I read through the above thread, but still need some help with batch cmd.
I'm trying to have DVDFab batch process my Fulldisk BluRay ISOs to Main Movie BluRay Folders.
The below is what I have so far:
set BDSOURCE=E:\BluRay_Rips\Test
set DESTDIR=D:\BluRay_Rips\MainMovie\Test
set DVDFAB="C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8 QT\DVDFab.exe"
for /R %BDSOURCE% %%X in (*.iso) do (if not exist "%DESTDIR%\%BDSOURCE%" (%DVDFAB% /MODE "%MODE%" /SRC "%%X" /DEST "%DESTDIR%" /OUTDISC "BD50" /SILENT /CLOSE) else (echo "Exists %DESTDIR%\%BDSOURCE%"))
The problem now is that I want to select HD tracks or PCM preferably. Basically I would like the batch process to prioritize tracks by quality. How do I do that?