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What program do I need?

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    What program do I need?

    I have a very basic question, hopefully someone will feel sorry enough for me that they can help.

    I would like to take my all my 3D DVDs and back them up to a format which can be placed in a Media Hub and watched in 3D on my TV.

    What DVD Fab program should I buy? Seems like there are a quite a few options here.

    I'm thinking perhaps DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus)?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    3D DVDs don't exist, at least not the ones that don't require you to wear the red/blue glasses.

    You need to make sure that your 3D TV will play any one of the possible 3D formats via streaming from a media server. The 3D format that is on the Blu-ray disc is not what you'll get when you extract the movie. The format that is on the disc can only be played from the disc.

    By transferring the movies to a media server, you'll end up losing either 1/2 of the horizontal resolution (side-bty-side format) or 1/2 the vertical resolution (top/bottom format). There are some other formats as well,

    As I don't know any more about 3D than what I've mentioned above, do your research as to the capabilities of your TV, the media server and the DVDFab9 program.


      Thanks for the information.

      I guess I should clarify a bit. I have an LG 3D TV and an LG 3D DVD player.

      I know the TV can play MKV files if they are on a USB drive of some sort, will that work?

      I'm not wanting to stream 3D movies via a server, more likely going to put them on a hard drive (USB connection) or WD Media Hub (HDMI connection) and watch them on the TV that way.

      But I guess no matter what I do, I'll lose 1/2 my resolution?


        You need to read the manual for the TV to find out what is supported for playback via a USB connection, be it a flash drive or HDD. If 3D is supported, it should say which of the 3D formats it supports. Same goes for the HDMI connection.

        The odds are pretty good that it will support one, or more, of the other formats, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tune in a cable./DBS channel that is in 3D.

        AIUI, DVDFab9 has to convert the 3D Blu-ray format into one of the previously mentioned formats that will result in a loss of vertical or horizontal resolution.

        I'd have to double-check, but doesn't DVDFab9 have a 30 day trial period? If so, download the program and experiment. Then, if it works for you, you can then purchase it.


          Thank you very much for the information.

          When comparing the loss of vertical vs horizontal resolution, is there one that is "better"?

          Sorry for my idiotic questions, I'm new to all this.


            That is kind-of a personal preference. IMHO, side-by-side is the way to go (reduced horizontal resolution).


              Thanks so much.

              What about ISO? Will an ISO preserve all quality?

