

            I recall that its on an AHCI controller (Intel(R) ICH8 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2820). Now I do have a Silicon Image controller as well with a couple of internal connections. I can move it around if anyone thinks that would help. I would like to note, though, that my older PATA Dvd drive had the problem as well.


              Originally posted by SBanzai View Post
              I would like to note, though, that my older PATA Dvd drive had the problem as well.
              It shouldn't matter what the actual hardware interface is on the burner, but rather the controller it's installed on together with the bios settings...
              the "operative" word here being "shouldn't"

              I suspect Fab and the litey will be quite happy together if on a usb controller and thus independent of any AHCI controller.
              I'm not sure moving it otherwise will matter since windoz must have been installed with the AHCI drivers, but it wouldn't hurt to try it.

              Curious...Did you ever resolve the problem with your pata ODD?

              I would stop short of asking you to modify your bios settings since everything outside of Fab works just fine.
              Of course, that one's up to you too should you want to try IDE. Shouldn't be a big deal to revert back...there's that word "shouldn't" again.

              I would still try uninstalling the ODD in device manager...easy, peasy and nothing to undo.

              I doubt your entry from Img:
              Upper Class Filter: SiRemFil is bogus.
              Sounds like a legit esata controller.

              I did read about some malware hiding in "Windows\system32\DRIVERS\SiRemFil.sys",
              but I seriously doubt it in your case.
              As you said, everything else is ok.

              If you feel like rolling up your sleeves, you might also consider running:

              MS SysInternals > Process Explorer:
              Find out what files, registry keys and other objects processes have open, which DLLs they have loaded, and more.


                I went ahead and did two things: 1) reinstalled my old drive and 2) moved the lite-on to a different controller on the mb.

                Neither one recognizes discs at all in fab. In fact, it asks me if the dvd I have is playable. It is because vlc plays it fine.

                I did try psexplorer, but fell the in the deep water fast. The information it provides didn't give me any clues as to what is wrong. I checked out the various running dlls, but had no ideas from there.

                I did roll up my sleeves and take a stroll through my registry to clean it up of dvdfab references after uninstalling (again). When I finished that, as carefully as I could, I reinstalled the program. No joy again.

                My next thought is to double check the bios settings, but nothing has changed in there in a very long time. Plus I'll try the latest beta to see if that makes a difference (I doubt it but it's worth a shot).

                Any other ideas or know what I should be looking for with psexplorer?


                  Bummer...sorry for your trouble.

                  Re: what to look for with Process Explorer, this post by LIGHTNING UK! (author of ImgBurn) may prove helpful.


                  A couple other ideas...

                  There's a registry patch called cdgone. While it was created for XP (and personally I've used it with XP Pro with excellent results), it can also be used with Vista and Win7.
                  There are a number of hits from happy users (including Win 7) if you google it.

                  Anyway, here's a link that I used:


                  Scroll down to Restore missing cd drive.

                  You might also consider doing a clean uninstall of Fab. Run CCleaner...Windows/Applications and Registry scan and fix.
                  Now go ahead and install Fab with a new download.

                  Do you have any packet writing software installed?
                  Nero InCD is particularly troublesome.
                  Other software "usual suspects" are Roxio and Sonic


                    Update: I solved the problem by biting the bullet and reinstalling/wiping out windows. I thought since the trouble I was having could have been anything, I did some backups and got windows back on my computer.

                    Since then DVDFab has worked beautifully. I'm being careful about what I install, so I don't run into trouble again.

                    Thanks for the ideas/suggestions.



                      On Windows 7 box, the program worked fine.

                      On Vista, refused to recognize DVD drives and crashed.

                      Both machines installed and run on administrator account, with same AV programs.

                      Tried all proposed disabling solutions to no effect.

                      Finally got app to run correctly on vista by right clicking shortcut and using 'Run as Admin' despite using admin account to begin with.

                      After re-configured Vista shortcut to always run as admin, problem solved.

                      Has nothing to do with particular drivers.

