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Confused about DVDFab and BluFab

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  • GregiBoy
    Stop getting your panties in a wad and read what has been said properly.

    All the angst indicated above is a non-event.

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  • eisenb11
    Originally posted by augerpro View Post
    So only people with current licenses for DVDFab will continue to get updates to the decrypter? So let me new money coming in because who is gonna pay for a ripper that doesn't decrypt (Blufab), and current users already paid for it...where is the money going to come from to support future decryption updates?

    I'm thinking DVDFab is dead fellas, unless they move to Antigua or something.
    I'd imagine that BluFab users can use the product by using an external decryptor like Passkey or, if they're trying to really play things safe, an equivalent product from a number of other companies. Basically the appeal of BluFab will be that it's a combination of a really nice front-end and transcoder. There will still be a market for that. I'd imagine that BluFab is going to sell for a lot less than DVDFab due to the displaced functionality.

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  • augerpro
    So only people with current licenses for DVDFab will continue to get updates to the decrypter? So let me new money coming in because who is gonna pay for a ripper that doesn't decrypt (Blufab), and current users already paid for it...where is the money going to come from to support future decryption updates?

    I'm thinking DVDFab is dead fellas, unless they move to Antigua or something.

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  • 90312
    Did you guys read this with the last update?

    DVDFab for Windows (March 20, 2014)

    As our marketing strategy adjusts, the two brands, DVDFab and BluFab, will coexist simultaneously, starting from this minor update All the existing customers performing updates shall get DVDFab 9 back again, with identical capacities as you always have. This means, we will continue updating DVDFab 9 for existing customers in the future. Your lifetime licenses shall never expire!

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  • SuperNovas
    Originally posted by Mike89 View Post
    This doesn't sound good at all. This news seems like it is spelling the end of DVDFab as we know it. I expect next we will hear that the newer editions of DVDFab is also no longer decrypting DVD and Bluray. I hope I'm wrong.
    I think we should have a poll on how many users would like a members only download
    of all so far blu-ray decryption updates, and import or link it to dvdfab, so if it does
    go under we'll have up to now plus some way to start fab for members

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  • Mike89
    This doesn't sound good at all. This news seems like it is spelling the end of DVDFab as we know it. I expect next we will hear that the newer editions of DVDFab is also no longer decrypting DVD and Bluray. I hope I'm wrong.

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  • CBR929
    Originally posted by Gummigutta View Post
    Don't be sorry. The old version of DVDFab worked like a charm on one DVD but BluFab only gave reading errors. So I wonder if they had the same code base.
    Thanks Gummi
    You always know how to put a smile on my face

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  • dhoward
    If the work on decrypting ends then it is not being supported. It will just gradually become ineffective. Or am I missing something? Without this constant update what will people use it for? New features perhaps but not able to handle the decryption of new movies.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    I'm sure it will still be supported, it will get new features from blu fab, but development and work on the decryption will not exist.

    it will continue to exist in a way in which we are not accustomed to

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  • Jeffie
    Where did you get the idea that DVDFab is no longer being supported?

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  • dhoward
    After I installed the latest update I ended up with both Dvdfab Ver and blufab ver I assume that for awhile dvdfab will still decrypt but for how much longer? If blufab does not decrypt then what use is it? Only for home projects? Outside of anydvd what other decrypters are there? What use is there for this type of program if it will not decrypt? At least allow anydvd to work with it. What am I missing here for the money I spent on this program that makes it still viable?

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by signals View Post
    As of today, the feature sets are identical and AFAIK always will be. To force a BluFab installation, you can try uninstalling DVDFab v9 first and a reg cleaning and reboot before running the installer (I have not tried this!). It looks for existing files to determine if it is a DVDFab installation. If you do the above, you may have to re-register it after installing. It is just a change in marketing, nothing more.
    and the end of decrypting right?

    Please note: Starting from this update, BluFab will no longer decrypt any DVD and Blu-ray protections. You will have to find for other possible solutions if your disc is copyright protected."

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  • SuperNovas
    Originally posted by nonamebam View Post
    Just to confirm, dvdfab is no longer available and won't be sold. Blufab will but won't decrypt. So dev for dvdfab will slowly stop, and we should move onto other products?

    Fengtao won't continue to dev a product they no longer sell. Seems to me the issue legally was decryption, so they will stop doing that and maybe only offer conversion features.
    I Guesses as much last week here =
    but was told they would not. there go 300 down the drain.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Just to confirm, dvdfab is no longer available and won't be sold. Blufab will but won't decrypt. So dev for dvdfab will slowly stop, and we should move onto other products?

    Fengtao won't continue to dev a product they no longer sell. Seems to me the issue legally was decryption, so they will stop doing that and maybe only offer conversion features.

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  • SuperNovas
    DvdFab for Windows (March 21, 2014)

    BluFab for Windows (March 21, 2014)

    Please note: Starting from this update, BluFab will no longer decrypt any DVD and Blu-ray protections. You will have to find for other possible solutions if your disc is copyright protected.

    Can we use Passkey and if so lifetime members should get it free

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