I have the registered version of dvdfab 8.0 all in one package “ever expire” but when I upgrade to 9.0 it give me a trial version
Hi rickb
Did you mean "never expire"?
If you have not done so yet you will need to go to the members area found here and create an account.
You must use the same e-mail that you used when you purchased Fab and a password of your choice.
You will then use this same e-mail address and pass word to register version 9 using the drop down arrow on the top right of the main screen, clicking register.
Hope this helped
Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.
What if i do not remember the e-mail address. The one that i think it is says: I have "Order List Is Empty, You haven’t yet purchased our products".
Hi rickb,
If you still have the receipt/invoice or know the order number for your DVDFab purchase, please email me at mona@dvdfab.com, I will help you find out your registered email.