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Confused about DVDFab and BluFab

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  • knapp0564
    I did an update this morning and when I restarted the program with a disk inserted I got the message that the disk contained CSS protection and that I had to use google search for a DVDFab add on.

    I went back to version and was able to proceed.

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  • Mike89
    Count me in as another confused dude. After the initial install of BluFab, I un-installed DVDFab thinking all had to change over to the new name.

    Now another DVDFab version is out. At this point I don't know if I have to install DVDFab again or if I can just update BluFab. I then go to the BluFab site and it shows version but when you click on the link it is I'm sitting at the computer and there is a question mark where my head used to be. I installed DVDFab again.

    Then the last poster (Jeffie) says you evidently can't keep only BluFab if you originally had DVDFab.

    So apparently the new customer will have BluFab and the old customer will have DVDFab. I have both now (again) and am hesitant to un-install one (again).

    This decision baffles me. The company having two versions and always having to update two versions. Seems more complicated than needed. IMO would have been less complicated to just have one name.
    Last edited by Mike89; 03-20-2014, 04:06 PM.

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  • eisenb11
    Originally posted by signals View Post
    As of today, the feature sets are identical and AFAIK always will be. To force a BluFab installation, you can try uninstalling DVDFab v9 first and a reg cleaning and reboot before running the installer (I have not tried this!). It looks for existing files to determine if it is a DVDFab installation. If you do the above, you may have to re-register it after installing. It is just a change in marketing, nothing more.
    Thanks Signals,

    I built a new computer last week so I had installed BluFab instead of DVDFab with a clean registry. I activated it like a new installation.

    A few more questions (I'm sure this will help the other confused people as well):
    1. Am I correct in assuming that BluFab is the same as DVDFab
    2. Should I go back to DVDFab or just stick with BluFab since it's already installed?
    3. Will both items receive updates at the same time? Or will one be updated before the other (i.e. when comes out)?

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  • Jeffie
    Originally posted by signals View Post
    As of today, the feature sets are identical and AFAIK always will be. To force a BluFab installation, you can try uninstalling DVDFab v9 first and a reg cleaning and reboot before running the installer (I have not tried this!). It looks for existing files to determine if it is a DVDFab installation. If you do the above, you may have to re-register it after installing. It is just a change in marketing, nothing more.
    I did uninstall DVDFab9 and ran cccleaner to clear out remnants in the registry. After a restart, I did install BluFab and as you expected, I did need to re-register. I relaunched the program several times and each time, I received the attached "Live Update" reminder. It appears that the programmers are intent in ultimately forcing a user to accept a name change to DVDFab if they wish to update the program.

    Regarding your last statement, I disagree.
    It is just a change in marketing, nothing more.
    While this may appear to be a marketing strategy ( to, DVDFab to BluFab and now, multiple named versions), to those in the U.S., these changes appear to be the result of recent litigation. As such, the names and domain are tainted.

    If the DVDFab name will no longer be used for new customers, existing customers should be given the option to change to the new name as well.

    My comments are not meant to be critical of the company or its staff. As it is clear that the marketing strategy is evolving, I hope you consider my suggestion and allow the end user to choose which product name to use.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Jeffie; 03-20-2014, 03:17 PM. Reason: add attachment

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  • 90312
    Yeah Norm uninstall BluFab and stay with DVDFab. They are and will be the same.

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  • Norm@Home
    DVDFab v9 Confused about DVDFab and BluFab

    I'm sorry to say that I'm really confused as well, the release installed BluFab leaving the previous DVDFab installed; now we have DVDFab which updates DVDFab to but leaves BluFab still installed.

    Should I now uninstall BluFab and stay with DVDFab?

    Also you say that as of today the feature sets are the same but does that mean one and not the other is going to have potential new features over time?

    - Norm
    Last edited by Norm@Home; 03-20-2014, 02:59 PM. Reason: Other Questions

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  • signals
    As of today, the feature sets are identical and AFAIK always will be. To force a BluFab installation, you can try uninstalling DVDFab v9 first and a reg cleaning and reboot before running the installer (I have not tried this!). It looks for existing files to determine if it is a DVDFab installation. If you do the above, you may have to re-register it after installing. It is just a change in marketing, nothing more.

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  • eisenb11
    started a topic Confused about DVDFab and BluFab

    Confused about DVDFab and BluFab

    I read the announcement, but I find it confusing, can someone explain this a little bit more?

    In particular:
    1. Are DVDFab and BluFab the same (just different names for branding purposes) or will they have different features?
    2. Does a DVDFab lifetime license allow you to use BluFab?
    3. If DVDFab is no longer being sold, does that mean that all new features (not protection fixes) will be going into BluFab only?