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DVD movie recognized as blank media on some hardware

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    Other Hardware DVD movie recognized as blank media on some hardware

    I just purchased STARMAN as it was unobtainable on NETFLIX and attempted a backup (to mp4) by putting in 4 disks all at once into my windows 10 system. This should have worked as it has worked in the past. Unaccountably, the two players that are connected directly to the motherboard failed to recognized the disks as anything other than "blank". The two players that are USB worked just fine.

    The two that did not see a movie:
    ASUS DRW-2014 ATA device
    HL-DT-ST-BD-RE WH10LS30 ATA device

    the two that worked just fine
    ASUS BW-12DIS-U USB device
    TSSTcorp BDVWDW SE-506AB USB device

    This is NOT a DVDFAB problem as it was windows 10 that did not recognized the disk. DVDFAB did work, but only if I moved the disks to the two USB devices.

    Would like to know if anyone has seen this problem before and/or has a solution. I have not had this problem on other movies I have made backups of.

    thanks for looking.
    Last edited by BeemerBiker; 07-25-2017, 03:44 PM.

    did you try reinstalling the 2 drives connected to the motherboard ??
    and is the firmware up to date on the ones connected to the motherboard ??
    could also be the way the discs are manufactured, could be they used cheap media.
    Last edited by october262; 07-25-2017, 05:33 PM.


      As far as I know the hardware has been working fine. The ASUS USB3 is less then a year old, the other three are 3-6 years old and all were updated with firmware within a year of purchase. The STARMAN disks appear to be common "printable" media. Very thin white paint with mono-chrome inked lettering like one could do from home using Nero Cover Designer. I ordered them through Walmart. They do not seem to be white "sticky" labels that were added to blank media. I have had disks with badly offset "sticky" labels that vibrated when spun and were unreadable but that was not the case here IMHO.

      More info: I had just ripped TIMETUNNEL the same way (also from Walmart) using all of my optical drives and the ripping process worked just fine. When I put in STARMAN one of the ATA drives did not see anything at all, the other ATA reported blank media. The event viewer showed 100's of CDROM paging errors. Normally when a CDROM is bad one sees bad block messages. I am guessing the paging errors indicate a physical problem with the device and the media it was attempting to read.

      I suspect the problem is the media but it is strange that the two USB drive were able to handle it properly while the ATA had problems. Perhaps the USB devices had more intelligent controllers and the ATA devices relied on microsoft or motherboard drivers (PIO or DMA) but that is just a guess.


        This is similar to your problem .
        It probably won't help but I thought you might find it interesting.
        It certainly can be Windows being the problem.

        On a stand alone DVD recorder I have (mothballed now) I could record in a mode called VR mode.
        This allowed more editing with the stand alone recorder.
        Neither Vista or Windows 7 would recognize this DVD as anything but blank.
        Windows XP & Windows 98 SE recognized it with no problem.

        I did look at some notes I had on this.
        Even when Windows 7 & Vista read the DVD as blank IsoBuster could see the files.
        I have an older paid Pro version of IsoBuster.
        I don't know if the trial or free after trial verson can do this.
        Might be worth a try.
        Last edited by cholla; 07-26-2017, 03:30 PM.

