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Problem with DVDFab GeeKit Decoder

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    Problem with DVDFab GeeKit Decoder

    Hi there,

    I'm having issues with the DVDFab Geekit decoder. I tried two unprotected discs thus far the Tomb Raider 3D 2018 (worked great) but with Ready Player One 3D 2018 I found it to be greatly unstable. The resulting left/right eyes had playback issues at around the 21 min and 1:48 min mark where the video/audio is stuttering. So, I tried it again but second time the decoder rendered both of the left/right MKVs unplayable. The VLC just sits there like no file has been opened while the Media Player gives an "unplayable file" error message. Can you please look into this? It also would be good if you could add the option of being able to output left/right M2TS files and not just MKV.

    The reason I bought DVDFab Geekit was so I could extract left/right eyes, edit and compress video with third party tools and then re-author back into playable MVC but so far I'm really disappointed with your product being such an unpredictable hit and miss.

    I really hope that you will address this issue and get it fixed.

    Thank you in advance.

    Thank you for choosing DVDFab GeeKit.

    Please post DVDFab_internal.log, we will check it out asap.
    DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


      Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I don't see a log file anywhere in the Geekit folder, only found that you can send a feedback form from the options menu. However, the process always completes successfully it's just the resulting files become corrupted with the left eye mkv stuttering in places.

      Also, within the Geekit encoder what does the "Same as Source" setting actually mean? What's baffling to me is that it shows a grayed out bitrate setting of 35000. Does this mean it will re-encode video with that bitrate? My assumption was that the "Same as Source" setting with the SSIF output will just mux the video (left/right) into MVC. I already encoded video in third party software with a 20000 bitrate and don't need to do it again to further downgrade quality. Can you please clarify this setting?

      Thank you again.


        EDIT: Did a second test where I extracted the main movie (Ready Player One) with DVDFab first and then ran it through Geekit Decoder. The left/right eyes extracted perfectly and played without stutter. I compressed both eyes with RipBot and checked for playback. Again, both encoded eyes played fine. Using the Geekit Encoder I inoput the encoded mkv from Ripboth into GeeKit and ran it with "Same As Source" setting and 3D SSIF for output. To my surprise both m2ts files were created but not the SSIF unlike what happened with Tomb Raider 3D 2018. Finally, made the ISO with Tsmuxer but when playing it back the movie cuts out around the 1:53 mark. So, for a test I tried muxing just the left eye, played it back and the movie plays fine. It appears that there's something bad happening with correlation between the two eyes when encoding with Geekit. Eagerly awaiting your thoughts.

        Thanks in advance.


          Originally posted by moviefan2012 View Post
          Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I don't see a log file anywhere in the Geekit folder, only found that you can send a feedback form from the options menu. However, the process always completes successfully it's just the resulting files become corrupted with the left eye mkv stuttering in places.

          Also, within the Geekit encoder what does the "Same as Source" setting actually mean? What's baffling to me is that it shows a grayed out bitrate setting of 35000. Does this mean it will re-encode video with that bitrate? My assumption was that the "Same as Source" setting with the SSIF output will just mux the video (left/right) into MVC. I already encoded video in third party software with a 20000 bitrate and don't need to do it again to further downgrade quality. Can you please clarify this setting?

          Thank you again.
          The default location of GeeKit Log is:
          C:\Users\xxx\Documents\DVDFab GeeKit\Log
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Geekit log.png
Views:	395
Size:	7.0 KB
ID:	358668

          The "Same as Source" setting literally means same as source. The 35000 bit rate setting is grayed out, it won't affect the result.For example, when the source is 20000 bitrate, the resulted file should keep the same 20000 bitrate.


            Please find the Geekit logs attached. Thank you again for looking into this problem.



