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DVD to DVD won't copy

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    Other DVD to DVD won't copy

    I am trying to backup a DVD made by a private company of a cheerleading competition my daugher was in. I get the error 401. I am not sure what that means. Any help would be appreciated. I am attaching logs as requested.

    Thank you for any assistance.

    Note, I have been able to copy some of the other DVDs from this company, but not all.
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    1st update to Fab version 9123 try again if it don't work then Go into Fab settings and turn off pathfinder for this disk and try again.When done turn pathfinder back on.Your burn logs say the disk is not empty so make sure you have a rewritable or blank disk to write on.

    If this doesn't help and it's a unprotected home made disk you can put it on your hard drive with any burn program and burn to disk like img burn or even windows dvd burner etc.If you got it on your hard drive from disk burn with img burn.
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    Last edited by glenns; 01-19-2014, 10:16 PM.


      Thank you for the response. I did turn off PathPlayer. I believe this DVD is protected, but I will try your other suggestion.

      Upon reading more about this, it appears that the original file size is being misrepresented. It is being reported as 92.74 GB, which is not accurate. There are 635 files in the video folder. Is there a way I can fix it so the DVD file size is reported appropriately?
      Attached Files


        Update you Fab version 9 to 9123 and try that first.Also I added a line of text to my first post you may not of seen so reread it also.


          Use burn/clone to make a iso of the disk then burn it.