              Geekit logs continued



                EDIT: Did another test with Geekit and hope that my findings will help. After creating the main movie 3D ISO (Ready Player One) with DVDFab 10 I input that into the GeeKit Decoder to get my MKV left/right eyes. The eye files generated had no issues and no stutter was apparent in time frames previously reported. This time I didn't use any third party tools to edit the files instead put them as is into the GeeKit Encoder left/right eye respectively. For encoding I used the SSIF as output and a custom bitrate setting of 20000. After 3+ hours the encoder generated 3 files left/right M2TS and a SSIF file. I found that if the SSIF is not in the output folder then something went wrong so far so good. Next, I input the left/right eyes into TsMuxer, added the Atmos audio and subtitles. NOTE: when I open the SSIF file in TsMuxer is adds left/right eyes but shows a bogus stream length and halfway through muxing the ISO gives an error so instead I disregard the SSIF file and add the left/right streams independently. I played back the 3D ISO with Kodi and voila. The whole film plays no problem, does not stutter or cut out at the end. To make sure the 3D works I played in on my DUNE HD 3D Base and it works also.

                So, I suspect that the problem lies in the correlation between left/right eyes when encoding. Encoding just in GeeKit works and when I first tried the software with Tomb Raider 3D 2018 I only encoded the left eye with RipBot and leaving the right untouched before plugging both eyes into the GeeKit encoder to create my MVC and that worked also. With Ready Player One where it didn't work is when in addition to transcoding the left eye in Ripbot I also did the same with the right before plugging them into GeeKit Encoder.

                Could the problem be related to bitrates when it comes to left/right eyes, how are those calculated? For 2D 1000 kbps is approximately 1 Gb so when I dropped Ready Player One left eye from target bitrate of 27000 kbps to 20000 the output file became approximately 20 Gb and by applying the 74% drop to the right eye I ended up with a 3 Gb right eye that was initially 5 Gb after a Geekit Decoder. Then when encoded with GeeKit "Same as Source" the left was still 20 Gb but the right about 15 Gb (due to extra MVC data, I assume) However, when using the GeeKit Encoder on the untouched source with a setting of 20000 kbps the left eye became approximately 14 Gb and the right was 9 Gb. Why the huge difference when the same bitrate was used?

                Finally, could you guys please add the option to Geekit Encoder to have the final output saved in an ISO like in DVDFab where you can save the main movie as either a folder structure or ISO?

                Again, I hope that my findings will help and put you guys on the right track to perfecting GeeKit. I'm looking forward to using it more and future updates.

                Best regards.


                  I wrote you guys an email as sadly I'm still having trouble with GeeKit v. The encoded video (left eye) m2ts doesn't play properly with VLC especially when you seek past the 1 hour 6 minute and when played from a 3D ISO muxed with TsMuxer using Kodi the video cuts off roughly 20 minutes before the end. Could there be an issue in regards to the film's length? As mentioned I tried Tomb Raider 3D 2018 before which worked but that movie is less than 2 hours, 118 mins whereas the Ready Player One 3D I'm having trouble with is 140 min.

                  Best regards.


                    EDIT: I got my hands on another copy of Ready Player One 3D disc and when used the Geekit Decoder v. out of the two eyes only the left MKV was playable. With the right MKV the VLC player just sits there like no file was opened, the Windows Media Player gives a cannot play file error and TsMuxer gives a "cannot detect streams message". Please find the Geekit logs attached and I've also included the media info text files from the decoded eyes. Thank you in advance.

                    Best regards.



                      Hello, the developers are checking this problem, please kindly wait for update, thank you.


                        Thank you for looking into this problem and I'm eagerly awaiting a new Geekit update.


                          It's been two weeks since I reported a problem with the GeeKit MVC Codecs Decoder/Encoder. Has there been any progress in getting the problem fixed? I'm eagerly awaiting an update.

                          Thank you.


                            There is no update yet, we will let you know if there is any news regarding this problem.


                              Hi there,

                              It's been awhile, are there any updates coming to the GeeKit MVC Codecs or has it been abandoned?


